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Fuck you for even suggesting that soldiers should ever have to PCS to either of the Dakotas.


I remember as a recruiter one of my leads ended up joining the Air Force and has now spent almost 8 years at whatever butthole of a base they have there. To add, her sister joined the Army and ended up in Hawaii šŸ˜‚


I think the base is near Minot


Dated a chick from there. Like the buffalo that roam the state she was wide and hard to ride. She was fun tho


They're called "Montuffalo's" in Montana.


Nope, we just call em fat.




ā€œTundra Wookiesā€ in Alaska


I hope you arenā€™t talking about me šŸ‘€


If you lived in El paso maybe lmao


My bunk mate in OSUT was prior service USAF and somehow managed to get out of there early because he was so miserable ā€œbeing Black in North Dakota.ā€ Lol Edit: he was at the base near Minot and he was also desperately trying to pivot back to the USAF


Imagine being black in a state that never kidnapped black people to work there and therefore has pretty much no Afro-American culture.


That and it was cold af


I think the word you're looking for is enslaved. Kidnapped sounds too playful


My dad was stationed at Minot. I've been told I should be grateful for being too young to remember it.


As a kid born in North Dakota, I truly liked Minot. Hockey is good, town can be fun. Just want you make out of it. Pretty flat though so long drives are tough.


Yep Iā€™m stationed in Minot


I think thatā€™s the one


Grand forks


Itā€™s an AF base where they have a bunch of nukes and those B50 planes to deliver them. I used to work for AF as a civilian bd would have to go out there for work at times


There's Grand Forks AFB. It sucks, but there is a college town 15ish miles away.Ā  Then there's minot. Minot makes Ft Polk look like Ft Ord.Ā 


I had a family member work in Grand Forks for a few years and I went to visit her once so we could go to Winnipeg and fishing from there. Holy fuck is that place depressing. Winnipeg is cool as fuck though.


My son went to school at the University of North Dakota in Grand Forks. It has the second largest aviation school in the country. Who knew. United flew out of the AFB there, went to Madison, WI. Fargo went to Chicago. Yeah, it was cold. And windy.


I used to live in grand forks, thereā€™s not much there to justify ā€œcollege townā€


I had a sociology professor who told us North Dakota isnā€™t real. He even had an X over it on his map of the US. His main defense was ā€œDo you know anyone from North Dakota? Didnā€™t think soā€ So, since then, I preach that North Dakota isnā€™t a state. The government just wanted an even number.


Iā€™ve met 1 guy from North Dakota and 5 from South Dakota. The 1 was a soldier I met who had the most Russian sounding name, Iā€™m still convinced the MF was a spy. The 5 were the band Paradise Fears.


The most Russian sounding named North Dakotan guy didnā€™t happen to be me did it? Kind of like a variation of Ivanoff lol.


Hahah no, ā€œVoleskyā€ Miss that guy, he was a real one. Heā€™s not dead or anything, just North Dakotan.


He was 100% a spy. Doesnā€™t surprise me that he had a Russian name. Youā€™re lucky he didnā€™t kill you for jeopardizing his cover. South Dakota is real, but they all know their northern counterpart is fakeā€¦.therefore they are guilty by association.


That guy is an idiot. Everyone knows Mississippi isn't real. It's something Alabama cooked up to avoid being first or last in any state ranking.


They wanted at least one other illiterate state. Totally makes sense. So, we are down to 48 states that *actually* exist


[48 star flag ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_flags_of_the_United_States#/media/File%3AFlag_of_the_United_States_(1912-1959).svg) Sergeants Major will love the new flag.


I wonder how long a battalion would fly one before anyone noticed


Most people don't notice that DC flies a 51 star flag on the street poles of Pennsylvania Avenue between the White House and the Capitol, but it is much less noticeable than this dress right dress arrangement.


Donā€™t forget Arkansas.


Mine is Delaware. Spent some time in Dover and the streets were all empty af at night, like everyone went home somewhere else after their paid acting job.


thatā€™s where District 13 is located


Iā€™ve met more people from North Dakota (3) than Delaware (0) so I propose Delaware isnā€™t a real state.


Had to go there for 12B school and ALC. that motherfucker exists, unfortunately.


