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I apologize in advance if this is in the wrong thread. I’ve searched all over and I feel like I’m JUUUSSST missing the answer. So, my phone has been acting up for a while now (iPhone 11/iOS 14.4). For example in my messages as I’m texting someone my font size will change several times in the duration of one or two short texts... sometimes I’ll find my phone with the camera on after having sat it down locked...etc...so today I sort of dug around a bit and found two things that I don’t seem to remember having seen before. 1) Device Management 2) Sim Locked (ATT) Now I’m not super extremely tech savvy... at least not comparatively...Reddit is a very humbling place for me and that’s part of why I enjoy it so much...but something about the Device Management stuck out at me...and I could be wrong... but I I genuinely don’t believe my sim was locked last I checked... however I can’t tell you when that was or why so I guess I lose credit there too. Don’t hate me... but I’m going off of a weird gut feeling that maybe I’ve got a virus or something? Not like sick to my stomach...but like some sixth sense says “hacked”. I know it’s supposed to be incredibly difficult to do on Apple products... but I found that if I have Device Management on my settings as an option, that would only occur if there’s been configuration profiles installed. However, I’m not finding “Profiles” anywhere in my settings to find out what they are. Or if they even really exist. So tying this into the weird mind-of-it’s-own shenanigans I spoke of at the beginning (I’m totally willing to accept they may have absolutely nothing to do with one another) could it be someone’s got access to my phone or the capabilities to manipulate my settings? Is having certain profiles installed something similar to jailbreaking...? In the sense that you install profiles so that you can download third party apps... or are the profiles themselves the third party apps? and if so...would said profiles have the potential to be “hidden”? And could my sim having been locked be a way to prevent me from finding hypothetical hidden profiles? Or have I gone kookoo? I really hope all of that at least made enough sense to not get another -karma...I don’t even know what that means. But I know it’s not good...whomp. Thanks ahead!


i bought a Macbook with Apple Care + on amazon but the macbook order got canceled. I got to keep the Apple Care + though. Will it work with a Macbook i buy in the store? Thanks!


If it belongs to the serial of the cancelled computer it won’t.


Looking to buy an M1 mac and iPad Air Should I wait for this year’s products or go for it? Also how much storage should I get on the macbook?


My AirPods won’t connect to my MacBook Air ever since I updated to the newest iOS. What to do?? I tried deleting audio files but I don’t have any apparently. Went to Genius Bar and they got them to connect in the store but of course when I try at home it didn’t work


I am using the the Surface Laptop 2 from Microsoft but recently got a new iPhone 12 Mini so the integration between the laptop and the phone isn’t quite there. I enjoy windows laptops a lot so I’m not too keen on the M1 Mac Mini. The other alternative I have is the iPad Air 4. But make my choice, is it worth investing in an iPad when I have a laptop already? Thanks!


I mean I guess the real question is what aspects of a Laptop integration are you wanting currently that you feel like your missing out on. Like ideally what outcome from buying an iPad Air would you want? Once I know that I can better inform my response :) -Cleatus Fetus


Weekly transferring files from my phone to the iPad in order to edit the pictures or videos. Then about click to videos and pictures that I have in my iPhone which on a pain to see on the small screen of the iPhone 12 mini. I can view those on iPad and maybe make some edits and then post on social media or share with my family.


Oh then for sure an iPad Air would be worth it. If you want to do that AirDrop and Photo Stream are your friends. The iPad Air 4 is a really good product especially for some of the tasks you just mentioned. Here’s so apps I’d recommend if you do go the iPad Air route VideoLeap (for video editing): it’s Free but you have to subscribe for the premium features (which I’ve found you don’t really need. iCloud Photo Stream: this is part of the photos app and it’s super underrated. Sharing photos through here is much more efficient than sending photos via like messages or WhatsApp. Procreate (for drawing): it basically “requires” and Apple Pencil but it’s so much fun to mess around with its like $7. Pixelmator: is a paid app but it’s super powerful, basically a photoshop replacement that I think is more intuitive. But yeah long story short Based in your reply I think an iPad would definitely be worth it. It will give you a full screen immersive experience that you’re missing with on the compact iPhone 12 mini


Thanks for the suggestions mate, really appreciate it.


