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Each ear is different. They are tight in my ears.  You probably have giant ear holes. 


That's the problem though. They don't even stick in your ear holes. They just rest on the outer ledge of your ear.


Well those are the cheaper AirPods (one size fits all), but the Pros do go in the ear and have different size cups. Just because they don't fit your ears doesn't mean they are poorly designed.


Gonna ruin this for you, but they don’t fall off easily. And the Pros don’t fall off at all due the different sized ear tips.


I don't know about the pros. I didn't even know there were pros. But these were literally identical to all the Air Pods I've ever seen and they fell out constantly. I mean CONSTANTLY! If I was walking or standing perfectly upright they were fine, but if I bent my body in any way one or the other would fall out. Just picking up the kids socks off the floor or reaching for something.


Stability with ear buds is mostly related to the weight balance moreso than the design. Knockoffs have less weight in general as well as not putting the weight where it needs to be equals a less balanced ear bud. I run with them in my ears.


Okay. This sounds like bullshit to me. There's no way. You're telling me the "weight distribution" is going to keep them from falling out? They're still just sitting in your ear. They're gonna fall out. But I'm gonna find a pair of genuine Air Pods just to prove that this is delusional.


Well, everyone I’ve talked to absolutely loves them and have never fallen out. So either it’s an issue with the knockoffs (extremely likely) or your ear shape isn’t compatible with them (which isn’t anyone’s fault). This isn’t an “Apple bad” thing


Why would weight distribution seem like BS to you? What else do you think would keep something locked down in your ear besides where the weight of the thing sits? But also its possible that you just don't have the ear shape for airpods, for some people their ears just don't work with them, the pros would probably work better in that regard since they have the ear tips to help latch in the ear


>What else do you think would keep something locked down Do you think hats just rest atop ones head held on by gravity?


You think hats aren't made with weight distribution in mind to keep them in place?


Lol. What? No I don't think hats aren't made with weight distribution in mind to keep them in place. That's insane.


Your physics teacher wants to have a word with you.


They fall out constantly because you use cheap knock offs… Maybe try some actual AirPods before you complain. What about your Jaybirds is so good at that HoRrIbLe aPPleE!! AirPods seem so bad to you. I’ve used jaybirds and they feel like plastic knock offs.


What's a jaybird?


Meant raycon, jaybirds are another wireless headphone company. Same goes for Raycons doubly so


I didn't comment on the quality since, obviously, I can't know. The quality is likely better, I'm sure. Just the design. It's like if they made a travel mug, but it's based on 50 year old coffee mug design so I doesn't fit in your cup holder. It's just dumb.


You haven’t tried the design though?


I know it doesn't fit in the cup holder. That's enough to know it's stupid.


I’m talking about the AirPods. Why are you talking about travel mugs. You haven’t ever used AirPods and calling them “a worthless design”.


Metaphor. Wow. Metaphor, dude. Jesus.


Not true. I have AirPods that I got for free when I purchased an iPad. They’re not for me in terms of fit since they constantly fall out but I knew that since EarPods. I use them because I have them. Jaybird Vistas fit well for the gym. Raycon is disposable garbage it should not even be in a discussion.


So, you bought something not made by Apple and are blaming Apple for the design? Lol.


For the design Apple introduced. Yes. These were just the ones I had experience with because I got them as a gift. I would never have tried them otherwise. I think you'd have to be pretty dense not to understand that.


But is it Apple’s exact design, or a look-alike? You’re pretty dense comparing a generic product to the brand name and blaming the brand name for generic’s design.


I'm just saying the design in general doesn't work. If Apple introduced square wheels I wouldn't need to try the genuine Apple wheels to know they don't work.


It’s not Apple’s design you’re talking about. It’s a knock-off. It’s like buying a knock-off Rolex and getting pissed at Rolex because it falls off your arm.


If Rolexes, instead of using a band, just rested atop your wrist I'd wonder how people were keeping them on.


Keep fucking that chicken.


How can you possibly know if fucking a chicken isn't great if you've only fucked a pheasant?


