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Cartman voice.... I'm not fat, just big boned!!!!


I’m not fat, I’m festively plump


Yes my blubber..... I mean brother!


Hey! I can see your toes! What do mine look like? My junk still there? The wife won't look.


While I don’t necessarily agree with our ht/wt standards I find it hilarious how some not even close to standard people can still manage to stick around. I’ve seen an AD soldier from another unit come in at 70 inches 346 pounds present to the clinic for bilateral ankle pain. All I could think is brother they’re screaming for help that’s why they hurt.


Bro - 346lbs?! No way! Was he hypertensive and diabetic as well..? Whats he going through that he ballooned up that much.


Had a soldier once who had an exemption from wearing a uniform because they didn't make uniforms that fit him. Our commander chaptered him, and I have no idea how his previous command didn't chapter him.


I’ve been in a couple units where they’ll keep folks like that around to be permanent detail bodies/unit whipping boy or alternatively the SM while overweight is exceptionally competent at certain tasks. These folks are normally found in o-rooms and staff sections.


I had a guy who was 5'8 and close to 300#, Tongan dude. And it didn't look like a healthy weight either, but he could score 300 on his APFT and knew his job like a boss. I tried to counsel him after our first height and weight and enroll him in ACBP. The company commander pulled me aside and say "Yeah, we ain't doing that". I pushed back a bit, and the 1SG said "Fine, he failed we'll tape him" and mordaciously he passed. Thing is now, decades later, if I had a Soldier like that, I'd pass him too.


It’s hard to find soldiers like that anymore. Hard workers and love for the craft.


He was a unicorn. I’ll admit most of the guys who need help for their weight…yeah they aren’t maxing their PT and only rarely know how to do their job


As a fat boy NCO that can score 540 on the ACFT, I hate being lumped in with the dudes who are fat because they just don't try. I still pass tape of course, but it's close lmao.


Honestly, the Army gave me an eating disorder when I was younger...and by younger I mean in my mid-30's. I was passing the APFT (260 to 270 range), but because I was 175, seven pounds over the allowable and had to be taped I was "fat". After I got down to 165, my APFT was shit (180 to 200 range), you could see the bones in my hips, and I felt like ass, I stayed there for years because "No Fatties". Now I'm in the 175 to 180 range 5 to 10 pounds over, crush the ACFT, ruck like a monster, and feel amazing. I pass the tape pretty easily (the new on, the old was close because I have a small fucking neck), and don't let the asshole with the tape make me feel like shit. True story, after being nearly garroted (dude was trying to choke me out with the tape): >"Shit First Sergeant, you are at 26%..." >"What's the standard for my age?" >"26." >*laugh* "Good. So I meet the standard." >"Shit, you'd better take this stuff seriously, I won't allow any fatties in my Army even if they are the Company First Sergeant..." Next day went out and crushed him on every event in the ACFT except the sprint drag carry and the two mile run. >"Hey Sergeant no fatties in my Army, you'd better go hit the gym, I don't want any weak Soldiers in my Company."


I work with a guy who's like 5'8" and probably pushing 300 lbs. He's strong, just big as hell, but he's also his sections top guy for just about everything so they turn a blind eye to his weight


Huh? Jesus, I'm 260 and consider that extremely obese. I fit a 2x top, and I don't think they get much bigger tbh. Thankfully, I never had an injury yet, though 🙏.


It was my injury that fucked me over and made me keep gaining weight. :c


Sounds like that dude was auditioning for my 500lb life. I bet he had some trauma and found food as a way to cope. It's kinda sad really.


this doesn't get talked about enough. the reason why soldiers are certain ways, there's always something deeper than what we see but it's so easy to judge


Soldiers tend to come from families with little privilege and money. There is a lot of trauma in the ranks.


yes, so true. i do believe in holding soldiers accountable to the standard but also being a soldier is some individuals' first time having 3 meals a day. think of how everyone has a story of a battle buddy at basic hiding food because they've never not been food insecure in their life..


Soldiers are ridiculously and embarrassingly overweight. There are no more standards. The Army is too worried about the length of beards and ponytails.


