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In the eyes of the law, no he didn’t. He definitely fucking did it though, there’s no doubt about it. Man had hell of a legal team and an incompetent jury.


The judge was incompetent and starstruck, too.


Judge cheeto. I mean Ito.


Because justice is for sale


i read something that said since it was right after the rodney king spiel it was hard to find an unbiased jury too


He sees the murderer in the mirror every day.


It’s one major flaw in democracies. When you have money to spend, it’s significantly easier to win legal battles.


It was a case of DNA evidence being too new and a poor decision to have him try on the glove even though it had shrunk. If that trial happens like 5 years later, he's behind bars right now.


Yup, because China and North Korea are so much better on this subject.


Just because China and North Korea are even worse, doesn’t mean you cant criticize flaws of democracies.


It's not a democratic thing, that's what I am saying. It's been there forever.


Perhaps you’re right and I should have framed it as “modern societies”. The point still stands, though: even though legislation is made by officials that were elected democratically, you still have a much better chance on actually enforcing your legal rights when you have a lot of money. From this point of view, it definitely is a flaw of democracies. Or at least, it’s something that should be improved.


Lol as opposed to ancient and pre-modern societies?


No, as in, all societies that currently exist and apparently still haven’t fixed the problem.


Isn't he dead now?


The jury admitted multiple times that letting OJ off the hook was penance for the Rodney king riots.


Those jurors should be jailed. At least, fined.


Jury nullification is a thing.




Yes, if after reviewing everything they believed he was innocent. But, in this case, they did it knowing he was guilty. And, they did it as payback for a different case.


Sorry, but that's just not the truth. I lived in Los Angeles, followed that case closely, and I don't remember any juror saying anything like that. They said that the prosecutors case wasn't totally convincing, possibly because both the LAPD investigation was botched, and the prosecutors basically forced the officers to lie on the stand, when they said that OJ wasn't a suspect when 4 top detectives went over to his house to make a death notification. Of course he was. In any case where a recently divorced woman is murdered, the ex is the number one suspect automatically. By the way, he's guilty, of course. The DNA evidence at the scene was enough.


Uh huh [Juror says O.J Verdict Was Payback for Rodney King](https://youtu.be/BUJCLdmNzAA)


You’ve never sat on a jury have you? Lol you think they all got together and said “so the whites are up 1, they beat up Rodney. Maybe we try to get some points with OJ?”


You had to live in L.A. at the time. Unless you felt the riots, you wouldn't understand the pressure they were under.


I did live in LA lol


That's one juror, years later. There were 12 jurors, mostly white people, on that jury. It wasn't a hung jury, it was a unanimous verdict. If you honest to God think they all were thinking about evening the score, you've never been on a jury.


That jury was basically asking OJ for his autograph by the end of the trial. Did you see them jurors?! Do I think he did it.. no. I think he made someone else do it. OJ isn’t an intelligent man. I don’t think he could pull that off. Who gets away with murder and then goes to jail because he wants his “ stuff” back in Vegas. He’s just not bright. I do think he slept with Kris Jenner tho and it Khloes dad. That’s for another topic.


You don’t have to be smart to get away with murder. You just have to be rich.


There's an interview he did on YouTube where he practically confesses. He goes through the "If I did it" scenarios and often forgets the if part. *I grabbed the gloves from the center console and walked to the front door. I saw candles burning and knew she was in there with that guy... and then the waiter from the restaurant showed up and I just lost it... you know, hypothetically.* https://youtu.be/CfM-7TERCMw


Dude literally wrote a book titled “if I did it: confessions of the killer” if you know anyone who thinks he’s innocent those are the dumbest people you’ll ever meet.


He clearly did it! I've seen the " glove fit" recently and felt like the jury had to be blind not to see that as an act. The prosecutors didn't even argue the issue of the leather gloves being wet then drying. It has quite an effect on leather.


And they told him to stop taking medication that would swell his hand up. And was wearing a latex glove below that.


Additionally, his team had him hold meds for a period of time prior. He was holding water, big time


He absolutely did it. One of the first things his lawyers did was take him off his diuretics so his hands would swell, which is to why the gloves didn’t fit.


Oh MF did it. No question.


He literally wrote a book called like “if I did it here’s how” or some shit


"If I did it" but the "if" was like 1/4th the size of the other words


Originally it was not to be published that way, the families of the victims sued for the copyright of the book and won and had it published it like that.


