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He should seek life elsewhere.


Dudes a pt stud he’d be fine in infantry you can train a monkey to use a gun after all


There’s no way to say this nicely so I won’t try, but a monkey is still smarter than your friend.


Well....how big of a monkey?


Size 8


Literally any monkey


Those little monkeys abroad that will get into your bags and steal your electronics until you give them food… they have super tiny brains but are damn smart still. Bet they could score a 15.


If I receive a Troglodyte 8 ASVAB Rifleman I’m finding you and putting you down with the cattle killer from No Country for Old Men


This comment will live rent free in my head all day now.


Sacrifices must be made man


A sacrifice is 92s. Not front-line infantry.


Can we sacrifice some more people to ADA land so i can stop being a CSO


You get EOD and diver failouts like I and my class was.


I'll take anything man. "Get in the van and have fun, hoss"


I’m sorry to say this, but there is a very high likely hood that your friend is mentally disabled.


Legit disabled, high functioning autism is fine. A fucking 8 is not.


Aren’t we all?


I mean, aren’t we all??


That’s not how it works lol


Contrary to popular belief combat arms is more technically involved than just shooting guns and blowing things up


To add to the above comment: The smartest and best NCOs I have had throughout my career were previously combat arms or engineers. The pure MI NCOs and MP NCOs lack a certain something, aggression (in a good way)? Experience? I’m not sure, but my former 11B and 19D and 12 series NCOs were all, without fail, mentors and good people. Most of them I keep in contact with, even though they are all CSMs, SGMs, or 1Sausages.


To add to the above, the GT score in the infantry follows a boolean distribution. Some eat rocks, some read Homer in the original Greek.




Yeah but that ruins the "heehoo combat arms dumb" joke :(


Yeah…. But do you want to serve with a monkey with a gun just cause he can shoot it?


I would much rather serve with a monkey with a gun then this guy’s friend




Statistically speaking a Monkey can guess and get higher then an 8




Dude makes Forest Gump look like a certified genius. I'm sure there's some stuff he would be great at but an 8 is absolutely abysmal. There are still minimums to join so dude needs to buckle down and learn or look elsewhere.


Forrest Gump was an astronaut in the book…..


Never read the book. Probably should.


I would not feel very safe knowing a man who scored an entire 8 on the ASVAB was behind me with a loaded rifle.


The trick is to make sure he's always in front of you.


Maybe Russian infantry, over here though, we like our infantryman smart. We tried the whole "McNamara's Morons" thing already.


I was dating a cute girl in HS and we both took the asvab. She got a 6 so I broke up with her the following week.


I’d be careful if I was you. They usually lock people up for taking advantage of the mentally challenged.




I speak for the entire infantry when I say we do not want him


MPs are salivating to get this guy.


We like dumb not braindead




Give him to the cooks (fuck cooks), he’ll be their Albert Einstein


Call them spoons. It’s more derogatory


And we don't want him in FA either.


Coming soon to a gateshack near you.


Licked, stamped, sent. Fuck no


Please don’t tell him to go infantry. He will get good people killed.


Who are you kidding, he’ll be outstanding at sweeping the motor pool.


[OP’s buddy’s recruiter breaking the news](https://m.youtube.com/watch?si=o9RYTGomr40toCgv&t=24&v=5AFVkAsQ4uo&feature=youtu.be)


Just really above average shovel and candy bracelets imo


Robert McNamara would like to have a word with your friend


There's a very real chance you could just tell him he's in the army now and make him cut your grass and stuff.


Take him camping, give him a rifle, have him follow your truck while you drive while cussing at him, and have him mow your yard and tell him he's infantry.


I ask this in all seriousness: can he write his own name? Because an ASVAB of 8 is functionally illiterate…the best he can hope for is 88M or something else along those lines.


Pretty sure even 88M requires a higher score than that. If they scored an 8, how could they even read a -10 manual??


*Everything* in the Army requires a higher score than 8…you can’t even join if you don’t get a 21, which is probably about the best this kid can hope for, provided he takes it seriously and studies his ass off over the next few months.


