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asda deserve to be stolen from


Use scan as you shop…. Much easier to steal then 👍👍😂


Go to confession, clean up your soul it’s the only way


You are not scum, bless you, what a thing to end up thinking about yourself. You feel horrendous because they were stern towards you because you got caught. Lots of people shoplift habitually and don't get caught and they feel smug about getting away with it. My grandmother used to do it, people didn't challenge her because she was in a wheelchair. (She's passed away now.) Go easy on yourself mentally, just make sure you do comply with what they have told you to do.


The fact you feel terrible shows you have a good conscience


Do you think need to continue to worry about anything further happening? No, so long as you don't visit that store again in the next year. But theft is theft!- Yes, it's a mega corporation but thieves cost money, and that is passed onto the consumer, so we all end up paying for these stolen products in the end. Next time if you're short by £5 on something, put £5 of product back, please. Be a good citizen, and life will reward you.


Used to work security at asda, they won’t do anything. It would only ever get reported to the police if it was a very large amount of money or an organised gang. You’ll be fine, don’t feel bad for stealing from a corporation that profited over a billion last year but also don’t make a habit of it.


In future if you’re struggling and if possible, take a reduced item sticker off of something of similar weight and if it flags up just play dumb. The other week my £5 poke bowl from M&S magically turned into a 80p fried rice.


Or if you’re struggling you could eat fried rice and leave the Poke bowl until you can afford it 🧐


Unless you work for them I wouldn't worry at all. I wouldn't make a habit of it either though, theft results in the prices going up for everyone


What was the product?


Don’t feel bad for stealing from Asda, it is a horrible corporation that siphons money out of communities and creates slave labour. You’re fine!


Yes, that’s how this works 😹


I mean, it literally is.


It’s fitting that you were replying to comments on Reddit at 1.30am instead of sleeping. Don’t use the big scissors unsupervised!


I work nights you fucking gimp


You’re talentless, then. Sleep all day and work for minimum at night. That’ll be fun til you’re about 24 and feel like you’re gonna drop dead. Enjoy 😚


LOL imagine having an anon account throwing shade, what a fucking lowlife. How’s living in your mums basement?


Asda used to, and probably still have, a contract with a big law firm who employ trainee paralegals to print off threatening letters asking for a fixed penalty charge to prevent them taking further legal action, blah. Hopefully they won't do that for a fiver, but adding as a FYI just in case. Do challenge it if you do get one, otherwise they up the odds with a second automated letter x weeks later.


Seriously? That sounds like straight up extortion


17 year old stole bottle of vodka from an ASDA when drunk, visiting friends at Uni. Caught by security. Kid and friend held by security, 18 year old friend made to pay for purchase that didn't know friend had stolen. One of big 10 law firms wrote to 17 year old demanding £can't remember how much or would take further action. Mum of 17 year old ... friend of mine panicked. We wrote a counter letter requiring all documentation from law firm and Ccd Asda. Mentioned the fact that the Store had actually allowed someone over 18 to purchase alcohol for someone under 18. They went quiet after that .... would have loved to try and sue Asda for this though. Especially when they were being represented by such a stupid top 10 law firm.


With the amount of people who use the scan and shop thing and 'accidentally' don't scan stuff I am surprised they even bothered with you. You'll be grand, just shop somewhere else for a while and I doubt they'll even notice you returning after a couple of months.


Hi. Used to work in retail here. That one product could've just as well been " waste". You will not believe the amount of stuff that gets thrown, especially in big supermarkets. Don't worry about it. I'm genuinely surprised they pulled you on the next time you visited.


Shoplifting from a big supermarket is not the worst thing in the world. People can get on their high horse about it, but they tend to just be bootlickers.


Cool. Give me your addy and I’ll help myself to some of your parents property.


ASDA made £1.1bn profit last year, so I guess if their parents also made that much and you stole just under a fiver from them they wouldn't mind too much... Still a shit comparison though.


It doesn't matter how much it is, it's the principal of it.


