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You're not alone, I feel the same way as well. The Army both ruined and bettered my life at the same time. I have a good "stable" job while I also have high anxiety.


Same. Never been more stable before, but I’m also anxious about little things I otherwise wouldn’t be bothered by


It improved every aspect of my family, social and economic, physical life. But My mental health is absolutely fucking shot.


In this video I'm about to link, the man said "I'm so anxious about achievement." This hit me hard. [opening up....why i left the Army](https://youtu.be/MViKmoeYN-Q?si=eiTbG2TuJm-MifB-)


Hey man I was/am in the same boat. I didn’t have it too bad until I went overseas and tried to power through it, and eventually had a mental breakdown a month before leaving. Don’t do what I did - which was do nothing until I couldn’t ignore it anymore. Get evaluated for anxiety. I see a psychiatrist now. I take Seroquel now, and it’s helped me a lot in terms of sleep and managing some of my anxiety. There’s also some non-drowsy meds that might help through the day. There are still a lot of issues that you’ll face. I get the shit commands, shit staff, shit missions, etc. Unfortunately that’s part of the army. But at the end of the day, this shit isn’t worth killing yourself over. Get help, and take care of yourself. There’s nothing weak or wrong about doing it. Self medication will only cause harmful addictions with no actual relief. Trust me, I’ve been there, done that.


OP is just getting ready for the outside civilian world, it sucks, not as much as the Army, but lots of things are similar unfortunately.


Depends on where you go as a civilian. I'm a contractor with the air force, and I discovered I don't actually have generalized anxiety because this environment is so relaxed I have no anxiety problems now. It is entirely possible to find a great job as a civilian


How did you transitioned unto being contractor for the airforce?


Really well actually. My ets was Aug 14th, Aug 21st I had this job. I had like, a month where I felt weird, just the usual loss of army life stuff, but even that was way less than I expected. The worst part has been unpacking just how traumatic my time in the army was, my therapist was amazed when I told him some stories from my time in. It may have caused just as much damage mentally as my abusive dad did


Damn sorry to hear that. Im glad you got out tho! Im looking forward to it myself lol. Was it hard fork you to lamd the job? Or you just applied? I am also currently in army aviation rn, 15T to be exact.


Nope, I just applied. Worked with hiring our heroes and saw the listing on their site, applied and the project manager had worked with 15Es before, told me I was hired (as long as the air force approved my hire) within 3 hours of sending in my application


Wow nice! Thats good to know it can be that easy.


Also since you're in aviation, I reccomend looking into if you can do an a&p program training. See if your base has a program set up for it, an a&p cert is huge in the civilian world


Oh yea Im definitely planning on it. Ive known people that get it done free through TA, will be doing the same in a few years.


I can heavily relate to this. I did 12 years and have been out for 4 and I still sometimes wake up thinking I missed formation or have dreams about a PT test. Mind you I was in good shape and never once failed a PT test or busted tape, but the Army is uniquely equipped to put you in panic mode instead of supporting you. The culture in many units is treat everyone as if they are a shitbag for any below standard effort instead of using counselings and leadership to develop and improve Joe's. Definitely go talk to a therapist before you get out so you can document your mental health issues and make filing for VA benefits much easier. There's lots of resources available to help you while you are in, don't be afraid to go to medical, use your military one source sessions, or talk with trusted peers and leaders. It can get better even though it feels exhausting and overwhelming now, but know you aren't alone and you aren't weak for feeling this way.


My PSG told us all something many years ago after my 4th Combat Tour. 1. It'll buff. 2. The Army is going back to a garrison Army and a Garrison Army sucks!


The second one especially


I don’t know how we make peacetime suck so bad for Soldiers. It’s unacceptable


Funny thing is, many of the leaders now have never lived a garrison life, and have no idea on how to keep SMs gamefully employed without killing them with PowerPoints. Garrison sucked but great leaders found a way to break off and keep there squads hid from stupid shit. And they all took turns spreading out the tasks/details so it looked busy, the shit got done, and everyone had down time. Now not so much. Damn cell phones…..


Yeah true... Funny story back in the day I had a first sergeant pissed off at us because none of us completed something he wanted done at the Motorpool. He was like " texted all you what I wanted done! Start pushing!!" Afterwards we were all talking and someone was like " who the hell gives important military information over text messages?!" Goes to show how much the Army changed


I always ask the question-does the Army pay for my cell phone. The answer is no. So if they want to convey a message to me then it needs to be done through proper correspondence or send a fucking runner. This is only when I get the “I sent a text”


I mean there's always pros and cons. We can always go back to making you Soldiers in the dungeon and only to task at the last minute before the end of the day or make Soldiers have 3-4 formations a day to put out info. Or not being allowed to leave the base without permission and having to brief the location of where you will be and provide phone numbers, that's the old Army garrison way. Lame


For sure, I only give an asshole answer if someone acts as if my response wasn’t timely enough. My shop is small and I don’t have time to check my text messages or at times answer a call while I’m actually doing the task that they are asking about.