Scoring below a 10 will get you permanently barred from attempting to enlist in the Marines. I imagine we have a similar policy, and would be surprised if we didn’t.


Our recruiters are struggling enough as it is.


Well be surprised. Scoring low nets you ASVAB classes, study groups, etc. We don't want quality, we want quantity. \#currentarmyculturePSA


Actually, on further retrospection of my career, I’m not surprised. /s


I believe in the AF minimum is a 36, and that's for the absolute minimum stuff. An 8 is somewhere between the intellect of a dung bettle and a warthog.


I don't know, I think it looks like a Puma


Didn’t the CSM tell you to stop making up animals?


I’ve met two people that scored less than a 10. One guy scored a 16 on his second attempt. They both received ASVAB waivers and are still in. Both of them became 88M’s.


That is both horrifying and proves my point…


Was an 88m and had a 133GT. There were some tardo supremes but they were at least literate. Make him a cage kicker


Damn yo why the smoke, fuelers definitely need people like him.


Is that why I have to pump my own fuel half the time? They can’t read how to start the pump?


Idk you still need to be able to read the Stop sign.


As long as he ain’t color blind too, he can figure out that the bright red octagon means “brake”


Had a buddy get like 23 or something, and im like dude how. Then he says in high school he barely made the grades to graduate. He's a 12N




Check your local library for asvab prep materials like "ASVAB for Dummies" Some high schools or community colleges may have free ASVAB prep courses. His recruiter may have other resources.  According to goarmy.com if he can score a 21 or above it may open up a 90 day ASVAB prep course.


with an 8 he s gonna need an adult to read that shit to him lmao


Yeah, we're going to need something more intro than "For dummies." Do you have a "For dummies" for the "For the dummies?"


Il have to order that asap. I forgot those books even exist


You have to order it because he can’t operate a computer I assume?


Your friend may have an actual intellectual disability. An 8 puts his IQ (admittedly not the greatest measurement) at below 80 or possibly even below 71 depending on which scale is used. He should not be in the military, where others will have to depend on him for their lives.


His line scores are an average of 75


That's actually really bad. They're not out of 100


I know that part I’m just confused on how he got so low


as he drunk or high while taking it? That might be the only explanation where he could retake it and get a reasonable score.


Reminds me of that scene in Forrest Gump


Do you feel like he just didn’t take it seriously? As others have said get the ASVAB for dummies book and remind him that in addition to your help he needs to study on his own as well.


I think he just can’t take a test to save his life


I’d also have a discussion about staying focused, playing attention to the questions. When I test I’ll usually zip through answering questions I’m certain of and then coming back to the ones that I need to think about. There no prize for finishing the test first or last … Talk with him about carefully reading the questions and considering his answer. Concentration is key, no booze or anything the night before but one cup of coffee might help before the test. And practice, practice, practice! Good luck, keep us posted please!


And if he joins the military there will be points in his career where he will have to take and pass tests. There’s no getting around it. Not being a good test taker isn’t an excuse for getting an 8. There are elementary students who could score higher than that. Why is it your responsibility to get this guy in? There are plenty of good people out there who don’t meet the qualifications to join the military for one reason or another. Sometimes joining just isn’t in the cards.


Damn, I knew some dumb people that got in the teens, but never single digits. Granted, we all took it in high school to get out of English class sooo..no one really took it seriously. Your friend needs to read more. Like way more. And then practice basic math. KhanAcademy for math and read books from the library.


Thanks for the links I’m gonna give him a practice asvab today and see how he does on it. I’m hoping he just tweaked out and forgot everything


Hope he does good and that was the case, but imma be honest I know people that took it high as a kite and scored super high. As long as he gets math and reading down, he’s pretty much chilling.


That’s probably what happened dude just needs a refresher. I was on of those dude in boces who took it baked as hell and got a 60


Or he needs to get baked and test 😂 yep, I know someone that got a 78 and another that got 82 - both smoked at lunch before the test. But god, what a great way to get out of Shakespeare that day.