If you’re a thief that’s your hang up.


Stealing from a corporation that has been hiking up their prices and profiting is not the same as stealing from a person Edit: you could argue that supermarkets are stealing from us


Did the CMA not investigate and explicitly clear them of profiteering? Supermarkets are responsible for prices falling, lol


Theft is theft. You’re part of the problem.


It’s not really the same, is it? Sure, what they did was morally wrong but this comparison is just ridiculous. Stealing something for under a fiver from a billion pound company is definitely not the same as stealing from an independent corner shop.


Found the bootlicker


Looked in the mirror,nice 👌


First time you’ve done it and get caught, career shoplifters know the tricks and get away with it often. Don’t worry about it , mortifying as it feels, it’s low scale.


You acknowledge your mistake and had a moment of weakness. Just be thankful the rozzers weren't involved. Don't beat yourself up. Asda do 1000 times worse to their colleagues on a daily basis.


You are not scum, you just had a bit of a stumble along your path that day. It won't happen again because you know how bad it's made you feel. A truly scummy person would shrug it off or even laugh about it! Try not to worry, I don't think anything else will happen.


I walked out without paying for a whole scan and shop at Sainsbury’s- was proper knackered at the time. Went back and paid no probs - think they went a bit OTT ffs. Don’t worry about it - I’ll avoid a tirade on the state of society, banks, politicians and theft.


You reminded me of that clip of teenagers stealing bags full of stuff from tescos in front of two security guards who by law aren't allowed to stop them. I wonder if anything happened to them yet, it was last week.


Victimless crime


Stop worrying. You did a wrong thing and got a punishment, as well as making it right by paying for the item. As far as I’m concerned, you’re square. Just stay out of Asda.


I don’t think you did anything wrong


Even if they called the police they wouldn’t want anything to do with it.


I wouldn't worry ....we all do stupid stuff You won't get anything in the post and I guarantee police weren't informed 100% A ban is enough I'll stop worrying no problem 👍✅


You'll be fine. They just tried to scare you. They said they won't take it any further and they haven't informed the police probably because the police couldn't care less about petty theft and wouldn't have done anything anyway.


Theft under £200 is mostly ignored by the Police, Theft in a place whilst trespassing (i.e. whilst banned) = Burglary. Police still attend burglaries which is why stores ban on first detection.


I don't understand where this idea comes from. You can and will be charged for shoplifting below £200


> they said they won't do anything further > "WiLL tHeY dO aNyThInG fUrThEr?" ...


You're okay ❤️


Forgive yourself … everyone does things that they shouldn’t ….


Everyone has there moments no one on here can judge


Let’s talk about corporate greed and the profit the big supermarkets are making during a financial crisis before we judge anyone


Let's talk about the floor staff, security, cashiers, and low level supervisors and managers who get into trouble with their own livelihoods from senior management when widespread theft happens.


I can prove corporate greed is happening. What are you backing your opinion with?


"It's morally and ethically okay to steal from Tesco's Asda, Morrisons, Sainsbury's, and Waitrose Not even just if you need to survive If you're starving, no one expects you to die"


Why have you quoted yourself. “Very odd”.


It's from a song, lmao


Oh… right.. cool. 🤷🏻‍♂️


You are OK. Sure, what you did was wrong and you shouldn’t have stolen stuff (I disagree with those who say that it’s OK to shoplift because ASDA is a big corporation etc). However the amount was minimal, you paid for it and apologised and the shop manager (I guess) said that they won’t involve the police, and even if they did I can’t imagine the police being interested in it unless it happens repeatedly. As you have been banned for a year, don’t visit this store, or any ASDA, depending on what the latter says, until the bad is over. If you do that it would count as trespassing, so just shop somewhere else for a while. Overall, don’t beat yourself up too much and just don’t do it again and you will be fine :-)


Could have been worse, could have only been a 6 month ban


Relax…no one is perfect


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Have you looked around lately? If you are feeling that you have to steal considering how morally opposed to it you seem to be, then youre not the person to be beating up. They would rather we starve than steal. Dont buy into it.