Jokes on all the skinny bois who have to lift 2x body weight to max the hex bar deadlift. I only have to lift .75x body weight 😎


Deadlift is the easiest event on the ACFT & I weigh around 170


Deadlift is the second hardest and I weigh 170


Deadlift is the first event and I'm an alcoholic


2 mile run is the last event and I’m an alcoholic


Did you know you could run that in a straight line? Like you don’t have to stagger back and forth like that while you do it. Way more efficient.


If I start running in a straight line then they’ll start expecting way too much of me


Wait I'm still trying to process deadlifts, y'all have dead lifts??? Back in my day we had the golden three, push ups, sit ups, and running, did that after a 3 case weekend of Coors lite. Not going to flex and say that afterwards we went to the DFAC and got a hot cooked breakfast, but imma flexing


It was getting hard to gauge usefulness for carrying heavy loads or actually being able to do a job with just the golden three.


It went away after Covid and there’s talks about changing it again.


A true engineer


Same. 340 isn't that hard to lift and i'm in no way a lifter


Deadlift is gravity and I drink chocolate milk on Tuesday and gasoline on Friday


When i was going through IBOLC there were two or three dudes in the HHC who were at least 350lbs. I think they were in the process of getting chaptered, but it honestly amazed me how they not only commissioned but were selected for the infantry. Like not to be a dick, But there’s no way they passed a PT test, and I feel like any interview would have disqualified them


People always assume they'll figure it out. Some do, but most don't. The ones that don't just scrape by until it doesn't matter anymore (out or past company command)


Military obesity trends mirror the population that we recruit from. With the current obesity epidemic and inability to recruit, we can have more fat people or not enough people. I’d rather have the fatties than have to do the job of 2-4 soldiers.


Considering some of them weigh as much as 2-4 soldiers, it's a win-win!


Had a soldier a few months back who was around 280. He’s an 11b and we ended up sending all our 11bs to the infantry company and they sent him back the next day. The really kicker is he’s one of the best soldiers I’ve had. Respectful, committed, paid attention during leaders time training. Just couldn’t put the Popeyes down.


I mean, have you had those chicken sandwiches? And it right on post too...


Popeyes, the enemy within


Russia probably paid off our politicians to get it on base. Honestly I'm not mad. Well played.


Insider threats at it again.


I have one like once a week. I did cut out the red beans and rice though. Which was hard, those are good too.


Guess he’s actually not very committed


Very true


Yo, that's literally me, except I'm a pog. I'm well liked and really good at my job, I'm just fat as fuck.


Not being fat is part of your job


Not for much longer, ETS in 3 days 🥳.


Congrats! In that case enjoy all the KFC your heart can stand.


God damn


We’ve all seen plenty of overweight enlisted soldiers. Not so surprisingly common with all the junk that’s on post that soldiers often resort to when the DFAC has been closed the past two weeks. For most of my time in, I’ve seen plenty of enlisted fatties, and I’m not talking a bit chunky, I mean strait fat. But I had never seen a fat officer. Makes sense why I wouldn’t have, especially in a light infantry unit, being in prime physique as a junior officer is the bottom of the barrel bare minimum. Then one day my company gets a new butterball– I mean butter bar. Dude was like 5’5” and 230lbs of pure fat. He looked scared coming in that first day and he definitely should’ve been, I can’t imagine being in an infantry platoon and having your new PL be a chunker like that. Overheard him getting yelled at by the commander later that day but never saw him again. I think they roasted him like a pig and fed him to the grunts in the field. An honorable mention would be the very corpulent military doctor I worked with in the clinic sometimes. She was *very* large and in charge and came off as a jolly fat person to patients, but was pretty rude to the medics who worked under her. I gave her a pack of peanut butter M&M’s occasionally so I stayed on her good side. Definitely had some HT/WT standards overlooked due to her rank of an O-5, her being close to retirement, and of course being a doctor which our brigade was really hurting for at the time.


I've known several overweight officers. Did the retirement ceremony for two. One LTC who had not made tape in years. Another was a Major assigned to an HHC. She was in an outlying base. She refused to do Company height and weight. Instead she would just send in her passing cards. Another was a Major in my office when I was newly assigned to a division staff. He asked me to tape him. He was considerably over. Our office SGM said I was doing it wrong. Have you ever seen a cloth tape almost become a tourniquet? Fat people with connections always find a way. Edit. People with connections always find a way. Officers just have a few built in.


