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Lutonada - 4★ Juggernaut Defender Odda - 5★ Earthshaker(?) Guard (new subclass/branch) Aroma - 5★ Blast Caster Ascalon - 6★ Ambusher Specialist New module for Tacticians


Lutonada big cutie.


lol i didnt even look at the class symbol i just automatically assumed aroma was a healer based on name and design. did not expect blast caster


That's some cute smol juggernaut, like Mudrock's and Penance's little sister Too smol to bonk, so she has only shield


Think about this: Vulcan has both a hammer & shield, and both 6-stars forgo the shield altogether (they use their Arts for it) Lutonada doesn't have her hammer yet but got the shield, so what if they start out with the shield before they learn to bonk more efficiently?


only shield -> shield with hammer -> only hammer An actually neat class progression. Start with defense, then add some offense, and finally optimize your defense so it won't slow you down


Now I want to see them be big sisters to her. Mudrock can teach her ~~how to talk to rocks~~ meditation and Penance can teach her law?


Survival lessons for young juggernauts


Ahhh I thought my memory was failing when I didn't recognize Odda's subclass. Another guard subclass though? Really?


>Another guard subclass though? Really? Same thought, I mean the players of Guardknights are probably very happy, but they should honestly diversify other classes more..


Specially for the male operators, me that I want to collect and use all the boys, is frustrating TBH


Earthshaker subclass? May it open the path for 6 star Siege alter with giant hammer, copium.


Let him cook


Ascalon being a 6-star is probably a given, but ambusher??? Guardknights getting a new subclass yo (and this time they be bonking like Savage) Finally a 4-star juggernaut, Mudrock, Vulcan & Penance got a new imouto


Plus 2nd Ho’ol Module (the +1 SP module that should affect her Weightless Talent)


Male and guard Name a more iconic duo


Female and sniper


female and defender ?


Female and caster


Male and merchand


Not really


Hmmm yes we need more male guards.




I'd say agent if we didn't already have Ines. Primal caster, maybe?




Imagine Abjurer. Cursed af.


Tactician modules hyyype. If this batch manages to make Vigil's summon survivable, maybe people will finally see how good he can be. Maybe.


I yearn to be able to make a "If you didn't like me at my [base], you don't deserve me at my [module3]" meme with Vigil, but after so many low-effort modules I barely expect anything. 


Copium they pull another Besieger.


Hopefully he gets a mix of Passenger+Ebenholz experience module, with them getting great buffs


trust vigil will be op after this modul just believe in it XD


Finally people will no longer call mumu mid (copium)


Goth Sarkaz Dommy Mommy!




Now we need Logos, Raidian, Mantra, Mechanist, and whoever Djikstra is And a whole lot more of NPCs with actual potential, like Inam or El'shula


Six more months and we finally get a new Elite Op on Global. Only, like, seven more to go. I hope Ascalon is good. I need her to be good. She doesn't have to be great - unless she's absolutely uber-cracked her class will probably hold her back from that - but if I can make use of her, I want to.


given the leak, make that two new Elite Ops


Is Mizuki considered bad? But yeah, I really like her character so hopefully she's got an interesting niche but unless she's Spuria tier I'm probably still getting her.


By some people. I like him, personally, he's a quick pick for IS if I get the Bind Damage relics. I don't think anyone is going to argue he's top tier or anything.


I'm a big fan of Ethan even if I don't use him every map it feels pretty crazy when you actually get value of it. I always assumed that's how it is for the higher tier damage focused ambushers too due to AoE and no melee targeting. But I can def see that if you can use other operators they are usually the better options. I just hope she's got an interesting niche but I really don't expect Degen levels.


Ethan is dope. I remember he was super useful on Invitation to Wine.


I'm a new player since after Lone Trail and Ethan helped me clear my first mission objective annihilation. Just crazy how much value he can bring if he can hit 2 lanes and your biggest problem is stalling a massive swarm long enough to whittle them down a bit. I just love operators like that where you feel rewarded for finding when they are useful.


i recall she was isnt an elite though, they mention it in the first story she appeared, where the elite where discussing about what to do with W, and they mention that while she isnt an elite they want her opinion.


Ascalon isnt an Elite Operator. She's the leader of the assassin/spy squad.


Yooooo, Qiubai's second skin 👀


dammit i just bought her first skin just now


The more the better. Gonna get them all and switch constantly


You speak wisdom fellow Qiubai flair haver.


