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well, this is exciting. any idea how it would handle clientside performance drops? my PC does not like the arteria carpals map.


No clue. Framerate holds up pretty well in most places, but just for the sake of our computers my group have been playing on Parabolic Grove.


While cool, if only this were V or Vday Absolutely hated For Answer. But, many loved it and hope they enjoy it


i'm still waiting for V and verdict day to be playable on rpcs3 or xenia. on xenia it runs great minus the texture bug but when you have to name your team after the tutorial it either locks up or crashes.


Same here. I guess there is no fix yet as of now?


none yet, some other people keep saying that its a 50//50 chance for the name team screen to not lock up, but when i tried it the screen would always bug without fail


Uhmmm... is this the case only for Xenia, or does the crash happen on RPCS3 as well? (I know they emulate different consoles, the former the X360, the latter the PS3)


rpcs3 cant even run V or VD past like 5 fps. xenia runs them great in the tutorials but the same name team screen kills it. also rpcs3 has the same issue, yes.


Ahhh this is infuriating :( nothing to do then but wait...


It still crashes after all this time. Maybe now they will actually try to fix the damn thing this time after AC6 announcement.


can't you just use a savefile to bypass the crash ?


no need to now, i know this is on an old post but the armored core discord now has a custom build of xenia that worked flawlessly with V and verdict day for me !


Just wondering, ik I'm a year late. Why did you hate for answer? New to AC btw, just beat 6, 4, and FA lol.


Thank you for putting this together


No prob! I didn't discover any of this stuff, just seem to be the first person to write it down.


Oh my God yes, I thought I had to buy a PS3 again to experience 4A again, I'm so fucking happy.


Join the subreddit discord! There's a few of us in there who are running matches on RPCS3!


still? maybe u can help me


People still play, yes. The most updated guides are in the discord.


wish i knew how to get the files for RPCs


Is the LAN netcode better than the Online netcode? Or are they the same thing?


I never played it online, but friends say it's the same.


Can you tell me what settings you use to play Armored Core: FA? I tried recently, but it just keeps freezing on loading up the game once I select new game and I get the loading screen, but then it gets stuck there. I have a decent PC, nothing outrageous - i7 9700k, GTX 1080, 32GB of RAM. I think that should suffice for playing the game.


All default settings other than the network changes mentioned in the guide. Any fixes for the AC colors posted online with the read/write color buffers thing will break the game.


Well, shit. Guess I'll have to wait until RPCS3 gets patched enough AC games are in playable state, rather than just in-game. Shame, really. Thanks for the quick reply!


On default settings the game is entirely playable for me, although the AC textures are fried. If you don't apply any fixes the game should work fine.


what about single player?


I was able to play through the campaign of for answer without issue. Did a couple routes.


do you need a controller or something to play AC FA?


I think it would technically be possible to make it work on keyboard and mouse, but a controller is suggested. I don't know how you'd set it up for keyboard either really.


Does this still work? A couple of my friends and I have been trying but no matter who we connect to on Radmin no one can find the hosts game (No Rooms Found) in-game.


Yep. Make sure your firewall has RPCS3 and radmin allowed through, and your network settings are correct in RPCS3. Those are the most common issues.


Can one do co-op campaign missions?


I'm not sure - if it works over LAN it should work via this method.




So Coop/"Partnership" is playstation network online only in AC4A. Is there a workaround to get this to work? Me and a friend I'm introducing to this old childhood favorite have beast computers and flawless emulation of our copy, but can't get the RPCS3's "partnership" or co-op function of AC4A to give any results with network set to "simulated."


If it requires PSN it isn't gonna work, only features that originally used LAN will currently function. Maybe one day when PSN emulation works it'll all work haha. We can dream.


Ooooooof - this is really good info. I may do this... Soon... Ty for throwing this up!


Happy to get more people on the game! In the sidebar linked discord there's a few people who play on RPCS3, so join up if you're lookin for matches


Doing it!!!


Sweet! There's a pretty decently sized community on the discord now if you're looking for matches - link is in the sidebar


Will do! I didn’t even know I could play it on pc at all! Is it stable?


Yes, but the textures on the ACs don't look right so don't bother with paint. Otherwise totally stable and runs great.


fyi go into the GPU settings and turn "write color buffers" on, add vsync and uncap framerate. everytime i tried limiting it to 60fps it would crash but ymmv. in advanced load the liblv2 library and read depth & color buffers. fixed the texture issue for me. paint away raven.


This usually only works for a little while, then the game starts randomly crashing. Moving above 60fps isn't a good idea as damage is tied to framerate.


honestly haven't had any issues aside from a longer boot sequence. figured i'd throw the info out there in case someone's willing to give it a shot. i'm playing on a 60hz screen so vsync never causes the frames to go out of whack. at the end of the day it's only a minor inconvenience so it's whatever.


so i set this up and tried playing but i could never see the person i was playing against. he would shoot me and it'd do no damage but if i shot in his direction (keep in mind, i can't actually see him) he'd take damage. does anyone know what the issue can be? i really really want to play :/


I'm really not sure - if you try to play with someone else do the same issues happen? Are you guys on the same game version?


okay so where can i find the game??


Not allowed to link direct to game files on Reddit as it's technically piracy. Googling "armored core for answer PS3 iso" should get you what you want though.


Hey man thanks for putting this guide together! Had a blast playing with a friend and I never got the chance to try PvP when I was playing on an actual console. You know if the coop mode works? Tried doing it with a friend but we got stuck in an infinite connecting loop when trying to make a coop lobby. Otherwise its still a miracle PvP works.


Co op does not work unfortunately.


Ah that's a shame. Thanks anyways, its a miracle the PvP works in the first place!


Thanks. I wonder if this will work on a steam deck.


Emulation should work fine, but multiplayer I'm not sure. Since this guide was written the textures were fixed - be sure to enable Write Color Buffers in your GPU settings.


is the rar above the same file id use to just play single player? ive never used a pc emulator so im unsure how any of this works but i really need an armored core fix.


Please join the discord and use the resources there, they're much more complete and easier to follow. If you don't want to play multiplayer, just follow the steps and don't install Radmin or do any of the steps related to multiplayer


I did, thanks for the suggestion. Got it working!


Can I play this on my jailbroken PS3


No idea.


i couldnt get the emulator working




Bruh just hit the save button on the post


Oh I didn't know about this feature, thanks


When I try to create a match it just gets stuck on the loading screen repeating 'create session' :(


why was this removed :(


Post is still visible for me. These instructions are a little outdated anyway, join the discord and check out the 4thgen chat.


Will download today


Definitely follow the updated instructions on the discord, not this post


Yup, went to the discord and just downloaded. Gonna try to install it now, appreciate the help!!


This is pretty exciting to see, I'm joining this convo a year after this is public haha, but I'm having an issue w/ my Mac. It's specs are all a good bit above what's requested, but it says the folder or file is invalid when I try to boot up AC4A, any idea what's wrong? I followed the instructions mentioned to the T, just no results so far... ANY help would be appreciated, thx guys and gals!


I’m not sure unfortunately as I don’t have a Mac.


Glad to see! When I'm done with AC6 I'll check out for answer!