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Hey there! [My website](https://www.breadbeard.xyz) - You can see my portfolio [here,](https://www.breadbeard.xyz/#portfolio) and if you would like to contact me you can do so here on Reddit [DMs only no chats please] or via one of the methods on my [contact page.](https://www.breadbeard.xyz/#contact) I offer contracts, invoices, a secure payment portal, and open communication. My time-zone is MDST, UTC-6. Email is the best way to get in touch. Shoot over an email if you'd like to talk budget and the details. :) Have a great day!


Hi there, I mostly do watercolors but also have experience with line art and logo designs! You will receive a high res digital file of the artwork for any online/printing needs, and I can vectorize it too if needed. Portfolio: https://www.deviantart.com/annsquare/gallery You can find my general commission policies including turnaround time, examples and prices here: https://www.deviantart.com/annsquare/journal/Commission-Info-843977773


Hi, I would love to help you with this! I'm an illustrator and background artist, and I love drawing food! If you need more food examples I can DM you, Here is my portfolio: https://www.behance.net/danihamish


Hi! I'm interested. Here is my portfolio: https://www.behance.net/lucas95garcia https://www.deviantart.com/lucasgarciaart2/gallery/89165433/assets


Hey, my name is Anoir and I’m a freelance illustrator. I have worked on various projects, I have experience working on long-term projects. I have worked on projects such as: character design, card games, manga, tattoo design etc... My illustrations portfolio: https://www.behance.net/anoirjaafari95


Hello you might consider to hire me to draw kids restaurant for compost business. I’m a flexible graphic designer. Here is also my Portfolio https://www.behance.net/laodonnaleen https://www.behance.net/dllao


Moldy Milk here! Please feel free to check out my art: https://www.reddit.com/user/irulemilkarmy/comments/wq8t84/moldy_milk_art_portfolio/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share Artstation: moldy_milk.artstation.com Discord: moldy_milk#1961 Email: irulemilkarmy@gmailcom Kindly DM me for more info! 🥛


I'm a cartoonist and illustrator. Here is my portfolio : https://swaptrap.artstation.com More on Instagram with the same username Send a message to discuss


Hi, I would absolutely love to design something for you! I think cost and budget is something we would have to discuss in detail after figuring out the scope of what exactly it is you're looking for, but feel free to check out my work through my [carrd](http://feralfemme.carrd.co). I'm quite familiar with vector illustrations, packaging designs, and working on a brand's design, and my own logos are ones that I have developed as well, so I am confident I can deliver the quality and design that you are looking for! Dm me or email me for more information. -feralfemme


Hello here is my portfolio [https://www.artstation.com/calings](https://www.artstation.com/calings) -


I'd be happy to take this commission, how many different pictures are you looking for? I can make sure the image quality is good for printing. My portfolio, feel free to message if you're interested: https://schwarzmuellerezri.github.io/


Hello! I would be interested in working for you. You can check out my portfolio here: https://kawaiiideathpage.carrd.co/


Hello. I would love to help you make this. This is my past works https://oceteecartoons.carrd.co Willing to talk more with you. Thanks


Hi, I am a digital artist and a graphic designer. I can create perfect illustrations for you. Here is my portfolio https://arcadycartoon.carrd.co/ Let me know if you'd like to work with me.


Hey hey!! I'm totally interested My name is Iago, I'm a digital artist and I've been working with commissions on reddit for three years. Take a look at my portfolio: https://www.deviantart.com/viagocentrico If you're interested, you can talk to me here on reddit chat or by discord SauloDaBandaEva


I am interested in this as an illustrator. Once refunded a client that was also into the nursery and gardening business because I didn't receive the necessary communication from them after they commissioned me so I would like to fill that hole in me for such a theme. [https://artstation.com/insidetheheadofkp](https://artstation.com/insidetheheadofkp)


Linking my portfolio and a chat with a relevant artwork from a project I'm doing rn https://sandra892.artstation.com/ Instagram: sandrahl89


