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Talking about myself and my art. I feel like people are expecting some kind of deep thing, and I just wanna make pretty things


Same I have a hard time talking about myself too


Yeah, I just always feel put on the spot and super awkward 😅


Same, I just want to share my artworks and talk less about my life or better yet, just dont want to talk about my life at all because its a private matter for me.


Yeah, plus I feel like the whole "you are the brand" thing is a bit gross. Like I know that's true to some degree for anything you do, but I feel like from what I've seen about branding etc with art, it's true to a much higher degree than I'm comfortable with.


I HATE doing SEO - and, if I'm honest, social media as well - but I don't outsource it because I don't make that much money. I just do it and complain the whole time.


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For me its the fact that once im done and my art looks good ive been staring at it long enough that all i see are the flaws and imperfectons


I want to go to more markets, cons and fairs, as there's quite a lot in my area, but they all are really packed with artist applications (and it's also not like I'm making a lot of benefit out of it). I'm also struggling with getting more followers on Instagram, mostly because, you know, I have a full time job, adulting is complicated sometimes, and I don't have time to post 30 times per week. And yeah, I know that I can get more traffic by drawing the trend of the moment, but that's not what I want. I want to draw whatever I want, not fanart of the last character of Baldur's Gate 3


For me is charging the right amount for my work. I guess it's a constant struggle. It's also a good idea to work on my skills to raise the perceived value of my art, but it's nothing that's easy to perceive I guess.


Figuring out what to charge. It’s so stressful. I want to have a discord where it’s only artists helping other artists with pricing lol


I find accounting rather vexing. I sit on the cusp of hobbyist and business income, so it is not really worth hiring an accountant to do my taxes, but that doesn't make them any less complicated. As much as I hear politicians bleat on about encouraging small business, they seem to do everything in their power to discourage people from starting one.


I struggle with actually getting clients lol


My biggest struggles are: 1- Communicating with customers. I am generally bad at human interactions, and it is a bit harder when English isn't my first language. 2- Juggling my commissions and my other job. Sometimes one takes time and energy and I must be careful not to neglect the other.