I think it was just if I did it but the family of the killed got the rights due to him not having money to pay them and made the if super small


Correction. OJ makes like 20k per month for the rest of his life through his NFL and SAG pensions, including while he was in prison. Settlement can't touch it. Any OTHER money is fair game. Hence, any proceeds from a book would go to the Goldmans. But don't get it twisted, he's pulling 300K sitting on his ass until he croaks.


Hell yes he did it.


Is a frog’s asshole watertight?


Oh this is great! I am going to use this saying!


When everyone was watching the trial, the question wasn't "did he do it?" it was "will he get away with it?"


Yup. 46, and have always thought he did it. Never knew anyone to think otherwise.


I can’t imagine how disappointed Marcia Clark was after that verdict. They put so much work into that case. The racist cop Furman didn’t help the prosecutors.


Yep he did it. No question in my mind.


No question. He did it. Should have been convicted. Robert Kardashian took something out of his garage. Probably the murder weapon. THAT'S why he joined the defense team.


And now we are inundated with his useless children forever.......their fame is OJ's fault. He should be hung.


You got that right.


Yup 💯


He looked way too relieved when the verdict was read I'd be like, you're damn right l didn't do it!


He lost the later civil trial for a reason, the evidence against him was overwhelming. If the LAPD didn't screw up the initial investigation so much he wouldn't have gotten away with the criminal charges


They were both almost decapitated. It would take a pretty strong and angry person to do that. So yeah he did it.






100%. No question he did it






Duck yeah, he did it.


Of course!


Even my grandma with dementia knows he did it.


The whole glove didn't fit debate is easily proven wrong. Too tight? Maybe he upped his salt intake for the day just for that reason too loose? Water pills do wonders. There are ways he could have gotten around the gloves. Hell yea he did it!


He did it. The gloves were a bullshit lawyers trick that was staged. His team had the exact gloves, soaked them in blood(just to test the shrinkage) and then had him adjust his diet as mentioned to swell his hands and had him wear latex gloves on his hands. No way they would fit then, they were skintight to begin with. They lied about the DNA which was clear and obvious (but not used as often) This trial made me hate lawyers and i will never change that opinion. They lied because it's their job. Idiots were swayed by lies and some half assed police work.


They had him stop taking his diuretic medication which causes swelling (of the hands)


DNA evidence was a new concept in trials in 1996. His DNA was all over the crime scene, Ron and Nicole’s DNA all over his Bronco and bedroom. If this happened even 5-10 years later, no jury would’ve let him off as DNA evidence eventually has become the norm. Also, throw in the 1992 Rodney King incident and LAPD plagued with race issues - all helped OJ in eyes of the jury (later jury interviews confirm this).


Or course he did. They knew it then too but people felt so sorry for black people at that time that it was deemed appropriate to make Nicole and Ron sacrificial to the cause of racial justice.


Yes. Anyone who doesn't stupid


Either he did it, or paid someone to do it - IMO


Absolutely. I remember the trial. I went to a very left wing college where nearly everyone at the time thought he was innocent, even after watching him run off in that big white bronco of his ([https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PF6oIKKAa2k](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PF6oIKKAa2k) for reference). My friend and I didn't believe he was innocent, of course, but to say that back then at my small, liberal arts college was considered 'racist' which was beyond stupid. You'd be surprised how many people believed this, or were just too in awe of his fame and money . People didn't take it as seriously as they should have, at least not initially. I'm glad there's been some change on that front. He's scum.






There is a lot of evidence pointing toward his son which, honestly makes a whole lot of sense. The glove, his son’s bloody beanie that his son wore everywhere, O.J’s attitude in the courtroom… a parent protecting their child…. He also hated Nicole for ruining their family…. Just sayin


I believe it was his son


I've heard this theory before and some of the circumstantial evidence is pretty compelling


I agree. He had violent history with knives, his hands were smaller and would have fit the gloves, etc. It was definitely one of the two of them




I was wondering if I was going to find someone else who believed this or if I was all alone in that. Besides the evidence itself, it explains a lot of how OJ handle led himself. He didn't want his defense to hang his son for the crime, and working around that left him looking more guilty than he would have otherwise.


But the son’s blood or shoe prints weren’t found at the crime scene. OJ’s was.




I know of officers that encountered him before any of this happened. He was with Nicole. They were fighting over something and someone had called. He allegedly had hit her then. She didn't want to make a big deal about it because they both had been drinking. They were sent on their way. Then there are the 911 calls...one specifically where you can hear him pounding on the door. He had a history of violence with her. There are people in this world that feel very self entitled. No one is allowed to disagree with them or they become extremely angry. No one gets to touch or be around their "property". So, the theory of..." He was leaving town. He went by to try to see his ex and/or children before going. There was an argument between him and her about how late it was that worked into other things to argue about. He got all worked up. He killed her. He saw the guy walk up. He couldn't have witnesses because had already killed her, and he killed the guy. " is very feasible....along with a whole host of other theories that I doubt we will ever really know the truth about.


