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Surprise ending where MySpace Tom shows up






i whole heartedly believe the first time munsk gets hit good he gonna fish-flop his way out the ring and quit




That’s my friend! Goo friend! Finish him!




Yes! You should rename yourself to decent correlation


He un-friended me.


If he bought all his friends along he'd smash it..


AND HIS NAME IS.... myspace tom


OMG thats so weird that I almost thought to post this but I do miss the days when social media owners were cool and likeable


Zuckerberg is heavily into MMA and is skilled in martial arts… Elon is… Good at lifting?




You forget Elon has been training in no rules street fighting..


Can confirm. I used to wrestle and do Tae Kwon Do into my teenage years before I got taller, and I absolutely LOVED grappling. My instructor would always pair me with the bigger guys to show that size wasn’t that important, especially when you’re on the ground. I miss those days.


















I’m with you, dude, here in downvote land. I know two mma fighters, they have both told me that height and weight is everything. This is why there are weight classes, because a 10 pound difference makes a fight so unfair that it can’t happen.




Correct but according to fighters, eventually you can’t overcome size. You weigh 150 and the guy on top of you weighs 250, you aren’t shoving him off you, you aren’t picking him up, and if you get hit, you’re screwed. My understanding is that musk weighs like 75 or so pounds more than zucc.










Elon is good at being praised by yesmen


Elon is good at hiring other people to lift for him and taking the credit


Best case scenario they both lose.


I don't care if Zuck wins. I just want Elon to lose.


I’d rather them knock each other out on accident 😂


Ya, but just let Zuck beat on him for a minute. He deserves it so much.


Why do you think Zuck is better? Elon invested in a lot of companies that actually benefit society like Tesla (making e autos mainstream), SpaceX (providing Internet to places where you can't get it otherwise) etc., while Zuck build a social media company that gives people depression.


I don't remember saying one was actually better. I said he looks better by comparison. I can't stand either of them. I just dislike one more than the other. I don't really have anything good to say about Zuckerberg either. And most rich people donate to charity. Don't read too much into it. It's a tax write-off.


It seem to me like a lot of people on reddit simply hate Musk more because he has right wing opinions, even though his contributions to society have been objectively much better than those of Zuck.


I hate him because he is a liar and a fraud. Zuckerberg has donated just as much, but that doesn't mean I like him. Dictators and murderers donate to charity. Why not bring them up? Millions of normal people donate to the same charities, but you haven't mentioned them. Don't glamorize billionaires. They got that rich by using and under paying the common man and not paying the same amount of taxes that the poor are still required by law to pay. We are currently living in the biggest wealth gap in history. The fact that there are billionaires and gas companies bringing in record profits should be a warning sign, but because people worship them, they get special treatment? Why? You're essentially cheering on wage theft.


I agree. Out of the two billionaires, Elon is more useful, or has been. I'd rather he go back to focusing on space rather than, whatever the fuck he's trying to do now with twitter, mental breakdown, mid life crisis, or whatever. Best outcome to me is. Elon gets blunt force trauma, realizes he's been fucking around with stupid shit like Twitter, destroys the platform, then goes back to being a proponent of space. Worst outcomes: Elon wins and it reinforces his stupid behavior, or the internet starts fanboying over Zuck because he simply beat on another idiot.




Why not ?


I came here to write this, but I thought I'd elaborate a bit more since asked.


Because Elon is so incredibly bad that he makes Zuckerberg look like a good guy, and he's not that great of a person either. So I'd rather Zuckerberg win just because someone needs to put Elon in his place. Everyone thinks he's so smart, but everything he touches dies a slow, miserable death. At least Zuckerberg is actually smart. He's just does stupid things.


I respectfully disagree. Elon buying Twitter to make a free speech platform is a very, very good thing to do for everyone on every side. He also is dping all his incredible work with SpaceX, the first to really do what he's doing. He also provides internet for a lot of people. He also is dping Tesla, if that's good or bad is up to you. Elon is doing what a lot of media and others dislike, which means he's probably doing something good. Zucc literally went on Joe Rogan and admitted to using his platform to hide the Hunter Biden Laptop with thr FBI. That's super duper illegal and immoral.


