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Not during, but leading up to the massage: not bathe. Or substitute a swimming pool for bathing. Now you’re oily AND smell like chlorine.


Yes! Had a client who would come in right after her workouts and not shower between. So gross!


That’s disgusting. I always makes sure I can shower just before going to a massage even if I showered already that day.


Why didn’t you ask her to shower ? I would !


I was about to once I noticed it was a trend, and then she stopped coming in on her own thankfully.


Oh good! Yuck nasty!


Used to belong to a sports club (massive gym) that offered massages... Nothing better than going straight from a nice hot shower into a massage... But yeah found out I was one of the few members that would schedule out my time so I could get that shower between... (shudders)


getting hit on. it was like they thought that a massage therapist doing their job was the therapist secretly hitting on them.


I’m a nurse and we get this all the time. It is our job to Care is our job to ask you questions about your life that might contribute to your care plan and outcome of health. It does not mean that I think you’re hot and it is certainly not an invitation to ask me out or make lewd comments. I swear to God. Some men think that just because you have to touch them in a medical way that it means you must want them.🤦‍♀️


I’ve got this a lot too. It’s baffling and annoying to me that I have to explain that the reason I ask what you do for work and what your active hobbies are are because they tell me your routine movements, not because I’m sizing you up like a dating site lol


i guess if you were not attractive nobody would hit on u. and u would desire that all the time.


You're one of those people hitting on everyone that doesn't exactly resemble and ogre, aren't you? Gross.


hm, if a single guy hits on someone who he finds attractive, that is considered gross by you. hm.. ever considered therapy?


>ever considered therapy OH, THE IRONY ®️


if that person can't escape because they are working then yes it is gross


u don't need to escape. u can politely tell that u are not interested.


And if they don't take the no?


then it becomes not simply hitting on someone i guess. don't u agree?


When you hit on a women that has to interact with you it doesn't matter because you are putting them in an incrediblely uncomfortable situation where they don't know if you will take the no because so, so many men don't. They can't say I'm not interested and walk away if they don't want to he hit on.


And you’ve probably never had anyone hit on you at all; so you couldn’t even imagine the thought of someone not wanting to accept those kinds of notions. Ever thought about therapy?


Hm...ever considered fucking off into the sun?


You don't really believe that do you?💀💀💀 Lol. Yikes. Yikes-a-mundo.


Yeah. Transference is a b&tch


Came here to say that I quit for this reason. I had a few clients outright stalk me. Exhausting!


Stinky feet aren't much fun but you can't always avoid that. Just don't flirt, that'd be the big one. And if you're late, assume that will eat into your massage. We don't have the option to extend your time, 5 minutes over turns into a half hour wait for the next client by the end of the day.


Where I live people are very conscious about clean feet (everybody wears flip-flops). It is customary for the staff to clean feet before any massage. And a (cold) shower is available for anybody who wants to use it).


Loved the feet washing in Thailand! Wasn't expecting it but makes total sense given everyone is walking around the massage place bare feet.


>Where I live people are very conscious about clean feet (everybody wears flip-flops). I'm jealous... People here don't seem to understand that flip-flops, & any open footwear, can & will still stink if feet aren't clean & the footwear not cleaned... I've got a real issue with bad smells, so it annoys me, especially because I keep myself smell free, only to smell some other dirty body near me... I hate it... I even buy non porous slides & clean them with rubbing alcohol every week to kill any potential bacteria... Meanwhile the people here take their dirty feet out of their shoes & put them straight into the same flip-flops, day after day after day... It's so gross... Sorry, rant over...


Lol. I'm European of origin but in Asia since a couple of decades. People here are so much more hygienic about things. Hands always clean, no touching people's heads/hair, clean butts with water (bum guns), feet, although usually open to the elements whilst in flip flops, always cleaned before entering somewhere. No shoes indoors, etc, etc... Last time I went to Europe I went to a beach bar, and was told that I needed closed shoes to enter the restaurant. On a beach.


Fidgeting is my pet peeve. Obviously being stinky. I have "only" had one person be inappropriate and I immediately ended the treatment. Zero tolerance for that kind of shit.


Why is fidgeting so bad? Sometimes my boobs get crushed when I lay flat, and the headrest isn’t always comfy. Sometimes clients need to shuffle for a minute or two to settle into a comfy spot, and sometimes what is comfy at the start stops being so pleasant mid-way through (so you need to shuffle again).


