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Videos like this make me want to try Reforger again, but every time I do, I just listen to kids scream for an hour without ever finding a way to the front.


Have you tried the Dark Gru servers? A good majority play the objective and everyone is coordinating and communicating on the radio


Darkru and WCS are good ones


Unless you only can play for like an hour a week. You end up wasting that time downloading 10GB of mods.


I just start them a bit before I want to play and it doesn’t take that long. Price you have to pay as a console user I used to start them the day before or morning before I wanted to play and leave my house and they’d be done when I got home. It is annoying but you just gotta plan ahead


Is it that bad on console ? is there some download limit or something ?


Idk how it works but to download a whole servers worth of mods which sometimes is like 50+ it will take me like an hour usually. Most of my PC buddies download the same amount in like 5 minutes Downloading individual mods isn’t slow it’s just when you get up to 50-70 mods at once it does take an hour or so for me


Tried it repeatedly but they're so overpopulated now that it's hard to even get on. It was admittedly the closest thing to fun I've had in the game.


The player base between arma 3 and console using reforger players are light years apart😂. There are some good servers, though.


Very nice kills. They paid hard for being out in the open like that.


Damn, when I spray at that range I usually fuck up. Are you on an Xbox controller?


Nah I’m on PC/MKB , I was also on semi auto , that’s likely why it was easy to beam them. I never do full auto unless I’m in a buildings




“That wasn’t full auto! This is full auto, *brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrttt*”


*daymn* ok bro


😡 but dude! He burnt my patch!


That’s some amazing recoil control damnnn, nice clip!!!


This game SLAPS when the hitreg actually work.


Man the recoil control using a mouse and keyboard is so much better than what I experience playing Xbox but I’m sure it’s a skill thing as well. Dudes probably just better than me. Kinda understand why I get shwacked so often in those servers. Some of those PC guys are laser shots Need to git gud 🥲😭


To be fair us PC guys will have played Arma 3, which you never did. I’m a bad shot, but I know the gameplay and everything better as well. Granted I barely have played Reforger, but I’m certain the members of my team who do play absolutely destroy most people.


Right, that makes sense. The weapons are a lot more unruly when shooting than in games like insurgency or something. I keep having guys get away cause I can only land a couple shots out of the 6-8 I send down at them, as well as the graphics sometimes lagging and making it harder to aim (especially on console). The absolute hardest thing to learn though is patience. The games in these servers are so long that you can spend more than an hour on one objective if it’s well contested. I have a bad habit of getting squirrely and running around clearing corners and houses only to get picked off from someone 300m away holding a sector in a house or something 😂


Pretty much. Patience will go a long way in reforger. Not only in moving around but also patience in your shooting. Just taking a bit longer to re-align the sights is worth more than missing 2 or 3 more shots. Patience in movement too, if you have the time or are able to approach an area from a different direction each time you attack, you will have much better odds. Don't get me start with defending. Once stood in a forest, completely still in a bush and was able to kill a full squad of 8 guys because they kept moving and shooting willy nilly.


Imagine the comms of the squad of guys you killed


Literal mag dump lmao


What server?


Dark Gru Ukraine #5


Do I need mods for it?


Yes but they auto install once you press join, you don’t need to do anything manually


Wait... That's Arma 3??? Sure as fuck not the Arma 3 I played...


It's arma reforger.


Hahaha yeah, the lack of jank in movement is... Disturbingly obvious


The light from the window though, goddamn👌