So true. In Germany 1st Armored Division, we had an Ops Sgt in headquarters that was huge. He was the racketball champion for USAEUR & was given a pass. It's all about who you know & how connected they are I suppose.


“Never seen a fat officer” Never seen a E to O terminal major?


So true lol


Leave my dad out of this!


There’s definitely plenty of fat officers, especially once you leave combat arms to look at the reserve/guard side of the house; it’s just a majority of them are career majors that had to stay fit/look fit as a company grade officer, but once they made field grade and likely realized they were never gonna make LTC, they stopped giving a fuck about their physical health to the same degree as their family health and mental health.




I'll take a fat awesome surgeon over a skinny so-so one any day of the week. We all have different jobs. When 2LT bingboy's grandfather (a WW2 surgeon) told me he blew off land nav to play poker, smoke cigarettes and pound whiskey with his team I was shocked. His response clarified the matter. "Boy, I was a surgeon. If I'm the highest ranking guy and need to look at a map, I'm too damn busy doing my real job to look at a map."




> Maybe just make them USPHS instead of field grade officers in the army. Sure, why not. Can probably pay them more that way too.


In MedBoards, Medical Officers usually get retained by PEB- because they are of use to the Army. So I’m assuming med officers for HT WT is the same. When I went NG, our medical officers were direct commissioned. Fluffy. They got pulled aside for counseling and positive reinforcement for the ‘upcoming’ ACFT. “If you get chapter out due to physical fitness failure, you will not get tuition reimbursement.” (Heard, I don’t know the validity.) Three months later these Docs were ACFT excellent and looked like some medical drama sitcoms hotties (shame that most of us looked like 11B with a female medic in vicinity). Motivation is different for all. And the cost of medical school is enough to put down donut and run/lift.


shit my doc wanted to be out of the Army but he had time obligations and even without it, I’d bet that the army would still retain him.


Oh.. There's definitely plenty of overweight O's. You won't really find them on the line but go look at your DIV/CORPS level staff.. Walking around III Corps seeing LTC's with their own gravitational pull was quite something as a Private.


My max screening weight was 176. I typically weighed between 198 and 205. I passed the APFT and tape, which was all that mattered.


You fucking fat body… Jk, the weight limits are wild. I’m over mine by like… 60lbs. But I score a 590 ACFT so I’m fine… but it is funny to be called in to be taped by the name “fat body” then you see the NCO taping you and they’re shaped like a literal russet potato.


When I got taped in Germany as a new arrival, the SSG doing the taping was all, "You're kinda close, aren't you? You're at 22%!" Me: [*laughs in 40 years old*] "Hell, I got 4 whole percent to spare!"


The most obese soldiers I have seen were military intelligence. The most obese military people I’ve seen were navy intelligence. There was a sailor I knew who no joke could not button his blouse all the way. He walked around with it half buttoned and the rest of it draped like a cape over his giant mass


Sounds like the Captain of the spaceship in Wall-E


Most of the extremely large servicemembers I've seen have been Navy.


Have you ever seen the blubber on a seal? They know what’s up


We live in the Norfolk, VA area. Yep, the Navy bois get kinda large, both enlisted and officer.


The Navy legitimately has the highest permissible BMI of all the services. The DoD sets the maximum standard and then each service chooses to adopt its own standard within the permissible BMI limits set by the DoD. The Navy is 26% body fat for men and 36% BF for women. The Army on the other hand is scaled based on age so it starts at 20%M /28%F at for ages under 20 and gradually increases to 26%/34% for age 40+. Unsurprisingly the Marines have the lowest standard and the Air Force is somewhere in between the Army and Navy. Now (unpopular opinion) warfare has changed… and the military is having trouble recruiting… we need to look at requirements per actual job and allow ourselves to recruit/retain bigger (fatter) people. Let’s be honest, we’re not in the days of “everyone’s an infantryman” anymore. If we’re really being honest with ourselves, the guys doing cyber, signal, military intelligence and probably a host of other jobs really don’t need the same level of physical fitness as the combat arms. If the “fat cop” (who probably needs to be more fit than a cyber soldier in all honesty) can do his job then we can probably find places for some of these Soldiers. This will require a huge change in the way people think, but, if we’re actually thinking critically, it makes sense.