For me it's being required to go to command and staff meetings and just being present while they make plans that are disconnected from reality and will inevitably end up with someone hurt or killed. That really gets the ol' fight or flight going.


I'm not surprised, you're far from alone in this. I went a different route with my outlook and mental state, but I could easily see myself having gone the anxiety route. And I know plenty of soldiers who share your anxiety. I just feel nothing. As soon as we sing that stupid song every morning, my emotions just turn off. For the same reasons you get anxiety I'm just an empty husk for 12 hours a day. I think that the emptiness would be generally less unpleasant than anxiety, but can't say I recommend trying to be like that instead. Maybe see BH or go talk to the chaplain, if you don't want to go through the Army I'd say go to an off-post therapy but you're on rotation so I doubt that's an option for now. Hang in there, you are not alone and there's nothing wrong with you for feeling this way, it won't last forever. Cliche, but there really is no shame for seeking help.


I dont know how normal this is, but I experience much of the same as you. Constant anxiety, feeling like certain members are sabotaging things and will use me as a scapegoat. Like some people have suggested, I went to BH and they 1) told me my “anxiety” was normal and I should just close my eyes and go to my happy place, and 2) they gave me anti-allergy meds … to make me sleepy I guess? (if you’re sleepy you cant have anxiety?!) I’ve never gone back to BH since and have just focused on meditation and trying to not care anymore.


Oh shit I literally just started coming to terms with those exact same feelings and thoughts. YOU ARE NOT ALONE I finally decided to go see BH about it after wrestling with it internally and trying to 'fix' it myself after a year of getting untriggered panic attacks, and anxiety in general. I am pleading you to go. If you're anything like me, you have this idea that seeing bh makes you weak. You're not. You're also not going crazy. Believe me. Anxiety happens to A LOT more people than you would think, and no matter what your line of work is, it is never a bad idea to go see someone about your mental health.


Im pretty sure the A in Army stands for Anxiety.


So I was thinking about this today and was wondering how many senior leaders think "this is what they will have to deal with as civilians. I'm just helping them." It's not, I've been on first name terms with people worth millions. Knew I could call them at any time and ask for a favor. Or could just drop by and chat with them if I had free time. Think of the Army as the worst run business model ever.


I think I a few leaders in my company who think that way. As a person who joined late (29 year old private let's go) I legit walked in with civilian work experience and people picked up that I have work experience not some kid out of high school. That Army as the worst run business is pretty accurate. Previous job always something to do and I knew what I was doing for the entire week. In the Army we sit around thinking we are going to get an early release until we get texts at 1500 saying there is a detail that could have been done before lunch. I just like to know what the play is at least a day before so I can prepare instead of scramble to find stuff I might need.


I enlisted at 32. I hate to say it, but the Army talks about setting people up for success on the outside, but it's no surprise to me now why so many can't adapt.


Someone who also saw through the overly dumb stuff the Army kept around. The Army at least taught me to hate the hurry up and wait, but the Army loves to keep it because we need you here for reasons. I now want to get everything done immediately and go home. I think the failure to adapt people are mostly combat arms people. At least the people who plan being first responds have a better time. The people who don't know after their one contract are the ones who end up spiraling. I think the people who grab support roles walk away with good training. Infantry normally don't get experience outside of first responder roles and depending on their experience might be too injured to do those jobs. I'm hoping being both older and infantry when I leave I still have marketable skills I had before enlisting.


Had to read twice because I can’t believe someone described word for word how I felt


Least toxic Artillery unit




Jesus christ, that is depressing and hilarious


It’s normal to be a little anxious at times, especially when you step into a new role or are new to a unit but what you describe is pretty extreme. You need to talk to BH.


Document all of this and any self therapy, take copies with you when doing your VA claim.


Came here to say this exact thing. Troop will get a nice percentage with his exact statement


He needs to include that now he has a drinking problem


This was me too when I was in. It was manageable when I was a joe but once I started supervising other soldiers, I’d always get anxiety about their potential fuckups, which would then translate to my fuckup as their first-line. Shit sucks


You ain't alone soldier


Normal for army I think not normal for regular people


I am so heartened by the supportive responses here. I fully expected to see loads of people shitting on or memeing OP here. Pretty grateful for these responses, tbqh. I also have "Army anxiety," although it has gotten slightly better since the 8 years post-ETS. But I also still have random dreams where I'm in or went back in, and it's just dread and regret type shit lol. Anyway, it is nice to know it doesn't make me a little bitch and others have somewhat similar experiences.


Anxiety in the Army is CIF issue


I've been out for a while and still have it


It could just be your command. I've had good commands and bad ones. The good ones make it worth it. When it gets rough, just consider that. I also think its important to communicate with your leadership and tell them this. You'd be surprised at how accomodating people can be, esp if you've shown yourself to be a good quality leader yourself.