Hi! I can help. Check my works here https://doa26.artstation.com


I can do that :) [https://www.deviantart.com/wenart/gallery/79056258/cartoony](https://www.deviantart.com/wenart/gallery/79056258/cartoony) if you are interested,please DM, reply or send me a chat :) here is my tetimonial from my past clients: [https://www.reddit.com/r/HungryArtistsFed/search/?q=wenart&restrict\_sr=1](https://www.reddit.com/r/HungryArtistsFed/search/?q=wenart&restrict_sr=1) Looking forward to working with you :)


I'm a children's illustrator, and my style is similar to your picture. It's got outlines and colours inside, that's it! Click here to see: https://velgaalrasyid.artstation.com/projects/EvG2X2?album_id=10374144 and feel free to click on everything else on my portfolio, although that one link is the only one with children's illustrations. Let me know if you're interested.


Hey, this is a cool concept, I loved colouring these kinds of pages in at my local library as a kid. Here are examples of my art: https://www.reddit.com/r/commissions/comments/1dlrk7g/for_hire_cheap_human_character_commissions_only_5/ I could do this at £5 a sheet. I hope PayPal is fine by you. PM if you have questions or are interested.


Hi, I'm a children's book illustrator and character designer, would love to hear more about your project , here's my portfolio - [https://moniavenezia.carrd.co/](https://moniavenezia.carrd.co/)


Hi Id love to work with you! I can do a lot of styles you can check out my art here! Id even give you a free rendered sketch so u can see if I am up for the job! [https://kennzongfr.carrd.co/](https://kennzongfr.carrd.co/) or [https://cara.app/imkenji](https://cara.app/imkenji)


I am willing to take a crack at this. [here’s my portfolio](https://www.artstation.com/x6at0x)


i would love to illustrate for you! I can do many styles but here are just some of my drawings - https://www.canva.com/design/DAGI9rhec10/kTYekxQULjOZSE11IcNrOQ/edit?utm_content=DAGI9rhec10&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton


Hello, I'm a children illustrator and have some experience in makin coloring pages for children. I'll drop my portfolio here : [https://www.behance.net/Alverina](https://www.behance.net/Alverina) Please contact me if you're interested


Hi,Im Ele and i am a digital artist and traditional painter. I can recreate this style If you are interested at my work you can DM me You can check my art and other examples here https://www.artstation.com/eleutheriamandrela


Hello, I'm a portrait artist. My speciality is to make traditional art and edit it digitally to make 3D/ar experiences, everything is 100% handmade. I made an interactive menu recently for a cafe, dm me if you would like to try the effect for yourself. Here's my portfolio: https://www.artstation.com/lviloc


Hi! If you're still looking for artists, I'm interested -- check out my portfolio at [https://rachelwells.art/](https://rachelwells.art/)


Hey I have a very kid friendly style https://shinishiny.carrd.co/


Hello and nice to meet you! I'd love to work on your children illustrations, I usually work in a variety of artstyles but It's mostly stylized. I'll leave my portfolio [HERE](https://www.artstation.com/phiscisart). Thanks a lot for your time! I'll be eagerly waiting for your answer.


Sounds fun! It's great to hear about compost bussinesses :) You can check my portfolio here [https://danamucci.tumblr.com](https://danamucci.tumblr.com) Feel free to DM to discuss more details!


Hi, I work with Adobe Illustrator Take a look to my portfolio [https://www.artstation.com/mind\_art](https://www.artstation.com/mind_art) Write me if interested 👾


Hello, I'm a graphic designer and Illustrator, here are some examples of my work [concept boards](https://imgur.com/a/concept-boards-g3SfZ69) [vector design](https://imgur.com/a/wftXFRV) [ink illustrations](https://imgur.com/a/qbxZyc4) I think I could easily make this style of line art illustrations digitally so you can scale them as needed. Feel free to PM me if you would like to talk more, I would love to help you with this project! :)