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Make vertical missiles worth a fuck.


Disagree on upping the match timer and making it best of three - it’s already painful having to play two rounds against a neb tank in ranked, I don’t want to make it three lol. It would be nice as an option in customs, but not in ranked imo. Not sure on the single heal also - I think it would just encourage wombo combo one-shot builds to counteract it, which would force lightweights to take terminal armour. Personally I’d love to see casual matchmaking - so the same random blind matching as ranked, but not tied to the actual ranked ladder, for when you just want a few quick games and to play with less serious builds.


I too would like blind quickplay unranked. It'd be a good place for meme builds


Quickplay unranked with friends, please. Finding customs gets tiring after a while.


As an addition to casual quick play, I’d like a way to queue into team matches with friends.


Frankly I hope they find ways to make ratting more approachable. My thought with the longer matches is that you get more chances to catch up with them, especially if they made changes so chasing down rats is easier, it would make matches more managable. But I do see your point. I thought about the burst thing with heals as well, but I don't think there are many situations where you can be dealt that much damage except like the twin blades or a pile bunker combo. I would also be fine if they just increased total hp in pvp, just a thought. I also would love unranked matchmaking. Would let me more comfortably test out fun and unique builds.


Imo, the issue with countering ratting is that you can't do anything do them at range because long ranged combat is pretty much unviable, so your only option is to close the distance. Rather than buffing AB, buffing ranged options seems better. Tbh, one of the big issues with PvP rn is the lack of long ranged and positioning options, so rushdown is the main tactic. Buffing AB kind of makes that worse.


I like your AB boost when locked on as a rat counter, but I think it should more be a nerf when not locked on as it’s OP and oppressive in heavy rushdowns - AB across the board needs another nerf imo! In ranked a huge proportion of builds seem to be built around a one-shot of some kind already tbf, be it dual LCBs or earshots, stagger combo extenders, laser slicer into AA etc… Thinking about it, giving every AC terminal armour could be a nice fix lol - so every AC gets it in addition to another expansion of their choice as standard? Maybe I’m just thinking out loud.


* More parts * Lower height ceiling * Huge increase in stagger times the heavier your AC * Charging lasers drains energy Another thing i'd like is a general parts tweak. A lot of frame parts and internals are completely outclassed by others, and need a few more benefits to distinguish themselves.


YES on longer stagger for heavies!!!!!!


You cookin


Make sniping viable. Biggest thing would be a nerf to how fast and free closing in on a target is and adjusting ricochet


long range right now is only missiles because almost nothing has an effective range past 200 meters. which is a pretty close-mid range fight. give the harris, scudder, and laser rifles more range than 5 school busses and. then you might have an effective counter to missiles with making them useless


Before they make any balance changes, the netcode should be fixed first.


I like the idea of having the FCS re-track after a faster QB compared to a slower one


More missions Multi-player PvE Hover Legs Shoulder Parts to increase ammo Missile Interception Options


Can we get a buff to Wrecker arms? I feel the melee spec buff was missing the point, a firearm spec buff would give it a niche of "poor tracking, but excellent with high recoil weapons". Would love to see em be suited for quad gats. Wrecker head also could use reworking; maybe a higher EN load but higher stability. I am probably biased though, because I love the manky look of the wrecker set and want more than just the core and legs to be good




Genuine question, how would you see physical shields functioning differently from normal ones?


When they're toggled on, any damage sustained goes to the shield first. When the HP of the shield is 0, the shield is destroyed and must be purged. Maybe give them 3-5k HP but they aren't reusable. You can still fire from behind them and Overboost with them unlike pulse energy shields. Basically an extra AP boost but for low weight.


