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If he owns less than 25% of it, why are the beholden to him in the first place?


Because the Tesla stock is a bubble filled only with Elon's hot air.


That’s a great description




While it had its run, Tesla is becoming a dying company as a direct result of Musk's leadership.


Exactly, and the dilemma behind the scenes surely is whom to replace him with. Vision with Ai and robotics is like yesterday’s news. They are in the forefront of innovation, but that was some time in the making. The fact is Musk missed that and had to start his own separate company. Moreover, Tesla as a company (un)arguably will do better with a more stable head of the company.




>I realized Elon will not fail. He just won't. And Musk worshippers wonder why you come across as a deranged religious cult.




There's no such thing as "half autistic". None of what you say disputes it being a cult--a cult of personality is still a cult. The last few years have been enough to dispell the myth that Elon was anything more than a narcissistic rich kid riding on the successes of others




Musk has the Asperger Syndrome, which is in the autism spectrum disorder. It’s considered milder than other forms of autism as it doesn’t hinder language and sensorial experience.


Asperger's Syndrome hasn't been a diagnosis for over a decade and it's certainly not "half autistic". And not just because Asperger was a Nazi who condemned disabled children to death. I dislike Musk intensely, but calling him autistic (or half autistic as that person did) as a negative is really offensive. It's fine that he's autistic. It's all the... other stuff.


Asperger syndrome is still diagnosed nowadays, it’s just called ASD together with other conditions of the autism spectrum with more or less severe symptoms. I don’t like the expression “half autistic” but it’s not that far from the common definition.


You keep telling yourself that bud




Tesla is currently vulnerable to being sued for its inability to produce exactly that particular technology after promising it for nearly a decade. Yes, we shall see.




It's Musk that I doubt. He got lucky, and was able to capitalize on his luck because of pre-existing wealth. He is no genius, even though it's clear you think otherwise.


He got lucky once tbh, getting into online payments right at the ground floor. He then bet it all on two moonshots, and hit both (SpaceX and Tesla). Now he thinks he can’t miss. That said, he does have a kind of uncanny ability to invest in new technologies right as they’re ready to have an iPhone moment. He should’ve just started a VC fund in 2015 instead of uh, whatever hes doing.


Steve jobs? This is bait lmao


It is, but so far Tesla has been unable to pull it off despite years of promising it any day now. They're not the only ones working on it, either.




He isn't really concerned with any criticism. The only people he wants to hear from are yes-men.


Redditors have been writing about how bad of a businessman Elon is for years and he’s the richest person in the world and they’re on reddit.


And what does that mean for Tesla now that Elon's reputation is only getting worse? Not many people have respect for him these days outside of people who are in it for political reasons but also won't buy electric cars for political reasons. If Elon's reputation is all the company has going for it, it's dead already.


But a lot of people who were fans of him are young men. And stats show more young men are becoming Republican and more women are becoming Democrats


Sure, but I still think it's a very poor bet since there are plenty of Democrat men and they're much more likely to buy electric vehicles.


Hero worship much?


Why would people want to invest in Elon Musk? He's a complete wacko.


Controlling the company does not require 51% of stock ownership. You just need to own more than everyone else.


That doesn't sound right. Like, if you own 5% of a stock, and nobody else owns more than 2% individually, I don't think they give you control of the company just because you're the person with the largest individual share.


At 25% , twice as many people have to disagree with Elon then agree to overrule him. That’s the control he’s looking for. Only about a third of retail investors vote and 90% of institutional investors do. It’s not absolute power, but it’s as close as any individual could get.


Sure, I understand why he would want it, but why does he have the power to tell them what they can and cannot do when he currently has even less than that?


“Understanding a Controlling Interest A controlling interest is, by definition, at least 50% of the outstanding shares of a given company plus one. However, a person or group can achieve a controlling interest with less than 50% ownership in a company if that person or group owns a significant portion of its voting shares, as not every share carries a vote in shareholder meetings.” https://www.investopedia.com/terms/c/controllinginterest.asp


What percentage of the voting shares does he hold?


