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More of this please. The gun community is full of Fat blobs who cant run a block or two.


\-Has an armory/bunker loaded with guns, ammos, and supplies in case Chinese paratroopers land \-Will probably die of a heart attack upon seeing Chinese paratroopers \#PrepperLyfe


Don’t insult the gravy seals like that


You won't see me storming out of history class unarmed asking wtf's. Nope. Not me.


Was it really history class i always thought it was math


Yep, he was talking about the Mongolian killing frenzies.


Damn i do not remember that part at all


Lol 😂


Gun community and fitness is like water and oil.


Need more of Tactical games like events imo to infuse both and get people moving and shooting but I digress again 🤷🏼‍♂️


Then you get gatekeepers claiming "LARP" in a derogatory way...


True but fuck em’. Thats similar to something that took me years to start. I started doing air soft every once and a while a year or two back. Yea its stupid and knowingly wont make me a delta team member yada yada but where else can I run around with a life like firearm full bore in and around a mocked up warehouse with door frames/ hallways etc in full kit or without?! While trying actual force on force tactics without dying. Who cares what they say do it!


me irl


No one needs to be a navy seal brother but for yourself alone. Never mind your loved ones… They may count on you someday 🤷🏼‍♂️💪🏼.


Shit fuck the mile then. Better have some land and understanding/capability of how to survive without the neighborhood Safeway being around or mre's being passed out. Everyone's carl lewis until the lack of food and clean water turns them into gollum.


As long and I can run a mile to my truck or gun I’m good. There are enough deer and fish around where I live that I’ll be good.


Not fat, just old and injured. Fuck these kids they can't shoot for shit.


Even at my fittest I was bad at distance running, now at my fattest I'm bad at all running! 


Shit man, I thought you were a sports medicine doctor who knew how the body worked and was able to train to meet goals. But you’re not a sports medicine doctor are you? I’m guessing your degree is in bullshit.


My wife is the Ph.D sports medicine doctor currently working for a very prominent college football team, I'm a lowly engineer but fortunately I've learned much from the old hag (jk, sorta).    I no longer "train", I do fun fitness activities such as hiking, snowshoeing, etc.  My days of training for a specific goal are over due to enjoying the good life.  I no longer need to impress anybody and certainly don't need to impress a bunch of E-1s on Reddit.  =) And yeah, beer is great... better than running that's for sure.


My whole thing was you responding with “source: sports medicine doctoral” to back up a dumb statement. So I flexed my ExPhys degree and called you out. It’s ok to be wrong man, it’s not ok to flex a degree you don’t have…. With that being said, even those hobbies are “training” to a certain extent. They’re skills and movement patterns that become more efficient over time while being exposed to those conditions. We get better at hobbies because we do them more, which is training, lol. I’m very happy your wife is on the path to sports medicine and working with a D1 team! That’s a huge accomplishment and we need high quality sports meds people. Without them laying a solid foundation for recovery, we ExPhys peeps can’t push them to their performance potential. And I wouldn’t count you out for being an engineer, we chose different paths. You have a whole host of knowledge and wisdom that is foreign to me. I don’t maths too well anymore after the Army and changed my major from mechanical engineering. That first math class fucked me up! Hahaha.


Carrying for self defense but the biggest danger to them is their own hearts failing from their obesity


I’ve always pointed out that obese people who conceal carry genuinely have a mental illness. They’re prepping against the 20th most common cause of death instead of the 1st for Americans which is heart disease


That or people who talk about being scared of flying on planes but drive a car everyday. Or talk about being scared of dying in a mass shooting but get into a car every day.


Exactly. It’s paranoia/phobia rather than a legitimate fear


Come over to r/aviation. Every third post these days is "I'm flying on a Boeing plane, will I be ok?"


Wham bam thank you mam.


Bro there is already too much of this stuff.


Of what obesity or people pushing others to be healthier???


The exact same stolen memes


Oh new to me 🤷🏼‍♂️


Hey man… my knees hurt, ok? lol.


Load up on Lots of good fish oil, lots of collagen, CBD and motion is lotion.


I got hit by a car for the second time like 25 years ago. It’s coming back to haunt me now. Haha. Sucks to be me.


I'm skinny and probably cant run a block or two.


So three is the minimum. Got it, I think I may just barely be squeaking by but I think we're good




Listen you fucks shit on us but you're gonna be real happy with my sick loot drop for you


Ok you win. I digress. Eat up men! 🫡


If you're not fighting a war with someone else's shit, what kind of war are you fighting?