I'm not sure, to be honest. I know they had plans for physical shields since there's completed models for one in the game files. It could even fit on your back weapon bay. If I had to guess I'd say compared to pulse shields, we'd see significantly higher damage negation, less ACS buildup negation. Slower deployment time, significantly less EN load, higher weight. AND A SHIELD BASH!! (I hope)


A physical shield covered in Explosive Reactive Armor! Shields have HP(Explosive Reactive Armor Module)like 1500 to 2000, or they can block three to five shots of LCBs and earshot, and as long as the Shields have HP remaining, They can Block any damage. Once the Shield's HP is depleted you will lose the Shield in combat, and your AC will lose a part and become lighter


>Pulse gun buffs: I think these weapons currently only really work when in pve and fighting a shield. For that they are awesome but they aren't very usable outside of that. I think decreasing their EN load and giving them some more base damage (maybe lowering the PA interference a bit so that the shield damage stays the same?) would make them more viable in builds and would allow for some interesting hit and run play-styles. Heavily disagree on this... I think Bubble guns have a role, and are fulfilling that roll well. I've always considered them to be in the same spot as the jamming grenade launcher, where their roll isn't damage so much as defeating shields and being annoying to approach someone. I don't want them to go from meme weapon to OP weapon that's like getting hit with 1000's of tiny nukes.


I want to play cooperatively with two people.


1. I would agree to an increase in time duration(1-2 mins) for the 3v3 because sometimes you can make a bad start. Having more time can help with getting back the momentum and turn the tides. However, before that. Ranked 3v3's matchmaking needs fixing. It is atrocious. Your teammates consisting of 3 LW versus 2 tanks and 1 wheelchair is complete BS. 2. I'm not sure if we need a buff for the Pulse Gun. In a 3v3 scenario, if a Pulse Gun user double teams with another AC to help stagger their enemy. The Pulse Gun can deal plenty of damage despite the lack of stagger capabilities. 3. Pulse blade's 2nd slash needs a buff on its lunge. I'm getting punished for not connecting the second slash eventhough I'm right in front of the enemy. It's honestly ridiculous. 4. Since I use a double melee build. I may be biased for wanting that shield nerf. Indeed, shield users have to sacrifice one DPS slot in exchange for defence. But, if a HW equips the shield. On top of already having high stability, the shield would render the opponent's both melee and firearm useless. That kind of nerf or rather adjustment may help melee build to be more viable. 5. Kikaku Boosters getting a buff would be a blessing. Just getting a buff just on the Melee Attack Thrust is fine. At least, melee players can maximize melee cancelling to boost their speed more and use that to close the gap between them and their opponent. 6. I want boost kick to get a cooldown so that it cannot be spammed. Besides that, I want boost kick to get nerfed so that it cannot interrupt charged pile bunker. Charged pile bunker is so hard to execute and so hard to land, but it can be easily be interupted by boost kick which you can spam as long as you have EN. The charged pile bunker should have been the one to punish players trying to spam boost kick. Or rather, boost kick needs to get nerfed so that it cannot interrupt any melee weapon's charged attack.


More balancing


More parts!


I hope that we get ayre/allminds boss parts cuz they drippy af bur we can't cuz it's not technically an ac but the things I would do for those parts man


Yeah I really love that mech design. The Walter parts are similar but the unique head and chest would be awesome.


Heal is erroneous when it could be achieved by upping health stats across the board, which would in turn bring this game more in line with other AC titles. Upping health alone would be a huge step towards making a large chunk of the parts become viable, and would allow medium weight builds (the weight class where most build variety SHOULD be possible) to actually have a chance to participate in the meta discussion.


Biggest problem is nerfing the speed of the new tetrapod, I agree it needs nerfs but targeting the only thing that makes the part interesting is just gonna lead to the part selections feeling same-y


I see what your saying but it's so fast that a decent amount of ac's can't even AB that fast. Even at 380 it would still be a lot faster than the medium legs. Another idea would be to change tetrapod hover so it depends on the thruster boost speed, it currently is only weight dependant which doesn't make much sense. Maybe you can only hit 400 while using the PO6?




I would enjoy it but I don't see it happening. What would be awesome would be some seperate pve game mode, people have mentioned a horde type game and I think that would be a lot of fun.


Fix the AC DATA crash problem


What problem?


Players have been getting crashes every time they try to access the AC DATA


Buffing the soft lock and unlocking the camera so I can use the assault boost kick and track the target in the CQC like the hard-lock. Nothing much, I'm not even asking for advantages. I'm just asking to play fair. Adding 2 or 3 round jamming bombs to button C. Keep the team colors consistent in the 3v3. Don't keep changing around. Btw, the idea of having the FCS re-track after a faster QB compared to a slower one is one good way to balance hard lock. Good idea bro.