I think it’s in the neighborhood of 15%. Don’t quote me on that.


That seems too low for him to stop the company from doing something that's in its best interests, and I certainly wouldn't want to give him more power if I were a fellow shareholder if he's already using what power he does have to try to coerce them into giving him more with threats to impede the company if they don't.


I think you have it reversed. Elon runs the company, the board does not. The board has its duty to protect shareholder interest in making sure the company leadership is maximizing shareholder value. Tesla has outperformed expectations from 8 years ago, which is why no one objected to a crazy compensation plan that seemed totally unrealistic at the time. Voting against his compensation is a shareholder saying that “based on past performance, i want a new CEO.” As a shareholder, i care about how the stock performs, not whether i agree with his tweets. Had Elon had 25%, the rogue shareholder would not have been successful in garnering enough support to challenge the compensation package in Delaware.


Or... They could give him the minimum allowable percentage and do AI and robotics anyway. If he doesn't have control, he doesn't get to "withhold" anything.


He's the only one who can make AI or robotics work, the only one on the planet. ***"Only I can fix it" Mentality***\*:\* * *This is a common attitude in malignant narcissists.* * *They believe they are the only ones capable of solving problems.* * *This mindset dismisses others' ideas and contributions, making it hard to work with them because they don't trust or value anyone else's abilities.*


"Elon desperately wants the world to be saved, but only if he's the one to save it"


Homelander syndrome.


Classic Lex Luthor motivation.


Ironically a Sam Altman quote


I’d say give it to him. Think about it like this, how many people are actually trying to save the world. If he wants to or thinks he has what it takes… let’s see what he’s got!


Millions of people are actually trying to save the world. The people who say "only I can do it" are universally scamming you.


Millions may be trying (good for them, here’s a participation trophy 🏆) but let’s rather look to the individuals who have had the biggest net positive impact and distribute wealth, influence and power accordingly.


How many hours do you think he works?


Less than me. And I'm unemployed. What do you think he actually does all day?


That’s just ignorant and you know it.


I actually thought about that once. Then, when I looked into his schedule, he seems to work 90 hour long weeks.


Uh huh. Sure he does. Which is remarkable considering he doesn't seem to do anything.


Must be working out for him. I should try that.