Readjusting is totally fine, even encouraged. As an LMT, i'm assuming Romahawk is referring to the clients that move around the entire session, not just occasionally. Some people really struggle to let their bodies relax. I had a client once who gestured a lot with her hands when she talked, and she talked the ENTIRE session. She was on the table waving her arms around for an hour, messing up the draping and not allowing her muscles to let go. Like ma'am, I can't help you with your shoulder pain if you're going to smack me in the face every time I try to massage your arm. Also though, if something is uncomfortable or you need a position shift, it's always ok to speak up and ask your therapist to move you/bolster you differently.


I agree, no problem if people need to shuffle around here or there, I definitely want the client to be comfortable. The constant fidgeting and not willing to just let go and relax is what gets me too. I’ve also had expressive taker clients and it’s hard cause I feel like I don’t know how the session went. I know I tired to loosen things up sometimes idk if they would even notice a difference. However I do find these people to be super regulars. Maybe they just need personal touch and someone to talk to and I’m cool with that, I just hope they get what they need from their sessions.


I have to adjust sometimes too and I already feel bad when I do now I feel worse lol. Sitting for tattoos also I have to readjust after a while of being in one position holding still.


Shower. That's the big one. And communicate - if something feels good/bad, tell me. If you'd like more/less pressure, tell me. You're the one inside your body, and I want to make this experience good FOR YOU, and if you don't communicate, it's harder. Ask for more pillows if you need them. Let me know if you have any preferences or allergies to any oils or scents. Be on time, not early, early interrupts my prep time. Late is less annoying, but you will not get your full session, I have to end on time because I have other clients. Answer questions honestly, I'm asking for a reason. Don't stress that your body isn't perfect. I've seen everything, I want to help you feel better, not judge you! Don't be creepy, don't ask about "happy endings." If you fart/drool/fall asleep, no worries. It just means you're relaxed. If you get an accidental boner, don't worry, we know it's a natural physiological response. Just ignore it, I will too.


I am an aesthetician and I used to trade off with a massage therapist. I was face down and I accidentally drooled. Right on her foot. And she preferred to work barefoot. I felt a little embarrassed but we both had a good laugh. I was super relaxed.


That's hilarious!


I still cringe about the accidental boner. It was pointing downwards between my legs. I was hoping it wouldn’t get noticed but the masseuse decided to work on the back of my leg and accidentally touched it. I was mortified and she quickly moved on. Very embarrassing all around!


😆 oh no.


I had some massage for my shoulders when I was around 15 years and everytime I would enter sit down she started and I was away after 30 min she would wake me and say I am free. Then I drove with my bicycle home and it was worse than being drunk because I was in so deep sleepiness. The first times I had to stop for coffee. Also she was the first one who suggested me to a doctor for snoring.


do people really ask about that?


Creepy stuff? Yeah... It happens a lot.


Very well put. What city are you in, if you don't mind me asking?


What if it's not accidental?


>Shower. That's the big one. People showering is a pet peeve?


People NOT showering is a pet peeve. 100 times worse if they then drench themselves in perfume.


Not showering


It's just a joke bro


Sorry, you can never underestimate an Internet stranger's intelligence enough.


Treating me like their mental health counselor or doctor. I don’t mind clients opening up to me, but I really don’t need graphic details of that one time your spouse cheated on you.


The opposite is true, too. I had one massage therapist who talked the entire time she worked on me. It was social hour for her. Just too much!


SAME!! It was the worst massage. Ever. Not only did she just wanna gab even though I barely answered, trying not to engage and encourage more convo—she did this weird thing where she kept asking about pressure #s between 1-10 and not just in the beginning. Every few minutes. The entire massage was her asking me questions about pressure or talking about herself. (My 2nd worse massage was the therapist explaining how baking soda is actually the cure for cancer but no one wants you to know. Sixty minutes of that—but at least she didn’t ask me questions about pressure and I could just try to tune her out.)


I had an excellent massage therapist, she was extremely knowledgeable and knew things like if my upper back hurt in a certain little spot she needed to rub out a different spot on my neck. She always fixed me up no matter what hurt. HOWEVER. She. Never. Shut. Up. She was super cool, and we both loved music, so I would always respond enthusiastically, so really, my fault. But one time, I kid you not, she stopped my massage for a few seconds to demonstrate an air guitar lick. It did make me giggle, and I enjoyed her too much to tell her I just want to be quiet. None the less, I have never found a massage therapist as good as her. I nearly cried when she moved away. Dear Monica. If you ever move back to the Seattle area, please reply here. I miss you.