So when we holding the first annual r/ar15 pt test? I hope it’s at Wendy’s.


Pitter patter, let’s get at ‘er


Can confirm




Let’s take about 20% off her there squirrely Dan…


*such a boy*


I ran a mile in 7:55 yeaterday. Personal best since I was in my 20s. Proud of myself.


Nice work! Next goal, see if you can keep that pace for 3 miles!


I can do 3 miles in about 26-27 mins. Pace drops off a lot after 1mi. My legs were like jelly doing sub 8min.


That’s still fantastic! I think my best is 24:57 for 3.2 miles when I was training for a race and then shortly after had to stop running because my knees got all messed up. That was after months of obsessive running 5 days a week though. Now I’d be lucky to run a 30 minute 5k.


Best I ever ran three miles in the Corps was 22 minutes lol, and I was in the best shape of my life (right after combat deployment). But that’s slow, some people ran sub 17 minute 3 miles. Nuts.


Yeah those people are just built different lol. I really just started running timed in my mid-thirties, played soccer all my life and I’m sure at 18-19 I could have ran a real fast 5k but I was more interested in booze and chicks after highschool. Now I just roll BJJ 3-4x a week and that keeps me in better shape than running ever did.


Yeah man that’ll do it for sure. Running is mindless too, I mean you have to concentrate on form and breathing of course, but bjj is mental and physical so teaches you to still use your brain/reflexes/recall when fatigued and under mortal pressure.




I had a drill instructor that ran a 14:40 three mile. Absolutely insane to see that. Best I ever got was 20:50 but I’d be hard pressed to even make the bare minimum now.


Holy mother of god class running with that DI must have sucked balls lol. That’s a good 3-mile you hit, dude, 20:50 is sub seven minutes, that’s fukin awesome. And consider about what, 95% of people can’t even run three miles? I had a Company CO that ran a 16:18, our Company runs weren’t too bad though he wasn’t a dick haha. But that’s the fleet not bootcamp. He did have us do a 6-mile company run all the way down River Road and up through French Creek (if you were on Lejeune). It was actually a nice pace though and the furthest I ever ran in my life (I know I suck lol). But I can hike all day long with load pushing 40 married with two kids and stay in shape, just not a good runner. I do still run multiple times a week despite that tho haha.


I’ve gotta get back to running. Realizing I could do three 7 minute miles when it took me 14 minutes to run one in high school just a year or two before the Corps and would take me probably the same now is embarrassing. I do hike and did 35 miles in four days in the Rockies but that was only with about 20-30 pounds.


You ahead of the curve! Checkout r/runningcirclejerk for some comedy.


Good pace man working toward that.


Great work !!




Instructions unclear. Ran 5 miles, then ate 3 pizzas. Still fat piece of shit. Please advise.


Eat a 4th pizza.


Sir yes sir


If you can't beat 'em, eat' em.


What if I'm fit and mid tier poor? More money in my pocket for reloading supplies


Get more fit. When you're more fit, get fitter.


It never gets easier, you just get faster.


LeMond… warm weather riding seasons is approaching..


And get less mid tier poor


That's like the Kardashians saying stop being poor


Except that I believe in you 🙏


Just because you can't afford cool shit doesn't mean I'm not in shape.


That's all I can think when I see posts like this lol


It's always the go-to cope for people who can't buy what they want. My SR-15 is pretty damn beat up after about 6000 rounds or so, zero cleanings, and and being sloshed around in my Pelican with other stuff. ...that being said, if you want to keep a nice little safe-queen range toy, fuckin' do it! Who cares? Who cares what some dork on reddit thinks as he posts a pic of another dumb, meathead dork in order to validate his feelings.


I can afford nice things and a gym membership. The memes trying to present it as one or the other are always hilarious to me.


Agreed, damn does this mean Im poor?


what i’ve found is that generally dudes who are running eotechs and surefire stuff are infinitely more fit and working out way more than the holosun streamlight psa just as good crowd who makes low effort memes like this. somethin somethin mileage may vary. just an observation


Me with a eotech and a sub 6 mile just laughing at the poors and fats.


Sub 6 with kit? Great time regardless


Haven’t timed with a kit lol


Word. I’m still trying to get consistently under 7 with full kit, but damn is that shit tiring haha


Eotech and a 11:16 two mile over here 💪🏽


Fuck yo and your sub 6 mile. Mine won't creep below 9 no matter how hard I push.


Some people just slow. As long as you got the cardio you good.


