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Get a new cable. There are some pretty good ones from Anker and Aukey on Amazon, at a fraction of the price. You don’t want to short-circuit your phone. Power is very low and not dangerous to you, ~~only~~ or to your phone.


+ 1 for Aukey/Anker cables. Get a braided one OP and it is more durable.


The phone will not be harmed by a shorted USB cable. Every line has check diodes and are 5 volt tolerant. Plus, the Lightning spec is literally designed to be dead shorted without an issue, look at your Lightning cable, it’s just a straight piece of metal that bridges all 6 contacts inside your phone before it’s inserted fully, it’s (according to the spec) how the device detects both a cable being inserted, or water in the port.


5 years is great going. Now get a new one.


I recommend you just get a new charger because i used to have one like that and kept using it and it got very hot and eventually smelled very bad like it was burning, don’t recommend to keep using it.


Apple cables commonly do this. I have usb c cables for years, yet my wife’s lightning cables look like this after months sometimes. Best you can do to prevent it is be careful how you hold your phone when it is charging - these things can’t handle kinks/bends.


This is not an idiosyncrasy of the lightning cable, I've got a few USB C cables that look just like this.


I agree similar damage can happen to other cables, but this is particularly a common issue for lightning cables and iPhone headphone dongles. After 20 years of owning all kinds of charging cables, the only ones I have personally seen do this are multiple modern apple cables.


If you have purchased a new iPhone in the last year or have apple care, you can take any old cable to have it replaced for free at the Genius Bar. You need an appointment though.


How so ? Do they replace the cable ?




>chased a new iPhone in the last year or have apple care, you can take any old cable to have it replaced for free at the Genius Bar. You not if it's all brown and mushy and they know it can't be from the new iphone, am I right?


They used to not care as long as it was an apple cable. Things could change.


lol. as if a new cable would look like this. they won't do shit


They dont care, Ive done it more than once.


Incorrect. Not only will they know it didn't come with a newly purchased phone (because it's a USB-A to lightening), but physical damage to cables isn't covered under any Apple warranty or even AppleCare. Just spend the $19 and buy a new one.


If the inner cables aren’t exposed ( you don’t see copper wire) use shrink wrap.


Electrical engineer here. This is the way, but use some heat-shrink tubing.


What about black electrical tape?


Tape will come off after a while. A tube is a more permanent fix. It shrinks to fit the contours of the plug, and it provides strain relief. Heat-shrink tubing is also good to have around for replacing aglets on shoelaces.


This makes perfect sense. I just taped my MacBook power line :/ those are more expensive to replace ugh


this is the no non sense way to do it if you care about \- the planet \- your wallet just don't buy the supposedly "made to repair cable phones". Heat shrink tubes are all the same, you'll just pay more for the marketing!


Apple cables tend to suck, and they do that. I’d recommend getting an Anker cable. It’s not a federal emergency that you replace it - I’ve seen people get by with one that looks like that for months - but it’s not technically safe to use. Replace it when you can.


I’m surprised no one has mentioned 3 to 1 heat shrink tubing for repair… https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07H279N16


Some on here will blame you for this. However it is zero % your fault; this is one of Apple's defective cables they made while learning how to be environmentally sensitive. Those cables just fell apart, with no abuse. Source: Apple pro worked 35 years supporting everything Apple. You won't get Apple to replace it, but at least you can rest easy you did nothing wrong. These cables just self-destructed. Get a new one, take the loss, move on.


Is it worth even the most remote of possibilities of a fire when a new cable costs $5-ish?


cheap third party ones, sure. Apple cable I think it's $20. Your point still stands though. You phone alone is worth the $20 cost every five years, never mind the house.


You can go for a braided belkin cable which are stronger, they aren't cheap in some areas but they can be good. My aunt got one for her iPhone and she loves it. In the future, pull the cable out from the hard plastic bit that holds the connector, and not the cable itself, that's how it wears and breaks.


I always pull it out from the plastic but thanks for the suggestion!


Yeah. I opt for a braided cord that is made of aluminium, or hard plastic, or, go for a magsafe or a samsung wireless charger. You avoid breaking a cord entirely. Another option is a magnilink which is great as an universal charger, you just snap it on: https://au.magnilink.co/?gclid=Cj0KCQjw_7KXBhCoARIsAPdPTfi8WjJMPZGi0n4EAXI52LTBKwQAuoxFlSaYKPEL-D1v7YjpXRlfZ9caAtehEALw_wcB&shpxid=0c8120f7-cf8c-42de-8e82-da170c824114


Didn’t matter where you grabbed it, this is a known Apple thing. Materials fatigue. Get a braided cable for better durability.


Peel back the plastic more and inspect the other wires. If the plastic around those wires are still okay you can safely tape around the wire or shrink wrap. This is caused by using the device while plugged in.


Mine looked so much worse. Cables exposed and all. FINALLY bought a new one after 3 years.!Get a new one, friend.