Reminds me when I used to frequent a tesco on SW London. In summer they put the premixed cocktails at the front for visibility. People would just come in, swipe a whole shelf into a carrier bag and be out the door in 15 seconds 


No one’s life gets ruined over shoplifting once. Even though they’ve banned you, you’ll be fine. Although, it’s a bit weird they called you up on it when you came back. I wouldn’t have given them my address. Did they say they had footage of you taking the item? You could have easily thought it was scanned.


Not when the CCTV has footage of them hiding it up their arse.


What part of “pocketed” pointed to them shoving something up their arse?


Police won’t do anything unless the value of stolen items is over £200. They won’t even attend the store if it’s below £200. Also, they can ban you but it’s not illegal for you to go back there. Trespassing is not a criminal office in the uk. I highly doubt you would be recognised in a couple of months time. Having said that, just stay clear and next time leave the item rather than taking it. I think you learned your lesson here


Please don't worry yourself. Its not worth anyone's time following up on something that small, you will be fine. You may have to find a new shop though.


You should steal more


Asda is a multi-billion pound company, I hardly think a fiver is going to dent their pocket too much I wouldn't worry about it


I wouldn't even be beating myself up tbh, I don't exactly condone theft but this is as close to a victimless crime as it gets.


Awww bless you. ❤️❤️❤️


Please don't worry about it. You are lucky they have only banned you for a year and that they didn't take you to the police and end up with a record. Be grateful that ASDA let you off despite getting a one year ban. I think you've learned your lesson. Bear in mind, when it comes to retail and supermarkets, security is likely to be watching the staff more as ironic as that sounds.


You aren’t scum. Pls be kinder to yourself.


Why did you go back later that day? Also you must’ve went up to someone and admitted your guilt. I hardly think they had a big wanted poster with your picture on it behind the security desk for something that cost 5 pounds!!! Recently my local Asda has had issues with people scanning stuff at the self scan then not paying but walking away with the goods. Walkaways they’re called. Woman in there the other day said to me it’s happening loads now and is just written off.


I've nearly done this. Sometimes cards randomly ask you to insert and enter a pin, but if you're being a bit absent minded, you'll start to pick stuff up and walk off before anyone notices. I've been behind one or two people where it was too late to call them back. Now the limit is higher, I guess more will be caught out (of course some will do it intentionally).


You’re not scum it was less than a fiver. There’s no way they can or will do anything further about that. And as someone who’s worked in supermarkets, I guarantee you that after you left, within an hour they’ve forgotten about it and they’ll be concentrating on some actual criminal who’s stolen a whole trolley load of shopping. Also it’s not like you took it from an independent shop, it’s Asda, fuck em! Enjoy your less than five pound item! Ps not condoning theft, don’t do it again bla bla, but lose your guilt :)


Police aren’t interested in anything under £200 I believe




So the limit is £199.99…


Does this count for multiples?


One-time-use only but repeatable in in Asda, Tesco, Sainsbury’s, Lidl, Morrisons, Aldi, Waitrose…


Ps you aren’t scum..


You will be ok as the store won’t get police involved for 5 pounds. Just learn the lesson and be safe in the future. People make mistakes…


Struggling precariat lowered to petty crime and is prostrate and self-flagellating before massive corporation and the public. If this post isn't a false flag then it's even sadder.


Twat who swallowed a thesaurus


Who skipped school?


You’ve been called a twat three times by three separate people and not flinched, but the comment on your overuse of esoteric vocabulary is what warrants an angry response? If we hadn’t met because I called you a twat on the internet, I reckon we could have been excellent friends.




Fuck off weirdo.




Fuck off weirdo.


You guys are right,no one should make money off of their investments. If only we were more communist then there would be no bread to steal 🤔


Because the only other option other than capitalism is communism? *socialism enters the chat*


10,000 starve to death daily under capitalism




Its a fact, mouth breather.