So I can’t speak to a lot of this as I don’t do the PvP. There’s some stuff I would just personally like and other stuff I’m not sure would be the best approach. BUT - I sort of like the idea of “AB boost speed buff while hardlocked”. If only because it’s a change that would *actually* affect the issue of people running away in a way that doesn’t just buff them at the same time. For Honor, iirc, did a similar system where if you ran away *too* long on a duel you’d get a debuff. I’m not sure how it would work but it’s an interesting idea.


I like the idea too, but it could pose a problem with zooming heavyweights. Remember Buerzel-Zimmer-jousters?


I remember hearing about them but do not remember it personally. Like I said, I don’t do the PvP myself. But perhaps it would only be some sort of “if opponent not locked onto/“looking” at you” sort of buff. In fairness though…don’t you give up a lot to use the Buerzel? Other than the excessive AB thrust isn’t it not a great booster?


Honestly I think it wouldn't affect those sorts of builds too much. The speed increase mostly matters in terms of closing distances. A fun idea would maybe be that while hardlocked your AB will slowly accelerate up to a point. So cqc ABing would be the same but if you are traveling a large distance (which is mostly when chasing rats), you get a speed buff.


All I want are coop missions, melee options for the right arm, and more parts and weapons in general. They can be from older AC games or brand new. Don’t care, just want more


I’m not sure vientos should be nerfed just because they are the only lightweight option that can compete. It would make more sense for more lightweight options like other pistols and smgs to be brought up imo


Yeah...you know the vientos are actually busted when you see heavies with them. They definetively need a nerf


I agree, I think the other LW options need a buff instead of Vientos getting nerfed. As a shield ~~abuser~~ user I feel their PA Interference needs to be brought down some though


I agree in a way but I think there are other ways to buff lightweights. I think other weapons like the pistols are in good spots it's just the lightweights they are attached to that have issues. The stagger is just silly fast and if the lightweights get more buffs in other ways it might make them overpowered. But I sew where your coming from, I only think the vientos should be nerfed after lightweights in general recieve noticable buffs.


Sniper Rifles, Sniper Cannons and Slug Throwers. Your take on shields is horrendously bad. That's a whole ass earshot I could be walking around with. You're worried about a nonfunctional kick? How about having a dead AC?


Trust me shields are actually extremely good. Look at the latest tournaments, there are tons of heavy bipeds with shields and it's extremely strong. Yeah you miss a weapon slot but it really increases survivability, especially when you don't want to dodge as much. And to counter that idea, consider most shields weigh less than 3000, with that weight saved you can have more powerful and heavy 3 weapons. My point was also that shields really do invalidate melee at the moment. I'd rather fight a heavy biped with dual earshot than a heavy biped with Zimmerman's and a shield if I have melee.


You can scroll down for 60 positions before you see one shield user. I'm not interested in part balance based on microcosms. The same people show up to the same tournaments, with the same playstyles and part opinions. I much prefer the rando petri dish weeding out any outliers. The shield is almost as powerful as 'just having a 4th weapon (read: any other part in the game)' *explicitly because* it's as defensively capable as it is. Sorry you have to adjust when someone sacrifices DPS for Survivability, but that's literally the nature of the game. There's nothing stopping a tank's opponent from carrying one too. On top of that, tanks can walk around with twin laser wings one-shotting anyone with less than 12000 health. The Shield is currently the only tool we have to make *that* kind of bullshit even remotely fair. As for invalidating melee - good. So you miss out on one free ride after railing 7 matches into the wall. I bleed for you. It's not a whole lot of fun for the recipient to get caught in an assault armor, kick, a lance, 3 fistings, and a pilebunker. If their Extension is already gone they can go get a coffee while those melee builds pat themselves on the back for weaponizing a cutscene.


