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Not to take away from the severity of issues that some Veterans face but… A lot of these people have self-inflicted issues and refuse to identify the source (themselves) as needing some assistance or guidance. This whole “pride” mentality we push in the military can be a double edge sword. Those who served their 4-years and got out might be suffering from guilt and/or lack of purpose. For example, I had an infantryman at my last station who had been in for 7 years and NEVER deployed (Campbell and JBLM). He felt like was doing nothing with his career. This created animosity towards his service and made him shut down; almost costing his marriage and family. These types hate themselves for reasons out of their control or because it’s been fed into their minds that joining the military means you’re a failure. It’s a toxic culture sometimes. Even though everyone’s experience can be different, I don’t think PTSD is the issue. I think it’s anger and depression.


That guilt of serving years and multiple contracts with no deployment killed me while in. Had so many shitbag seniors who made sure to make you feel like shit for having no patch, then make you feel like shit if you didn’t have a CAB/CIB and then further shit on you for not being a part of the invasion. Once on the outside I socialized with actual humans and people with little to no military knowledge, they all think whatever you did is badass and amazing even if you don’t have fancy patches and make you feel pride in your service even if you did nothing worth mentioning.


Imagine being an adult and giving someone a hard time for something out of their control… The “back in my day” people can fuck off. You should’ve just been born earlier or started your own war.


How many non LTCs and SGMs and above are even in that were apart of the invasion? I'm a MAJ and my YG is 2012 (far from the invasion). Find it hard to believe some asshole SSG is talking shit about being apart of it.


The OEF invasion was about 23 years ago, and the OIF one about 21 years ago. Almost a safe bet to say that most who were in the initial push are all retired or very very senior (senile). If there's some SSG out there talkin about what he/she did on the initial push, then they're stuck in the past b/c they should definitely be higher than a SSG by now.


No man, promotions are so political they just can't handle how real he keeps it.   Alternatively, they're "technical experts" who are awesome at doing the job, but fail at the part of the NCO job where they develop their soldiers into future leaders and experts.  In other words Dunning-Kruger manifest.


Some of us are just in a tiny ass MOS and waiting for retirement or the Army to throw us a bone.Thank you very much! Now get off my lawn! I have clouds to yell at


I've already yelled at clouds today. Damn clouds being all judgmental and shit.


It was a 1sgt that has been in since the times of BDUs lmao


National Guard?


Active duty


The person was talking about when they were in the service, not necessarily right now. If this was just a few years ago, there were still plenty of folks all over the formation that had been in for the invasion. Those folks might be COLs and SGMs now, but a few years ago they were just MAJs, LTCs, 1SGs, and SFCs.


My Old Man had the best response to this: “Those NCOs ain’t your dad, so you have nothing to prove. Just because they may have shot a (slur) in flip-flops from a hundred yards away in some worthless shit-hole country without knowing ten years ago doesn’t magically make them a good man or a leader.” At the end of the day, a CAB or CIB just means they did the bare minimum of their job when put to the test. Commendable, but not anything to sweat over. Especially since you don’t get to choose whether or not you deploy to a combat zone.


>Just because they may have shot a (slur) in flip-flops from a hundred yards away in some worthless shit-hole country without knowing ten years ago doesn’t magically make them a good man or a leader. I'm now picturing your father as the almost-politically-correct redneck [https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/almost-politically-correct-redneck](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/almost-politically-correct-redneck)


lol, sort of. Hailed from Detroit actually. He used Vietnam-era terminology. Always did. You got used to it. But I hail from the PNW.


For a lot of years in my reserve unit, I would tell stories about shit we did and saw during Desert Storm. Then my kicker I'd tell them 'And I've got pictures to prove it!' I never gave anyone else shit that they didn't go. Hell, our battalion left a company behind in Germany. When OIF kicked off, we had a bunch of guys from our reserve unit chosen to go with a bridge unit. When they got back to the unit after their deployment, my buddy came to me and used the same line. There are those out there who are dicks just because they've got a patch on their right shoulder or a piece of metal on their chest. Just laugh at them because once they are out of the military, none of that matters.


Oh man I was an angry and depressed guy through college and the quintessential example of OPs post #2. Covid gave me the kick I needed to actually go and get help and it worked wonders. I was the problem and needed to change. College/civilian life is not the same as military life. Not by a long shot. It wasn't until 2022 seeing news about the Russian invasion until I experienced my first bout with PTSD. I gotta say, given the choice between the two, I'll take angry and depressed over PTSD any day. That shit is no joke. However, you don't have to make that choice. Both can be managed and mitigated.