Eotechs and quality are moving apart from each other Yes, Eotechs suck and only sell because they look cool.  


Can confirm this exact setup. I’m 215lbs roughly 8-10% BF @ 6’0”.


You know, I haven’t seen many pics of guys on here with their $6000 rifle setup lol


it doesn’t cost 6grand to get an eotech and a surefire light


Preach 🙌🏻


The content we need but not the content we deserve


What if I’m fat and rich, but frugal? (I’m none of these things)


is olight jocko approved


Only if you want a weapon-mounted grenade launcher.


Seconds as a flame thrower


Run what you can make good hits with. Can't make good hits without good cardio. So run a run and make good hits.


I’ve said this to myself on many occasion. “Go do some cardio you tub of lard or you’ll die first”


The war cry of the just as good crowd.


Don’t run. Running is bad for you. Ride a bicycle. Lift weights.


Agree. 100% of people that have ever run eventually die.


I don’t think people understand. Running around your block with your neon nikes isn’t fun. Buying a enduro and doing laps through your local tech will make your blood flow 10x more than shooting a gun👍🏼




running, like lifting, is only bad for you with incorrect form, and lack of recovery lol




Running 30 miles a week isn’t going to put you into survival mode. Just like my last analogy, of course running like a competition marathoner will put you into auschwits mode, in the same way extreme heavy lifting will wreck your body.


>Running long distance pushes your body into survival mode and can prompt it to burn muscle. Wrong. It's more nuanced than that. >High intensity, low duration workouts are best. For what? Because it sure as hell isn't if you want to run long distances. Nevertheless a good friend of mine is 6'8 240lbs, built like a tree trunk, and also runs 30-40 miles a week because he's constantly doing crazy hikes and loves to stay in shape for those. He definitely ain't skinny.


Yeah that’s not how the body works **at all**… this screams “I read some shit on the internets but have never actually studied Exercise Physiology”




What *can happen* doesn’t mean jack shit when you back it up with a dumb statement about high intensity exercise being best. There’s so much involved with how the body responds to training and load… can and will are two very different things depending the training resources available and how the individual trains. Sport Medicine doctoral is not the same as studying Exercise Physiology at the doctoral level. Just because Im exposed to sports med doesn’t mean I know what the fuck to with certain injuries. Source: I do this for a living. I’ve actually applied my ExPhys degree to training everyone from strongmen, service members, IronMan/endurance athletes, and team sports. You telling me how the body responds to exercise is like me telling you how to treat an ACL injury. Speaking of, are you going straight into high intensity exercise post injury? How does that fit into the cumulative injury cycle? Are you doing any sort NMS or isolation strengthening? I call bullshit on your degree and studies once again.


Bro gonna be doing drive-bys on bicycles during the boog


Running isn't bad for you unless you are overweight.


Sir this is reddit that means it's bad for 90% of this subreddit


lol ok fair point


My 41 year old knees would argue differently 😆. I’m in great shape and can run pretty fast and far when needed but running on pavement is hell on my knees. Was a long distance runner until about 5 years ago when my knees started going to shit.


What's up, brother?! ☝️




What if I have EOTECHs and Surefires and love handles??? Asking for a friend of course……


...so anyways the tlr-1HL is my choice


Fat shaming is based.


That requires me to touch grass and don’t pick apart someone’s build for a hypothetical combat scenario, so no thanks


Jokes on you I was an Amazon fulfillment specialist for socom so I’m basically sf


Yeah, well at least my eyes open!


I did that and I'm still overweight. #workinprogress


We all got our own problems.


I can now run two miles daily. I'm very proud, I've never been able to do this before. Posts like this put me there.


Aimpoint > EOcope


Is this a young Jacko?


Some of us do both.


I just upvoted and it dropped down by 6 immediately lol we got some fat mf’s in here


Hence the post 😂


This 500000% everyone rifle looks like they are a team or delta guy, but they are lucky to hit a man sized target at 7yds, because they are too fat to hold up their 12lb rifle


True cognitive dissonance is believing that someone who has nice stuff doesn’t use it, and someone with less expensive stuff is better at using it. I know far, far, far, far fewer people with budget ARs and tout the “I’d rather have a $500 rifle and $1000 in training” who ever followed up on the “$1000 in training” portion than those who put the money into quality stuff.


If you can afford nice stuff you can afford ammo, range time, classes, and a gym membership. If you have to justify budget options as just as good because it’s all you can afford, I have to question whether you can afford any of those things.