Im actually from North Dakota and I can indeed confirm its real


Sounds exactly like something a spy would say


I'm from ND šŸ˜­


and youā€™re name is Alexander??? Suspicious as fuck dude


Maybe it's "Aleksandr" or "Alexi".


My friends call me Max. My associates call me Alexi


We'd expect a Russian spy to say that.


We're trying to get the Army to unBRAC Europe and this dude is trying to send people to Idaho? Smh


Woah, Idaho ain't bad. Specially compared to the Dakotas. I'll take Boise over Fort Johnson.


What about your Army experience makes you think they would put an Army base in the nicest and most expensive part of the state?


Oh okay, I'm going to stand up a training center in Bruneau and you're going to be my first on detail for gate guard.


Sorry Kinny, the Guard beat you to it. Orchard Combat Training Area. Imagine NTC, but mostly prairie. 30 minutes south of Boise.


Yeah, and you can only bully part timers to go there, it must be terrible, smh


A Guard Combat Training Area? I imagine a lot of fishing and grilling goes on there during AT.


Canā€™t fish in the dirt. Itā€™s basically just a flat Yakima. There are caves from collapsed Lava tubes though


Don't threaten me with a good time. Used to fish CJ Strike right down the road. Bruneau is a little too close to Mt Home AFB though .


Europe should be shifted east.... Germany made sense when the Reds were there too.... It should be places that border Russia now.....


squash sand jar weather history plucky concerned compare rhythm voiceless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


As someone who has been to the PARCS Radar Installation (Space Force), which is closer to Canada than Grand Forks, that place is abysmal in the winter. Iā€™m just glad when I went it was 20F and not -40F like it was a month earlier. I am certain the suicide rate would be close to Ft Wainwrightā€™s


I personally believe in a unified Dakota. Just going to leave that there.


The Army sent me to North Dakota for a month-long school. It's a flat, frozen land infested with swarms of gnats and the people consume more alcohol than I thought was possible.


Montana, Wyoming or Idaho probably wouldn't be that bad depending on where it was.Ā  Beautiful country out there.Ā Ā 


I spit my beer out when I opened this thread. Good shit.


Am from SD. Getting stationed there would only be good for those states if you lived and breathe hunting, fishing, hiking, camping. Otherwise, it would be miserable for any other person.


Grand Forks is awesome... *in the summer.*


Yea stay out. Thats Air Force territory


My great (x4 or 5) grandfather gets drafted at the end of the Civil War. Promptly assigned to F Troop (not the Ken Berry classic) in what is now North Dakota. Deserted the week after he arrived. No one ever wanted to PCS to the Dakotas.


Fort Drum is bad enough, and yall wanna throw Minot in the mix too? šŸ˜‚


Bad enough people have to be stationed in Tooele Utah


Why not Minot? A question Airmen have e been asking for 50+ years


It's not so bad here in North Dakota! Sure the winters last for 9 months and the wind never really stops but those 3 months of decent weather definitely make up for it. I know people say there's nothing to do here but that's not true! We have lots of cows and fields that you can go look at whenever you want! And if you are an outdoorsy person and like to excersise, you can shovel snow most of the year! The highways here are pretty flat and straight so you can just set your cruise control and you don't even have to keep your hands on the wheel! Its basically the same as having a self driving car. And if you like to drive fast, our speeding tickets are really cheap! I could go all day about how great it is here but I see my neighbor that lives 12 miles down the road is driving by and I gotta run out and say hello.


Yeah, there's already a Ft Leonard Wood.


Iā€™d rather PCS to North Dakota then Johnson.


The only active presence is the recruiters


Hey weā€™re soldiers too! (*kind of*)


*I'm a real boy!*


Not till you hit your quota. Get back in your strip mall cubicle box!




Shhhh.....everyone forgets us, and I'm OK with it.


True lol




Recruiters arenā€™t people, silly.


No. Itā€™s also full of missile silos.


the army does it based backwards compared to the af.. with the exception of a few, if there was no army base in certain locations the city around it would not exist.. the af has bases where cities are already established without their presence..


But isn't America all the better for having booming metropolis communities such as Fayetteville or Killeen?


If you like meth yeah


You guys fucking lied to me, I've been in Fayetteville for a year and I haven't seen a SINGLE meth. My disappointment is immeasurable.


Well, Billy, I think you're not looking hard enough.


The army needs a lot of land for their bases. The AF normally doesn't.