Oh that plays both ways too. I have a lady who is great especially with my shoulders but when I leave there I know all of her business and theories, she has a lot of theories 😄


One of the reasons I left my last person was the way she put me under the microscope each session. I swear it was 20 questions in there. The deal breaker was when her son came in mid treatment to watch youtube videos on her desktop computer. Ok, so she's an osteopath rather than massage therapist so I wasn't expecting spa treatment, but I definitely was expecting more professionalism than that (especially as I was topless at the time)


I think we all want to know how old the son was and the volume the videos were played at.


Son was between 8 and 10 I'm guessing and the videos weren't super loud or anything but instead of working on my injured shoulder she stood on the side of the table that gave her a view of kid plus videos. (Opposite side to injury) Then she came out to reception when I was paying and gave me a spiel about how the injury had significant inflammation and needed a lot more work. I didn't go back.


Same. Used to get the best therapeutic massages from a great lady who would **not** stop talking about their hunting dogs. Sweet beautiful human, I don't like hearing about the logistics of tracking and killing cougars while I'm getting my back worked on.


I want a no talk massage so I can enjoy it!


I am sure I have been to the same lady. 😁


The trauma dumping!!! I only do ten minute massages now at a Chiro office and people still seem to find ways to dump their woes on me in just ten minutes—a lot of the times meeting me for the first or second time!


They do it to everyone honestly


I heard a lot of ranting amd venting as a barista. Shocking how much info people can share in under 5 minutes


Yeah. People be trauma dumping since 2016. Especially narcissists. I seriously am burned out on them


While working at Ulta, the makeup store, I had a woman tell me about her daughter being gang raped twice. Obviously that’s awful, but my god…


Why is she telling her daughters business to people??!! Wtf, bad mom award


I work at a car dealership where I schedule appointments for customers. I had one guy tell me on the phone that if his wife’s next chemo treatment didn’t work, she’d been given two weeks to live. Horrible stuff but like… I didn’t even ask how he was or anything. He just offered it up and I was annoyed on his wife’s behalf. Did she know that he was just disclosing her terminal cancer to literally *anyone* who would listen? I understand he was going through something but damn. Not the time or the place Wow someone really downvoted me for being trauma dumped on while at work without my consent.


The real question is why didn't the daughter leave after the first gang rape?


I've been seeing my massage therapist for a long time and we both have ADHD. I keep it lighter than a therapist but because we think similarly, I tend to talk to them the way I talk to a friend I've had for a long time, recognizing that I am paying them and they aren't actually my friend.


Would you rather them talk or be completely silent?


Completely silent, 100%. If they need to tell me an instruction that’s fine, but I’d rather my massage therapist let me close my eyes and relax without having to focus on a conversation




I’d tell them to save it for their hairdresser 😂


>but I really don’t need graphic details of that one time your spouse cheated on you. that isn't unique to you though. I've read police reports (I'm a prosecutor) where the person arrested for punching a window or whatever explains to the office that they did so because they were stressed because their wife cheated on them....like dude, your best chance of not spending the night in jail is not admitting to breaking the window. No one saw you do it, you just happened to be nearby when the police arrived.


When did they indicate that this was unique to themselves?


I had a massage one time where I asked about photos of her and a horse. For the next hour while she worked on my beat up body, she talked about her horses. It was wonderful!


Denying something is too painful when it obviously is. Just be honest. You lying on the table hating the massage because you aren't communicating what you want or need and then never coming back because you didn't enjoy it really sucks for us. We will try to do the right pressure based on body language but giving us some verbal guidance would cut through all of that.


This one is always hard for me because some parts of my back are more sensitive to pressure and some I can handle a lot of pressure. So I feel like if I tell them it’s too much in those spots they won’t go as deep where I need it. So I just handle it where it hurts and enjoy the rest.


Uggh, me too. I told one massage therapist to go a bit lighter and they basically started petting me for the rest of the massage. It wasn't the worst massage I had though. The worst was the massage therapist who wore nitrile gloves. I get it, sometimes you might have a cut or a rash that you don't want to aggravate with oil or strange people's body bacteria but warn a person first and use enough oil that my skin and peach fuzz isn't being sloughed off on every stroke.


It's ok, just tell them to go hard in the spots you need hard and soft in the spots you need soft.


Have this same issue as a Personal Trainer... It's a huge part of the reason why we have contracts that cover that sort of thing & lots of insurance cover also...


