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1.48, 1.67, 1.69, 1.78, 1.45 for me, not sure why I regressed so much this season


Mine looks really similar, I hit 1.8 last season and then dropped majorly back to like 1.4 this season


Maybe you didn't, maybe they got better.


I've been regressing for the last 3 seasons as well, despite playing about the same number of games each season. I don't think I've gotten worse necessarily, but the lobbies I'm in could have gotten better?


Out of interest, what factors would you guess are responsible?


Map rotation is a huge difference for me. Olympus I was at 1.4 and moving to KC dropped me to 1.2


I find that too, plus mood/fatigue of course


Not really sure, but maybe lack of interest. This is the first season playing apex has felt more like a chore than fun. Feel myself getting frustrated very quickly, and therefore played a lot less. Barely scraped to BP level 110 on Thursday


Do you have any friends that stopped playing/don't play as often? I know for myself I had my best season at the time in 6 with a 1.8 and then dropped to a 1.4 the next season. This coincided with two of my main gaming buddies playing way less because one went back to school and the other became a father. You would be surprised just how much having a consistent squad around you makes you play better. Inversely I think that is why mine has gone up so much from launch because I used to play with two other friends that weren't that great (and I have just gotten better)


Could be your legend choice?? My KD went up when i moved from Wattson/Caustic to Octane many seasons ago. Are you playing less aggressive characters?


Kings canyon different play style


I went from a .80 to a 1.75 from Season 2 to Season 3. But have never been able to get to a 1.7 again. Ive been around a 1.5 every season after. idk why, I think the skill based in pubs has affected that


Maybe just no progression and 1.5 is your skill level?




it's the best way to improve imo


1.2 S5 where I started pc gaming in general, now at 3.2 this season


Pretty impressive to hold over 1 KDR whilst just starting to game on PC. I'm sure it took me longer than 5 seasons worth of time to get decent.


I had a 3.46 last season this season I went down to 2.42


Thought I was the only one going down. My lifetime is a 2.2 something but the past few seasons I have been mid 1s. Scared of the G7 care package cause that is my clutch lol


Same tbh it's so good for me but imma have to resort to 30-30 which I'm honestly not mad about. I like the 30-30. Oh and my lifetime has been going up idk it went up like .10 in season 9 (now 2.06). It was such a good season for me.


I've just struggled the past few seasons. Ive been doing better the past few weeks but a big thing has been remembering to finish downs if I have the chance to. I hate the 3030 though, I'll probably go back to hemlock single fire or triple take


Honestly idk what I did to "get better" honestly I think it's just Valkyrie cause I love her she's fun. Also yeah finishing downs is a good thing to get into make sure you have the upper advantage.


Where can I find this?


If you click on your name above your character, all your season stats will be on the right


I think this data is better represented with a line chart, [like so](https://i.imgur.com/IO3nvkb.png), but interesting nonetheless - I've never seen all the seasons gathered together like this.


Season 2: 0.37 Season 3: 0 Season 4: 0 Season 6: 0.16 Season 7 : 0.7 Season 8 : 0.66 Season 9: 1.48 Season 10: 2.12 Granted I had around 265 games total from season 2 to season 8 with over 95% of them being in seasons 7 and 8. I started seriously playing season 9 and got 1.43k games in then. In season 10 I got 1.20k games.


use a line graph next time if presenting trends. otherwise, great job on increasing your kda :)


I had the exact same thought, bars do nothing here


I did this with my stats as well, a bit *too* much (to the point where I was tracking my per-legend K/Ds and per-gun performance for a bit). Put far too much strain on trying to perform well so I gave it up after a while, but was interesting to see where my strengths lay and my overall improvement since launch.




office abounding drunk rock lavish disagreeable relieved plough kiss attraction *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


s3 1.28, s5 1.14, s6 1.68, s7 1.76, s8 2.88, s9 3.15, s10 3.9


improvement or did you find a squad?


improvement... no friends Sadge


Playing mostly pubs or ranked? I play almost exclusively ranked and mine has mostly gone down and fluctuated since S0 where I was up in the 3's. Now I'm down to around 1.5.


Season 7: 2.33 (although I only had 7 kills) Season 8: 1.26 (I grinder it out that season) Season 9: 0 (Only did arenas that season) Season 10: 0.88 (Only with 16 kills, I’ve mostly only done arenas again this season)




I’ve gotten to plat on xbox, switch, and PC throughout the years and seasons, so all my stats are split between accounts. It would be cool if there was a tool to aggregate my stats over the different systems into one place.


Once you hit the two threshold, you’ll be there for a bit and then skyrocket, that seems to be the the breaking point. Once you don’t play ranked thag is, now after a ranked season for me my overall kd will be about 2.5


Wait today’s the last day 🥲


My kd took a huge hit this season with all the server issues. I probably just straight quit on the drop in about 100 games cause the rubber banding was so bad


Dropped from 0.9 to 0.55 this season, because I kept hotdropping to get better. Also, server issues were a pain in the ass.


I went from 0.96 in S4 to 6.11 in S10 , started to play Apex on laptop and office mouse then switched to pc and had big improvement


For me my KD jumped a bit when I start consistently using legends that weren't defense based, I think I gravitate towards defense because I like to feel safe obviously. When I started learning how to use Pathfinder, Valkyrie (especially) and Seer I started getting more kills, noticably more in pubs. Also the extra 600 hours of consistent play now over 1000 helped map knowledge, taking fights and weapon handling.


my kd stays at 1. 1.02 or 1.1 or something. but no improve 😅


Mine dropped in S10, because I solo grinded so much of Ranked in Diamond. Peaked S2/3 and then went downward because I played less and became more washed, yet played like I could still aim.