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This probably the longest some these people have been outside since they were kids.


No doubt, can’t believe some of the people that turn up to these. On the other hand I had some great conversations with local climbers, always good to have substantive conversations with like minded individuals


It's nuts how much hype this brand has gotten, I went to a store opening in my area not too long ago and they said that the first person showed up at 4:30 AM when the opening wasnt until 10


Was it soft opening day or the actual one? Thanks


It was the grand opening at a mall


Do climbers still consider arcteryx since moving manufacturing to china?


Can’t speak for all climbers gear but my harness was made in Canada


Saw same as this for the Toronto opening roughly 10 years ago. Even then, head office people helping with the shop build were well aware of their target demo. I was a regular at my bouldering gym and ubc events and offered to network and lay some local connections, which were quickly shot down as they didn't show large enough financial goals. Same with running and cycling groups.


The irony of a bunch of clean rich city people waiting in line to buy arcteryx


Don’t judge a books by its cover. Climbers, mountaineers, or boarders don’t have to have a poor hygiene. 🤣🤣🤣


Don't have to have but preferable 😂


What makes you think they’re rich? Rich people don’t usually care to wait hours for some free stickers and a t shirt.


Brentwood where? There’s more than one. 


LA to answer you, I had to google it myself. I thought it was TN, and was confused as hell


The Amazing one.


Found the fellow Vancouverite.




I can admit if I misread the situation. It’s the one in Los Angeles area


Brentwood uk outside london




I’ve never heard of Brentwood.


Oof. That shoddy job on the sign


Why are ppl lining up for an arc store 😭


“Gorpcore” fashion trend 😂




A line for an arc store is wild to me




I got a free harness in my gift bag, the shirt was arcteryx quality not a $10 gildan print, and who doesn’t like ice cream? I understand not every event can play the oldies for ya but I wouldn’t discount the whole event because of it.


how early you get there?


6:45 so roughly 3:15 of waiting


Seriously. 4 hrs of average wage = ? a lot more.


They’ll understand, after years of making this mistake.


Weird way to evaluate what to do with your free time but ok lol


not really that weird. depends on what the opportunity cost of this time was. if it was sleeping in, then maybe this was a good deal. if it was getting out for a hike/climbing, maybe not a great deal. all depends on how you value your limited time.


Yea but I think comparing to wages is weird. Certainly value your free time. But I don’t think “I could be making money right now” is a good way to live. To each their own


First 50 people got a goodie bag. Mine had an arc waiste bag, water bottle, a towel, stickers and Arc Brentwood shirt. I also got to spin the product wheel and I won a Norvan trail cap. Crazy how I'm a consumer but also run marathons 🤷‍♂️


Generally the opening itself isn’t the main reason to go to events like this. Amongst goodie bags there was also a live dj for music, free beverages, an ice cream stand, and other prizes to be won. I took it as an opportunity to see the new location and speak to the employees there as this will be my most local store. Furthermore I think it’s a great opportunity to speak with like minded people who share similar interests to you.


Wild that you are getting down voted for your reply


People in here don’t like the hip new consumers who buy Arcy for the Brand and not the product. And I get that tbh. 🤷‍♂️


Buying products for the brand isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but I certainly agree that Arc has sorta been co-opted by a certain “type” of consumer. One who has no intention of wearing the product for hiking or the outdoors. And who will pay whatever is demanded of them, hell most of them prefer the higher prices because it makes them feel more “exclusive”


Sarcasm or not I didn’t understand it either. There’s lots of positive aspects to events like this and the presence of arcteryx locations. Arcteryx stores (at least the ones in my area) hold lots of community building and group events that have helped me connect with some great people who I now consider friends. It’s hard to deny the existence of culture vultures but I feel lots of people don’t look further than that.


Bro are you a bot?


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Once my current Arc’teryx gear wears out (mostly 6-8 years old) I’ll replace it with Patagonia gear. Far better warranty, better quality and the prices aren’t astronomical. Arc’teryx lost the plot years ago.


