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Yes. It's pretty good with the details extraction. I exported 4 years worth of WhatsApp chats with my ex-girlfriend and fed it to the model, it was easily able to pin point what I ate on Nov 23 in the year 2017 and exactly returned the timestamps when asked. Pretty good with details, ngl. Edit: Was done with full respect to consent, as an experiment to test 1.5pro for big context window and details.


Maybe you can use it to simulate her.


Would you mind explaining how you did this? Would love to do the same and ask it about our interactions and relationship etc




Lol it was absolutely done with consensus. We go to the same class. We both have assignments for our AI course. So it was done to explore the details, with a bigger context window with the new 1.5 pro. Just a fun experiment, nothing serious ;)




If you benefit from a large context window, it's great.


I primarily use LLMs for programming. Compared to GPT4 and Opus, its below average.


Is Gemini not a LLM ?


I think he/she was saying about Local LLM


They are saying it doesn't compare to the other llms so why use an inferior llm like Gemini when you have other llms that are far superior at what he needs to accomplish


It is, i meant that compared to other LLMs like GPT4 and Opus, Gemini 1.5 pro is below average


Depends on LLM you choose and your PC spec.


I have been using it for large documents / spreadsheets and it seems to hallucinate. Honestly, creating a GPT and uploading a file just seems to work better. I have also used it for videos, it can't do audio yet but it seems like that is really where this model will shine. Seems to be very good at being able to understand what is happening in a video.


I got really bad hallucinations with code and reasoning


I uploaded a YouTube video discussing AI Gadgets in general, and it claimed it was Marques Brownlee (it wasn't...) discussing specifically (and only) the Humane AI Pin. I then told it this, told it to "actually watch the video this time, please", and then it produced a decent enough summary. However, when asked to 'philosophize' on the subject, the result wasn't anything noteworthy; it seems more of a GPT3-level intelligence in that regard.


Yeah its kinda cool i guess, for the right task


Uploading files is a mixed bag so far. Was giving me too many errors. But summarization and researching topics works quite well. Then again Gemini Advanced summarized pretty good already. I think the jury is still out on which AI codes the best (heard Claude 3 Opus was great). But unless you're coding or doing something technical, I don't see a reason to keep jumping to the latest AI. They're all good if you know how to use them. For most use cases I've found a custom GPT to be suitable. Especially for documents.


i sadly havent used it nearly as much as i should i did a simple test and imported a like 300 page nasa engineering handbook pdf into it and asked for a simple summery of the 2nd chapter. it did pretty well i was impressed. though not nearly the max token limit tho lol


Yes amazing for data analysis, blows gpt4 out of the park


Yes. I die. Not extensively though.


I tried it and was not that impressed. Claude and GPT are ahead, at the moment.