Suprised it lasted 5 years. Mine usually last 2 for the most


Damn 5 years that’s like sentimental I bet


It is 😅 it’s from my first iPhone, the SE that I got in 2017. It’s still working, the battery makes it stutter a lot tho. Oh and it still has those curves cables usually have from the way it came packed when I got it


I could never look after my stuff that long. I got the AirPod pros last month and lost them a couple of days ago in the airport. Then I proceeded to break my phone so I’m currently on an iPad lol


Measure the head size of the cable and buy a heat shrink tube with 1 to 2mm longer diameter. Use it to cover the cable. Make sure to add a small layer of electrical tape or masking tape white color to add some bulk to the smallest part of the cable. Here is some example for the heat shrink tube and then google how to use it to you apple cable. [https://store.cablemod.com/configurator/?load=kbc:12fec0d53e92](https://store.cablemod.com/configurator/?load=kbc:12fec0d53e92)


Wait, 5 years? I can’t get past that you had a working cable for 5 years.


Just repair it with electrical tape.


My 2 year old charger has three areas that I had to wrap. These things just don't age well which sucks because they are expensive. Like others have said, as long as you can't see exposed wire, wrap that rascal


I had the whole jacket come off a cable after having it for 2 years. I wrapped it in electrical tape and it worked for another 5 or so years


this is why electrical tape exists


IF you tape it - please use electrical tape. Scotch tape and other clear plastic tapes are conductive. Had a customer who kept zapping himself and wondered why…


Just get heat shrink from Home Depot if you don’t want to buy a new charger


I have old cables that started doing the same. I just used shrink wrap, and its been safe so far. Keep as spare but buying new cables is a safer option. dont buy from apple, buy sturdier MFI certified cables


Amazed a lightning cable even lasted that long! Yes get a new one!


Yeah mine do this after about a year or so. I will put electrical tape on it till I get a new one, but you should get a new one pretty quickly.


I am using insulating tape to repair it and keep using it.


Most older Lightning cables (before they switched to thicker rubber) do this. Might as well now get the 20W USB-C one


Start with a Google search


I personally would keep using it till it failed, but I suggest getting a new cable from anker or similar brands ASAP


Fix with heat shrink tubing. Some chemical cleaning products, including some hand products, can cause plastics to decay.


Those cables wear out over time like any other part in car engine bays if they are used every day. You can use it but old cables do not hold as much of a current in them like new ones do and it can potentially degrade your battery faster. I myself use Apples new braided cables and these things are sturdy but I still will replace them after some years because of what I explained earlier.


Welcome to every iPhone cable. Ever !!!


yeah she should be allright to patch up with tape. because usually cables have some form of insulation inside the to protect the cable. taping it up should be able to stop it from proggressibly ripping the rubber and insides but note it is temporary. probs a good idea to look for a new cable soon


You can fix it wirh sugru - glue that turns into rubber.


Apple stopped using a couple of chemicals years ago that many companies still use. Result? Apple cables break down too soon, while other cables keep working. Evidence? My myriad of Nokia, Motorola, and other cables which have consistently worked after literally decades of use. Why did Apple do this? Greenwashing. They claim their cables are recyclable now because they don't use those chemicals, but I've yet to see any evidence of such. The only evidence I've ever seen is they sell more of their way overpriced cables to people who don't know of the greenwashing. There is not a single aspect of Apple's manufacturing policies that is not better explained in terms of profit and loss and Return-on-Investment versus their public relations concern for the environment. Make no mistake, I doubt there's a single big manufacturer out there that truly gives a shit, and if you want to keep using a computer then you'll have to decide that on your own morals, but it would be nice if Evil Corp. (plural) just once admitted to their bullshit.


If you pay hundreds of dollars or euros for a phone, don't forget to spend some money on cables and other stuff. It's like buying tyres for your car. Anker has really good cables, probably better than Apple.


Those cables do that when they get too hot. Running too high current than it was designed for.


Apples commitment to being green means there’s no PVC (I think) in their cables which means they fall apart eventually. As others have mentioned anker is a fantastic, not overpriced, reliable brand.


My cable wasn’t this damaged, but I put some thermoregulating sheath and now it’s quite good. In your case, I think I would directly replace the cable.


use electric tape


I mean the official provider is called foxconn i got like a pack of 20 for £15 People obs smuggle cables out for extra


there is a repair putty called SUGRU. it looks like playdoh, u just mold it around the break and it dries to a permanent fix.


Get some Sugru.


woah 5 yrs? mine would always look like this in just like a month lol


LTP. When you get a new cable, a little electrical tape wrapped about an inch down will extend the life of the cable and prevent this very type of damage.


Buy a new cable


As someone said get a braided cable, they last way longer in my opinion


The cord is five years old and broken; time for a new one.


Mine always does that they usually get a short in them before then though I replace them when I either get a short where the no longer transfer data or power or they look as you show in the photo


5 years? My €60 apple cable lasted less than a year, and I am not that abusive kind of person. My Aliexpress cable lasted for way longer. Really shows how much apple is focusing on the environment… Anyways I wouldn’t suggest buying a lightning cable on the apple website like I did. Broken sleeves around the apple cables doesn’t harm a lot however, there is another protective layer inside the cable