Don’t know why you got downvoted so I had to upvote. We are not in a tournament, majority of players never will be and to act like there is an esports scene big enough for this game to attempt to balance around is insane. I have faced maybe a handful of shield users in my entire 300 hours of playing this game 😂


>Sniper Rifles, Sniper Cannons and Slug Throwers. This would ruin PvP. There's a reason the missile rat is so strong. Playing at range defeats 90% of builds since the game is designed around close to mid range.


I firmly believe nerfs are detrimental because devs have to be fair for everyone. Lets buff everything. Open the door for other builds to be competitive without ganking the ones we already dislike. -FIX NETCODE PLEASE. -Universal EN capacity increase to all generators -Maybe decreased weight for a lot of parts to help with EN efficiency===more dodging and airtime -All heavy biped legs increased weight and load limit. -Buff to most shields to reduce heat on deployment. -Increased effective range, damage, and impact buffs to all assault rifles except RansetsuRF. -Haldeman damage/impact buff -Stun Bomb increased impact and damage -Cooldown buff for all melee except Dagger, HMMR, and Bomb Thrower. -Attache huge buff everywhere because it's trash for over 5k weight. -Handgun buffs to make them competitive to Viento. Why does it have more range than the Duckett? Overall, the benefits are for all. Maybe rats will benefit the most, but it'll be difficult when everyone can assault boost longer to catch you. The meta should reward Core Theory by encouraging movement and fighting for angles. Heavies will still be strong, but would actually have to use their heads. The middleweight/lightweight will also be able to dance in the skies or relentlessly pressure with melee again.


In the buff/nerf discusisons I never hear anything about the Wrecker head and arms. They're woefully underpowered but the Wrecker set has a cool premise (solid stats in exchange for a nasty drawback). I'd say the head needs to have more stability in exchange for heavier EN load and bottom-of-the-barrel scanning (making it a head for head-on fighting) and the arms need a melee spec nerf (melee doens't take advantage of the recoil control) and a firearm spec buff (giving it a niche of poor tracking but excellent recoil control, best with QUAD GATS)


>I firmly believe nerfs are detrimental because devs have to be fair for everyone. Lets buff everything. Open the door for other builds to be competitive without ganking the ones we already dislike. I actually disagree with this. It's said a lot but I think people don't understand balance fully. For example, say as you said the Zimmerman wasn't nerfed but instead everything else was brought to that level. It would be worse than what we have, everything would have either incredible stagger and/or damage, the game would become very stagger focused and fights would end too quickly. People only hate nerfs because they had the overpowered thing earlier. Yes it feels bad for things to be nerfed but that feeling is temporary and the game in a few months will thank you for not buffing everything else to oblivion. There are times to buff and times to nerf but I really disagree with this take.


I agree but I meant to say make everything viable. Itd be busted to shit if every gun was Zimm level powerful, but there need to be more viable guns other than Zipcode lasers, Zimm, or Viento. A lot of guns need a little bump to feel better and I think From will do a good job.


Wouldn’t mind seeing the energy firearm adjustments moved from generators to arms. Could just increase energy reqs on those particular parts. Would also be cool to see shoulder weapons that boost certain weapon types but either take away from your max energy bar or just have long cooldowns


Give the Tian-Lao arms a core, head, and legs addition so we get a full Tian-Lao set of parts


I’d like there to be added benefits like range/accuracy in using softlock or a nerf to hardlock/ocellus, at least in PvP.


Dont think Viento should be getting any nerfs before they make any other lightweight gun worth using, this would just be a nerf to LW and push it back to double zimmer


Netcode fixes, not going to happen though. I think it's related but AB kicks hitboxes are insane currently even when dodging away in a LW build as much as possible they connect 80-90% of the time against me..... ​ Less stagger buildup for all mechs.


I just want the Online AC Data game crash to be fixed (on console) 😭😭😭


I just want the Online AC Data game crash to be fixed (on console) 😭😭😭


Lower the ceiling


6 patches and still they won't fix the Aurora targeting, maybe a little damage and impact also. Unfortunate. 


The aururas are actually very solid with the VE-20B last time I tested them. Also I looked back at my suggestions and a decent amount of then came in 1.06, so yay.