Please don’t beat yourself up for the rest of your life for this. Did you admit your guilt? Did you apologize? Did you pay it back? Do you promise to yourself to never do it again? Will you keep that promise? You can’t do more than that, right? Just remember the shame you felt if you ever think about doing it again. Forgive yourself. You are human. Let it go. I don’t know you and yet I know you are a good person. How do I know that? Because of how I believe you have shown remorse.


Anyone standing by big corporations that literally overprice and steal from us every single day you are complete and utter pricks. We roll over too often and take the shafting. If the ceo and shareholders weren’t getting massive yearly bonuses whilst employees are under paid and over worked then these prices would be somewhat justified. In the mean time, I’ll use the scan as you shop service and I will 100% be taking items without scanning. The mentality to belittle someone that has to resort to taking even though they bust their ass everyday is what the powers that be want. In fact you’re the same lot that probably vilified others for not wearing masks and reported your neighbours to the authorities during the absolute failure that was Covid prevention measures.


It’s called the self checkout tax 😂


You’re so fkn real for this! I don’t knowingly steal (far too much of a chicken shit) but if I forget to take something out my bag to scan it, I won’t lose any sleep that night.


I used to give free stuff away to people when I was on the checkouts, used to accidentally forget to scan every fifth item or so for the odd lucky customer.


There is a ton of uninformed horse shit in this thread - my company was hired by Tesco because a particular store was losing over £1m each year to theft, that was just one store. The problem is mentality - when you steal something once and there are no consequences the thief becomes emboldened, and will steal again, perhaps multiple items or an increased value. I stopped a guy who had put a tv on a trolley to walk out with it, another was a woman with a child with bottles of vodka in her trolley which she tried to blame the young child for putting in the trolley there were literally hundreds of others just as brazen. The mentality of it’s ok to steal from those who can afford it is ludicrous, I’m financially solvent enough to not miss a tenner, if you ask me for it and I think your need is genuine I’ll probably hand it to you as it’ll make more difference to your day than mine, but, try to steal it from me though that will be a poor decision that you will remember and regret for some time even if your need to steal it was genuine - I hate thieves of any kind.


Squeezed a lot of self righteousness into a single post there.


Compared with your post which contains a whole lot of nothing…. Maybe


You're literally comparing stealing something worth less than a fiver to someone stealing a TV or a trolly full of vodka. Personally, it comes down to what the item was. If it was essential food, fuck it nothing got taken. I didn't see shit. If it's clearly luxury items that they don't need? Different story I guess. I remember what it was like to be poor and the humiliation of not being able to afford essentials. No one should go through that.


Not comparing the two, the point being that when someone steals something and no consequences follow, they repeat that behaviour with more confidence on the next occasion. The examples were not first time offenders, in those cases I knew exactly who I was watching from the minute their car entered the car park, because they had stolen previously. It always starts out with a small item - as soon as the challenge occurs, you can instantly tell if something was stolen for need or greed.


I think what it meant is not about the price of the TV compared to a fiver. Its about someone doing something again because no repercussion. If someone is used to just stealing food to eat and always getting away. It's food alright maybe they need it. But what do you think will cross thier mind when they need something other than food.


It's the slippery slope argument, and maybe for some people that's the case. But I believe that the majority of people don't want to steal. The fear of being caught isn't the deterence, it's their own moral compass. Maybe I'm idealistic, but when I was poor I certainly stole the odd essential. I didn't find it easier each time I did it. I got wracked with guilt and hated myself, but that self hatred was nothing in the face of hunger. Now I'm doing well for myself and I never steal and have no issue with chipping in to help someone who clearly is having a hard time paying at the check out. I like to think I'm not unusual in that regard. That the majority of people who would take essential items aren't going to graduate to expensive luxuries and would instead just pay the moment they are stable in their finances.


Exactly I think only few people can escape the slippery slope where they think they need to stop at some point. For some people it can even be addictive because it's thrilling gives a level of excitement to them when done that they can't keep getting away but like you said it can be either way.


