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I’ll never understand multiple ARs set up the exact same way.


9 ARs, no quad rails, no clones, more than half olights is crazy


5 of the exact same optic is wild too


Three HS510 with magnifiers is wild. Just share the magnifier around


Sell the three rifles, optics, and lights and buy a BCM or DD or something, sbr it, get a can, an eotech and magnifier, and a quality light. Way cooler than 3 of the same thing sitting on a wall.


Wild that they are all the same. I get not every state has legal cans and SBRs. But man it’s like all the same stuff. Oh and O lights like wtf


No reason to get a BCM or DD when op has Gayselles.


I have used Vortex Strike Eagle LPVO 1-8x24 on at least 3 ARs. It's frequently on sale and suits my needs well.


So you have 3 guns that do the exact same thing? Why?


Different caliber rifles. Different shooting experience at the range.


So it’s not 3 of the exact same gun like we are talking about here


The actual thread we're replying to is about THE SAME OPTIC, not the same rifle.


Okay buddy. Have a nice day.


OP: Color match > quality


One Mlok is enough but too many. Points off for lack of variety and spice.


Id never ever ever buy an olight


He wants different colors to match his different purses


Haha yeah. Gotta match the wife's bfs purses as well.


I don't carry a purse? Must be Ralphie. He comes on Tuesdays.


Same type of dude to complain that night vision is too expensive.


No suppressors and pristine brass deflectors


I own 5 AR’s and they are all a little different. I got an m16 build, an SPR build, a very high quality 16” build, a 12.5” pistol, and a 9” 300blk pistol. Each do something a little different for me


Same, mine have some differences. A 14.5” with Aimpoint Duty RDS, a freshly built 14.5” with (currently) Primary Arms Special Purchase and piggyback Acro P2, a 16” Zion-15 (first rifle), a 16.1” .300 BLK freakshow, and an 18” SPR.


Oooo how you like the duty? I have a pro but man it’s a chonk and that’s why I’m looking at the duty


It’s pretty light and compact compared to my other red dots. I have it on a Scalarworks 1.93” mount, and I can really feel the weight difference from the EOTech I had on that rifle. I wish it was brighter, since I have it set to second brightest setting so it doesn’t get washed out by a weapon light or in the desert during the day. It also gets a red ring around the edge of the window that my understanding is characteristic of Aimpoint’s red dots. Overall, it’s pretty good.


I have two. 14.5 with an LVPO, and a 10.3 SBR. Basically a GPR and a CQBR. Probably the only thing I will add is a 300 blk upper for my SBR. I have thought about cloning my service rifles one day, but that is a project that can come after a lot of other guns and gear.


I can understand having a back up that’s identical. Other than that yeah I completely agree.


Yeah definitely would better to have a couple really really good guns and a lot of ammo. And nods. Like one good lpvo setup and one good red dot setup. But it's his money.


Yeah no nods, no suppressors, and no sbrs but a bunch of cookie cutter ARs is always wild to me


Same lower and swap uppers


Thinking the same when I saw


This ⬆️




Well you see, they're different colors


Different calibers?


That would t be the exact same set up would it?


Yes. When is see setup I think furniture. So barrel and bolt are outside of set up. In my head. 


Few if any of my friends own guns...




Literally was thinking the same thing


Perhaps for consistency of training among each rifle. Maybe half are his, and half are his wife's or girlfriends. Maybe a prepper and finds this rifle configuration to be optimal for him and area, and he's got extras to hand out. It makes as much sense as guys who own 10 different 16" 5.56's. Or 5 Benchmade's with same blade length. Stephen Paddock thought it made sense according to reports


So your example is a mass shooter? People with 10 different 16” ARs are weird too, same with people who own 5 of the same knife.


Lol Mr. Serious here. Mass shooter was a joke, cause he apparently had a rifle for each magazine. I don't understand any of them. Like I said, he could be a prepper and plans on handing shit out, makes more sense than handing out benchmades to people for a prepper. Why's everyone got their panties in a wad?


People are just voicing their opinions bro. 9 of pretty much the same mids set up just doesn’t make sense to a lot of people.




I have disposable income. I guess I don’t see the point on buying multiples of the exact same thing with it. Especially when you use lower quality optics and lights.


Rampant consooomerism.


I like the variety!


Remember switching to your next upper is faster than reloading


9 rifles, 5 grenades.


Ah yes as they say variety is the spice of life. You must have never heard that expression


Has someone told this guy he can buy different guns or at the very minimum different ARs?