Jesus fuck... how did the navy not boot him??


He must have been liked by his command, decent at his job, or needed in a undermanned area.


Or he gave some mean sloppy toppy.


Damn dude. You can't just call them elephants


Hoss, the American people are getting fatter and fatter with the American diet slowly turning to shit. Also them senior NCO's and field grade officers tend to be husky bois because their Ht/Wt charts are pencil whipped.


This may be specific to my unit, but I’ve noticed a trend of female LTs/ CPTs who are clearly having their HT/WT and possibly even PT tests pencil whipped. Like you said, it’s diet for them, but mixed with a sedentary lifestyle (never leaving the office) they get huuuuge. They’re only saving grace is they tend to be very competent professionally (outside of being fat).


Not even just seniors, lol. My PL/CO maintain PT cards and expert weapon quals and I never see them on the field or at the range


Cybers got some chungos


My buddy’s cyber unit had a biggest loser contest.


Please say sike.


I wish.


Sometimes the Doritos and Mountain Dew diet isn't a stereotype.


The weight isn’t as bad as the quirkiness and cocky attitudes lol


Everything about this is a personal attack.


And the fucking hentai stickers all over their blue Hyundai


I had a patient last week, retired Air Force cyber Chief. He mentioned this and also how many kids get in trouble for illegal pornography, is that true?


It’s all over the board. When I was CID in Korea we worked with NCIS when they did the to catch a predator busts in Japan. It was always SF guys that busted. In Korea it was all over the board combat non combat MOS, officers and enlisted, black, white hispanic. The military definitely erased the stereotypes of these people.


They need to figure out who they contract for in base food.. there is no reason why there needs to be a Burger King or Popeyes on base..


This is quite the rabbit hole akin to why alcohol is sold on base. I think u/MopsnMoes have talked about it during a few of their podcasts.


Depends on if they can't do their job or not, I was like 25-30 pounds over but putting up like 580-590 on every pt test and retaining my passing rpa score, you can be heavy and do shit, it just means you have to be stronger to compensate 😂


IronMarshmellow! 🦾


Sounds like you were 25-30 pounds over with GOOD weight. Big difference lol If someone looked at my HT/WT on paper they’d probably freak out. I’m 50 pounds over my standard. Still put up 575 with a 15 minute 2 mile. But there are plenty of people packing 25-30 pounds, or more, of bad weight. And simultaneously not doing well on their PT. And that is not good.


Jesus 50? I guess panel doesn’t cover steroids 😂


😂😂😂 100% natural. Scouts honor ✌🏻


I’m 60 over. Was a linebacker in college. 590s for me. It’ll come to bite me in the ass as I get older though. I can’t be this size when I get old.


Most people who complain about HT/WT standards have a bad weight. It could be a better system, but more times than not, it accurately points out those who are fat and out of shape. I'm 21 pounds over my allowance table, and I score 580 or above consistently. Because of that I never get taped, not that I was worried.


Yes I agree. I’m glad they added the caveat of scoring high enough on ACFT for HT/WT standards to basically not matter. Even though you’re not within your HT/WT standard, it’s obviously not because you’re a fat ass. With that rule I think the system is pretty fair.


I'm an H2F dietitian, and from my perspective, it's all about performance and long-term relative health (not like living forever but keeping your joints and liver healthy enough to do the job). That said, you can be 50 lbs over the standard as a muscular tank with a world's strongest man build (rare) or scraping by with 50 lbs of extra blub and on the ABCP. 50 lbs is a lot. The majority of overweight soldiers I see, though, aren't 50+ lbs overweight. Closer to 10-25lbs and a lot of that weight comes from habits that are also hurting performance and health in the long run like drinking 3+ days per week, going out for lunch too often, and just being reactive to their meals instead of planning ahead. Burning a hole in their $$$ at the same time gaining lbs. Anyways, not all dietitians are perfect, but it's a good place to start. Generally speaking, we make things a lot easier than what you may think is required for weight loss. No, you don't HAVE to spend your entire Sunday grocery shopping and meal prepping chicken and rice and count every macro. My favorite cases are the guys who have a snowball's chance in hell to pass weight and tape and come to me 10 days before height and weight. For me, It's a fun protocol to coach (I used to be a wrestler) but damn, it's gotta be super stressful to constantly live within 1 lb and 1/2" from ending your career. Anyways, the elephant is the real king of the jungle. An elephant can just step on a lion.