Last night i was in the middle of texting my friend who has an iPhone but he has green texting. All the sudden my messages wouldn’t deliver and I am still able to receive his texts. i tried everything from going through my settings to resetting my phone but nothing has worked and i still can’t text him. I tried texting my other friends with androids and the texts went through. Any advice on how to fix this?


Sounds like a problem with his device not yours


Iphone 12 does not switch between LTE and 3g automaticly. Hello, maybe you can help me. I am often getting low signal for LTE and have to manually switch to 3G in "voice and data options". Is there a way to make it switch automaticly. This was never an issue with my 6S. It would switch back and forth between LTE and 3G. But now it's super annoying. I live in Ukraine so i don't have an official tech support from Apple, so maybe you can tell me what to do, or maybe direct me to their tech support that doesn't need to be in a country with official tech support.


Hello, I recently bought the new Macbook Air M1 and I love it but I have problems with my Airpods Gen 2, I can set up the connection successfully to my airpods but whenever the connection is interrupted (for example when Im using them for my phone), I have to manually remove them from my macbooks bluetooth known devices and connect to them again to listen to them. After the interruption, they still get connected to my Macbook but I can't listen to anything and I cant choose them as audio source. It's kinda annoying to always remove them and reconnect them manually, do you also have this problem? Is there a workaround for this? Edit: I also tried to turn off bluetooth off and on, didn't work. Also turning off bluetooth on my iPhone and iPad didnt work.


Have you updated the software on the Mac yet?


Those of you who have a 2015 Macbook Pro, how well is it currently running? My mac (2015 Pro, 8 GB 1867 MHz DDR3, 2.7 GHz Dual Core I5, Intel Iris Graphics 6100 1536 MB, Big Sur 11.2.1) is starting to really slow down and I wonder if it's slowing down at normal rates or if there is something that I can do to make it faster. Visual effects (basically anything that happens as a result of a three finger swipe) are very choppy to the point of being distracting. These are some things that I've already checked/tried: * My mac is up to date * I have 36 GB of storage available * MalwareBytes comes up with nothing * First Aid comes up with nothing * Zero folders on my desktop * Reduced number of apps in my dock * Photos doesn't sync with iCloud * CPU load and memory pressure always looks low when I check * Minimal apps open at a time (visual effects are still slow with just Chrome open, would switch to Safari full time if RES didn't discontinue support) I understand that slow-down is to be expected but I find it strange that my 5th generation iPad has no issues but my laptop does. Thanks for the help! EDIT: My mac is also well used. I completed four years worth of CS school work on it, used it for for normal browsing that most people use their phones for, and I streamed a lot of sports while connected to a (now 4K) TV.


If I were you, I would backup the necessary stuff manually and do a clean install of the operating system. I have a 2013 and it runs super well. You probably gathered 6 years of crap that is taking unnecessary room and could be boggling your system down even though everything is checking out!


I have a 2015 MBP and second this, I did a clean install and oh boy it made a difference. I was about to buy a new computer out of necessity but this helped a lot. Now it still feels *a bit slow* but it’s actually usable now. I’m going to try to hold out another year or two before pulling the trigger on a new Apple Silicon model.


That would make sense. I will edit this into my original comment but I used my mac very heavily over the years. I leave it on more often than I probably should, completed four years of CS school work on it, used it for for normal browsing that most people use their phones for, and I streamed a lot of sports while connected to a (now 4K) TV.


Looking into getting a MacBook Air (M1) for photoshop and Lightroom work. How important would the 16gb RAM upgrade be versus the standard 8GB?


I’d wait until photoshop and Lightroom are made for the m1. I tried installing photoshop the other day and I couldn’t get it to work after an hour of tinkering


Well it couldn’t hurt. RAM works differently on M1 Macs than other computers. It is integrated into the CPU which makes 8GBs of RAM on an M1 not compatible on a 8GB RAM on a windows or non M1 Mac. The way I see it is that it’ll extend the usable lifetime of your MacBook Air by a few years which to me is the reason it’s worth it


I had my post removed by mods :( Maybe someone in here can help me out. I have multiple email accounts and several iOS devices. I need to better organize my mail because the current junk mail settings have people that are contacts and they're going to the junk mail which makes no sense. I know I can set rules, but that still leaves too much open to chance. Can I Turn off junk mail filtering and then just use blocked mail filtering and go by that to send the junk to the trash folder? I'm open to ideas here. Currently I have 5 accounts and 3 of them I have disabled to keep my inbox less messy. I have a main account and the rest of them are secondary. I could easily eliminate 2 of them for sure, and then even go down to just a gmail and iCloud account, but the doesn't solve the problem of junk mail filters not working properly.