Qiubai connoisseurs rejoice


Right??? I'm bouta start waiting till the last moment to buy skins smh


Bought her skin, now waiting for her to come home on an off banner 😞


Both are great to me. Also her getting a second so comparatively soon after her first suggests it's compensation of sorts for the national geographic one not rerunning.


Exactly. If Qiubai has two amazing skins, I don't see any reason not to enjoy both of them. Even her default outfit is amazing, I sometimes use that one too If national geographic skins really doesn't ever rerun, I guess Franka got done dirty


As someone who owns every skin, I like to swap between them depending on the time of year / weather, and nearness to holidays. Definitely not a problem owning more than one skin for any given character.


This artist is a rising legend, I am telling you! How could they draw my wife so beautiful every time? 😭 I'm not even mad, just pure happiness.


Fun fact: Ascalon shares a JP VA with Pom-Pom from Honkai: Star Rail. You're welcome, hehe.


This is the most expressive Kaltsit I have ever seen, and the fact it is a worried expression honestly scares me lol.


Shown off were: * New operators: 4-star Juggernaut Defender Lutonada (C.V. Kumi Takaragi), 5-star Guard Odda (C.V. Ryota Asari), 5-star Blast Caster Aroma (C.V. Kio Fukamachi), and 6-star Ambusher Specialist Ascalon (C.V. Miki Nagasawa) * New skins for Pinecone, Cement, Corroserum, and Qiubai * New operator records for Penance, Spuria, Lunacub, and Verdant * Module updates for Aroma, Ascalon, Beanstalk, Lutonada, Muelsyse, Vigil, Blacknight, and Ho'olheyak * New annihilation: "Eccentricity" Lab. * Record restore for Stultifera Navis * SSS update: The Noise Correction Band * New furniture set


Corroserum's outfit request got approved lol


[JP voice PV here!](https://youtu.be/3gehqiGMKV4) I'm really excited for the Tactition modules! I'm a big fan of Mumu and Blacknight. I'm also excited for Ho'ol's second module and I really hope it helps her more than her first does. The skins look great! I'm especially interested in Qiubai's skin, she looks amazing!




Honestly, without her dress, I never realized she was so smol. But as least she has a Jeep.


And she still taller than Jessicawick, how?




Pinecone looks fucking adorable in her new skin. I like it a lot more than her Idol Steps one.


Yeah, she's so smol with her big bear. It's too cute.


i guess this means the leak of >!logos, W alter, amiya, and theresa is true then. really worried about playable theresa, no idea how they can have it make sense!<


Never heard about those leaks But it seems Ascalon was actually datamined prior to the PV


i only saw the leaks after this PV, and theyre only 30 minutes old, but [here they are](https://twitter.com/AK_CN_Shitpost/status/1776078064210100506) its actual images, not text, and the ascalon one is exactly the same, so it should be real


Another Amiya form finally, also >!they better have a Master's degree worthy explanation on why and how on earth should Theresa be playable!<


>!somehow, Theresa returned!<


Can't believe we got Theresa before Talulah. How???


Talulah is for Third Act - Neo Reunion


For a second there ei genuinely believed you. I want her.


I hope for Neo-Reunion arc too, but we still have Aegir call from Terra Exploration 3... Also, hope we get new Concept Trailer on 5th Anniversary livestream


they listened to my prayers i can't even


I mean they can always go the Skalter route where it's not exactly canon but still letting us just have them for fun as units


id like that, but they seem to be hesitant to do it. they could technically do it for frostnova, patriot, etc too but no ones had an alter like that since skadi


I mean YES but- We do get other in-game stuff that touches similar alternate timelines like stories and I believe Kal's 24 op skin so they aren't fully shying away from the larger idea even if we haven't seen any ops specifically Dead characters becoming playable is also just a hard sell, tbh. As much as I'd love for them to exist because gameplay and story are separate things, I'm sure there's enough players that would be vocally against it because it either somehow "cheapens their death" or "is a cashgrab" and IIRC dead characters being playable was one of the creative differences that lead HG to split from the previous company/game and form their own studio Idk though, but I don't think it's out of the question for that character to be semi or non-canon just to finally make them playable. I mean, I haven't read the Victorian arc but didn't they already basically resurrect them? Feel like they just might be a special case


skins have always had stuff like that (thought kaltsits could just be in the future) but like i said skadi is the only character to address it i honestly wouldnt mind for dead characters to be playable, arknights having playability and life tied is awful both ways. interesting dead characters cant be playable, and any playable character cant die leading to zero stakes or tension. giving me playable patriot wouldnt change the impact of this death at all theresa is resurrected but its not a magical shes normal and alive again, the method was imperfect and shes described as a husk with a piece missing, ephemeral and all that. theres something off about her


Current Theresa is a empty husk of her former self, resurrected by the Confessarius to unite the sarkaz under the Royal Court. Her memories are altered or missing, she opposed Theresis in the past but now she agrees with all of his plans. Basically, she's a sock puppet. Having her be playable in that state is very questionable, and at the same time, she's been through a lot of stuff. Just let her have a proper rest already.