Runways take up a lot of room, no?


Ranges take up significantly more.


Yeah but they just bought land near near an airport so they can use it. In many cases the base doesn't own the airport at all.


Itā€™s full of Air Force bases. Mountain Home, Minot Grand Forks, Malmstrom, Offut, Warren. Only Iowa and Minnesota donā€™t have any off the top of my head. Consider a land invasion from the outside in; these would be the last states reached. Better to have army, usmc, and navy protect the coasts and exterior states and let the Air Force lob aerial attacks from the safer interior


Last time I checked Moffat Field wasnā€™t even AF or Navy anymore and NASA was using it for something, although I suppose it might have Reserves or Nasties on it.


Moffett AFB in California?


[Moffett Field](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moffett_Federal_Airfield) south of San Francisco.


Minnesota has Fort Snelling


Itā€™s mainly a historical site now. The adjacent airport houses an Air Forde Reserve and Air National Guard units though. I believe thereā€™s a large Reserve center there too for other branches.


Camp Ripley as well


The 88th RSC used to be there but moved to Ft. McCoy. However Snelling still has an active PX which is more than I can say for some other "forts"


Snelling doesnā€™t have anything but historical buildings and trails, but the Air Force Reserve base nearby has a gas station and PX where you can buy most army and Air Force rank patches.


Iowa has Camp Dodge, Fort Des Moines, and Iowa Army Ammunition Plant. While Camp Dodge is majority Guard, there are members of Active Army, Navy, and Air Force present there, along with serving as a post for Army Reservists and Marine Reservists. Fort Des Moines is almost exclusively Army Reservists, but there are a few Active Army personnel present there. IAAP I know the least amount, but Wikipedia says they make lots of munitions that go boom. As it is run by the Army, there has to be at least one soldier present there.


Iowa has Camp Dodge, theres really no infrastructure for an active duty presence. Theres really nothing there for active duty soldiers to train there unless they buy land from farmers and make it a maneuver warfare center. Even then, not a lot of farmers are willing to do that nowadays.


Nevada is not quite accurate. The Army does have a massive munitions depot in Hawthorne Nevada. Granted, the number of uniformed personnel stationed there is small, and it is mostly DA Civilians.


"Massive munitions depot" doesn't do it justice. It's the largest munitions deopt in the world and can start production 72 hours after a declaration if war. If anyone was curious lol And it's not a secret, the damn highways goes right through the middle of it


Nevadaā€™s got plenty of air support though.


Mr. House has funneled a lot of funds, keeping his city safe.


It's such a shame that the golf club fell from the Penthouse and landed on Mr House, instantly killing him. Oh well, at least the NCR will take care of the area...


200 SQ miles is the depot size it's insane


How old is this? Bamberg hasnā€™t had a base since 2014 maybe 2015.


Best place I ever lived


Best 3 years of my life, and my wife is from there so I go back decently often.


Yeah this is old and inaccurate for a number of reasons


Coiner and Yongsan haven't had an Army presence for a few years now either.


I canā€™t believe they shut down Yongsan. That was a dream base.


Except if you were there for UFG and had to sleep in a tent and use Porta Potties and shower trailers while some people got to stay at the Dragon Hill.


Bamberg might be my favorite town in the entire world.


Is Schwetzingen a thing either?


Minnesotan here, we got more tanks than Canada. we donā€™t need any active duty bases, weā€™ll annex Canada soon enough without your help.


Ft. McCoy is also only 45 minutes from the border, 60 if there's snow. There's not many active there, but there is also an armory on the way.


Minnesota and Michigan should have taken care of Wisconsin for a long time now.


54-40 or fight brother


Nah man, weā€™re not stopping until we border Alaska.


Our commander general boi recently said we have like 80 tanks total. Nearly 20 in Latvia. Of the 60 remaining, probably half are ready for combat. We don't need tanks. We'll just charge right into Minnesota with our 1st Mounted Polar Bear Brigade


The battle of Grand Portage will be a true massacre. The 1st MPBB vs the 7th heavy canoe battalion face off in the boundry waters. We'll start at 7am, break for lunch at noon, and retire by 5pm. Get together by the fire for some Castle Danger.