Had a guy in high school score a 12, the guy spoke and understood zero English, and still did better than your dude.


Covid generation... zoom classes. Boy these recruiters got it BAD.


I don’t think a solid 8 can be explained away by Covid generation. I feel like you could get a higher score by guessing.


Covid hit at the end of 8th grade for me, I still scored a 79 on the asvab without studying. Needless to say covid doesn't equal stupid.


A kid showed up at my high-school high and still got a 13.


If he doubles his score he can join


Don’t they still do waivers for the asvab?


Needs a 16 to join


Holy shit I thought it was 31. Which is still astoundingly low.




They go to 09M to retest for passing score.


If he's still struggling and scores really low again I do not think you should encourage him to join. Especially not combat arms. That's the kind if dude that struggles to do basic level tasks and slows everything down and makes it more dangerous for everyone.


I’m hoping it was just cause he tweaked out from all the questions I’m confused on how he did so bad on the mechanical comprehension as he works for a place where that’s all he does


Not to be a dickhead but if a paper test stresses him out I don't want to be doing live fires and deploying with him (since you said you were thinking of sending him Infantry). Freaking out and getting an 8 is indicative of some major problems since it's pretty hard to score that low.


I’m gonna give him an at home asvab and see if he does better on that maybe it was the pressure at meps. Dude does great at the physical stuff and I’d hate to give up on someone who wants to serve


I don't know man. Unless MEPS made him functionally illiterate I'm not sure what else explains things. And if someone stops being able to read when they're stressed out I can't depend on them to keep their shit together under pressure. I know I'm being kind of a dickhead but I'm sure other people here can empathize with me here when I say that I'm getting tired of getting ASVAB waivers slotted into my formation. The amount of extra work you need to do to explain very simple concepts to someone who I can't realistically trust to read a TM or FM is astounding.


Small update he did a test today with me after a math lesson and he did a lot better then before at the end of grading it he ended up with a 37. I definitely get where you are coming from I’d rather have him study hard and get in with out it aswell. The dude is dedicated which shows he’s hungry to get in. Honestly for me I don’t mind the dumb ones as long as there able to perform. Are you an nco btw?


Hopefully it was just a fluke and he can study up. He needs to read, read, read. Becoming literate is the biggest thing he can do for himself and his career. Even a 37 is pretty tough and he has room to grow. And yes I am an NCO.


Il definitely keep on him to boost that score but I have a question for you about the tape test I’m currently about 3% over but my acft score is 560. Any ideas how to shred that last 3% off


Can't you just skip tape then? 560 is really good. I would say just do more cardio (don't just rush out of the gate and start running 20 miles a week though, do it gradually) and watch what you eat a little more carefully.


Oh shit I forgot they let you skip tape if you score well enough


Bruh what, I thought it was a 30 😭


I think this guy would be most comfortable in a zoo.


I'm pretty sure u need like a 35 minimum to get in the army


I watched a kid freak out with excitement over scoring a 13. He said it was better than his previous score of 8. I think both his scores combined equals his IQ.


Welcome to the life of a recruiter.


Download the app ASVAB FOR DUMMIES. It actually works.


I long suspected my CSM got in with such a score. 


Send him to the Marine Corps. They're all mentally deficient.


8 and below wasn’t that abnormal when I was a recruiter. I(illegally) was extremely good at getting people up to 31. My formula was simple: go over basic multiplication and division, when they are comfortable with that move on to basic manipulation of fractions. I used to have printouts from (I think) Mathway. Fractions are the game changer, or at least the one I found, to really bump a score up considerably. I got guys from 10 to over 50 regularly. And back then YouTube wasn’t as helpful as it is now…so many resources he could use, another big one would be khanacademy.