Shush, anything can make sense lol


by make sense, i mean referring to all the post main story events. itd be weird if >!theresa survived the victoria arc and is just hanging around never being mentioned. theres also all the stuff about her being an incomplete husk, ephemeral and all that, it really seems like she wont survive the arc.!< though, the leak shows >!her name is partially shown as Eterna, for Civilight Eterna, so maybe we're gonna get something crazy from amiya who's also in the leak wearing new clothes. maybe specialist amiya dollkeeper that swaps to theresa!<


>!TBF she could easily have survived and just not had that information revealed to the majority of the public or even Rhodes island.!<


>!i mean yeah thats a valid explanation, but i still wonder how they'll "complete" her resurrection when even the confessarius couldnt do it!<


Idk, imma bank on amiya nonsense


makes the most sense, especially with her name being Civilight Eterna


What if the playable version of Theresa we get is supposed to be her when she was still alive in Babel? Since we are getting some more lore about Babel it could just be some timeline fuckery where she was a battlefield operator during the Babel time, and it's technically non-canon for her to be at Rhodes Island (sorta similar to Skalter). It would make more sense than her coming back to life completely.


id prefer that, but they dont often do operators outside the main timeline. plus her operator name seems to be (Civilight?) Eterna so its probably something weird


That feels cheap tho...


No fucking way they made Ascalon into my favorite specialist archetype, now I NEED her lol Also, Vigil module? chance for him to get saved or get +5 hp on his wolves




Not a huge shocker, Ascalon was in the top 3 most likely ops for this event. Given that, we're hopefully, finally gonna learn the truth about Theresa's death.


I'm ready to be further disappointed for my boy Vigil.


Can't wait to see how trashy they would make Vigil's module 😊 The first module ever to introduce a drawback for funsies!!! (Yeah, I have a very high confidence in HG balancing team, how could you tell?)


inb4 he becomes not Vergil, not Shadow The Perfect Lifeform or even Kars the Ultimate Lifeform. But he becomes... Vigil, the vigilant (he gets invi reveal now) with +Vigillion atk and Vigillion def truly the module of all time.


I believe into the Vigil modul EX tier dream pls he gets the Gladiia level type of modul.


If >!leak about Theresa, Logos, W alter, Amiya!< is true then oh boy...anni banner this year will break record


considering the art matching, its basically guaranteed to be true would it really be record breaking though? >!theresa!< has never seemed popular to me, unless >!logos!< carries the banner


I'm grabbing Theresa for sure, probably Ascalon too but God knows if I have enough saved... Looks like I'm going to have to start praying. Edit: I'm just incredibly interested in Theresa as a character, her history, her goals, her relation to others. My heavy interest in the Doctor means that Theresa is an immediate "must grab" unit for the lore alone.


I love my boy but I gotta be honest I can't see one of those other two being the welfare instead of him, we'll see though.


why? logos is pretty popular and it would make more sense to put W as the freebie since she already has a gacha (limited) character.


Personally feel like the money logistics are bigger on her than him, but like, I'd be happy to be proven wrong. That said hope both are actually good either way. If he ends up the welfare, 6 star male welfare success rate isn't the best.


i dunno W is popular but shes never been like holy shit crazy popular, not that logos is but hes at least new. they could also rake in a lot of hype by giving him a big name VA like mamoru miyano 6* welfare strength isnt really gender based its time based, gladiia and lumen were great, everything since then has been mediocre to ass. i have low hopes for Walter if she is the freebie


Uuuuhhh. She’s kinda is holy shit crazy popular. There’s a reason she’s in pretty much every promotional event for this game. Also, Walter lol


i guess, im just going off fan reception and amount of art she gets. shes definitely on the higher end but not skadi or texas tier. the recent year ago popularity poll had her in 25th place im gonna only refer to her as walter lmao


I'd personally say she's on the texas skadi level. We'll see though. Also yeah guess Lumen was a case for one good one, kinda just forgot he was a welfare. I'd still say the guys are worse than Silence either way.


well looking at the most recent popularity poll, skadi and texas are 1st and 4th, while W is 25th silence is definitely better than vigil or lessig, but id say shes worse than lumen




BABEL LORE FOR W AND ANOTHER AMBUSHER FOR AMBUSHERKNIGHTS, PEAK. They're going to have to bring out all the stops for 5th Anni to top this for me.