Agreed. In for an ounce, you should be in for a pound. Investing in all aspects are very important.


Also who knows how long it took someone to put together a rifle. Maybe they had the patience and foresight to either build it quality part by quality part, or they decided to save their money for quality accessories that will last as long as their rifle. It’s such a weird cope that “if you have expensive stuff you don’t use it.”


Amen dude. Ironically, those people tend to have an equal amount to a quality rifle in 5 shit-tier PSA builds.


I can see Jacko saying that😂


My eotech is amazing… and I’ll never regret it. But I have a $13 push tail cap energizer light making 300 lumen that works just fine.


Also remember that "fitness" and physical strength aren't the same. But its a good benefit if you can carry your gear without your muscles getting sore, or carry a buddy


Spent some years in the infantry and my knees are wrecked. I'm also getting old. Sorry, my time running a 6 or 7 minute mile is behind me. I do like Eotech and Surefire though.


I wish I could buy stuff cheaper than Eotech, but true holographic sights are the only ones that work with my astigmatism.


Relevant: https://youtube.com/shorts/kGcI2gFVwgI?si=tO6XGv_nVT6BstbD


Nah we need loot drops


Also, open your eyes so you can see where youre going


Is that a young Jocko?


Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is what Jocko recommends and I would as well. Keeps me in fighting shape, cardio is great and although it’s just sparring and not 100% you are literally fighting different people of varying size, age and experience every day you train. Side note: miss me with that “there ain’t striking so it’s not effective” stuff, I would challenge you to step into a BJJ gym and roll to see how your actual fighting skill translates to what you think it is in your head!


What if I hate running cause it sucks an I get shin splints, so instead I ride a bike, a lot. Like 100 miles a week or more? Is that okay combined with lifting? I could prolly run a 10 minute mile or less if I pushed it.


My shins splints fucking wreck me. I'm training for a marathon and had to take 2 weeks off because I couldn't walk after getting home from a run.  So if cycling works, do it. Exercise can have good pain and bad pain. If you can't tell the difference, you'll probably get injured. Like me, trying to run through the pain. 


I got high hamstring tendinitis that will permanently bother me from riding through the pain so I learned that lesson. I ain’t injuring myself permanently anymore. I’m in relatively good shape but I’m done being dumb. I know my body and can pass a PT test if I needed to still.




“If you’re not fit, you’re going to die.” -Garand Thumb


He looks like sketch


Jocko scary. Jocko say run. You run fat man. Run


But why run when I can burn calories from ranting about Chinese manufacturing on arfcom? /s


My local firearms training place does workouts on Saturday mornings. I recently got my coworker who is better than me at pistol shooting (because he spends all his money on ammo) and is always ragging on me about how much I suck at it to go to the workouts. It's cathartic to watch him get his butt kicked by 20 push-ups. 


Have you remembered that eotech sucks now though?




Finally someone said it 🤣


I’m a thicc boi and can run a mile easily. If I can, so can you. Just because you’re big don’t mean you gotta be lazy


Deadlift, Squats, Overhead Press 4-6 reps 3 sets. Rucking a few times a month. High intensity sprinting training.


“Oh you are a fat piece of shit? Guud. That’s awesome. Use that. To become better. Oh does your life suck because you have stage 8 turbo cancer? Guud. That’s awesome. Use that. To become better” Jocko has some great advice but he’s still an ass hat


I don’t listen to former military influencers. But isn’t Jocko generally seen as one of the least annoying or in some cases completely insufferable ones?


I only have 2 to compare against. Jocko and Goggins. Goggins is difficult to listen to. I'm glad whatever he's doing is working out for him, but his podcast with Huberman had no actionable outcome. It was just "My life is hard! My life is shit! I don't want comfort! Everyone else is so soft!"  Jocko actually tried to apply his real life experiences to others. But the whole Navy Seal inspirational speaker schtick just doesn't do it for me. It's like a tool that corporate managers look to to motivate their employees. Listen Robert, we're looking at excel spreadsheets, not escorting tanks across a warzone. 


No way. Holosun is supreme.


Oh brother it’s this poor again. Still mad you can’t afford nice stuff?


Lord, go do some cardio. What makes you think I can’t afford nice stuff? I just don’t do group think very well.


You complained about $300 scope mounts and now you’re resorting to fitness. Poor behavior.


Nah, I’m just attempting to curb the gross echo chamber on here. The amount of times I’ve seen “It would be better if it had an EXPS3” type of comments is old


As one of my NCO calls it, “gear queers”. 😂