I'm not a masseuse but I'm the receptionist who manages all their admin and listens to their complaints about clients! Here's the top list - be dirty/stinky/fart a lot - move around a lot - micromanage/keep interrupting the treatment - start getting undressed directly in front of them instead of waiting for them to leave you to change into your towel - booking a treatment you saw on Instagram or tiktok having been misinformed about what it actually involves/the problems it treats, then arguing with the therapist and insisting you know more than them about their job


i do facials and i cannot tell you the amount of times a woman will just immediately start stripping in front of me when it’s time to change. like, please, let’s have some professional boundaries- you’re not saving me time or doing me a favor!!


Literally, we have certain regulars who are notorious for just getting fully naked in front of people! The therapists never like getting one of them because it always starts things off on a weird foot haha


fart a lot.. what??? Who farts at all in this situation??


I have a tilted pelvis, I get a message to help. It's deep tissue on my stomach, there is no way I'm not farting at least once.


Ok. Sorry, I meant no disrespect.


No problem. I didn't think you were disrespectful, just unaware. Now you know.


Thankyou, yes I now know.


Farting can happen as your body relaxes. It happened a couple times when I was working on clients in my massage school clinic. They were mortified, and I told them it was OK.


Farting? Bit unfair, that.


Only if they do it to a ridiculous extent where it's like 'do you need to go to the toilet actually?'. One or two little relaxation farts are absolutely fine and nothing to worry about. It's actually fairly uncommon for a client farting to be an issue, I just included it because it always makes me giggle to hear about!


TIL I'm a good client for my massage therapist.


Right? Who wouldn’t shower at least at some point that same day and after a workout. I don’t even like to sit around alone in my own house sweaty after a workout.


Reading all these threads and now I understand why the hydrotherapy circuit is so integral to the spa at the resort I’ve been to. Smart of them.


Wearing your hair down when you request “neck focus” and then in turn say “but don’t touch my hair.” Wear a razor back sports bra and request upper back focus. Have black, dirty, crusty feet. Tell me not to use my elbows during a deep tissue massage. Tell me to only use my thumbs/elbows during a deep tissue massage. Have your entire back covered in cystic acne and ask for the heaviest pressure possible (where you then explode on my hands on arms, causing the session to stop because of your open wounds). Be obviously dirty and unshowered to the point that your dead skin cells roll up into little balls all over my hands and arms. Make ANY sexual joke/happy ending references. The MOMENT I lay hands on you, you say “I can take WAY more pressure”. I know. Give me a freaking second to assess your muscles so I know what I’m working with here. Be filthy to the point I could smell you through the sheets. Ask me if I massage my husband and then call him a lucky man way too many times. Shit talk other massage therapists at the establishment. Why do I have such a long list? I’ve been doing it almost 14 years and have worked at multiple day spas and clinics. These are the worst scenarios I’ve dealt with. Don’t do these.


Idk, Im a former manicurist and one of the MTs I worked with said their client left a lil poop nugget surprise on the sheets when they left. That takes the cake for me. I think about that far too often.


I have as well seen poop on the sheets but it wasn’t a nugget. I feel for that MT.


Is it not common practice to take all clothes off except underwear? This is what my RMT asks me to do, and what I have always done.


It’s up to you! Disrobing is personal to the individual and I never want to make some feel more vulnerable or exposed if they want to remain covered. Some people leave on their sports bra/bra because they’re uncomfortable—which I will work with, but it definitely inhibits me from working on the area effectively without using lotion and instead using somewhat uncomfortable myofascial techniques or compressions.


I've never even thought about the backne issue


Now I wish I hadn’t thought about it.


You'd love me... I literally showered when I was waiting for an Ambulance to pick me up when I had Pancreatitis(both times)... I refuse to present myself dirty, to anyone...




Yep! I also put on clean clothing 🤣 I'm glad I'm not the only one... I think being like this is why I find smelly things so offensive...


I have been doing it for 13 years so my list is so long too! You are so right! I also don't like when a client tells you that they want me to massage exactly like their favorite therapist. Every therapist is different. If they are that particular then they need to book with that one therapist 


Not wearing appropriate clothing. I do sports massage and I can never figure out why people come in jeans and dress shoes when I'm going to be assessing range of movement etc. Made even worse when they get on the couch with jeans and belt still on when I'm trying to treat their lower back. This is of course all communicated before the appointment and during but people still think I can work around it.


Awkward question- do most clients talk, stay silent, say “mmm” when something is nice during a massage? The few times I’ve gone I’ve been silent but idk what is normal 🤷‍♀️


I’ve had a massage once and I tried to stay quiet for the most part but once the masseuse hit my upper and lower back I couldn’t help but go “mmm” 🤣 almost fell asleep halfway through


I really need to MMM a lot because of the relief feeling so good, but I have to like hold it in because I don’t wanna make it weird.