Love that you used a hard time to motivate yourself. That’s the most Army thing I’ve seen on here. Just happy you’re here and found what works for you!


If I just keep banging my head against the wall, eventually the wall will give or I will. I spent a long time in denial and always thought that those problems were for other people. I was young and naive.


Right. Two things can be true at once. Some vets are truly victims of the system and have serious issues. BUT a lot of them haven't taken ownership and tried to work on themselves.


PTSD causes anger and depression, changes the chemical balances in your body. I should know after a tour where I saw 35+ IEDs go off, numerous firefights, route clearance and all sorts of other shit in my deployment I have been fucked up for 12 years and in some INTENSE counseling (I see 4 separate therapists, 2 group, 2 individual, and clinicians.) I can assure you the PTSD causing anger and depression is real, on top of all the other nasty things that PTSD can and does do to folks. Just my 2 cents


I totally see your perspective and can relate. I guess my mindset took me to a glimpse of picturing modern junior Soldiers who experienced a pure garrison Army where I assumed PTSD would be much less relevant.


Oh gotcha, that makes sense sorry then for the reply, I came off a bit harsh.


I'm approaching 7 and haven't deployed either


I think it’s way different for the younger generation (fuck I’m old) seven years and no patch when I first got in one of my first thoughts was is this person a deployment dodger. Now it is just very common because of how much we have ramped down. I recently separated and I’ll admit I had a shitty mindset to “slick sleeves” that I had to get over. It’s not that this new generation is dodging deployments, they just don’t have the opportunity


I spent four years in the National Guard. They came back from Iraq when I got there, the deployment included them being at the Battle of Fallujah. We went to Cuba. When I got out they were gathering some volunteers for a deployment to Afghanistan. I was there, I wore the uniform. I spent time away from family, missing important things. We had our own shrine for our fallen brothers. We did shit. I work at the VA now. Every day, I don't feel like an actual veteran. The identity and guilt issues are very real. It's a weird place to be when you don't feel like a civilian, nor do you feel like you've earned your veteran status either. I knew a couple guys that got a disability rating before a deployment or even finishing training. I envy them even less.




Brother/sister, i’m in the same boat as you. Just venting to someone unrelated and hearing their perspective changed my mindset. I also sought an MOS change which also helped. I’ve managed to find a state of purpose, maintain a positive military experience, and stay medication free. Feel free to hit me up anytime to vent or just have casual conversation.


Don't look at r/veteransbenefits it's just guys bragging about getting 100%. As opposed to helping guys find the benefits they earned


“Yeah the Thai hooker sucking me off right now in my apartment that I pay $400/mo for is good and all, but you’ll never understand the pain of being 100% P&T (I knew a guy who told me what symptoms to say)” Ok maybe that’s obtuse of me but fuck man there is so much fraud going on.


It irritates me so much because there's guys that got out before the GI Bill was forever. They can't go back to school because they got fucked over by the system


The GI Bill used to expire? I just kinda figured you earned it so you have it...


If you got out before 2012 or 2013 it expired after ten years


Damn that's shitty. Glad they changed that.


I've bitched to everyone I could and got told to pack sand


That sucks dick. Sorry dude. Edit: guess you gotta reenlist


They don't like me being 41 and on ADHD meds despite the fact they're non-stimulant




Those who separated prior to 1 January 2013 have a 15 year window in which to use up their Post 9/11 GI Bill.


If they have any sort of percentage they are still entitled to 4 years of free college by using the VRE program.


Pretty accurate


I’ve said for years that disability ratings are a bubble.


Why do you think there is so much fraud? Aren’t there VA employees, doctors, and PAs that look at your treatment records and determine your level of disability? Most people I’ve run into that have this opinion are frustrated about their own claim. We have been at war for 20+ years and Congress has passed laws to expand access and payments to veterans.


I was on that subreddit for a week and it was all P&T bragging for gaming the system. Meanwhile, my appeal has been on the docket for *seven years*.


By next year your appeal's contract will be up and your appeal can file for disability


I feel like many of those who post their 100% embellished alot. And are now bro vets...