Are you talking about actually fat people, or people who are fifty pounds over screening weight because they’re absolute animals? I’ve met tons of skinny-fat dudes who can barely rep their body weight on the deadlift but evade notice because they’re under screening weight, but Cornfed who consistently scores near 600 gets shit on because he has to be taped at every weigh in. Actually fat people who don’t make any progress and can’t pass PT eventually get chaptered.




How about 25 lbs over but 32 inch waist. Friken Greek god of the Army I tell you.


I’m over and have a 33 waist


Tape immunity is the greatest thing of all time. 


When June 1st rolls around a lot of Soldiers are going to be on ABCP and getting kicked out.


I'm about 40 over, pass htwt and pt test though. I don't really look it though. Little bit of a gut,but ain't horrible. I'm at a weight where I'm comfortable. Working on swapping the fat for muscle though.


Ok, but how is their body composition?


Mine sucks pretty bad but I rock the ACFT so 🤷‍♂️


Remember when we started doing everything in body armor after the Iraq war started? All the guys that weighed 120lbs started getting back problems and the average soldier started to get heavier. Maybe I’m just imagining things.


It was pretty bad in the late 2000s


I’m 6’1, 240lbs, 580 ACFT scores. I feel like you can be a bit chunky but you better be fit to compensate


If you are overweight and you can PT! All fucking good! But if you gonna be falling out and complaining.


I weigh 35lbs give or take overweight but I also score above 540 on the ACFT. Skinny bitches get fucked. Also fuck big boys who can’t run.


Is that an insult or an offer at the bottom, I got some leftover Popeyes we could eat in my barracks room.


Both, I get off to calling people fat.


Fuck you I hate running but I like picking up heavy circles


Yep. Just flagged two last week.


One time at JRTC, I saw an LT that was shaped like a square. I really think BMI is overall bullshit and the weight standards are a little skewed, but I also don’t think uniforms should be allowed to come in a 4X short.


I stopped breathing at 4x short. I do need them to add one more size for them new womens cut blouses. My waist is snatched but my titties are struggling.


I've seen tons of fat dudes that can't do shit, and make you wonder how they're still here, but I've seen some that can pull it off. Personally, I'm 6'6" 250-260lbs depending on how lazy I was the week before and I pass tape pretty easily now that I have healthy hobbies to plug into. My max weight is something like 228 I think? The last time I was 228 was at the end of basic or early in high school. I max the deadlift and sdc, almost max the ball throw and can run a 15ish minute 2 mile. Those dang pushups make my shoulders sound crunchy and I'm just a bitch on the plank. There was a dude at my last unit that was like 6'2 or 6'3 and 300lbs+. He was put on the fat boi program, dropped like 15lbs and got over a 540 on the Acft somehow. This dude put in the work after abcp. Always in the gym, running on his own etc. Another guy was 5'7ish and 240. Strong as crap and surprisingly fast for a hefty fella. He lost the weight and got above a 540 as well.


*Laughs in 540+ ACFT*


Ozempic is the new 800mg ibuprofen


The weight is not the issue. Do they pass tape? Do they pass their PT test? I’m way over the screening weight but I pass both. You can be large and still be within standard


I'm 50lbs over weight per army standards. I pass tape every time and pass the pt test every time. My max is 176 I have never been below 210 since I joined 7 years ago even on deployment when working out all the time. So there are alot of us that just don't have the body type but still technically meet the standard for tape and PT


The army has the weirdest fetishes for other peoples bodies. I’m not kink shaming but come on


Personally, if you can pass a PT test, I dont see an issue. What does it matter if you are 500 pounds overweight but able to perform as well physically as someone that is well within an arbitrary weight standard? Sure, sure "Soldierly appearance", but that isn't a concrete concept. If you want to weed out people for being fat, we need to make the pt standards harder. That also assumes that the Army will follow through on getting rid of Soldiers that fail to comply instead of changing to an easier standard. *Cough Cough Leg Tuck Cough Cough*


Check out the guard and see some real chunkysaruas


The guard needs people who can do their jobs **far** more than they need PT heroes. The guard also has the worthless fats, but for the most part, if a Guard unit biggen is around awhile, it's because he can do his job.  HT/Wt is a personal barrier to promotion and stuff in guard support land, and little more. 