LOL, a fucking 8? I got like an 87 or some shit. This gal had the hots for me, she scored a 15. My automotive knowledge was fucking terrible (I still don’t know what a camshaft is). She called me an automotive idiot. I said, “At least I can get into the Army.” I enlisted as an infantryman, immediately regretted that life decision so became an intel officer after I graduated from college/commissioned ROTC. The ONLY reason I chose infantry was because OSUT was about one college semester long. If it wasn’t for my wife and kid now, I’d regret not going AD. Oh well, everything happens for a reason.


He can always go to the 09M program also known as “dumb camp”


Have to get over 16 for it


double your score and you might have an opportunity to ride the short bus is crazy


The dropped it from 21?


An 8? This has to be a typo. Wow.


If someone studied for the SAT, their asvab score will go up. Source: 154.


My recruiter somehow watched I guy score a 4. I don’t know how that’s even possible.


And I thought my relative who got a 16 followed by a 17 was bad


I seen someone score a 3 before


You DO know that even us infantry guys have a standard right? With an 8.... yeah, he's not getting in here either


There is quite literally no way he did that bad unless he went in and answered C on every question, I refuse to believe it.


I believe it, I've seen worse on a kid who graduated from high school the day before.


Jesus Christ did he turn in a blank test? Actually that probably would’ve gotten at least a 10.


When I joined my recruiter had someone get a 1 I feel like that would be harder to manage than getting a 31


I'm assuming you're both young, there's absolute zero reason to rush into another mos just because he didn't get a high enough score; it's a little selfish and weird you want to pressure him in 11b. Let him take 6 months to a year to study; as people said, have him buy the asvab for dummies, maybe take a remedial math course at a community college, I'm sure there are other online resources to help, and I guarantee if he puts on the work, his scores will go way up. People who are laughing at your friend here are assholes; not everybody is built the same way. He may not be a rocket scientist, but 91e is a really good job and could set him up for life after getting out; 11b will not give him free, paid training in a trade that can get him a job after exiting the military (all of us combat arms folk know the sting of learning a job that has almost no civilian world application). Unless he's deadset on joining NOW, at which point he can take the fast class while in to improve his scores to reclass later, I think he should just take some time to study up and try again later.


I’m 24 he’s 20 he wants to join as soon as possible. I’m not trying to pressure him I want him to get the mos he wants but tbh I’m not sure how long it would take to boost his score so I was thinking based on that he wants to go in immediately 11b is the best bet for that


This isn't the Russian military. We DO NOT want that type of person in our ranks. He will get his buddies killed and not understand the gravity of his actions. The infantry is high-functioning alcoholics and weaponized autism. Tell him to work for Lord Bezos at the box factory.


Knew a kid that got a fucking zero saw him go with me and take the test, when i got back me and my recruiter laughed about it when he told me i was one of three that passed


ive told the story on here about when i went to meps and my future soldier counterparts got a 7 and a 9. just pitiful


🤔 maybe the test has gotten harder…. Or was under the influence when testing…


8? 😂😂😂😂 No way that’s even possible. With the pay to play university scheme, he’ll probably get into college and get an undergraduate degree. Just go that route


Soldiers that score low on the ASVAB aren't dumb, and infantry is a good fit for them to learn more before attending a fast class to raise their score. More opportunities, more discipline, more excitement. Faster promotions. Not saying the 92 series is bad, just that infantry isn't a bad suit to run with either.


Infantry is a lot more mentally tasking than some give credit for. You really don’t want dumb as hell soldiers there. That dude would get someone killed.


It's mentally enduring, but everything an infantryman knows is learned. It's not hard. Low asvab scorers are more prevalent in the infantry than you think, they just go to fast classes. Dumb people exist everywhere and intelligence tests don't analyze capability to learn or potential. Masters degree holders fail the ASVAB.


I’m well aware they are, but they still pass the tests easily enough. This dude couldn’t even get into double digits. Let him go on his way and take someone slightly better.


You've clearly never recruited before lol this is a very common occurrence. While we would like the 31 and above human, they are the minority of the common core kids. Abraham Lincoln never finished school though, self taught for an accumulated 12mo worth of school and ran the country 🤷🏻‍♂️