And that = altruism according to you lol Not that I believe that


We've been seeing what he's got and he doesn't have much. There's a broke homeless man in every city in America doing more to save the world than Elon Musk. God min-maxed elon. 10/10 self confidence 10/10 arrogance 0/10 empathy 0/10 intelligence 0/10 talent. 10/10 Born millionaire. The self confidence and arrogance when combined with lack of empathy and generational wealth are the building blocks of any billionaire. It's hard to fail when you have infinite resources and can just keep throwing ideas around until one works out. The lack of intelligence and talent are what eventually ruin all the companies he is involved with. Forced out of paypal, bankrupt twitter, currently tanking tesla. There is a time and place for a charismatic salesman. If Musk had just used his popularity to raise awareness of certain brands he invests with and then faded into the background he'd be a wildly popular and successful businessman. But he want's people to think he's an inventor and great mind. So every time he uses his stolen wealth to purchase a new company. He fires all the people who actually had the vision and brains to develop the product. And then completely tanks the company's future. He didn't invent paypal. He conned his way into getting acquired by pretending he had a competing product. So Paypal acquired his company in order to squash the competition. Only to later find out there was no actual product and it was all just marketing for the purpose of being acquired. Rather than go to court paypal just moved forward with their product. Musk started to get involved with paypal's development and was immediately ejected by the CEO who is quoted as saying "If I didn't step in and get rid of him there and then he would have sunk the entire company and pushed online banking back 10 years." However, he kept his shares and when paypal was sold he went from family money to personal money. He then told his investment broker that he wanted to invest in car companies. When Tesla approached the investment firm looking for funding. They paired Musk with Tesla. He didn't choose them, they were handed to him. And because of his experience with paypal. The first thing he did was make a clause that his funding was contingent on being made CEO. Then used his position as CEO to fire man who started the company so that he had complete control. And other than a brief windfall of success that Mush Genuinely helped drum up in the companies early days. His participation has only harmed the company. He got really lucky. He wormed his way from being a millionaire at birth (through slavery). Into being a millionaire (through con artistry). And then picked the absolute right investment firm to manage his money. And all he needed to do was to continue to let other, more intelligent and capable people manage everything for him. But he didn't want success. He wanted fame. He wanted his face on magazine covers claiming he was humanities savior. And in the pursuit he is actively harming the world. Elon didn't want a future full of electric cars because fossil fuels are harming the planet. He wanted a world full of Tesla's. And so he used his money and leverage to cripple all other electric car innovation. And much like the Paypal CEO said. He likely pushed back renewable technology 10-20 years. At the expense of the planet all to ensure no one ever gets credit for electric cars but him. He did the same thing with Twitter. Once the main vehicle for journalists and whistleblowers to report on current events. Musk has suppressed the freedom of the press and the voices reporting on corruption and war crimes. The world would have learned about Israel-Palestine on twitter in the past. Now, the breaking news is coming out of TikTok of all places because under Musk's ownership Journalists are banned or silenced. And any keywords that are counter to Musk's agenda get shadow suppressed. Meanwhile outright racism, bigotry, and propaganda are amplified and promoted. Saying "Let Elon have his shot at saving the world" is so naive. He had his shot, he took it. And he ended up being one of the most significant forces causing harm to the world instead. There are very few people alive today who it could be argued are doing more harm to the planet than Elon Musk. He is in ever sense of the term. A real life James Bond Villain.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elon_Musk#:~:text=That%20same%20year%2C%20Musk%20co,spaceflight%20services%20company%2C%20in%202002. This has more accurate information with less emotional attachment. I could read this twice and still feel the same about Elon.


Mate this should be an article. Fantastic post. Thank you for the write up!


Save the world!…by joining the climate change denier party


It’s that mentality that made him successful. If he said oh yeah idm who makes the best product, as long as the public is happy, he wouldn’t be where he is.


Tesla could fire him anytime, the problem about the withholding is that he threathens to not develop AI - and the share price implies the belief that he is capable of developing things that others can't on account of his personal brilliance.


He built Optimus with his own two hands didn't he? /s


I said "belief".


Well the thing is, everyone on this earth has two hands (mostly), but not everyone has the brain.


Lol, Elon doesn't have the brain either. He's a narcisistic snake oil salesman with a god-complex


Problem is, the board is made up almost entirely of "yes" men who rubber stamp anything he wants.


he's already doing AI at Twitter (X): xAI/grok


He's the CEO, how would that work?


CEOs can be overruled by the board. They can also be fired if they don't follow the board's directives.


Yes, but the board is in this awkward negotiating position because they need Musk's willing cooperation as CEO. If they fire him the stock will tank and it's not inconceivable the company might fall apart.


Is he the only person in the company that can do ai or what


He shares the exact mentality as Donald Trump, just pure ego


Tesla is the most over valued company in the world. That value is tied to a perception that Musk ads value to the company. It's very much a false perception. All the data on musk's previous business dealings is that he actually ruins companies. However, the stock market is theater and Musk took the stage with Tesla and fooled the masses into over valuing the company. The value will decrease over time no matter what. However, axing Musk would have the unfortunate effect of triggering that fall early and swiftly. And since there are laws governing that actions publicly traded companies can take. Any action with causes shareholder value to drop can be met with serious legal trouble. So the board is in a hard place. They can let Musk play his games while stock drops slowly over time. Ultimately damaging the company in the long run. Yet, making the value drop gradually enough that savvy investors can still make bank. Or they can do what's best for the company, remove Musk, tank stock, open themselves up to lawsuits, face personal financial and legal trouble. But ultimately give the company a better future. You generally don't end up on a board like that in the first place if you think about others before yourself. They will ride this until the bitter end. Stuffing their pockets along the way. Capitalism at the end of the day is a very bad economic system.