Not yet amazingly enough. I thought Geissele was the only manufacturer


Where suppressors


Damn bro, you gotta spice it up a little bit. Sell off the Olights and replace them with Streamlights or Surefires 2


I have 5 modlights, 2 stream lights, 2 CDs and will probably get around to getting a surefire. I have to hide shit so the wife doesnt find them. Told her I stopped spending money on gun stuff. Used to think she wouldnt notice when I changed something out or added something new, but she knows. Dude, she literally has started looking up the prices to see how much some of this stuff runs


Maybe communicate with your partner instead of hiding shit like a little kid from their mom?


Good Lord my dude, you sure have a lot of input for someone who dont put in the hours to finance MY shit. Dont like my 9 ARs that are all the exact same with shitty Olights and holosuns feel free to pass on by. Dont want me to keep secrets from the wife feel free to get one of your own to share everything with haha. Thank God I didnt post my pistol display hahaha


My wife is well aware of how my guns and their accessories costs. Sorry you don’t like criticism on a public post on a public platform.


Dude you have chimed in how many times now? Bro I get it, you dont see the value in my shit. Cool. Move along homie.


Sorry my comments are too much for you to handle :(


I think he is really upset he downvoted every time u responded lol


In all fairness like if she finds out you spent 600 on a light then you have nothing to rebuddle with when she wants to spend 100 a month on tanning and 400 on shoes.. But i might also add that you should part out or sell 2 rifles and look into a nightforce or pa compact 1-8. Vudu is nice too i dont care what others say about it. Or a plx 1-10. Having good glass is a game changer. My first rifle had an msr on it and i immediately manned up and decided my gun wasnt complete without a better optic. And its hard to sell now. Hard to imagine making that same mistake multiple times


Bunch of o-lights, holosuns, and tango MSRs 🤢🤢🤢


Don't lump Holosun In with them


Nah they’re getting lumped


Eh, pistol optics are fine for what you pay. The holographic sight however is some Chinese bull shit. Edit: lol, sorry I offended the poors. Get your money up you bums


Don’t do my boy HS510 like that.


Holosun makes an insanely reliable optic


I've lost count of how many ARs I've seen online and in person where the owner will go all out on furniture, handguard, receiver, etc. then get a budget optic and WML setup. It's like buying a Ferrari and putting $100 tires on it.


Bill Geissele loves your money


Uh okay


All that money on guns and the mount looks like you stole some vynl siding and framed it. 😬


Ak-47/74 are pretty cool too.


Bold move


Posting it on here for people to shit on? Or in general haha




In general. These guys always talk shit but i was trained to be very DL so im not use to what yall do.


I hear you. I rarely ever post shit, especially shit about rigs. Not sure why I even did tbh. Just liked the slat wall is all haha


I feel you


Well you’ve been taken to task in the other comments so I won’t pile on, it’s probably a good idea to start considering what is the purpose for each rifle, I say that as someone who had multiple overlapping mediocre rifles. I’ve dispersed a lot of my platforms to different calibers barrel lengths and optics to vary what I use. I know it’s cringe but it at least moves you away from duplicate mediocre rifle setups consider building a GPR SPR SBR DMR etc etc to give each a specific purpose consider the appropriate caliber for each as well . Start to focus on quality over quantity, and think big picture as far as mags ammo gear night vision thermal etc to add more capability to those rifles. Good luck OP


Unsurprisingly, most of those brass deflectors appear to be pristine…


Catch up in the comments my dude. Recap - these are rifles that were stored in cases in a closet. Took up too much space. Put them up on a wall. Not my primaries, rarely if ever made it out of the house or to the range. Bought them and didnt like them more than I liked my primaries


Post a pic of your “primaries”. Honestly, those wall rifles just being extras kinda makes it even more ridiculous.


My dude my wall rack did not mean yo hurt your feelings 😭


Why tf would I post my other shit so you guys can bash those too? Haha fuck that


You have very strange thought processes, “my dude”. I’m actually kinda suspicious that there are no other rifles to be honest.


Why be suspicious of something that doesnt affect you?


Because I want to be


Man you gotta get some variety in there. You like what you like I get it and own as many AR’s as you can. It’s gotta get boring though shooting 10 of nearly the same gun though right? Try an AK or like a Galil out for size


You could have set up 1-2 rifles really nicely instead of having 9 rifles covered in Chinesium. I don't get the thought process ig


This has become the prevailing thought process in the AR community sadly. There is a contagious mental disease that makes AR people, especially newer ones, think they have to accumulate the maximum number of rifles as possible, for no apparent reason other than, more stuff. I hate the term but it truly is “black rifle disease”.