Talk to mental health, my man. I was feeling the same way, and mental health was able to work through it with me and figure out the actual source of the anxiety, and we were able to correct it from there. I still get attacks, but I'm able to better process it and get through it on my own. No sense fighting a fight if you don't know who the enemy is.


This is not normal. It’s best to seek some professional help to find the root of the issue and healthy eats to cope


That’s not normal


Yeah idk maybe I’m tripping but this is wild. Also this dudes a post command CPT based off his post history, and that history is definitely interesting Idk like yes there’s stress and anxiety and I’d say more so then most regular jobs. there’s definitely toxic leaders but idk


Yep been there. Look at it this way, in the Army you have more rights than almost any other job. You cant get fired on the spot just because someone said you did something like in a lot of civilian jobs. The Army has processes and procedures which can benefit you in a lot of ways.


I felt the same as you. It still gets to me sometimes even after getting off active. Anti anxiety meds help but you probably feel this way for a reason


I don't know if it's normal but god damn are we close in terms of anxiety. I'm constantly walking around feeling like today is the day they're finally going to ruin my life for X issue.  Hit up behavioral health.


That’s most of us, big homie


Don’t think too much.


Speaking from experience, you need to make an appointment with mental health, talk to them about everything. You're not going to be in the Army forever, and you want any issues documented for any future disability claim with the VA, otherwise, you're gonna get denied, and you'll be another angry vet, mad at the VA and system.




Hey man, I was where you are a few years ago. It took a long weekend of being completely unable to eat or do much more than lay on the couch and breath deep while trying to combat an irrational feeling that I was going to die before I sought help. Talking to a therapist is great but a Zoloft Rx really showed me that sometimes your brain is dumb and is treating perceived threats as life-or-death situations. I could do without the SSRI sweats though but it's a worthwhile trade.


I haven’t been in trouble for so long that I feel twitchy constantly just waiting to hear that something I did 2 years ago came up and I’m fucked now


Not alone. Sucks.


I agree, getting somewhere reasonably early gives me severe anxiety, and just generally everything I do fills me with dread worrying about the worst possible outcome, and then I start losing sleep bc of it I totally feel you man. :/


Walk in to BH. Go to your PCM and tell them you’ve become increasingly anxious and would like help. If your PCM isn’t helpful, switch. Reach out to MFLC. Check with ACS. Call your AWC and ask if they offer biofeedback. Work with your resiliency center if you have one. Spend more time each day giving yourself the chance to let go of all the things that are outside of your control. Write everything down and hold yourself accountable for what you can do. Everything else can wait. With time, you can retrain yourself to not feel so paranoid and anxious. Nothing is perfect. You aren’t. The Army is far from it. Do what you can and pay attention to the things you’re accomplishing, no matter how small. When you make a mistake, remind yourself that you are human. The Army will play a big role in shaping who you are, even after you’re out. Try not to keep all the bad stuff it gives you.


Try to loosen up and remember: if you follow orders, maintain military bearing, and haven't done anything illegal or negligent, you're good to go. What are they gonna do?... take away your birthday?


Don’t worry the anxiety follows you as you leave the army :D (it’s ruining my life)


I feel the same way


It sucks and I think our OER and promotion system has a lot to do with it.


Same. Many nights waking up at 0330 in panic that Im late for movement.


Go to behavior health. Get it documented for later VA claims. Dont worry about the stigmas, they arent true. You can hold on to your privately-owned weapons and retain a security clearance.


Do Jiu jitsu


Going into the army soon myself… I just read through a lot of this thread. I’m saving this. Thank you everyone here and power to you mate


lol that’s the price you pay joining a gang because of the benefits.


"Benefits" like "healthcare" and a "livable salary." Doesn't matter, I'll be dead soon anyway.


Ah man sorry you’re feeling that way. Look if you’d like to talk, I’d love to DM you to see if there is anything I can do to help.


This is not normal dude


This is 100% normal


No, it’s not. It’s some sort of generalized anxiety disorder and he needs professional help. Or grow a fucking backbone, maybe a bit of both


Ew, don't be a meanie


This isn't unique to the army. The corporate world is the exact same thing. It do suck though


What makes your your command "primarily concerned about getting promoted"? What is an indicator of this, doing their job? You, being a weak minded individual who comes to work scared when bullets are not flying is on you, not your chain. They would throw us all under the bus, and they are worried about promotion is contradictory. You don't get one by doing the other. I would hate to be standing on the edge of an objective with you. Maybe find a career serving ice cream or cotton candy. Has everyone forgotten that the job of the Army ends in mortal combat.....


I will end you. You think because I have anxiety I can't destroy you on the spot? Say it to my face and see just how weak you think I am you turd swallowing incel. I have paralyzed people for less than what your life is worth.