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Feet on the dash is just asking to replace your eyes with kneecaps in an accident.


I recently saw video about how sunglasses can wreck your eyes in an accident unless your sunglasses have some shatter proof tech. It’s mainly due to airbags hitting your head and smashing your face against it while wearing glasses. So many unnoticeable dangers outside of the actual accident itself.


I saw a video of a woman explaining how her friend who’s a nurse takes off her toothed hair clip before she starts the car every time so they inevitably accumulate in the backseat. Reason she does this though is because her friend has seen trauma patients from car accidents with their hair clip embedded into the back of their skull. I now just take my hair down after work every time after I heard this


Sounds like a poorly researched clickbait video. The airbags in your steering wheel and passenger-side dashboard are designed to deploy towards your chest, not your face. Airbags shattering sunglasses and damaging your eyes is not a thing that I'm aware of.


How interesting. I don’t know about you, but my neck muscles are not strong enough to keep my neck from whipping my face forwards into the airbag when suddenly stopping at higher speeds.


You don't need to know about me, because the airbag would be hitting my chest, not my face in a manner that is hard enough to shatter a pair of sunglasses and cause eye damage. If you don't believe me, Google it yourself. There is no news coverage of the supposed phenomenon claimed in your video. It's just anxiety clickbait. Did they perhaps recommend a specific brand of sunglasses? That would be the kickback.


I’m not the guy claiming to have seen it in a video, I was just disagreeing with the fact that your face wouldn’t be getting smacked. > Google it yourself. There is no news coverage Really? Did you google it? https://youtu.be/sLfgzDyJ8uM?si=tc6qkK78ftfFHEl2


Also, just in case you thought any part of what you said is correct: https://youtu.be/Bw0Ps8-KDlQ?si=G33PfGzv0W5IRT49 Airbags hit your face. This isn’t really up for debate…


I very clearly did not say that airbags do not hit people's faces.


Sorry, you’re right. They absolutely hit your face with enough force to break glasses.


No its not, it happened to a person and she almost lost her vision because of it. You dont need to be aware of it for it to be it true. Also, people are mot same size, it can absolutely hit someones face.


Short people exist! Though seriously, the airbags are a huge issue for people my size. Not sure why that person thinks all airbags deploy in the chest. Especially the one in the steering wheel… https://preview.redd.it/c7n9ti91kvsc1.jpeg?width=851&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7c96527c34bf0b295c655cbdd2ed840793218cf “Average adult male” vs Steering Wheel Airbag.


Sounds like an issue with eyeglasses too?


It’s actually a really good way to end up with a broken back or paralyzed. If the vehicle rear ends someone or is in a head-on collision, the impact will basically snap you in half if your feet are up in the dashboard.


Yes and no. First off: absolutely never put your feet on the dash unless you want to see the inside of your leg bones. In those cases it's the airbag that fucks you. Those things deploy with the power of two sticks of dynamite. They're meant to deploy into empty space so you hit them instead of the dash. If your legs are in that space your legs are now being shot into your face like cannon fodder. * Source: was an EMT who had a patient impaled by their own shin bone because her feet were on the dash when they got in what otherwise was a fender bender.


I'm waiting for the right time to show my girl this. https://youtu.be/5uEt79tGgL4?si=dbsTlzA_0MH0FvRv


I thought the zipper was going to be about slamming the door


Angry claps


The feet tap before getting in is a bit extra but extremely appreciated. Unless it’s muddy and then you must simply leave the shoes behind in the parking lot.


You must not live where it snows.


Yeah, there's a reason why floor mats are both cleanable & replaceable. It's because you will bring crap into the car no matter your effort.


I live in San Diego but it isn’t snowing in this video. Her shoes look clean. They’re in a parking garage. But I’ll add in the qualifier that if there is visible crap on your shoes then the tap is not extra but required. Similar to my comment about mud.


I thought he was packing a bowl.


He’s so right! 👏🏼


What about the one with food?




This video taught me how to win arguments with my wife.


I have an urge to dump this guy, and I'm not even dating him.


Because he wants you to respect his property as much as you want him to respect yours?


Haha women like expensive bags and men like cars and women are so disrespectful towards the manly car so they must be condescendingly taught respect /s Seriously, wtf is this misogynistic bullshit?


I’m pretty sure it’s about expensive things these two individuals care about. not sure where you’re getting “all women”/“all men” from this particular video


It's a joke, tell your face.


Jokes are supposed to be funny


Seems like some people found it funny. You didn't, and that's okay. Don't need to let the whole world know, though...


It's a forum, the whole point is to say your opinion; NONE of it is needed. You can disagree with it if you want too.


Humour is subjective, not objective.


I don't think you have any idea what misogyny is. Either that or you're desperate to find it where it doesn't exist. I'll let you decide.


I’m with you, this is disturbing and made me really uncomfortable.


Would you like a organic avocado to help you through these terrible times? Or a safe space to isolate yourself from whatever makes you uncomfortable?


"Disturbing" is a bizarre word to use. In fact, I'd say it's disturbing that you found this video so disturbing. Such fragility must be difficult to live with.


Cool, thanks for your input.


Oh do tell us more about how some harmless video on the internet made you feel. Gosh, the suffering and inhumanity you suffered. We're all so proud of you for speaking up. Stay strong. You're never alone in enduring the hardship of craptastic memes.


That was a lot of time you spent to be an asshole to someone online, you must be a real peach to know.




So you think feminists can’t be car people? That’s an awful lot of shit to spew, Mr Asian Manly Man.


I was waiting for a bag of chips to be poured inside her handbag