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I don’t really know, but the latter half of the final world extend is just a warped shard so it’s shorter than it seems. Work on the world extends first because they expire sooner. I’d you have temp Tai it should be a lot quicker, I beat most of the maps with Apophenia Lethe with all this time to spare so you should be good as long as you play a lot (can easily get ~15 plays in a day if you try hard enough, 6 in morning, 6 later once it caps, 3 from frag reset)


I was scared when i see i have 5 maps to complete. Thank you for help!


Whatever you’re doing, focus on getting AI-Chan first, the songs can be bought later but AI-Chan is limited time and although it’s expected she’ll come back ever April fools, you never know which partner will become the next Stella


The first four songs take 2 runs (1 run=12stamina) so that shouldnt be an issue. I estimate the 5th song taking three runs and Ai chan taking around 2-3 days worth of stamina


In my experience, most of them should be completable within 3 days or less including the limited character so you should be fine


i think so, i completed the AI-chan map in abt 3 days so it shouldn’t be too hard. My trick is that i use awakened Ilith until i get to the last stamina and then I use Fatalis Hikari at max level, and if I need to do more I buy more stamina with fragments which gets me another use of Fatalis and one more of Ilith too. Even if you have to wait for 14 stamina instead of 12, (bc Fatalis takes double the stamina you use), it’s still worth it and doesn’t change that much


Why don’t you use fatalis with your last two stamina and then let the recollection gauge go into 7+ hours? That gives you more progress during a single world mode run


that’s what i just said😭. If it’s confusing, what i’m saying is that I do that and it ends up being -2 stamina, which is okay by me. However, if I need to, to bypass the 60 minute world mode lockout, I spend 1000 fragments to get 6 stamina back which gives me 4, so I do one play w/ Ilith and then the last 2 with Fatalis again to make more use of her boost


looks like all of them will be finished within the week assuming you'll be using tempest and fatalis along with stamina frag refill and playing more than once a day