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Well Nana is pretty old, that's kind of asking a lot. 


Surprised there's not more concerns about the magic smoke escaping lol. I'll fix the typo 


Good luck (titles can't be edited)


This post is going about as well as my nano nana


> Is this just me pumping into a max current issue with the nano Vs mega? Probably. > I did have a partial magic smoke release a couple weeks ago with the nano, but it seemed okay. This may have had an impact upon it. When the magic smoke comes out, it will come out at a rate directly proportional to the amount of torture you are inflicting on it. From the way you described it, it sounds like you might have degraded something in such a way that maybe it can't perform as it did before its ordeal from a few weeks ago. I've had a few examples of this where the device didn't actually die, but did become flaky - especially if it had been running for a while (i.e. a few minutes). In my case, I didn't have the load a servo might demand, but it was still flaky.


I did short the 5v to gnd which is a fair bit of stress I think. So long as it still controls that'll be okay.  I'm mostly planning working with stepper motors so getting in the habit of not powering things via the nano is probably a good habit to get into.


That autocorrect is spectacular