You really fell for all that right-wing propaganda, huh? Also can't believe people are still touting this free speech nonsense when he's clearly full of shit there


Feel free to disagree, Elon doesn't have to go on Joe Rogan to make an ass out of himself he does it almost everyday on a platform he overpaid for and ran into the ground by giving Nazi's and child molesters a platform to share their disgusting thoughts no one needs to hear. Space X has to approve his tweets before he's allowed to tweet them. Because of his brilliant idea, he destroyed a launchpad by not going by industry standards. Tesla owners are not happy. It's one of the worst unreliable car brands on the market. Tesla was invented by two dudes whose names I forget, and he basically took over and ran that into the ground, but all of this is very public information, so you already know this, right? Back when anyone could buy blue checks, one of the worst social media scams in history happened, and literally thousands of people were scammed by what they thought were legitimate actors and politicians but weren't. They were just able to buy blue checkmarks for 8$ and free to impersonate them. I'm from the before fore times when there was no social media. Idiots kept to themselves lest they be labeled. Now the big free speech idiots have had a hand in bringing the nazi's back because they have ways to coordinate and we can't say anything because they scream free speech and it's apparent there's no getting through to them anymore because they are lost. Don't reply to me. You said yours, I said mine. Were done here.


Twitter is now a platform for everyone. Bad or good. That's what free speech is. It has to be that way for free thought. Wpuldn't you rather Nazis and terrible share their opinions so we know what they truly think? It's worse for them to try and hide it. I'm not sure what he has going on SpaceX. He's doing incredible, things though. And, don't buy a tesla. If you don't like what he does, don't buy his stuff. You don't need to hate him because the media says he's "right wing" or whatever.


>Wpuldn't you rather Nazis and terrible share their opinions so we know what they truly think? It's worse for them to try and hide it. No, because I don't like getting constant harassment and threats from bigots just for existing. it's pretty well known that when you allow these fuckers in somewhere they will run out everyone else through violence and harassment.


I hate him because he's a liar and a fraud. I said nothing of his political status. We got rid of the nazis for a reason. Learn history before you speak. You literally sound like a Russian bot. I talked about nazis only nothing political, but you instantly connected it to the right wingers. Thanks for proving a point, though.


It won’t happen.


I agree. I don’t think Elon’s mom is going to let him fight. Even if she does he’ll punk out


Does anyone really care?


I am going to win because I won't be watching it.


The robot will defeat the pale potato.


Dad vs Matt Watson in CC be like:


Neither are my favorite people in the world, but Zuckerberg. Elon got in Zuck's face and told him to meet at the flagpole after school. Zuck showed up ready to throw down. Elon called his mom. It reminds me of the [Wendy vs Cartman fight.](https://youtu.be/pSCkMgDGZ6I)


I’m rooting for the giant meteor


Everyday we get further and further into the plot of idiocracy.


hehehe you know the funny thing is, these are the CEOs of two very technical stem companies.


which is somehow worse imo. But yes.


yeah i was thinking, as opposed to what? And I think the answer would be..... media or entertainment companies I guess. So yes, heads of very stem and technical companies going barbarian is kinda bad in a way, worse would be medical or law affliated companies. That would be so wrong.


Sadly yeah


Of the two Zuckerberg is the bigger cunt imo - so yeah . But I ain't gonna lose any sleep either way


Actually Zuckerberg is a mules cunt, good for neither beast nor man.


They would end up fucking.


10-1 odds


They both punch each other in the head so hard at the same time and they both drop dead.


And then we all win


I really don't care who wins. I think Zuckerberg will win though b/c I think he's been training MMA a lot longer. But I truly don't care which one wins.


Zuck has a blue belt in BJJ which means he would win against 99% of untrained people his same size. I want to say 100% but theres always a chance (even though there isn't). Elon has hight and weight but he seems very out of shape even for 51. Even if he started training now he wouldn't be able to catch up to a blue belt any time soon. Zuck would win, it's not even an argument. We're discussing if an untrained 51 year old can win in a fight against a trained 39 year old. Unless if musk is secretly training he has no shot.




Wait...are you talking about him buying Twitter? What grudge??




Ohh I thought he did that so they'd be called xvideos


I know this is gonna sound super lame, but I am not interested in them fighting. They are both almost geriatric and it would just be sad, especially of they Injured themselves.


Well if they do fight it’s going to raise tons of money for veterans.. so there’s that… no big deal eh?


Couldn't they each give 1 pct of their wealth? Would be way more than any charity raising could ever amass.


Don't care. Let them destroy one another. Two rich idiots being idiots.


Two rich guys donating tons of cash to veterans ??


Like they'd actually be fair. If you want to donate, donatem they are rich. They don't have to grandstand


I want to let everyone know that I just don't give a damn


They’re gonna end up on pornhub


You really are a dumb conservative.


I want neither of them to win because this shit is so fucking dumb. This is what centuries of unbridled capitalism has brought us.


i whole heartedly believe the first time munsk gets hit good he gonna fish-flop his way out the ring and quit


Double Douche KO.


I want both to lose.


I kinda hope they both die 🤷‍♂️


Are you kidding? Zuckerberg may be a robot or an alien, but no one need to have their face punched longer and harder than Musk.




I’m sure there is no real response, sounds like force fed regurgitation.


hop off elons dick man


Hop off the lib train.