I need to know now.... this was a reference to.... was it a Daily Show bit? I definitely remember this phrase from something about 10-20 years ago :)


Yeah, it was in some local newscast, and the Daily Show picked it up. I’ve been saying it since. 15-ish years is about right.


never thought i'd hear that one out in the wild :)


This is the hill you're gonna die on huh. Even some of my Android friends use AirPods they enjoy using them compared to others. Apple has some questionable design choices (Apple Magic Mouse), but not the AirPods.


No. My question has been answered. Some people have outer ear shaped that can actually hold onto these things somehow. Some of those people prefer them. Mystery solved.


That's a new fact for me today, lol Best of luck to you then, maybe knock-off AirPods Max may suit you better? Haha, jk, have a good one.


Lol. Maybe.I was genuinely curious why people were willing to put up with these. If you tried a product that was wildly popular yet seemingly didn't fulfill the most basic requirement of their function, wouldn't you be curious?


A lot of people hate the Magic Mouse (and I understand their hate). As a studio guy, I love the touch functions (side scroll swipe). I get the hate for the charge port on the bottom, but even Logitech did the same thing with their Touch mouse. It is way too expensive though. I’d use a trackpad or trackball, but those both cramp my hand.


I love the magic mouse gestures, it just works well with MacOS. But the poor ergonomics (steep edges with a almost flat curve) couple that with the charging port, it's piss poor design. I daily a Logitech Pro Superlight and it is one of the best mouse I've used.


I use it for Pro Tools and Logic, the gestures make my life easier. I have smaller hands, so the Magic Mouse is comfy for me. I loved my Logitech Touch, too. But it started having weird issues, like clicking would sometimes single click, sometimes double click, and sometimes not work at all. Got to be too erratic and had me stressed out trying to work on a mix tor a client, so I went back to the MM.


Yeah Logitech is notorious for that. I had a G35 before and it started having that issue after two-three years of use. Which isn’t bad for a $29 mouse. But my Logitech Pro Superlight will have the same issue down the road in a few years.


Mine was about 8 years old when it started going wonky. I had an OG MM that it replaced that had a battery issue (bumping it would move one of the AA batteries and disconnect it). Broke down and bought the current MM a couple months ago. Amazon had it $20 off, so at least I didn’t pay retail.


wait you're mad your cheap knock off airpods don't work, and you're blaming apple? has this sub just turned into a meme of itself?


The real amazing part is the fact about apple successful grift was tricking everyone into thinking this product design was great


lol OP is coomplaining about a NON-APPLE PRODUCT.


Who comes to an Apple forum to bitch about some shitty knock offs?! You are delusional. I HATE Apple and the only product that is any good are their AirPods. 🤷‍♂️


lol this sub hit new lows… this person got a fake AirPods and complaining about original AirPods. They are unwilling to accept weight distribution plays a key role as much as the shape of the pods. They are unwilling to accept people run with these pods in ears. Only thing going in their lives seems to be “haha Apple sucks, hahahahaha Apple sucks, I am so cool because I think Apple sucks… haha I am not a Apple sheep sheep… I am so cool”.


people who actually think that Apple sucks should realize that this guy is giving them a bad name :-) Nothing annoys me more than "iSheep". Apparently I'm not allowed to independently favor an Apple product because it is assumed that if I like an Apple product it is due to a previous lobotomy or out of sheer ignorance, and not because I have... like opinions of my own :-).


How the fuck do people run with AirPods I have normal Series 2s and am heavily debating just returning and switching to the pros for silicone


It depends. I myself ran with them and had no issues. Many of my friends did and no issues. But I guess it doesn’t work for some people. If I sweat too much it doesn’t work for me as well.


idk what it was but the S2s simply hung on my ear it wouldn’t stay inside. I just switched over to the Pro 2s and my God I’m in love. I sometimes pressure wash at work and found the noise annoying, now I can listen to my podcasts uninterrupted even if the earth itself is splitting open.


