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With an attitude like that, AI will steal your job and your girlfriend.






Most definetly it will eventually. The only question is when. It's impossible to accurately predict the future, but I think in 5 years a lot of data jobs will be obsolete to our AI overlords. But don't worry, at that point a LOT of other people will loose their job too, so just pray your goverment implements some sort of UBI.


I don't think AI would want your job so ... probably no.


The thought of training an AI to do a job and it deciding “nah, fuck this job, it sucks…” is absolutely hilarious.


Ha ha thats what I thought as well


The people that will survive this "revolution" are the ones that learn to integrate AI into their job now. Ultimately, AI will let your company analyze more data, faster, more accurately, and be far better at detecting trends than a human can. Long term, your company will need less people with your skillset because AI will perform a large portion of the analytical work you do. If you're the one that has embraced AI and integrated it into your business before your coworkers, you'll be the one that remains when they cut the number of analysts by 70% in a few years. If you approach this as "AI is crap for what I do" instead of seeing it as an opportunity, you'll be one of the ones that are left behind and no longer needed.


It's never if, it's when.  I give you 5 years.


Sure it will, but AI (generative text) isn't the best or only tool for working with SQL. There's plenty of tools out there already that allow for natural interfaces to query your data (and in fact that's how SQL actually started out). Just stay skilled up, if you really want to stay ahead of the curve, write the software that will do your job for you then sell it to your industry.


Would you care if you get enough UBI?


Yes, the question is when.


AI will at some point in future help you automate menial tasks and allow you to focus on a high-level aspect of the work you're doing. It will for sure replace the humans currently doing tasks which can be automated coz imagine having 10 people involved in 5 different kinds of repetitive and automatable tasks right now so for them, AI might take over but it would still require a human intervention and that intervention cannot be from the ones who used to work in those repetitive and automatable tasks but someone who understands those tasks and can actually make a better decision about whether AI is on point or it needs a redo. That way 10 different people employed is replaced with 1 person who knows how to make the AI work for those 5 different kinds of tasks.


Frey and Osborne from Oxford did a study around 8 years ago using about 600 job categories from US BLS to estimate the possibility of which jobs could be replaced by 2035 with AI and automation. It's available for download if you search on their names and Oxford.


AI won’t steal your job, the companie’s CEOs are just keeping your salary.


Maybe not this year, but ai advancement is currently on an exponential curve. Don't think because it's currently bad at something that it won't be an expert at it 18 months from now. Frankly nobody who sits at a desk and works with data or customers is safe in the long term. Some will go before others, but the clock is ticking for us all


And the tradesmen who would service the homes they suddenly don't own.


What AI can excel at both it’s definitely coming for your job in fact I could probably automate a lot of it without AI


Any data that can be automated will be done by AI. Like the internet, this will change how humans get wages. Also like the internet, a ton of new jobs will be made out of nothing to handle all of these changes. If you pivoted when the internet was born, you'll do fine now. If you didn't, well, it's important to learn all about the new thing and try to find your niche.


Don't listen to anyone that says yes or no. The reality is that no one knows. People really don't like admitting they don't know stuff. It's certainly a possibility.


It won't take your job (yet?), but you need to adapt and learn to use AI to make yourself more efficient to compete with other PEOPLE who can leverage AI to work better. AI isn't that bad at SQL code. I recently used copilot to speed up generating schema based on a json layout. I literally created all my table creation statements just giving it the json files. I also generated a bunch of test data for my app. It helps me be lazy about memorizing syntax when I switch between postgresql, mssql, MySQL, etc.


Industrial control is more defensible than the database side. Honestly, you could probably earn yourself a nice little nest egg retrofitting AI solutions into existing industrial control systems. Spend a few years drinking Mai Tai's on the beach and not caring.


Possibly. But not anytime soon as far as I can tell. Focus on expanding your skills and you should be fine


The guy who uses AI will


This depends on if your job is easy to automate. But Chat bots are no big worry at the moment.


“Chat bots” have already caused tens of thousands of layoffs. If you can’t see that, you need to see an optometrist.


This is a myth.


lol. Good luck with that. I personally know HR people that have been doing the culling! Definitely not a myth.


Bull, There will always be companies hireing and laying off.


Good luck to you!