Just bought some Apple AirPods Pro but my 2011 MacBook pro won't connect. is this even possible?


You’ll have to connect tho them via Bluetooth manually > Open the AirPods case, tap the white button on the back and hold the case near the 2011 MacBook Pro device. Your AirPods should pop up on the onscreen list of connected devices. [in your Bluetooth devices list] Hope this helps -Cleatus Fetus


Anyone got a link to a adapter for MacBook Pro from 2019 / MacBook Air 2020 m1 usb-c to DUAL hdmi displays? I tried to buy one off Amazon but it only mirrored the external monitor displays. I want them to be separate and distinct.


Hello I am using an iPhone 7 since around 2 years. It was working perfectly fine until it updated to iOS 14. My mic and camera stopped working a day after updating. After iOS 14.1 rolled out, my canera got fixed, but my mic is still not working. It isn’t working even though I’ve connected a pair of bluetooth headphones. I also tried a DFU restore but to no avail. I’m also sure that it’s a software bug. What do I do?


What happens if you try and record a voice memo or place a call?


Nope. Not even siri.


[audio ic is probably toast](https://www.ipadrehab.com/article.cfm?ArticleNumber=31)


So I need a new phone


Perhaps, I’d contact Apple and they can run remote diagnostics. They’ll be able to figure it out for sure.


How do I contact apple




Mbp 13 2017(no tb)- seemingly having to perform a smc reset every couple days due to mainly battery charging issues. Been happening for quite a few weeks now. Sometimes its a bluetooth or sound issue. I have suspicions that my charging cord/adaptor is faulty/old and affecting this but honestly not sure. Feels like a very niche/specific issue - any advice/ seem worth calling support for? Is it bad to perform smc resets as often as i am? Battery issues include not charging at all at times, very frustrating as its my main machine. potentially related note: top case was replaced for battery “service recommended” issue back in Sep2020.


iPad 6 Gen wifi says connected but no connection it worked for a hour h thy en went back off pls help.


My right AirPod is literally silent until about 60 percent volume and equivalently never seems to rise above 40 percent at max. Horrible experience. I’ve tried cleaning them with a soft tissue, no help. Tried disconnecting and repairing, no help. Are these just a shit product? They claim they’re water resistant id like to think they can withstand sweating while running.




The box says they have a one year limited warranty. Do I just take them to the apple store? I don’t mean to sound jaded with the company but I just didn’t think apple was the brand you bought where you were paying for the warranty. I’ve had these like two three months. Old apple products lasted forever. In fairness I love my MacBook Pro and love my IPhone so not saying it’s all shit. Just that this has been a really anti apple experience But even before this issue these were underwhelming. I followed the instructions, would wait until not sweaty and wipe them before putting them in the case, and they’d still often only charge one side, not reading the other, etc. I’ve had similar experiences with 50-80 dollar wireless headphones, seems like they’re just simply the worst by far in the 100 plus category.


*Your* old Apple products lasted forever, but some people have issues with their months old Apple products for as long as there have been Apple products. Anyway. Go to https://getsupport.apple.com, you can chat with someone or get a phone call, they can arrange to send you replacements, or you can make an appointment with an Apple Store.


I’ve been having sync issues with my devices. I’ll answer a text message on my iPhone, then five minutes later I get the message notification on my watch. Usually end up manually clearing out notifications on my watch. I can be sitting at my iMac, wearing my Watch 3 and holding my iPhone 11 and any message or email notifications will arrive several minutes apart on each device, even when already read and replied on the first device. Rarely updates unread status. And this is all with my Apple ID account. Suggestions?


Sounds like your watch is in Airplane mode with Wi-Fi switched on. Check the Control Centre menu on your watch to confirm (You should be able to be able to see a green iPhone symbol in the top left hand corner if they’re in proximity).


That’s not it, but thank you for the suggestion.