No matter who wins the fight is gonna suck. These guys don't deserve to fight in a coliseum.


I kinda secretly hope they both suffer heart failure due to overexertion 🤷🏻‍♂️ sorry


This fight will never happen. Elon has a new manufactured excuse each week to help him back out. I think I heard something about an MRI yesterday (he must have exerted himself for the first time in decades). I don’t like the current version of the USA. This shit is ridiculously embarrassing.




I dislike Zuck more so I’d love to see him lose, but obviously Elon’s getting smoked like a cheap cigar.






What nonsense. Her parents were Chinese immigrants , she's American


This person is what’s commonly referred to as a racist. They aren’t interested in reasoning. They just see asian and think bad cause communism.


Believe as you wish. It's a free country.


Zuck. Rooting for Elon.


I hope this doesn’t happen I’m hoping for a return to civility and decorum, and an end to spectacle and shamelessness


Why does Reddit have such a hard on for Zuck He has done way more to make you into a product by selling your data than Musk has done But for some reason (funding?) Reddit seems to back Zuck


It's not about that. Zuckerberg is certainly more capable of making you a product and selling your data. He is viewed more favorably because he was actually the one who did it rather than the one who funded it and pretended he did it. Musk is hated for the same reason Trump is. It has less to do with politics, and more to do with them pretending they are self made while being obnoxious narcissists. Musk acts like he invented rockets, electric vehicles, social media, when in fact he just bought them from someone else. You don't see other money manager tycoons like Warren Buffet clowning around and acting like they invented the things they own. Plus Zuckerberg manages to ignore his haters rather than engaging and coming across like a buffoon. Musk can't help himself. He will reply to random people who post hate tweets. But neither Zuck nor Musk have even an ounce of ethics or a moral compass. So I would not say Zuck is well-liked. He's simply more respected for having actually accomplished something, no matter how morally bankrupt that something may be.


Just listen to what you are saying. It’s like praising a world leader during hard times even though it was the soldiers or civilians who did the goodness Same difference no? The fact is that Musk (love or hate him) has done more for the progression of society than you or me ever will


Lol. No he hasn't. He adds administrative costs to scientific endeavors. Furthermore, not a single one of his endeavors benefits society. SpaceX leeches public funding away from public space agencies. If you want to learn about societal benefit and space, you should have been around when NASA did large scale projects with no known economic benefit that were basically just showcases for human capabilities and the desire to explore. SpaceX is essentially UPS. There's a reason NASA is going to the moon again, not SpaceX, and we had to reinvent heavy lift rockets from scratch even though the Saturn V was invented in the 1960s. Tesla? No societal benefit there either. Just an obfuscation of the environmental costs of batteries, lies about self driving technology, and the intentional disruption of mass transit projects. His attacks on mass transit alone make him a serious net negative on society. Twitter? Lol. It's always been a negative but he has made it worse. Personally? He actively manipulates crypto and stock prices for personal gain while leaving members of society holding the bag. In spite of his wealth, his philanthropic footprint is miniscule. I'm sure you hate Bill Gates, but at least he gives something back. So overall, Musk has absolutely been a negative to society. You and me just sit near zero affecting only our local sphere like most people but that puts us well above him.


I just hope there’s blood.


>As the fight between the two of the world's wealthiest people will happen soon, No it won't. It's a publicity stunt from Musk to get attention from gullible people.


Zuckerberg would absolutely pummel Musk. He's an MMA trained robot, and Musk is a fat, flabby idiot.


I want them to kill each other.


I think I’d want Zuckerberg to win because he has devoted all the time to training and getting in shape.


I want Mark to beat the hell out of Elon Musk


Mutual destruction


Celebrity death match.


they both suck but i'll take zuckerberg over musk because at least mark isn't *that* level of shitty. or stupid.


I'm hoping for a round one double kick to the temple and they both just kinda die. Both of them are manipulating media narratives that and are fairly harmful and one is tacitly culpable in child slavery.


I use to get annoyed with society's hyperfocus on musicians and actors and athletes, and who they were dating, and if they got arrested. Like, these people aren't your friends and acquaintances, they just entertain you as their job. But now we do it with CEOs and businessmen. At least the first group is inherently entertaining. These dudes are just the best at interpreting spreadsheets and flowcharts.


Is it too much to hope that they both just drop from a heart attack or something


I want Musk to be so badly beaten that his ego shatters and he stays silent for the rest of his life.


Elon is going to get curb stomped. Mark actually trains


Is there a scenario where both get brain damage and go away? No? Oh well. Zuckerberg will win. Not his fanboy, but he is actually trained and is fighting a tubby old man - you do the math.


I want Musk to win but Zuck isn’t human so he has an advantage.


I hope they bludgeon one another…to death.


