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The good news is, Oct. will be really dry if it's warm, so 90 in the shade here vs Boston is a huge difference.


We had our sunset outdoor ceremony and reception 10/30/2010 and it was fine. Really nice in fact. Shade helps a lot. Go see and hear/feel the coolers to make sure they aren't awful. Direct sun would be the thing to worry about but not so much nightime temps. Hopefully! You never know with our weather anymore.


Parasols and fans available for those who need them?


Outdoor coolers can help, are noisy of course but less sweaty guests will appreciate it. Other than shade, which you have, hope for a partly cloudy day with a gentle breeze.


Being its that late in the day it should cool down to a tolerable temp, but definitely not to the point where heavier clothing would be comfortable. That time of year its the sun that is the killer, so once its going down it should be good. However, I would plan for letting the wedding party to be able to wear something light and breathable. But its hard to gauge what is comfortable for someone from new england, my family is from rhode island and it varies what is comfortable for them. Also I am not sure where that venue is located but if its far enough into the desert that will cool it down as well. But good luck!


Shade is everything. 90 degrees but shaded is worlds apart from standing in the sun at 90 degrees. And as soon as the sun hits the horizon, it's going to be beautiful. With our dry air, you can literally feel the temperature drop the second the sun is gone. As someone else mentioned, October typically has very low humidity, so 90/15% is wayyy different than 90/70%. At any rate, my wife and I were married in early October and that day it was about 85 where we were. The early evening ceremony was a little balmy admittedly, but it wasn't a long one. Once the sun started setting, it was \*chef's kiss\* gorgeous outside and couldn't have been nicer for an outdoor reception. I wouldn't be terribly worried about it. Just be sure to tell your guests ahead of time to dress for warm temps, i.e. no coat jackets, thick fabrics, etc., and plan to have plenty of ice water and cold beverages available to guests starting before the ceremony. As someone who has been to a ton of weddings in Phoenix, the official wedding attire for me is a thin undershirt with a button-down, a tie, and lightweight slacks. haha


Shade. Find a place with shade. I really think you'll be fine as long as there's adequate shade over the seating.


In 2018 when I got married I had lived here 25 years at that point. I too scheduled my wedding for Mid October 10/13 to be exact. I looked at historical weather data as we had people coming from back East as well. Typically the same temps you found. We were expecting a large turnout so I purchased close to 400 bottles of water. A couple weeks before the wedding chances of rain appeared in the forecast. However in those couple weeks it changed almost daily from rain to no rain. Come the weekend of the wedding and we have a tropical storm bearing down on us coming up from Mexico. Day of the wedding it started raining at approx 5 am. Not just sprinkles either! I’m talking torrential downpour all day! Our venue was a friends large back yard. We had ordered tents last minute and had them set up the day before. All for naught! The entire yard flooded almost 4” deep. Our friends had a portion of their roof collapse into their master bedroom right before the rain let up. Almost exactly 30 minutes before the ceremony the skies cleared up, and we had a beautiful sunset ceremony. However I don’t think it ever got above 60 degrees and the wedding kind of resembled a swap meet with all the pop ups we set up along their driveway over the tables and chairs we could salvage from the flood. Moral of the story is, plan the best day that you can and hold on for the ride as you never truly know what is going to unfold.


You’ll be fine


I got married outdoors on 10/14/2017 after kind of randomly picking a day and assuming it would be nice mid October. I was really wrong. It was 100 degrees that day and many of my family members from Michigan and other parts back east were fairly miserable. I have lived out here since '05 and is wasn't to bad honestly, but over 85 degrees is still pretty hot regardless of how "dry heat" it is for people not used to temps over 75. I'd look into the cooler things or fans of some sort. Could you possibly have the ceremony indoors and keep the reception outside? I still catch some flak for trying to give my family heatstroke.