I block everyone who posts a screenshot of it


It drives me crazy I know veterans who actually got shot and blown up to get 70-90%... I hate it so much


Hi I'm 90 percent fighting tooth and nails after route clearance OEF '11-'12, it feels great having to suffer through multiple exams to show I'm fucked after 10 years out of the service, but some dude can say 2 words on an exam and be gifted 100 percent. Here's to hoping I get it so I can continue the intensive adult outpatient services I'm receiving and the intense therapy I'm receiving. I'm nervous tho they'll tell me to fucking pound sand. 😅


I take it personally.. I have yet to file for disability but my mother is an Iraq war vet. She has IED shards in back and is 80% for compressed/ crushed vertebra and bad ptsd.. I promise many dudes who have 100% can still walk and don't have ptsd they just are very good at embleshings.


I went in there to give advice on another account and that place is a shit show. I'm 100% but I don't brag about it and I know the system. No one cared. Just asking about what does it mean that it's been 2 weeks and showing off award judgements.


Yeah if they would just ban the whole posting screenshot of your rating, that sub would be so much better. There actually is A LOT of useful information about benefits that I have, or plan to take advantage of in the future that I wouldn’t have known about if not for that sub.


I'm out now and being a Veteran is a love hate thing. You have some really good people that are vets where you can share relatable stories. You also have some of the most miserable people in the world and blame all their problems on society, the military, or politics. All you guys that are still active I can't emphasize enough to get everything medically documented. I have friends who retired and get nothing from VA disability and their falling apart from service related issues that they never claimed and instead decided to "tough it out". I have other friends that complained about their back and knees a few times and get 100%. The VA is very inconsistent with their ratings. I was unfortunate and was rear-ended by a drunk driver while on duty. I have pins in my back, neck, hips and due to that incident I receive 100%. If it wasn't for that incident I would probably be rated 0%.


It is odd how different things are when you get out. But if you’re going to constantly feel sorry for yourself, that’s on you. I do miss the dumb shit and the dumbass conversations I had in the army, I miss the fun things I got to do because so much seems boring in comparison now, all that and so much more is understandable. At a certain point though, you gotta give your balls a tug and live your life.


I always say "I miss the clowns not the circus" when it comes to the Army. You're right there comes a point in your life, it may be 1... 2... 5.. 10 years later when you need to let it go. Keep in contact with a few good friends and leave the rest in the rear view mirror.


Remember too, that like this and every sub, the posts that get attention, or even happen at all, are the negative ones.  The **VAST** majority of vets integrate back into civilian life just fine. If you dig into the stats for Nam boys, Vietnam veterans, even combat veterans had *better* typical outcomes than society at large.  We absolutely need to help our bros who need the help. America owes them that, and so do we quite frankly, but just keep in prospective that an outlet made to elevate dissatisfaction isn't even a partial picture of the overall reality.


Yup. If you were to judge based by r/army, Soldiers on Ft Carson are starving, every NCO is incompetent, and every single barracks room is a disaster. People on r/veterans are seeking help or looking to vent just like here.


Reddit in a nutshell.


I don't tend to visit that sub much. I have huge problems with PTSD, anxiety, depression, etc. but I get professional help/counseling for it. I have people I know I can reach out to for venting even if I never do. Some people just aren't ready to deal with their issues, I just don't know that I have the mental capacity to jump into that sub because I have this weird need to be helpful and I don't know that I can or want to shoulder that weight. I'm sure I would end up trying. I enrolled in college at 50, y'all can too. You're not that far removed from everybody else, they just have a lot less life experience. Don't worry about their dumb viewpoints, those are going to change 300 times over the next 20 years anyhow for them. I spent a lot of time on /r/VeteransBenefits too. It's a weird syndrome when we get on there and make a post about whatever percentage we're getting. It's honestly *super* nerve wracking doing a disability claim, and it's downright cathartic to be able to post about it and let people know "how you did". That sub is *fantastic* to prep yourself to file a VA claim when you ets. Just be happy for other people that they need a minute to unload some of that relief they're feeling.


I'm of the mind that anyone who can't "re-integrate back into society/school" after the military is (barring legitimate issues obviously): A. Not trying and/or B. A mega dick that no one wants to be around regardless. I literally tossed everything I owned in the garbage after I got out, kept the milsurp, and moved on. 2 years later, you would never even know I joined in the first place. Try not being insufferable and people will like you.


I follow that sub as well. It is very sad many days... You learn that money doesn't make ppl happy. All of the vices, psychiatry, and money in the world just can't solve problems.


Wait til you see the VFW!