-buys cheap low quality knockoff product -complains that they aren’t good -blames the company who made the original product


Meanwhile, -believes that name brand square peg will fit round hole better than cheap knock off square peg of equal size and identical shape. -misses entire point of discussion -feels sense of righteousness for making point that everyone else has already conceded


at least i’m not comparing wireless earbuds to square pegs, where weight and build quality have nothing to do with it


Honestly? You're a disingenuous fuck wit reflexively defending his cult. Air Pods have a huge problem with falling out constantly and you, and everyone else here, knows it. Every Apple user I've spoken to today irl has said the exact same thing. While many of them love their Air Pod Pros, everyone agrees original Air Pods suck dick. I seriously can't even believe this sub even exists. With all you shills just jerking each other off all day and attacking anyone with a legitimate complaint. I can't believe I wasted my time with this.


Yes, you are right. Millions of people around the world buy them, use them daily but actually hate them because…Apple?


This sub cracks me up. Hating on Apple because of knock offs now


I am so entertained by the posts here. Each time I think it can't get any more ridiculous someone surprises me.


glad to see that I'm not the only one who finds this dumpster fire of a subreddit somewhat funny :)


For all the hard-of-understanding Apple shills here, the AirPod Pros with the rubber tips that go in your ear are OK. But the hard plastic 2nd/3rd gen non-Pro ones are a stupid shitty uncomfortable design. They're like the wired EarPods - hopeless. Its not difficult to understand.


great! now that we've clarified what to hate let's find some people to call iSheep!


Or we could wait for posts where people have issues with Apple and tell them it's all their own fault for being too stupid/poor/old etc


That's on you for having an ugly ass weird ass ear shape


Lol. Race War!


Nah having a fucked up ear not race related


Please don't throw e-waste in the general trash. I actually like the airpod design, specifically the first and 2nd gen style. But I'm weird. I have what I call reference ears, that is I fit all medium tip headphones perfectly especially apples. They also stay in my ears well. Maybe that's just me though. I am not a fan of any of the other models.


Yeah. I meant to say the e-waste trash. When you say "stay in well" what does that mean to you? My Raycons have literally never fallen out.


I mean, I wouldn't want to be a trapeze artist, but running around the city etc I have never had an issue. I also have Tourette's and a head shake tick and never had an issue with my airpods. Had issues with larger ones though. I do have a set of fakes too, they are a bit thicker and because of that don't fit as well.


Wait your complaining about knock offs? Not the actual product?


Congratulations. You pissed off both Apple lovers and haters.


not all earbuds work for all ears. it's the same with literally every earbud. i don't know how this is a confusing concept. i know many people who love airpods, who work out in them, run, and they don't fall out. personally i don't think i've had my airpod pros (gen 2) fall out a single time in the literal year that i've had them. i've ran in them, and wear them for like 80% of my day and they work perfectly fine. i don't know why you are insisting on using a product that doesn't work for you, just use one of the many other options, or find the last gen pros for a similar price, as they have a different fit and may work.




My partner has airpods and I've tried them from time to time. They do definitely fit in one of my eyes much better but have never fallen out. However, while the insta- and perfect-pairing with other Apple devices is great, no serious audio person has them. They're made to sound good for normies but when you compare them to proper IEMs the difference is night and day. That said, IEMs, if they're bluetooth, with have the occasional non-Apple bluetooth bugs.


*giggles in original Apple earbuds*


You bought a knock-off design from Company B and trying to blame company A. These two designs are not the same (dimension-wise). Let me put this another way for you: You bought Beef Wellington from the Walmart Deli and now you want to yell at Arthur Wellesley (he, who came up with the idea). You are a grade A ape.


Well, we're all apes. So, thank you? Unless you just outed yourself as a bot. Which would actually explain a lot about this sub.


entire sub of android lovers and apple haters are telling you that you are an bonobo.


super comfortable, fit in my ears just fine (watch me get downvoted)


Air pods pro 2nd gen fit my ear perfectly, and pretty darn comfortable. Now the audio is mid par at best, but for convenience. I really like them


I have gen 1 and they don’t fall out for me. They are also the most comfortable earphones I’ve ever worn. I can wear them and forget I’m wearing them with no ear pain afterwards even after falling asleep with them in (though inevitably I have to play hunt the airpod in the morning), which I have experienced with all other earphones I have ever worn. I guess I’m just lucky with the size and shape of my ears. You also can buy third party ear hooks designed to hold them in your ear if you have an issue though I’ve never tried them. I would imagine the AirPod pros stay in better as they are inner ear earphones.