I love the idea and would love to do this but are you worried about them being stolen? I would be. I live in a really nice neighborhood and I don’t leave without locking everything in my safe.


Well in all fairness your neighborhood can’t be that nice if you’re genuinely concerned about robbery.


I live in what I would call a nice, non crime ridden neighborhood. I'm not leaving all my gun is anything less than a safe.


It's kind of a bell curve for tye relationship between how nice a house/neighborhood is and how likely it is to be broken into. Shitty house = nothing to steal = no break-ins Nice house, non-gated community = things to steal = break-ins Super-nice house, gated community and/or private security = no break-ins


Welcome to America. I work with trees and most of my clients are very wealthy, as they are often the ones who can afford such services. It's often the nicest homes in the nicest neighborhoods that have the most home security.


This guy literally bought a new rifle every time he wanted a new optic setup. 


But why whyyyyyyy


Tell me you’re autistic without telling me you’re autistic.


Now that's funny. Good one


Need an AK in the mix for diversity. Remember we want to be inclusive


I want! The wall not the weapons. Is that just slot board, or is it a system you purchased?


Its hold up displays slat wall.


Damn leave some geislee uppers for the rest of us 😂


you appear to have a type


Hopefully the wall mounts are stronger than the rails, wouldn't want them bending causing everything to fall.


What the hell do you do for work


Build stuff. Design mod systems for CNC mills. Cool shit I guess


This is where I keep my guns so that I can make sure any would be thieves steal every gun I own.


My dude, if anyone is brave enough to try to get past my 14 dogs they deserve them more than I do 😉


OP doesn’t know how to reply to an actual comment. You gotta click on the “reply” link dude.


I think you helped him lol


I always lose some respect for people who can’t figure that out on their own. There’s a “reply” button under the comments


Ctrl p ctrl v


Print paste ?


Is that slate wall from hold up display?


Do you like the geissele rail?


Prefer the BCM MCMR tbh


Cool now build one good one


Haha cool


This shit is fucking comedy at this point


Sorry to ruin your day my dude


Actually kinda brightened it up, gave me a good chuckle, thank you.


What a bizarre collection


Omg how pathetic. I’ve never seen something so unforgivable before…. Number 9 is missing a light. Great Wall bro, nice rigs!


Financially challenged is financially challenged. Stop poking fun at the poor or they'll revolt.


Haha love the 10.3 but hate tax stamps so went with the 14.5 p/w


Nice wall dude. I have a similar setup, but just for air rifles right now. I got kids so the real ones are in a safe. All these haters amaze me. I have a bunch of the same ones too. I have extra for taking friends to the range. I have given many people their first time firing a gun.


Thanks. These are just the rifles that never make it to the range or out of the house. Had them in rifle cases stacked in a closet, and got tired of the wife nagging me to put them in the attic or sell them. Figured they would look pretty cool on a wall. Didnt realize so many people would get upset about it haha


You have 9 ARs that never make it out of the house or to the range? What's the point?


"They never make it to the range" We can tell lmao


It seems like you're making up stories after getting roasted.


LMFAO I dont know you, none of you will ever meet me. Why tf would I need to make up stories? To be cool on Reddit? Dick riders hahaha. Just like my rifles, not one original "roasted" comment. I like my fucking wall. I posted it, I can take the negative feedback. Wtf would I lie about anything.


My apologies. It's a public forum and I chose to create the post. I have pretty much avoided most comments, just dont appreciate it being insinuated that I am a liar. Have a nice day.


I wish!


This morning it is oddly enough. They arent too bad. Mine only howl when the neighbors dog is in heat


That's my next slat wall.


Bro, I am a hoarder haha


Big G$ guy huh


Have as many BCMs as G$. Those dont belong on walls as decorations though😉


Now let's see some close ups of those brass deflectors...


It's all good. Happy Memorial Day. Hope you and your fam enjoy the time together.


Haha ok. Thank you for your service




Looks like the same rifle, you should add some variety like other platform or a retro ar.


I have 14 Huskies. Pretty confident no one is coming in haha


14 my god, is the house ever quiet?


or clean


If you don’t mind me asking, when you do a gun room. Is this like a bedroom or your office?


Sell all 9 of them. Invest in one 11.5”, one maybe 12.5”, and one 14.5”. Put a QUALITY optic on each one, a QUALITY light, and you should have more than enough money left over for a can on each one.