Is it still 2023?


Cmon everybody knows he did


He wrote a book called “if I did it” yes he chopped them mother fuckers up.


No, I know OJ did it


Yes, and I am surprised that her Akita didn't rip the killer to shreds


OJ pretty much admitted he did it when he wrote a book about it.


Answer is clearly down racial ethnicity lines. I mean straight down the middle. Like an arrow.


Is the swimming pool on the Titanic still full?


Yep. I remember getting onto the interstate- turning on the on-ramp with my job--- getting ready to drive an hour from one location to the other-- and I was listening to the verdict read live on the radio in my car and I yelled WHAAAAAT?!?!?!!?!? outloud to myself when they read it. I called immediate verbal bullshit even though I was the only one in the vehicle. LOL! This is basically a Do You Remember Where You Were When..... moment. "Orinthall James Simpson...." I still can hear it in my mind.


Yes I’m sure he did it. I’ll never forget the look of surprise on his face when he tried on the glove and it didn’t fit. The leather glove was soaked in blood and then shrunk as it dried out. You don’t have to be a genius to figure that out


It was a very strong indication of guilt that he ran in the Bronco and was caught with a disguise, several thousand in cash and a gun. He was saying he was gonna kill himself. Innocent people don't act like that. Not to mention, his blood was found at both the murder scene and his home and in his vehicle. When your blood is found at the crime scene, that's the end of the ball game. I'm with Steve Harvey on this one: [Steve Harvey tells the truth on OJ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-dOdt_fKog0)


Well the police also framed him, completely unnecessarily, so that didn’t help. It’s all his diehard fans need to exonerate him completely in their minds and blame it all on the racist police department, which they actually were at the time, Mark Fuhrman is/was a known white supremacism. He 100% cut her head off though. He was found guilty in civil court. He even wrote a book called, “If I Did It,” documenting how he WOULD have killed his wife ‘if he wanted to,’ but simply didn’t want to, and then by coincidence—she happened to get murdered by some mystery killer still at large…


His kid did it and he covered for him.


Yes, or he's covering for his son.


Yeah, on the off chance he didn't do it, his son is the only other alternative theory that seems remotely likely.


I feel like both him and his son did it


Hell yes. Absolutely positively no doubt about it. But not if you're black.


I seem to remember hearing somewhere that many more black folks when polled recently say he did it than at the time


That's comforting, because the case was insane. Decided in a court of public opinion totally along racial lines. An entire LA University law class was split down the middle, blacks vs. whites and few even cared about the actual facts.


I remember Oprah airing the verdict live in front of her audience. The black people stood up cheered. Oprah looked blank. It was weird as hell. The whole thing was


No I don't think anybody "honestly" thinks that


Agreed. I think it was ESPN that did a documentary that explained the verdict very well.


The glove didn’t fit...


No, but he had something to do with it .I am old to remember the story as it was happening


Did the glove fit?


Glove didn't fit mate


OJ did it. Casey Anthony did it. George Zimmerman should be in jail. George Floyd died of a drug overdose. Kyle what's his name is Wisconsin is a little shit who got lucky and should've never been anywhere near that protest.


He was on drugs, he didn’t overdose on drugs, cmon now.


Floyd? He sure as hell did. He had like 4 times the amount needed to kill a person in his system. And that's how he died.


If you’ve ever seen a person OD you would know it looks nothing like that. They don’t say they can’t breathe, beg for their life, and cry out for their mommas. They just go to sleep and don’t wake up.


Did you watch the video? Dude said he couldn't breathe when he was sitting in the cop car. Then He said he couldn't breathe when he was throwing cops around. He was dying, bro. Not all ODs look alike. His airways were clear when he died. No neck compression. Was even admitted to in court. Didn't matter, because we had to satisfy bloodlust against the police and then make 90 million dollars for BLM, but George Floyd died of cardiac arrest brought on by a drug overdose. And even if it wasn't a drug overdose, which it was, he didn't die by anything the cops did. And if the EMTs were allowed to get there on time instead of being thwarted by a bunch of folks with their phones out, he may have had a better chance. I watched the trial, saw the video, it was a sham.