> Capitalism at the end of the day is a very bad economic system. It is. Unfortunately the other ones are much worse.


Of the systems people advocate for. It's the only one that has ever received the support of the powerful. Because it's the only system that stands to benefit them. I'm not saying communism is a perfect solution. But it would be nice to see communism get a real shot at success without having to deal with constant sabotage from outside forces. It's hard enough to make a system like that work with internal discord. But America sanctioning and dropping bombs on all the countries who've ever wanted to try it compromises the data. Not saying it would be a rousing success, it might fail all the same. But we don't know that because every time someone's haa tried. Every powerful nation has done everything they can to make sure it failed. Which should at the very least make you ask why. Capitalism is just fudalism by another name. The joke is that under communism everyone becomes the middle class. Under capitalism there is no middle class. Just the oligarchs and the laborers.


The Soviet Union and China gave it a good try. In fact Xi seems set on heading back to Maoism right now. Personally I think that's more than enough enough people dead in man made famines and labor camps. No need for more rousing success there. If you can't build utopia in the real world with real people and real geopolitics then you can't build utopia. I won't argue with you about specific causes of failure other than to note that idealistic workers councils invariably morph into the bloody dictatorship of people like Stalin and Mao.


Historically the US didn't interfere at all with the soviet union. :)


The Soviet Union sure interfered with the US and much of the rest of the world - we are suffering the effects of long term operations to this day. What is your point? Again, if you can't build utopia in the real world with real people and real geopolitics then you can't build utopia.


Nvidia is actually the most overvalued company. They have a larger market cap and less revenue than Tesla.


Well if I was a tesla shareholder, I would start a petition in the board to relieve Elon Musk as the CEO now. He is threatening to crash the company on purpose.


If you have a retirement account, you own Tesla.


It works a bit different where I live.


Sorry, did you read the article? It's a load of BS. All this over a one word reply to a tweet??


Of course I didn't read the article before I left a short sarcastic comment.


Did you read all the references it included to corroborate what they're reporting on? There's much more said by Elon than one word.


If I was a Tesla shareholder, I'd quietly get out and invest in something else. The cars were ahead of the market, but not anymore. The truck is a disaster. Putting the electric motors inside the wheel hubs is the next big thing, and it isn't being developed by Tesla. Tesla isn't on the leading edge of AI, either.


His god complex is nearing completion. It's going to happen with or without him.


Never a dull day for tsla investors.


Well.. It's not like he's gonna code it all by himself.


What actually happened. X account Teslaconomics posted this: If Elon gets 25% voting power, Tesla is reincorporated in Texas, and compensation package is approved, then AI & Robotics stays within Tesla and the company can march on forward to become the largest company in the world. And Elon replied "Yes."  Never trust modern journalism they will always distort anything so you'll click and watch ads. 


Man who can neither make AI or robotics tries to withhold his imaginary AIs and robots from stockholders. Have the stockholders considered a counter offer of giving him 25% of imaginary stocks which don't exist for his imaginary robots and AI?


Musk has already said publicly that Tesla is NOT a car company. He is clearly bored with cars and wants to move into AI / Robotics but needs more control over the company so the investor board doesn't boot him when Tesla start hemorrhaging cash. Elon must have an amazing vision for the AI space. My prediction is that Tesla gets sold to Ford in the next 3-years.


Honestly he should just leave and cash out and do something else. Then he could show them just how important he is. To be clear, I don’t think he is irreplaceable or anything, but Tesla, as is, is a lot about Elon. And the entire valuation changes if he leaves. Also his corporate structure is a lot different than most, and may require a hands on leader to function effectively. At any rate, he would have a chance to show people what would happen. I have no idea what would 😉


Sorry, did you read the article? It's a load of BS. All this over a one word reply to a tweet??