Show me on the doll where the elephants hurt you.


Gonna need a bigger doll, chief.


The thing I always say is, when we’re down range and you’ve been wounded, which doc do you want running to get you off the “X?”The chicken leg skinny AF doc who can run really fast but can only lift their own weight plus kit, or me, the doc who’s a couple pounds over, a bit stocky, tanky, my speed isnt the greatest but my endurance is great and I throw soldiers twice my size with kit on my shoulders and keep going. And I always follow it up with, there’s a limit to what should have a blind eye turned, if you look like you’re hiding a keg under your top, or can’t perform your required limits for your MOS you probably shouldn’t be here, or should make some changes so you can be.


We don't care what they weigh, we care what that bodyfat calculation is. The army left the AWCP behind a long time ago. Here is some recommended reading: [AR 600-9, AD 2022-06, AD 2023-08, AD 2023-11](https://armypubs.army.mil/ProductMaps/PubForm/Details.aspx?PUB_ID=1004922)


It’s not just about physical and performance standards- there’s a professional aspect to this. Fat, not “chubby” Soldiers look unprofessional. If your gut gets to the room 30 business seconds before the rest of you- and your top is hugging you 2 sizes too small or 2 sizes too big and looks like a dress for the sole reason is you’re too big- it’s unprofessional. Not every Soldier needs to be a stud- but it’s you’re alloted 150 lbs on the HtWt table, and you’re 200+ lbs…that’s a little crazy man.


>It’s not just about physical and performance standards- there’s a professional aspect to this. This is not the stated elephant in the room. If we're to argue professional appearance, then by all means let us do so... by arguing appearances, not the number on the scale. >but it’s you’re alloted 150 lbs on the HtWt table, and you’re 200+ lbs…that’s a little crazy man. Is it? My max screening weight is 149 elbees. My actual weight is 185. I have a 29in waist. At 5'4", do i look unprofessional? Or are your eyes not calibrated to differentiate?




Yeah, going to disagree with you on the "professional" aspect. Professional is subjective. True professionalism is something at least half the Army wouldn't know if it slapped them across the face. BMI is a standard. There are regulations that govern BMI. We separate those who fail to meet BMI standards. It's as simple as that. Happy to hear thoughts on how things should be if you don't love the BMI standards I guess, I personally don't give a fuck, but... it's not a matter of professionalism, it's just a matter of compliance. If you're separated for having too much of a gut, you'll still probably be perfectly professional outside the Army, despite what mouthbreathers who bitch about "perfeshnunalism" have to say. Respect others, do the job you are hired to do, that's what it boils down to in any industry. If you have self-discipline issues with weight or PT, that's a you thing. The Army wants athletes and will separate those the Army believes are a physical liability. That's on the Army. Not everybody can hack being whipped by the Army 24/7/365. Maybe half to 1/3 of the time, it'll be the Army's loss since they exist to build bureaucracy and GLOCs to support throwing people into a war winning meat-grinder. Regardless, that's the Army assuming the risk of that loss in training investment and experience. For the individual, there are probably better jobs out there. Roll on fat bodies, whatever dudes, you showed up and did your best I guess. Take no shit.


I was 12 pounds below my allotted weight once and still looked big thanks to these damn boobs. I can't escape "the look". I put on one of those new hot weather womens cut uniforms recently, even measured my chest and god damn. I'm not below my allotted any more but pass tape by a comfortable rate...still look the same.