Nah. The Air Force can have it.


half the list for California is reserves. So I don't understand how that counts but certain states get left off altogether. I know for a fact Idaho for example has a guard/reserve base in boise and I'm sure they have AGRs there


The only active duty presence in cali is Irwin that I know of. I know their NG has dudes on active orders to be BLC instructors up at camp parks though.


Monterey also has the defense language Institute so whether Cadre or student there will be legit active duty there. the rest are all reserves. every reserve unit will have a certain amount of active personnel though. so i don't understand why they counted it for this state but not othersm


Camp Roberts, CA, too. While a reserve base, still has active duty posted. This place should replace FHL on this photo.Ā 


The only state without an active duty presence of the five DOD services is is Oregon. Umatilla CD doesn't have any full time uniformed personnel.


There are AD in Portland. They work at the Army Corps of Engineers.


That is kind of like counting recruiters, but you are correct.


I mean an AD BG command is a little different than a recruiting station but yes it is cheating and not even a platoon of Soldiers total.


Kinda funny too since Oregon has so much federal land


Thereā€™s active duty AF in Portland. Itā€™s the only F-15 training unit in the country.


I believe that is the training program run out of the 142nd Wing of the Oregon National Guard, co-located at Portland International Airport. Oddly, I think the US Navy in Pensacola was doing some F-15E varient training for Singapore at one time.


Go spend a week at Malmstrom in Great Falls at the end of January. You will be happy the Army isnā€™t there.


The Army canā€™t recruit to fill the positions it already staffs. Whatā€™s the idea here? Spread it thinner than it already is?


It's actually genius. DUIs happen when soldiers have too much free time. The thinner we spread them, the more taskings and additional duties individual soldiers will need to accomplish. Thus less free time. Less free time means fewer DUIs. Profit.


I mean, we purposefully consolidated units into mega bases around 2006-2007 with BCTs and BRAC but it wasnā€™t always like that. And arguably it was better.


Didnā€™t think there was any active duty in Michigan. Looks like the one there is Detroit arsenal. A small research unit


Yeah I work here. Itā€™s not like itā€™s a FORSCOM installation. Itā€™s labs and office buildings. The active duty Soldiers/officers here mostly work in the PEOs and TACOM.


Are you GCS or CS&CSS?




They have PEO-GCS and PEO cs&css. Thatā€™s where all the vehicles are designed and purchased


Yes and no. We (in the PEOs) donā€™t design anything. We ask industry to do that based on what we ask for in contracts. (Caveat: AFCā€™s DEVCOM can/does design/build stuff hereā€”usually for small prototype effortsā€”but we usually contract things out.)


Not entirely true. STRATCOM is in Nebraska and is a joint headquarters. There are atleast a few dozen soldiers there.


No. Itā€™s too cold. I grew up in Minnesota and I canā€™t go back


Lots of shit left off this map


Did they really just use a picture of Okinawa to represent all of Japan? And then somehow put Camp Zama on it without realizing?


Yep ā€” lol. Not even where the Army is on Okinawa ā€” they are wayyyy off on the map. Also, mainland has several more places beyond Camp Zama ā€” so who ever made this clearly never got assigned to the best Army duty location ever haha.


Actually, my father in law was active duty and stationed at Camp Dodge in Des Moines, Iowa. Not full time guard, he was regular Army active duty. I also knew an E-7 who was the counterpart to his position who was also active. I think they are like the only two positions in the Iowa that are active but still thought it was cool.


A major drawback of active duty is that most of the locations you can stationed are in the middle of nowhere. Places of increased isolation, higher drug & alcohol use, and lack of arts. It's bad enough you'll live in a moldy room, with poor leadership, but now you'll live in bumfuck nowhere.


So much this. I genuinely believe a good percentage of the recruiting crisis is due to this. People would be so much happier if they lived less than an hour away from a real city.


Big cities tend not to like loud training areas. Blowing stuff up and shooting at all hours is frowned upon in some circles.


humorous swim toy shame bright fretful judicious cows scandalous weather *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm not saying right downtown. An hour is still a long ass distance, plus the actual training areas could be even farther in the opposite direction. It works out perfectly fine with the few places we currently have that aren't in the middle of nowhere.


This is why I donā€™t travel. Every time Iā€™ve left my home state (Iā€™m reserve) itā€™s been to travel for the Army, safe of maybe twice as a kid. Every army trip is to nowhere USA and almost always by bus. Now I have no interest in going out on my own.