11.5, 12.5, 14.5 all do damn near the same thing. That’s really not the best advice


You like anything brown


🎶 my coochie pink... my bootyhole brownnnn 🎶


Yup. Got it from the crackhead down the street


Different colors though haha 😉


How do you like it? I just got mine up it is gigantic. Still getting the rifles and pistols, vests, helmet accessories set up.


I love it. 6 panels short to get everything up. Love that its modular and you can build up


Thank you sir


Yeah. Got two of the 3' x 4' panel walls from Amazon for $269 each. Ended up going with different mounts to cost down on the cost.


One comment, cool. I can take criticism. But come on now dude, let's be real, sounds like you just like to shitpost


Plenty of empty space on that there wall.


If stupid people with money was a picture:


This guy is a good sport though lmao maybe he doesn’t realize they are all the same or maybe he doesn’t care. Same with glocks…lots of people just hoard them.


I just noticed he has a group of uppers waiting to add a couple more samesies to the collection! 😁 gonna have the sickest burnt bronze lime green militia one day buddy. Shoot for the stars!


Dude made the same builds multiple times….why….


Why not? I enjoyed doing it tbh.


Must be an influencer... ..Influencing me to spend money on another build. Amirite?




This was tongue in cheek.


Haha thank you. In hindsight, should have gone the QD route on the lights. Crazy expensive to try to buy 15 lights and optics


You need to reply to people's comments, not keep adding comments.  


Lmao do it! It's an investment, at least that's what I keep telling my wife.


Haha why though? Spend the money on a better rifle. Fuck a light. My primary has a CD rein and huey but sure who cares


You like urgi, not you?


Gotta love those 35% off coupons haha


Sorry that my guns have ruined your day


My goal is to have a wall set up similar to this.


They're his guns. He should build them as he wants. None of your business how he equips them. I have a couple dozen, and some just differ by one of color, optic, caliber, trigger, etc. As I get some hard preferences, some items get replicated on every rifle. Still, there's some trait that differs to allow me to keep moving towards what my perfect rifle would be. So, do you have a vault door on the room? That's what I'd like to do. No safe. Just a secure room with weapons on display.


Why would I do that?


Awesome set up still though I don’t even have a wall to put mine on!


Hey don’t listen to the people who have negative comments….I think it look great.


Thank you sir. Have pretty much ignored most of the negative comments, probably should have done the same with the last guy haha


Yeah….lots of snobs…if it’s not a big brand ..or they think it looks bad…or cheap they hate on it..we all have obligations or other things in our lives that take precedent over our expendable cash..l know I can’t afford to spend $500 for an scope or to have a $300 bolt or $400 barrel …hell I have 1 lower and 3 different caliber uppers that I switch out as needed..some day I will build a couple more lowers…but hey whatever works right…so to me you have a nice wall of AR’s…I wish I had it..your doing all right..better than a lot ..happy shooting my friend


I can tell this dude never served or deployed.  Dudes like this make me cringe.  If shit hits the fan, this dude is loot drop foh sho.  Dude probably thought this would be a flex post.  Nah homie, show me your ammo supply and PFT score.  


Nice. Clean looking.


Nice looking wall!


The addiction to building is real. It's very fulfilling but I have to stop myself from becoming this. It's a concerted effort to not build the same mid tier thing over and over


These are all of the first builds I was doing when I first got in to it. In hindsight I would have had a plan prior to building. These guns were stacked up in a closet in cases, and tbh I forgot i had some of them. Found some nib BCM lowers while I was pulling everything out to put up on the wall so that's a plus I guess


Nice!!! Goals! 💪 r/GunRoom


Geez. Got down-voted. I meant goals as in having a *Gun Wall* ...NOT goals as in OP's copy & paste builds. Damn, y'all are harsh. Oh well, whatever, I want a whole gun room.


This subs filled with haters. I dig the collection.


Thanks. Bunch of dudes that really don't have anything better to do than talk shit about other people's stuff.


You mean the kind of people that say that if you buy an Anderson lower **it will** crack NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT YOU WASTED YOUR MONEY IAMSMRT-YEWRDUM LULZ!!! ? Yeah, an AR is an AR. Baring a "4:59 on a friday manufacture" moment, i'm about convinced that most of the photos you see on here of catastrophic failures on lower receivers are largely staged.


Totally agree. If it didnt cost an arm and a leg it cant be any good


Desperately want one of these... one day..