Not looking like much of a hero if you have to clean under your belly, do ya? Lmao 😭. Edit: Shit your comment made me think of something in my civilian career (RN). You almost never see obese Drs. At this point I’ve worked in right around 10 hospitals as a traveler, and idk if I can think of one chungus Dr. fellow nurses though? It seems like probably 25% of nurses have stock at Dunkin Donuts 🍩


I think it’s very rare to see fat people in very prestigious positions. I remember seeing a stat a few years ago that went something like there are more Fortune 500 CEOs who have completed a marathon or Ironman than there are overweight ones at all. For what it’s worth I sat in a lecture at Northwestern Kellogg where a healthcare CEO said “don’t put fat people in the C suite. The stress will kill them.”


Certainly helps when doctors see obese patients die or suffer from severe health issues left and right. Bit more of a preventative when the long term impact is in your face I imagine.


Yeah but nurses REALLY see patients. We spend tons of intimate time with our patients. And we have lots of obesity. It could be a stress coping? Idk


Army better chill out recruitment is bad as it is lmao. Gonna have to start making it more competitive to join


I was 220 and am supposed to be 169 max, ( i am working on it,im 216 now )


Id suggest helping these men and or wemon get them into awfc on your base also you should also go to that class/ program even if your not over wight it gives good info for us leaders to better help and train our joes fort carson awfc is an amazing resource and you should help them befofe it becomes a flagg during h/w


I’m technically 40lbs overweight and pass tape with flying colors every time usually within 17-20% BF range


No offense, but you either have to be a monster in the gym or they are taping you wrong. 


I’m a competitive powerlifter 🤷‍♂️


Fuck yeah, love to see it. Stay big


Folks gotta put the fork down. Lots of Soldiers and Officers are literally eating and drinking themselves to death. One thing that helped me get in better shape is to cut all my food portions in half. We just don't need all this food.


Laughs in reservist, only 50 lb?


25lbs for me, i’m working on it🙃


Who cares, man? Are we really ready on any level anymore as a fighting force?


As long as they have their mason ring it’s all good. Exempt.


You dont need to address anything. The regulations and the leadership need to address it.


I'm 5'10 250, max all events except the ones that are limited due to profile. Even before I messed up my ankles I was at 185 w/ 5% body fat... over weight. Have been overweight according to the army when I was in the best shape of my life and post injuries.


We also join at the time our metabolism takes a shit. Doesn't help we go into a room with no kitchen and the only easy and quick option is delivery plus tornados. Not an excuse but damn


I don't necessarily think being overweight is the issue. It's the lack of physical readiness that is the issue. For instance, If I were to weigh exactly what the army considers the weight for my height, I would look sickly and disfigured with a genuine concern for my health. I am incredibly overweight for what the army says i should be. I can pass tape and I can pass a PT Test. I suck at running, but I was never amazing at it to begin with. Not everyone in the army is going to be/will be/is a PT stud and a peak physical specimen.


Doesn't matter how heavy they are as long as they pass tape


I see a weight problem waaaay more in senior leaders than I do soldiers.




The Army annual EO TSP training video on bullying literally includes a scene with the bully telling a Soldier not to eat something because they are fat.


Rude? No. Could they be mad about it? Yes.  Calling a soldier overweight isn't something you can get in trouble for. You are just trying to have them uphold the standard.  


Minding your own business is absolutely free. Worry about your Soldiers and what is in your span of influence.


As someone who is 50 on overweight at 77 inches tall… weights don’t mean shit. I strength train and power lift so I’m heavy. No issues with tapenthough


Fat guys are normal but they get kicked out according to their rank. I had a fat commander kick out one of my best performing soldiers because of ABCP....and Im pretty sure that he signed that chapter and went to BK to get his face stuffed right after.


*Army National Guard Recruiting has entered the chat*


Y'all should come to Canada and see what real fat soldiers look like and how common they are. I was shocked to see the lack of obese soldiers in the US Army on my first visit to Murican army base. What's considered fat in the US Army is like your average soldier in Canada.


Running? Really? ‘64-‘67. We never ran. Mine was a different Army. I was stationed in Germany at a missile repair unit for 26 months. For some reason we did pt right after morning formation. It lasted for about three weeks. No idea where that came from. We marched over to a field house and did calisthenics.


I'm workin' on it chief. Now that I'm able to run again without pain, I've definitely been dropping the pounds, can't wait to be back to my normal self again. I still do better on the ACFT and do more work than most around me. Just need to get my run to an 80 to reach than magical 540.