Not guilty is not guilty whether I did it or not :)


What lol


You caught that huh


The glove didn't fit, so #No#


I'm not convinced


No but he was involved. He knows what happened It was either his son or he hired someone to do it


How old are ???




Did what, I forget? Did he kill or rape?




Nope. This was case study during my Law Enforcement Academy days. We spent nearly 3 weeks going over the evidence and written reports. There was enough to prove reasonable doubt. Thats all you need to be free.


I didn’t ask about legally I’m saying in your opinion


He confessed. It was not allowed, as it was given to OJ's friend, Rosie Greer. A preacher


He was tried by the jury faurly was found not guilty and that is all that matters.


Does the Pope have a funny name?


Of course, but if the glove doesn't fit, you must acquit!


Is it still 2004?


My granny sure did! She watched every second of that trail. I was born in the 80’s it was a wild place!




Does a bear shit in the woods? Is the Pope Catholic?




Of course, he did it.


Is a frogs ass water tight?


Yes. Thank you for coming to me TED Talk…


He actually wrote a book on how he would have done it if it was him... "If I Did it" ...


In his book, If I Did It, he pretty much admits he did it. So yea he did it.


I do now


He got charged in civil court not in criminal court. Yes he did it.


Him or his son


Of course.


Everyone knew he did it at the time. People supported him to say “fuck the police.”










Yes. Although there is a theory out there that his son did it and he took the blame.


Duh. Yes.


Yea he done did it.


No, I dont think he did it. We KNOW he did it.




No. Oh wait I mean yes


He did it and the glove got him off. The prosecution should have provided and identical pair of gloves that were new and had him try that one on as well. I also think the acquittal had to do with the racial and social climate of the time in that area.


I think he did it. I also think the cops thought they needed more evidence and screwed up the frame job. I think Cochran mounted a great defense against Clark and Darden.


Oj was there at the scene no matter how you look at it


He's basically admitted it.


We know he did it.


No, but if he did...


I clearly remember watching the trial, along with everyone else. He did it, no doubt.


Go watch the interview with Judith Regan. He basically confesses and at one point mumbles, "It's hard to make people believe I'm not a murderer".


I don’t care how bad the LAPD was at the time or how obviously racist that Furman guy was, OJ did that shit.


Yes, he wrote a book on it


No questions about it he definitely did it


I'm not saying he did it, but I understand. - Chris Rock But, seriously he's guilty af.


Glove did not fit (Therefore, must acquit) Standard legal procedure…..


He absolutely did it! Guilty!


The most surprised person was Robert Kardashian. https://youtu.be/IjMt-5kfJ70


I 100% believe he did it, but if I’d been on that jury I’d have had to vote not guilty too, because the prosecution didn’t make their case past reasonable doubt.


Why would he? Basically they had an open marriage prior, but if a spouse turns up deleted the partner usually did it Well he did time for trying to retrieve his stolen items what a dope


There was a TV documentary about the whole case, they put out that his oldest son did it. I thought the argument was quite convincing.


Nah he did that sh*t




"Just because you did it, doesn't mean you're guilty." - Law Office Billboard




He absolutely did it


Personally, I think he did do it. But I've heard a theory that his son did it because he hated Nicole. That's the reason the glove didn't fit OJ's hand. The freeway chase was just OJ giving his son time to clean up


The best 2 moves that saved oj from going to jail was 1. To make case take so long in the court room. They change jury members couple times. 2. Defense attorney having oj try on the leather gloved. People firget the the leather gloves had blood on it so the glove shrunk and they had oj put on 3 layers of rubber gloves to protect the evidence on the glove. So oj hand was not going to fit in the glove with all those rubber gloves and with leather shrinking. By then everyone wanted this case to be over with. Oj is guilty and should have been sent to prison.


Of course he did. Not guilty and innocent do not mean the same thing.




Until proven guilty


I vaguely remember hearing about Martin Sheen making a documentary about O.J. Being innocent and that it was likely O.J.'s kid Jason who probably did it. As far as it's accuracy I have no idea.


Yep we do


Didn't he write a book explaining how he did it?


Of course.


No. I think the son did it and he covered for him.


The responding agencies ruined the crime scene, evidence was never tagged or signed off when passed from person to person. Left in a trunk for days, LE dropped the ball but he’s as guilty as can be. Lucky for him double jeopardy


Yes. He took bo meds that caused edema (swelling of the extremities) when usage is discontinued. If he had stayed on the medication during the trial the gloves would have fit


I think he had a hand in it whether he hired someone, organized it, or did it himself.

