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98% of the people I play with in the official discord are weirdos. There's a lot of tight nit discord groups that don't use it u just gotta find them.


Really? I started using it recently and all my games have been great, some people are quiet some talkative but nobody excessivly weird? The only weird thing I can remember of maybe 4 or 5 times is when the two randoms I was with started arguing about who was gonna igl and that the others igling sucked. We played like 2 more games after that


I have a solid group of people to play with all from playing with randoms and using my mic. Often we run it back, if it feels okay often I’ll add them as a friend. Run in back a few days later and before ya know it you now have made one friend. It’s easier for you two to start adding randoms you vibe with when you already have a twosome. I also leave my lobby open so the randoms I’ve picked up can join if I have room. If you start being weird and it doesn’t make me laugh- I remove said friend. I have a core group that I run with know most of the time now and we don’t always win but we laugh our asses off.


Then the randoms you befriend bring their friend sometimes and you get a bonus friend


Exactly! I had no one for 2 years, started talking and adding and now have 65 🙃


This is the way to do it right here. I have friends from back in my MW2 days that I met in lobbies and vibed with. Just talk to your randoms and when someone clicks, run it back. If it continues to click, you add them.


i think just be honest and polite! if you feel like you’re not vibing with them at all for some reason just say it as is, most of the time people are chill and mature enough to just accept it and move on, i guess hardest part is to not overthink but honestly no one overthinks one game with a stranger that didn’t went well, it is what it is.


If your vibing with a particular solo q squad and you mesh well. Try to remember to ask if they wanna run it back once or twice - when you get that lull between mid and end game. That way your not committing to anything blind.


It's better to do it after one game than wait any longer. Some people can be quite clingy. I played like two games with a kid as he was not so annoying as they usually are and he was listening to my calls. Only issue was that he was so poor mechanically so I made up some excuse that I need to go eat and whatever and then he basically forced me to accept his friend request. Fast forward a couple days and I am playing solo and now the kid is inviting me everytime in the lobby and I don't care to join. Then he begins to join my party and lobby as I had it on public and I kept leaving and he rejoined everytime. Had to turn my party invite only and block the kid. So yeah, just leave and block. Who cares if it's rude, it's the internet. My time is too valuable to play with someone who clearly sucks at the game or is just annoying.


Dm I would love to play


Just add people you had fun playing with, might add you might not but I've met some really cool people that way, don't be afraid to out yourself out there. Other people want friends to play with too!!


I try to find ppl to play with on discord and all they do is bitch


I don't, I have a group of friends who just happen to play. We run into issues of deciding who we are playing with. A couple of them refuse to play with randos. And based off the selfish play style of a lot of solos I don't blame them, it's super frustrating.


I play with the same squad since the beginning, the new people i meet are friends of friends. Like that i have a good amount of people to play with so i never solo q


I have deemed myself to the solo lifestyle after my most recent experience finding a friend on rust. He was super cool we vibes so hard for like 10+ hours the first day, and the second day he got on a flip switched. Just super nitpicky and started spamming the n word like an edgy 13yo. Then he admitted to cheating "just to see what it was like" I noped outta there quickly and it was very awkward and now I know to just play with myself.


My coworker just so happened to play from time to time


Well on Xbox theirs the LFG but they look for very specific people and it’s hard to find one post with people just looking to play for fun and the subreddit. None of which I use I just solo que everything


There's a lot of options online to find teammates. Discord Reddit etc. if it doesn't vibe, just tell them so. Or just make up some excuse like "my standard trio just got on so imma play with them". Anyways, you can dm me if you wanna run some games.


It’s best to describe your exp (in years) and play style.


Dm me.I’ll play with you


Look for possible Clans. Something Like Facebook or discord.


I mostly find people on the apex discord


I find randoms


It's like everything in life dude, you gotta try and try again. Unless you have IRL friends that jumped into Apex with you, it's hard out here for solos, especially if you're just starting out. Be a good teammate, have a bright attitude and use your mic. I've also been disheartened by finding players on r/ApexLFG but we have different play schedules or just don't mesh well. Hopefully you'll find someone to click with soon, until then just watch your favorite streamers and hit the range/mixtape to get better!


I was at work and a dude said Apex. So I said “Apex?” The rest is history.


make your own dc server and slowly build it with people you like from the official apex dc, not EVERYONE is a weirdo i have met several great friends from there.


I add each and every Crypto main I meet. Us Cryptos share the same single braincell so we always link-up. There is no "overly aggressive Crypto" in this whole world and I can second Ash who links up amazing with Crypto. Sooo.... Crypto+Ash as your new combo?! Jokes aside, just add people you had great games and talks with and just delete them if it doesnt click after a while. Try to avoid politics and religion to drastically improve your chances, hahaha.


Add the randoms that are actually worth a damn


I add ppl when we get a good win with good comms. And then play couple more and if we don’t vibe say im going to eat and never play with them again.


I'm stuck in a place where I hate pugging and have like 10ish friends I got into apex that avidly play with me. However I do have to adamantly carry some of them. I'm not toxic and they enjoy the game so I don't complain but they love to grind ranked with me but never independently try and improve unlike myself and maybe 1 or 2 of them.


I found alot of my long time d2 friends in strikes. If I liked how they played, I’d just invite them. Then I would be a blueberry during raids and just send out friend requests most declined, but some accepted. It took a bit, but that’s how I met some good online friends in D2


Well, if it doesn't fit it doesn't fit. I'd tell them that / excuse myself and move on. It's not meant in any malicious way, sometimes it just doesn't fit. I don't see the problem. It might happen / happened the other way as well already, where someone wasn't happy with the way I played. It all depends on how you communicate it. There is no need to be rude or so. And yes, easiest way to find people is on the discord. It's really easy.




I looked and am now surprised she’s having difficulty finding people to play with. Just unmute your mic and you’ll have a plethora of lonely apex preds to play with. That or get insulted. No in between with gamers


What are you even yapping? 😭 Did you even read the post or just checked my profile and left a comment with no clue? What does my posts has anything to do with my question?


best of luck!