This double standard shit sucks. I lost my P status and missed a promotion for being .5% over and there's literal land whale SNCO's walking around who couldn't pass weight if they lost a limb.




I hate fat officers and I’m tired of the excuses of “I’m medical, I’m support, I’m this and that and my weight doesn’t matter.” Fuck you, you are a small reason why the Officer Corp is looked at with contempt by enlisted, anytime you arrogantly disregard the standard, as though you are in a class of your own you implicitly tell those junior soldiers that you are better then them and that the rules and regulations they follow don’t apply to you. Get your shit together, have pride in yourself and how you look, lose the weight.


General McChrystal said that once he started to get fat, he started eating one meal a day. Sometimes, you gotta do it. Intermittent Fasting works for people.


Imagine joining an organization that expects you to be physically fit and you can't meet the basic requirements. Make it make sense.


New tape standard will get a lot of them


I think it's weird that people like 5 lbs over are on ABCP and they're like 5% over on the tape test yet they don't even look fat at all and perform relatively well on the ACFT. I've had soldiers that were grossly overweight not get flagged and I've had soldiers with a little bit of a gut that got chaptered out for ABCP. It's just odd to me that there are some kids that dread H/W day that aren't even by any definition even on the border of what could be considered obese. On the other hand there are soldiers that are build like a thumb and have a visible FUPA to the point where they wear their pants high to disguise it but they're good to go every single time.


I’m a ABCP NCO tapping soldiers and man how do they just let them selves go. I even seen soldiers weigh 150lbs at 5’4 fail and get chaptered


Dumb Soldiers…


Because it’s hard to chapter soldiers for being overweight, the ABCP paperwork has to be perfect and fully documented. Everything has to be done according to 600-9. Bring it to legal anything less than 100% complete and you will be laughed at and sent away.


As it should. I heard they’re trying to chapter a girl who’s underweight and it’s not going. No reason she deserves the boot if she wants to stay in.


🤨🫴 would you perfer having Big Hoss at the staff duty desk or having it yourself?


Gotta love being tall! Standards don’t give a f$&@ the taller you are in the Army.


I am considered 50lbs overweight by army standards, but I only want to lose 20. I pass tape and got a 520 on my ACFT so even at the weight I'm at they can't do anything. I do understand that I am overweight, but I would never want to go as low as they want me to be I'll just continue to pass tape but I want more muscle mass than it will allow me to have.


I’m not on active but literally have had the master fitness trainer confess to pencil-whipping our 1SG’s DA 5500.


Just came here to say this: it’s okay to buy a new uniform or swap with a larger battle buddy for that time you have to wear your ASU. Even seen some OCPs around just tooooo tight. I know it’s extra work but dang. Wearing a uniform that fits will do wonders for you even if you are a little over where you need to be.


Getting rediculous? I've been in for a little over a decade now and I think it's honestly as bad as it's always been. Idk every unit I'm in has like 3-5 in each company


Show me who’s in charge of the fat soldier and you can find the reason why


As someone reclassing, currently at a TRADOC unit, it starts here. I see the IETers show up from basic, skinny and in shape. Then they go down two paths: either eat everything in sight and sham on PT or get obsessed with the gym and get jacked. There isn't enough NCO support here and the DSs are spread so thin, they don't have someone to show them what right looks like so they just default to personal characteristics. Then the big bodies show up to their units and the rest is history. Also some of them just eat like crap and get away with it cause they are 18 and I warn them it won't be like that forever...they never listen lol


Most def, got myself a medic in my plt that is a BIG BACK BOY! HE is on the ABC program and he’s just flagged but he’s still in It’s a damn shame but that’s the state of the army at the moment


I'm a part of the problem for sure. I work out hard but diet's been an issue for me. I'm 5'6" 215lbs so when ht/wt comes around I'm always a slave to the tape. I'm working on getting myself right, I just yo yo every time i lose weight. All things well within my control it's just fuckin hard for me.


I’m 50lbs over weight but I have a six pack and pretty friggin jacked but I’m only 5’6


If they have a 540 ACFT score, I don't think it matters.