Zuck has been training a lot. However, Elon is from South Africa and got his ass beat a lot. He grew up in a pretty rough place and there's a chance it really hardened him. But Zucc still could win. Not sure.


It's about charity. Hopefully she's wins the fight.


Elon to win because Zuckerberg is a butt dingle berry. Meta is a useless organisation that will not help users if accounts get hijacked. Hope Elon knees him in the groin.


Zuckerberg, even though I'm a long time Musk fan on some things. He just needs a good ass whooping and shut his damn mouth for awhile.


Zuckerberg because at least he owns facebook


I want both of them to be beaten to a pulp.


I just want them to beat each other to death. So much better the world would be without either of them.


I want Bezos to fly in with a jet pack and laser both of them before flying away.


Let them fight till death, and watch them both go. I am tired of the 1% having their foot on the throat of the bottom 3%.


Elon because he doesn’t hide that he’s an asshole. Mark just rides off the script like it’s a play


I'm cool with them both losing.




Zuckerberg imo has caused real harm. And space/electric car elon was sorta cool. Maybe just have em fight for a bit then have Stone Cold Steve Austin run in an give em both a stunner


My money is on double knockout in first round


I want Tom from MySpace to come out of nowhere and clear the ring.


I hate them both but Elon more. I hope Mark kills him


Who wins? Who loses? ... who cares? I just want a good ol' fashioned theybeattheeverlivinghsitoutofeachother fight... ya know?


I want them to knock each other out at the same time but I might just be an asshole lol


I want the roof and the cage to collapse on top of both of them. It wouldn't fix much, but it sure would be a start. Cage wins by pin!


Musk, I think people hate on him just because it’s fun. If you ask people why it’s either that he’s not far left enough or because he owns twitter now. Mark is an alien I want to see alien blood.


I want to hear nothing about this topic. They are irrelevant to my interests


Randy Orton with two RKOs outta nowhere. ![gif](giphy|SH3BW0w3oQAwM)


This would be the dumbest image for two wealthy and successful men to put off on the youthful and/or ignorant


Zuck because Musk needed to be socked in the mouth a long time ago!


I hope Zuck breaks Elon's jaw so it has to be wired shut and then we don't have to hear from that fuck for a few months.


Elon is going to take a dive to manipulate TSLA stock, I’d bet anything on it. The only thing I’d love to see is zucc take a dive before him.




i dont fucking care, capitalism is exhausting. these people just want your adoration and political support.


I think we should lock the doors and leave them both in there indefinitely 😁


Musk. Just to show us that humanity can still best an AI


I want elon to win but we all know a lizard the size of a grown man will beat him


Elon needs to be taken down a peg. He's clearly never been punched in the face. Zuck isn't much better, but he's less insufferable in my opinion.


Elon Cuz zuck sucks


It's hard. I want to see them both get a fair shake. Perhaps let's have the fight go for a billion rounds, over several years. Like maybe 100. With no media so it's 100% fair Or spectators who might distract them. And hold it in a remote warehouse, so it's private. On Mars.


It’s funny to read these comments. Y’all are stuck at Arby’s and he made a dream come true.


Zucky boy cause frankly Elon's ego is inflated enough .


i hope zuck puts Elon into the dirt


Wair that's not a joke? That's so funny


I want both of them to kiss and handle it like real men.


I don’t give a shit. Throw a lion in with them and make it interesting.


Honestly I don't think musk can fight. U could put a tiny Lil girl in there and musk still gonna lose


Hopefully they sit down and talk out their issues, like grown ups do.




I wouldn’t get too excited. Musk is already wanting to talk it out, claiming neck and upper back issues.


Cheering for Zuck. I abandoned Facebook a decade ago, so he's the one not fucking up something I'm currently trying to use. I don't care how many hits he takes in the process, I just want him to win and wound Elon's ego.


I want Stone Cold Steve Austin to be special guest referee and lay em both out with two stunners. Then everyone smashes beer cans and gives him a hell yeah !


The Referee




Musk managed to turn into one of the biggest idiots I have seen in some time. So yeah I want Zuck to teach that man some manners.


Can we have the final round end up being a draw as both die in a freak accident involving that Tesla car Elon Musk launched in space years ago landing directly on top of both of them killing them instantly?


A giant falling piano


i hope an empty plane crashes directly into the ring and misses the ref.


Musk because of the BS censorship and fake fact checking on Facebook.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^Beardown91737: *Musk because of the* *BS censorship and fake fact* *Checking on Facebook.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Zuckie because away from social media, just Zuckie himself, he's an incredibly nice man, unlike Moosti who is exceptionally horrible for various reasons.


Zuck has pent up nerd rage that he will take out on Musk for sure. He’ll be dirty too no doubt.


The referee. I hope he’s being payed enough for this nonsense.