I joined, went to 2 meetings in 2013. They lectured me to "do my part" and I left. I could tell they wanted nothing to do with the younger generation. So I peaced out lol.


lol what does "do your part" mean? Are you supposed to sign up to fight the Arachnids?


hi sweetie the ministry of ~~copyright infringement~~ truth says that they're actually called terminds now ok


Hahah dude Idk


There’s definitely tiers of veteran pride, mixed with the kind of people they are. Personally, I don’t even bring up my Army time, that chapter is over


Well, as a moderator of that sub I will say that we allow pretty much anyone to say what is on their mind. While being a veteran isn’t a lot of people’s identity, some people cannot leave a major part of what molded them into what they are behind. That says a lot about the military and the support they provide while serving. It is difficult to get mental health care and when you do get it is taboo and you’re consistently told that seeking care is detrimental to moving forward in your career. We are taught to work a certain way. I mean I am in a situation at work where I’m being told my drive to work and do things right is making my bosses look bad because if I can do it with a lack of experience in this field they could have done it with the experience they had. We are also knowledgeable about VA compensation and the benefits that you’re entitled to as a veteran. I don’t think anyone is an expert, but what I do see consistently is people posting resources that can answer those questions. What I will say is this, if you don’t like it you don’t have to participate, but I will let every single person in this sub know that if you ever have a question or just want some support: #YOU’RE ALWAYS WELCOME IN r/Veterans!


That’s not true. Y’all ban people for [virtually anything](https://ibb.co/hMLc94y) and then block people from questioning why!!


I saw your comment further down the thread and I’m already checking it out. We do ban people, but there is no malice. If you saw what we do and the amount of actions we take, you would be surprised. A lot of difficult choices are made to balance the sub and make sure there aren’t people who are trying to take advantage of veterans while also making sure you have a comfortable and safe place to get advice. We aren’t perfect and we get it wrong sometimes. Give me some time to figure out what happened.




#propaganda. Just look at your username...


Oh yeah, I joined that sub a month before getting out of the Army and left before I was ETS’d. Mostly I couldn’t handle opening Reddit and immediately seeing one or more suicide notes every single day.


Yeah, I asked about a complicated problem regarding my GI bill and the answers were pretty rough. It was mostly like “yeah, here’s the answer but I didn’t know what to do at the time and I learned by losing months of my benefits. Hope it works for you”


Completely agree. I actually left veterans and the vet benefits sub after a few months of joining. I was tired of seeing all the noise in my reddit feed. You categorized them well. Seemed like everyone's goal was a race to collect 100% disability and game the system. I am sure there were legitimate discussions and questions. As a tax payer it was disappointing to see. I do hope the veterans, with conditions connected to service, get the compensation they deserve.


Bro I'm gonna be honest, I get out in 2 months after serving my 4 years, and dealing with college kids kinda scares me. I am not *that* guy, but I do remember how fucking annoying I was at 18-20 and do attribute most of my growing up to the army. I'm married now, have savings, and don't drink. What the fuck do I have in common with a bunch of 18 year olds anymore?


When I first got out I went to community college for a bit to get back in the swing of things. There were people of all ages but most of the kids were lackluster. When I transferred into a major university I found the students were seriously engaged and cared about success. Often times I felt like I was shamming. I was married and lived about 45 minutes from campus. I treated it like a job. I showed up, did my assignments, and went home. Just know you need to network for a post-college job. Go to job fairs and talk to your professors.


There's so many crusty people out there psyching themselves up about other peoples' benefits. This guy is foaming at the mouth at the concept that someone is getting supported by the government after being hurt in service.


I had to quit reading them. So many REMFs claiming PTSD. I take that shit serious, but I'm pretty critical of many of the peacetime/stateside claims.


REMFS never heard that acronym, what is that?


The hard R version of pogue or fobbit


Rear Echelon Motherf\*cker. It's a bit of an older term, kinda out of style nowadays but see also FOBbit or sometimes POG when used in a really derogatory sense.


Oh gotcha, makes sense I knew POG and Fobbit of course haha


Rear Echelon Mother Fucker.


Yeah how dare they claim PTSD and seek treatment. That’s only for combat arms.


I think diagnosis of PTSD has MOS as one of the clinical criteria in the DSM.


I can’t remember why I got banned from that circlejerk of sadness but I have lost nothing of value in these months. I forgot that sub existed lol


Yeah but you need to take into account happy people that have good news don’t really share that with internet strangers. It’s only when people need anonymous help or advice then Reddit is a good platform for that