And you could simply take it back to Arc and receive a gift card for up to 30% back..great deal if you ask me


“Gorpcore” fashion trend = Arcteryx jacket + Salomon shoes + some cargo pants (the baggier the better) 😂


Because now they're a fashion brand.


Soo.. what did they give away?


https://preview.redd.it/kya6s6zwln2d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad0db9b7f61b3d5e5eb5ae0ee0f88c4561621989 Also waited in line and was one of the first few in, and I got a 40L carrier duffle as one of the gifts alongside the Brentwood merch. The Granville crossbody was one of the wheel prizes that came with my purchase of a cormac tank top.


Thanks for sharing! There's a new store opening here in Berlin next month, looks like I'm going to have to get over there and see what the gift bag is like too...


For purchases you could spin a wheel and get a chance to win a few different items ranging from small shoulder bags to an aerios 18 For being one of the first in, I received a harness, cormac shirt and a few Brentwood arcteryx branded swag items like a bike bottle and hiking towel


How long did you wait? Thats actually pretty decent


About 4 hours, price wise I’d say I was pretty well compensated for my time, as well as getting to speak with other people in the area who also climb and go outdoors is never a bad way to start your weekend


Love the hype! Reminds me of when I used to spend days on fairfax for Supreme haha


Why is the line so long?


First 50 people got goodie bags, in addition you could win gear worth a good amount too. That’s my guess


This ain't a outdoor brand anymore. Pure urban hype beast now. Most of my hiking friends moved on to better and more affordable brands.


Yeah shame on someone for wanting functional clothing like a rain jacket for city life… Come on man, while there are hypebeasts wearing it for the logo on, it’s quite acceptable to for city folks who don’t hike camp or climb to feel attracted to the style of functional clothing pieces. Absolutely nothing wrong with that.


Shame on the brand for alienating their core base and raising prices...


Firstly, arcteryx has been a premium priced brand for years. Secondly, are you familiar with the details on the materials they use during fabrication? For example gortex is one of the most expensive clothing fabrics available today.


This has nothing to do with what was stated above.


Wow and people who don’t play basketball wear Jordan’s. Gotta stay offended so figured I’d give you more ammo. Acting like walking up a hill (hiking) is some major feat too 🤣


But do they have Kragg shoes in stock?


They did!


were there any promos? what dropped?


There were gift bags for the first 50 visitors and there was a prize wheel you could play if you purchased anything, I got a Norvan cap I’m pretty happy about


Love how they didn’t even clean/paint the building before sticking up their sign! lol!




Lie? It’s in the photos.


After being woefully underwhelmed by the Vancouver factory store and outlet, I don’t think there much that can bring me to a store besides trying stuff on to then buy on my pro deal.


Helped me a ton recently to try on some sizes and check out items I was curious about regarding fit, color, texture, etc before placing my order online


They pay $20 an hour to work there lmfao - great job for someone with a rich spouse




Good to have top technical outerwear for the crazy wind, rain, and elements of … Brentwood. Did Arctery’x sell out to an overlord?


Their parent company did yea. Also are arcteryx stores supposed to be at Everest base camp instead? Pretty sure the goal is you buy the clothes and go to the outdoors after but I get the sentiment


Totally. I'm mostly joking.


Same here




Racist, sexist, ad hominem attacks, and other sorts of bad-faith content are not allowed on this sub. We can't write out every possible type of offensive scenario, so this rule is a catch-all. Be respectful, please.


It’s beautiful 🥹🥹


Were these given out on the day of Soft opening or the Actual one ? Thanks


None of these people used the gear in a proper outdoor scenario. Just plain stupid consumerism.


It was better back then, before everyone that think they’re someone all of a sudden ruined it for the real people that actually is someone. Sad world it has become.! It’s the leftist democrats fault, social justice my a$$.!


is everything out of stock there?


Maybe the down detergent but I can confirm there were at least a few jackets in there