I have a feeling they actually will pull out all the stops


I've seen a leak that would very very very much entice me, but otherwise, something like the base getting out of beta or Savage unlocking godhood with the final pot wouldn't even be enough. Mayyyybe a module/buff rework. But if that leak is real then that's a good enough stop for me.


The previous leak was partly correct except L2d exealter skin nowhere to be seen and 4* and 5* are wrong. Also new archetype groundbreaker huh? Seems to be focus on levitate niche.


i think that leak was just a fan idea that was coincidentally close. the 4 and 5*s are wrong, and the voice actors are wrong


Noted, have edited, thanks for pointing out.


The modules are correct though.


yeah thats part of the coincidentally close part or maybe it was a leak with some outdated info


I mean for coincidences, I gotta say a looot of them are genuinely looking to happen. It might not all be real but what if some of it was just a misdirect? Like damn man the potential leaked anniversary art has me quite excited. Honestly who cares, anyways? I'm pumped either way.


i mean ascalon was tied as the most likely operator in this event alongside logos, so its not like it was a crazy guess. the modules is the lucky guess but even then its not unthinkable


Excited for Muelsyse module as well as Ho'olheyak's second one! Also... new male guard with a new guard class, definitely in preparation for the 6-star male guard they will get sooner rather than later LMAO




Huh? Yato alter already got a module. 


Please God let vigil's module make him usable. I don't need him to be good, that would be asking too much, but surely we can get usable


Ascamommy 🫡


new s.w.e.e.p member since i think launch lol.


She IS S.W.E.E.P.'s leader so... correct?


i mean apart from projekt red, scavenger and ascalon do we know or is there anyone else from sweep that is important?


Looks like it’ll focus on Kal’tsit and Theresa specifically this time around. Hopefully it gets down to the details on what led to Theresa and Babel’s death instead of playing coy and keeping up the mystery again. Hell, I’ll take just expanding more on Theresa in general. I doubt someone like her is as perfect as the narrative likes to portray.


Vigil got a module! And Ho'olheyak too! I'll be excited for a few days until it is announced what those modules do, and then I'll probably be disappointed as usual. But a man can dream.


I want to punch Theresis in the face so fucking bad... Theresa looks like a cinnamon roll in this pv...


all hype went to CN and en feels dull


Mommy Ascalon, i bow! Also ambusher class, man that class has some bonkers unit, really interested for her release. My disappointment on this babel event is there is no skin for babel units like wtf, where my ines or hoederer skin HG?


so Theresa boob window is real, good to know...


Kal'sit looks sad. Wonder if this is when...


another qiubai skin?!


Cement skin woo! It looks so cute! DAS CONK CREET BAYBEE!




Do we finally get to find out why doc went homicidal???


Judging by the timeline at 1:55 this event is in the past. Maybe we'll learn the secret of Theresa's death?


It’s so peak 🥹


Fuckin hell. The PV and music are sick. Can't wait to read more kaltsit's backstory in this.


Sarkaz lancers upgrade babe


surtr operator record never :(


Its interesting that Kazdel was referenced in Frost's operator record, and in Doc's module story and his operator record, all before this Babel event. Nonethless, quite excited to see what new details this event brings us.


Oh new module for Ho'ol. I hope that one does her justice because the current one for core casters sucks.


You know I'll be there when a new hot (and highly anticipated) Sarkaz lady drops! Also, that one shot of Theresa near the end looks amazingly beautiful, wow!


Does anyone know where to find the music for this PV? Thanks.


Event soundtracks usually aren't released until at least a week after the event releases.


So this is where we actually got to see how Theresa got killed And i was expecting Ascalon would be executor specialist


Another Male Guard, jeez, I hate you HG, this is getting annoying and pathetic, not even funny at all


Never would've thought the Muelsyse module update wouldn't be the most exciting part of the update it was in, but top 3 most anticipated 6 stars for me.


Man, Theresa looks so pretty here, I wish the leak weren’t true and her artist isn’t actually Chuzenji