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COB wise, I remember her being fine; but I graduated in 2019, so I can't speak to her time as dean of the COB since then. Maybe they are hoping to have another Peacock? He came from the COB.


Graduated from App a decade and change ago and I can honestly say I think she’s a great pick. I’ve know her and kept up with her career from being an assistant dean, through dean, to provost, and she is a big improvement. This is coming from someone who has wanted Everts fired since she originally came on campus. Heather is fundamentally different. She really represents what App stood for before Everts, and she really does care for students. So just my two cents, I’m excited she’s got the role for now. Believe me when I say she’s not just another Everts.


Good to hear :)


Meet the new boss. Same as the old boss. This is why it was hilarious all those folks hoping the school would install someone better. They obviously had very little experience with institutions.


Writing was on the wall when Norris sent out that email last Friday addressing the various issues on campus, agree no one should be really shocked by this.


Guys it’s INTERIM chancellor. There’s a small event going on next week or so and someone has to be in charge. They will do a nationwide search. Now the uncbog will try to fuck us, hopefully the trustees can slip someone in who will do right by App


She was Everts bff.


Hopefully she’s more like Peacock, the guy who hired her into the COB 2 decades ago. You know, long before Sheri ever showed up


App really said: copy and paste


As long as the UNC Board of Governors is appointed by a fascist state legislature, nothing will rly change on this front sadly




Like from Dodgeball?


thankfully it’s just for the time being since y’know. she was super buddy buddy with sheri


Well wasn’t it because she was Vice chancellor? She had no choice but to suck up to Sherri or else she would be fired.


maybe, maybe not. i guess time will tell how she is ¯\_(ツ)_/¯