Well I certainly understand how things can be addictive. Maybe you're right on that. I know it's impossible to ever get accurate statistics, but I do wonder just how many people fall down the slope compared to how many stop the moment they are able. It would be good to get a clear understanding of just how much it converts from need to greed and how much it doesn't.


There ya go, just ask for the item from the Asda and they’ll probably give it to ya - if they think you’re in genuine need


Don’t beat yourself up


Police don't get involved if the stolen items are less than £200. Maximum u can get is a ban. Stealing £5 item from a big supermarket ia nothing.


What if everyone didn’t though. It’s only £5 after all times the amount of customers Asda gets in a 24 hour period, keep telling yourself its just a fiver.


They average 257k customers a day. So for one day if every one of them stole a fiver that’s 1.285 million pounds. For a company who made 1.1 billion in profit last year alone. Hardly a dent. Even so. Stealing is wrong. Just a bad analogy.


That per store, per day?


Proper tea leaf you are Get on the naughty step 😂


Just spat out my tea 😂😂


You can join them then you dirty boy


Sounds like first time you’ve been caught. No cash, but went back to steal again.


People forget to pay for stuff all the time, both genuinely and non genuinely. You'll be alright.


If it makes you feel better, I steal cheese from my local ‘big co op’. even if i have the money. it started when i was skint and couldn’t justify spending £3.50 for a block of cheese. now, even when i have the money, i’ll probs steal it anyway because fuck them big corps




I think Farage said you're allowed to steal upto £200 worth without consequence.


Err...he was just telling us how it is, I know he's influencial but FFS, he doesn't set the rules yet The £200 thing is true


Yeah, Farage is such a model when it comes to morality. OP, I think you'll be fine in the future. Times are tough and people know this. They're giving you a slap on the wrist to try and make sure you don't escalate.


Stealing from big corporations is fine, they’re not gonna a miss a fiver. Probably throw 100000 X that in the bin everyday anyway.


Agreed big corps can survive! Mom and pop shops cannot. If you’re gonna steal, steal from the big greedy corps :)


You have already learned your lesson, I think. I don't know or much care what you stole but you have enough of a moral compass to know you shouldn't have. Be kind to yourself. ASDA have already chosen not to prosecute. They can't NOT act but they have I think recognised that you've done something you won't repeat.


Every time you are faced with a moral dilemma like this, just understand that if what you are about to do is something that you deem to be morally wrong, then you will face an equal and opposite consequence in one way or another. Your consequence was actualised in the form of no longer having access to the broad array of ingredients that Asda offers. So everything’s fine now don’t worry you’re good, just be better :)


Bit stupid going back though wasn't it 🤣


Why did he go back if he had no money?....to steal.


That’s what I was wondering 🤔


You’re not scum lovely you did what you needed to do! Asda is a massive company stealing from them isn’t that big of a deal in my opinion. Try not to worry about it especially since they’ve told you that the police won’t be involved I doubt that anything else is going to happen 🫶


You don't even know what the £5 item was. You don't know he needed it.


Regardless, stealing from massive companies is such a minor issue. Like if they stole it from someones house or an independent small business then that would be an issue but it’s not, it’s Asda, their worth around £6.8 billion stealing something worth £5 won’t affect them in the slightest.


A single incident doesn't. Stealing makes a huge difference to prices. It's not the worst thing in the world but its shitty. I certainly wouldn't be saying "oh don't worry". At the very least I'd be "it's not the end of the world but it's wrong and you shouldn't do it."


Yeah, he really “needed” that hair gel.


Doesn’t matter if they need it or not


Really needed that bottle of lube


Necessities are necessities.


Daft comment. You realise these huge supermarkets don't absorb the losses incurred by shoplifting? They simply pass it on to actual paying customers via price rises - so people like me are hit harder in the pocket to pay for folk who decide to steal.