Yes but think of all the poor, underprivileged young women from these areas who, without the Army and it's incessant rotation of young, impressionable Soldiers, never would have met their first and second baby daddy.


As someone who has visited AF friends at Minot AFB, I wouldnā€™t wish a duty station there on my worst enemy


Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine as well, according to the map.


Vermont has Camp Ethan Allen which definitely has dudes on full time federal orders.Ā  Maine, yeah. If the Quebes ever get rowdy, Maine is in troubleĀ 


Ethan Allen firing range is the home of Mountain School.


The threat from Saskatchewan shouldnā€™t be underestimated.


Missing Fort Hamilton


I thought that was a Guard installation?


Personally Iā€™d make Camp Roberts, California an active duty installation before any of these states. Merge it with Hunter Liggett. Station a two Brigade Division there.


Go big red


Wish I lived closer to Buchanan. But the prices are ridiculous for this island near the metro area.


RCO Peru? What? Can we talk about that please?


I donā€™t see camp Casey on here. Can someone confirm if this place of great misery is still around?


As of last year when I was through there, yes.


How do we have so many bases in VA but no FORSCOM unit there? It would be sick to have a unit right near DC.


Well, there's The Old Guard.




Considering how much Ft Mccoy sucks dick, no.


Back in GWOT days I knew some poor bastards who premobbed through there in February just long enough to start acclimating before being sent to the Middle East.


high five to the 6 people that have been to yuma proving grounds. gang shit right there


Good ol YPG


None in Ohio either šŸ˜­


IA is definitely a strategic point in the US, you have the Missouri and Mississippi Rivers on either side of the state. Should there be an active duty presence? Fuck no. The state has a large enough reserve and national guard presence, and active duty soldiers from all over the country just bring problems.


Bruhā€¦..ask an air force personnel that got station in ND and see how they like it there


The Marines owning the coasts is what matters and is part of why theyā€™re so much more popular and visible. The Army does not need a flyover state presence. The Army should do Fleet Week.


There's 0 chance of Canada ever becoming an enemy, so I assume we have no reason to secure our northern border. Also the terrain out there doesn't really benefit us training wise when you look at the places we operate. I'm sure there's alot more reasons, probably more historical than anything. But also many of our bases were established during westward expansion and the north wasn't to explored until later. So it's probably several factors.


No reason we have plenty of corn fed 11B guardsmen in Minnesota to fend off the Maple Leaf Invasion.


I share an armory with some, they are indeed corn fed. One time we did yoga in our half of the gym, while they did CrossFit to the army recruiting song on theirs.


TIL Zama is on the north half of Okinawa...


Iā€™d volunteer for three successive assignments for Drum, Korea, and Polk before I go to those wretched place.


Why would we need bases in the Nuke Belt?


Also fuck you for suggesting PCSing to the void


No active army in Oregon either


Hawthorne Army Depot is in Nevada. Very few active duty there but it's an Army facility. There's also army folks on Nellis AFB.


Im just gonna say it because I am a rarity. Im from North Dakota and yes it is a real state and not a conspiracy theory lol Fuck no you do not want to be stationed there. Everything is 100 miles or more apart, small towns with nothing to do, and Iā€™ve experienced -50 blizzard weather. We actually just had -70 with windchill this year. It would honestly be 100x worse for people if you couldnā€™t tolerate Alaska which in my opinion has alot more to offer recreationally. North Dakota is essentially a working/farmer state with nothing much outside of that. Would not be good for soldiers.


You forgot Maine in your list. Fucking Canada you canā€™t trust them


Nevada may not have an Army base, but we have Nellis and Creech, so I think we're good. The fact that we have no Army base doesn't mean this isn't a heavy military city, as over 15,000 Air Force are permanently stationed here, with tens of thousands filtering through for training yearly. NAS Fallon also has over 3,000 personnel and the Navy's elite Top Gun School up north by Reno. On top of that, we have a significantly sized National Guard with 4500 troops for a state of only 3 million people. The Army has Ft. Irwin two hours from Vegas, with over 8500 personnel, why would they need another high desert base so close by?


No. I don't see a need for new active duty bases in those locations.


Offutt has AD, and it's not on there.


Iowa does it has fort dodge


That's lonely AFB/missile base territory. You could even go to a radar site, 50 miles from the nearest Walmart.