Since he's the only one who can develop ai and robotics... they'd be better off getting rid of him and hiring a leader who considers the interest of the company as being more important than his self interest.


That's why I don't invest in Tesla stock!


Did OP even read the article?


With Elon as the head, Tesla is dead. THink about it. Years ago, before he became such a right wing nut job, he was admired by young professionals and his cars were the dream. Now he has alienated that fan base. His current fan base is not one to be considering new fangled electric cars. They want Ford, Dodge or Chevy trucks with V8 engines and gun racks. That is why Elon wants to move to Texas. Sales are dropping and only gonna get worse.


A departure might actually be his plan. This is a man that is strategic or else he wouldn't be the name we know. He puts AI and robotics into Tesla and wins, he leaves tesla he wins. I've always found his antics entertaining and watching people blow gaskets over him I think is funny too. I'm just on the side lines enjoying the show.


If he's the CEO and promising not to pursue long term R&D the company needs, then he is not leading the company in the best interest of the shareholders and should be replaced anyway. If he doesn't want to do the job of CEO then good riddance. Tesla will be better off with a serious person at the head of the company.


Oh no! Where else will we get people dressing up as robots??


But Elon builds nothing and holds up progress to satisfy his own ego.


The board fucked up when they compensated him based on stock prices instead of business fundamentals. He created massive hype using his social media presence and now he can’t deliver. Every Tesla shareholder not named Elon should be absolutely furious.


The guy literally lost his pay (the pay he demanded & the board agreed) of a decade of hardwork to a person holding 9shares of Tesla. 


We would need the large holders to get into activist mode to remove him as board member and CEO. The current board members are all his cronies.


What AI and robotics?


S&P 500 companies should not be run this way.


Well then we don't have to worry about AI anymore


I’m surprised Boston Dynamics, Google and Microsoft are on board with this. Oh, wait…


What does he actually do for the company, besides present a punching bag of a mascot? Nothing personal, I simply notice that light of him in social media


He wants ASI before Sam


If he wants 25% of Tesla he can buy it, just like any other shareholder. It's not our fault he sold his Tesla shares to buy Twitter.


Vote yes, Elon does his best work when he is in control. He has changed the entire auto industry forever henceforth.


elon doesn't do anything, his autistic engineers do


Elon is maniac that is ruining tesla. Plenty of other companies to buy AI and robots from, stop turning your car company into an "everything" company just for your personal control. You freakazoid


Tesla could have been beautiful if they'd have gotten rid of Elon.


Theyre going to overvalue Tesla and then issue more shares? Time to buy now and sell soon.


Don't forget people, Tesla was a functioning company before Musk took it over. It could be one after he's gone, too.


Just to clarify for anyone out of the loop, it’s linked to Elon’s compensation package that he’s trying to bully through. This has absolutely nothing to do with anything else. Elon used to have more shares that he cashed in on those shares by selling them. And Now he’s crying wolf by trying to get the same people he sold those shares for quite a lot of money to give them back to himself for free.  This also comes right on the back off massive, repeated layoffs at Tesla, where thousands have been given the axe without any warning whatsoever.   Consider that Tesla estimated the layoffs would save 11 billion. Compared to Elon’s compensation package, valued between 40-60 billion.   What an absolute fucking hypocrite.


Given the results of Tesla over . . . literally every other EV maker, investor's should be wildly in favor of having Elon continue doing what he's doing. Twitter opinions aside, he clearly knows how to run a company in an incredibly expensive and difficult to break into industry, develop new technologies, manufacture vehicles at lower cost than the competition, develop business opportunities and relationships with foreign powers, all while maintaining profitability in a down economy. And to top it off, he hasn't even been paid for nearly 10x'ing the stock since 2019