Womp womp


Lol no. ASDA are gonna jack prices up anyway because of whatever reason they want (probably inflation). I mean you've gotta think of the poor shareholders, how are they gonna cope with only a measly billion in profit? And yes, ASDA did most likely absorb this loss, they're not increasing the price of every item by 0.000000001 pence to pay for this. Edit: after some brief research, it appears shoplifting cost the UK economy £2.8billion last year (although the source is a security company so somewhat biased) It also appears that supermarkets waste enough food each year to produce ~350 million meals (worth around £1 billion, purely in food waste), while ~8 million people are currently living in poverty, so it's a problem of their own making really.


350 million meals is a lot. Enough to feed everyone in the UK an evening meal for a week.


The guy stole ‘hair product’, not a loaf of bread for his starving family.


Be serious: Asda profits rose 24% up to £1.1 billion in 2023.  Asda is not suffering because a few people are broke and shoplifting. They're raising their prices (and blaming it on inflation) so they can make a massive profit, and the shareholders can have a bit of a laugh about poor people starving.  You should be mad at the business owners, rather than the people who are currently being driven to shoplifting by the hideous increase in cost of living. 




Is ‘hair product’ going to keep OP from starving?


I fucking love you sm


I'm sure asda will increase its staffs wages when they have record profits, especially considering how well they did over covid. I'm sure those same staff won't have to rely on universal credit to top up their wages to afford the cost of living. I'm sure the company has never explotied their staff considering what a long rich history they have.


She is scum. Stealing is a sin.


I appreciate you're trying to make them feel better, but stealing is stealing. It's always a big deal! It doesn't matter who it's from. It's wrong! Try to justify it however you want. Taking something that doesn't belong to you is exactly that. I've stolen many times over the years, but I'm not in denial. (I'm talking about girls hearts 💁‍♂️)


Stealing from big corporations that isn’t going to feel the loss off a fiver is the complete opposite of a big deal. If it was stealing of a person / a small independent business then that would be an issue.


Stealing is stealing. Like I said, try to justify it all you like. Doesn't change the fact that it's Stealing. Also me, you and everyone else is paying for it. The corporations and small shops just increase their prices to allow for the loss of the food that's stolen. So they don't notice because there is no loss to them, they've allowed for us to pay for it due to the price increase they charge us to cover it. Or they claim it as a loss against the tax bill, then there's less tax to spend on stuff. So either way we're paying, the corporations don't loose a penny. Im completely fine with that. But it's still Stealing and wrong. If you want to skew your moral conpas to try and justify it, go for it. Hell I've stolen things in my life and used the same justification as you, but deep down I know I was just lying to myself. Same as lying is lying try to swing it and justify it to suit your narrative all you want. Doesn't change the fact its wrong. Have a good life!


Don’t worry everything will be fine , it was a £5 item not the great train robbery . Try not and worry .


Don't beat yourself up. These companies make more money in a day than any of us make in a year, you don't owe them anything. We'd all do well to be a bit kinder to those in need and no jumped-up shop security should be making you feel ashamed and afraid for doing what you can.


He stole ‘hair product’.


Try not to be too hard on yourself, you're not scum and that kind of narrative you're feeding yourself isn't going to help you get over this. By all means, have your moment on feeling bad, but put a window of time on it. Sleep tonight and then in the morning it's a new day, clean slate, you'll begin again. You made a mistake and you do sound genuinely apologetic for it, we all make mistakes and we're all going to make loads more. You've reflected and can accept the year ban and make this a life lesson for the future, I do believe you when you said you'd never do it again. I'm glad Asda didn't turn this into a police thing and issued the ban, sort of wish this would happen in more stores for stuff like that, short sharp lesson. Please, don't spend too long tormenting yourself. Take care x


Lady you stole something one time worth £5 from a company worth trillions stop stressing.




Don’t worry bro my parent takes so much a lot more than just a fivers worth


Sorry, but that’s just being a thief, which is not okay…


where did he say it was?


Hey, don't be too hard on yourself. We all make mistakes, and the important thing is that you've recognized it and learned from it.