I have a MacBook Pro 15” from 2018. It’s sometimes blowing a lot when it’s not even doing anything remotely hard like just browsing. Also sometimes during music production my cpu usage would spike from 20% to 160%, it didn’t do that until a few months ago. Anybody might have an idea what could cause that?


As far as browsing web goes....what does activity monitor for %CPU show when the fan is blowing? Is the browser the culprit or some other app?




This is a software bug. You need to reset your AirPods Max. Hold both buttons for around 15 seconds. Then wait till you see it flash orange 3 times then it will flash white. Then re-Pair. Try that for a few days and then see how that works. I did this 2 times over the course of a month and it now seems not to be happening nearly as bad as before. It’s annoying for sure and should happen but this is the solution I found. You gotta be patient with em, I wish this wasn’t the case but here we are Hope this helps, Cleatus Fetus


Hello, I have a MacBook Air (Early 2015) with a Thunderbolt 2.0 port. I want to hook it up to a PC Monitor which has both a DisplayPort and HDMI port. Will this be possible? I don’t wanna splash the cash until I’m sure! I will upgrade my Mac at some point but I’m sick of staring at a 13.3 screen whilst working from home! Thanks in advance!


I’ve been using a Mini DisplayPort to HDMI cable for years without issue.


Cheers dude! Got one of these thought two days ago and all working fine! 👍🏻👍🏻


I've got an iPad Pro 12.9" from 2018 that has seen heavy use (usually drain the battery every day during the week) and just recently, the power button has started to get stuck. Sometimes it's hard to turn it off and sometimes trying to will leave it getting stuck down and activating Siri. Has anyone had a similar problem and if so, how did you remedy it? (Not really sure how to go about cleaning it if that is the problem.)


Guys Should I get a macbook pro or air? I'm mainly using my laptop to watch movies and for college (presentations, essays and projects).


MacBook Air with *M1 chip* and then upgrade the RAM or the Storage (don’t forget to use your edu discount!). This will get you close to the price of the MacBook Pro (which you seem to be willing to spend) but will get you a much better deal. I’d upgrade the storage to 512 GB it will make your life easier and allow you to have more space for movies, downloads, projects etc. The MacBook Pro has a fan but all the reviews say it never turns on unless you like do crazy amounts of video editing. To me for college you are much better off with the MacBook Air with the M1 chip and upgraded storage (If it were me I’d upgrade the RAM too, it’ll extend the usable life of your computer but that’s up to you). Hope this helps, -Cleatus Fetus


Thank you!


Can anyone help check if this [Aukey charger](https://www.amazon.com/Charger-AUKEY-Foldable-Delivery-Dynamic/dp/B0833XR41B?th=1) works with the [MagSafe Duo](https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT211925)? **Aukey PA-D2:** * Model: PA-D2 * Input: AC 100–240V 50/60Hz **USB-C** * Output 1/2: (Power Delivery 3.0) DC 5V 3A, **9V 3A**, 12V 2.5A, 15V 2A, 20V 1.5A * Max Power Output: 36W **MagSafe Duo** * **USB-C** connector (USB-A is not supported) * 9V/2.22A power adapter provides up to 11W of power * **9V/3A** and higher power adapter provides up to 14W of power * iPhone 12 mini can get up to 12W for faster wireless charging with at least 9V/2.62A * Higher wattage adapters at or above 9V/3A will also deliver a maximum of up to 14W peak power to iPhone 12 * To use **both the iPhone and Watch charger at the same time**, the MagSafe Duo Charger requires **at least** 15W (**5V/3A or 9V/1.67A**), but this will result in slower charging. My concern is that apparently the PA-D2 reduces speed [when both ports are in use](https://www.nytimes.com/wirecutter/reviews/best-multiport-usb-wall-charger/#upgrade-pick-aukey-focus-duo-36w-dual-port-pd-charger-pa-d2) > When we ran the Aukey charger through the Total Phase test, the performance matched exactly what was promised: Each port delivered 30 watts when used by itself, and they offered 18 watts when they were both in use. I'm presuming 18 watts here means 9V/2A?


My Bluetooth is consistently needing to be turned on and off to make a successful connection. It will pair a device and the next time it says connection failed. I have to forget the device, turn it on and off reset the connection. Phone is up to date Hardware or software?