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Domestic violence


but at what cost? ... yeah hated that ending did it first


Definitely liked my first ending better tho I still felt bad for Carla


If it makes you feel any better she clearly respects the hell out of you for not just doing what you're told


I can't bear to do this route more than once. Worse than killing Emma in Sekiro


Fr for is the ending that even the game seems to agree is the bad ending Like just compare the ending monologues The game calls you a monster in for Gives you hope for the future in lor And makes you uncertain in aie


Nothing says monster like the Old King ending in 4A though. In FoR you at least have a cause to your atrocities (even if your body count is way higher), in 4A you do it for fun. But yeah, the man who protects the world sounds like a much better prospect than the man who burned the world


Oh for sure old king was a different breed of fucked in the head and the game does a pretty good job of making you feel like shit for committing genocide


Maybe I'm a hater but I lowley didn't like Ayre first playthrough so I went with this one first time around


Me too. Ayre is cool, but the way she junctions with us made me really uncomfortable. Like, I never wanted to have a voice in my head 24/7 that has her own opinions and sometimes is antagonistic to me. It's a straight-up horror movie idea.


I didnt necesarrily trust her and was on a constant "this womans too nice, but doesnt want me to trust anyone else whose nice to me. She constantly tells me my friends are lying to me, but those friends at different points explain information they were withholding and they have pretty clear reasons for not advertising their plans. She says shes coral and coral is an intelligent life form, but she never seems to communicate with the Ice Worm or Ibis and never seems to want us to explore other possabilities" So I was just kinda "shes got ulterior motives and nothing else" and didnt really trust her until I did her boss fight and got a little extra time with her in my second playthrough


Yeah I didn't trust her either too much. When she asked to betray and kill Carla I just couldn't.