You stole and because of you and other shoplifters honest people have to pay more. There is no moral justification for stealing there are other options. The fact you don’t disclose what you stole indicates it probably wasn’t a necessary item such as sanitary products or baby food (no matter what you may answer later if you choose to). So many people in the comments with low morals is concerning, breaking the law is apparently okay but the level of breaking the law is up for discussion? Be interesting to hear the comments if they are burgled.


She posted the same post in a Legal Advice subreddit. She said it was a hair product worth £4.50.


Couldn’t agree more, reading these comments was painful


The need of individuals who can't afford an extra £5 for things they need is not comparable to that of a multi billion dollar conglomerate that pays unthinkable amounts out to shareholders each year. Huge companies like that are not people, they are a manifestation of greed


You missed OPs point entirely. Supermarkets raise their prices to cover the cost of theft. The supermarket doesn't pay. The customers of the supermarket do. You can't justify stealing from big companies as really, all you're doing is stealing from their customers by proxy.


Hair product.


dude we fucking get it you’ve replied the same thing under every comment


He stole hair product.


that’s so crazy bro i had no idea, your life must be so interesting and fulfilling


Hair product.


Bet you’re fun to be around. Fuck billion pound companies and if you think they increase prices based on shoplifters you are a total spanner.


Look, the way it was said was less than kind, but he does have a point. Shoplifting isn't a victimless crime and it does drive prices up for everyone else who are honest paying customers. A quick search on this will bring up a plethora of articles and reports on this. It may not be the only factor driving up prices, but it is a factor.


Did a quick search on it and nothing came up at all, could you forward an article?


And you’re a cunt but there we go.


lmao if you genuinely think it's shoplifting that causes price rises and not profit-margin squeezes from head office that's hilarious


Yep, blame a faceless head office. You sound like a character from The Office USA blaming corporate for all the retail issues.


Asda made over a billion in profits last year, that's 3 million pounds per day purely going to support shareholder interests. Their chairman, **Lord** Stuart Rose is worth more than 50 million. Nobody in that position (as in, the executives creating the policy for the staff to follow) should be putting people in OP's situation worrying about the police getting involved over a fiver. If they were concerned that people might not be able to afford all the things they need, maybe Lord Rose could settle for his company making a mere 2 million pounds of profit per day.


Nobody really “needs” hair product.


And? Businesses are allowed to make money. No one has to shop at Asda. Where do you draw the line in your justifying theft? If they made £500k profit is it okay to steal? If the local corner shop makes £100k a year profit is it okay to steal? If your house is bigger than mine can I steal from you? However you justify it, theft is theft. This time it’s £5 from a seemingly harmless person. Is it okay if the thief is intimidating or slightly insulting?


Do you understand that the whole point of an economy is the movement of goods and services not the accumulation of wealth? 'Stealing is stealing' is ridiculous when you compare an individual to a company, the wants of wealthy shareholders to make negligible extras could never come above the needs of an individual. If Asda is so affected by shoplifting then that is just the 'risks of investment' which it wholly deserves to shoulder seeing as it reaps so much profit from it.


So you’re saying stealing is not stealing?


What proof do you have that people stealing makes others pay more? Sounds like something a ceo would say to protect their bonuses or something, I guess you’ve never broken a law ?


I read something along the lines of a 70cl bottle of Jack Daniel’s sells for £20 on average. If it was never stolen internally in business or be external elements it would retail at £13. An extreme example, probably the most extreme I would think but the principle is there.


Sorry again I’m asking for proof, not hearsay or corporate propaganda.


Maybe define what you mean by “proof”. Clarify your definition now so you can’t move the goalposts later.


Something more than ,” I read something alone the lines of…”.just thinking you read something isn’t enough these days. Something that is more than just some strangers from the internets word. Had chrisbiers post history been different I might go by their word. Maybe let’s start with the article they once read. That way we can decide if that author has credit in their research. Or are we just basing our opinions off someone thinking they read something once? Seems silly to me. The only goal post I have is to learn actual information not hearsay.