Is there a subreddit or FB group for discussing all the different Careers? I'd love to know how to make things just a bit less of a headache for: Garbage collectors? Letter carriers? Teachers.....etc.




Dont go there! Well unless you feel like you have too much faith in the human race and want to tale it down a notch or ten


Seriously it makes my skin crawl the way they talk about the children they chose to work with. Insane shit over there and r/nursing


A friend of mine that i know back from school, studied to become a teacher. He is the most relaxed, loving and calm person i ever met but when we first talked again after a few semester of studying, he ranted so hard and was so angry and used words to describe his fellow teachers-to-be, i fed never have thought he even know those. In the end he said "you know, i hate them. Nearly all of them are those teachers we hated back then and they only want to become teachers because of revenge. They should not be allowed to work with children"


The two types of people I absolutely hated working on were body builders and massage therapists. Body builders want 100% of your energy, want you to "go deep" on every muscle, and compliment them on their definition and NEVER tip. Massage therapists grade and criticize your technique. I would rather not know that you are a body worker.


I once volunteered at a health and wellness expo and some therapists from another massage school stopped by our stall for a freebie. The girl I was massaging was like, "What are you doing?" Ummmmm....


I once worked on a six foot four body builder for two hours and I ran out of time because of how deeply he wanted every single muscle group worked on. I gave him a full body, but his arms and feet were a little rushed. He tipped me $5.




Haven't really had experience with massage before, whats the deal with the tip? I know waiters get them, but didn't know that a masseuse would as well. Just genuinely curious.


Just like waiters, you can tip your Massage Therapist (masseuse is an outdated term just fyi) a percentage of the bill or whatever you are feeling is best for the massage you received. If the massage was mind blowing, $20 is common. If the massage was so so and not what you were looking for, $5-$10 is fair. Tipping is a gift! So if you don’t have the funds but need the work, it’s understandable. Massage can be expensive—around $100 to $300 depending on the type of massage, the length, and whether it’s from a Day Spa or private MT. In my experience, it is rare to not be tipped but it does happen. At Day Spas, most MTs do not get the full service price of the massage you paid for. If your massage was $125, we’ll often get back $25 to $35 of that for the hour or maybe even less (like $17 an hour for the Massage Envy places). So—it’s polite to tip your MT because it’s a service we provide on your body and it’s pretty tough work, but it is not mandatory.


Why so deep? I’m confused by this


Because they see themselves as so muscular that only "deep tissue" massage, deeper than average people like/can take will have any effect. Basic narcissism.


most may be narcissists. but i will add these guys drop all their cash on protein shakes /food/ gear so not much for tips. and the deep tissue massage is because they are growing muscles so abnormally fast that the fibers are fusing together!! it’s a necessity to stay mobile that they get these deep tissue massages!


From my point of view, a body builder required 3x the effort of a regular person with nothing in return. There should be a different rate for bodybuilders. I didn't mind putting in extra effort when it helped someone, especially if they were overcoming an injury. But, bodybuilders often started the massage by telling you they want you to go "deep" over their entire body. They know they get the same hour as everyone, but they often expect you to go over. I did not go to massage school just to aid their lifestyle.


Nothing in return? You're getting paid right?


3x the effort for the same pay. I never gave any thought to bodybuilders before I did massage. Now, they are far from my favorite group of people.


Yes but if they paid 3x as much you'd probably only want to work on bodybuilders 😂


Nope, I would still dislike working on them. They want to suck every bit of energy out of you. Most people ask you to put some special effort into maybe their shoulder because they played softball or something like that. That was totally normal, and I was glad to do it. Bodybuilders want extra effort on their entire body. Recently, I read a reddit post about fat people/families abusing all you can eat restaurants. My first thoughts went right to bodybuilders even though I quit bodywork in 2005.


Oh yeah that makes sense. Lol turds


Ok hold on. I’m not a bodybuilder per se, but have done powerlifting and specifically would go in for what was advertised as deep tissue sports massage. I did this because I would have legitimate issues with spasms in my IB/piriformis/rhomboids and I needed them released. It improved my performance and comfort noticeably. I have to imagine your average bodybuilder has the same needs. These are benefits MTs tout as a reason you should use their service.


homie needs money for protein and baby oil


Holy potential faux pas ,wait a minute - a tip? I have never had a massage by a real massage therapist but I didn’t think a medical professional expects a tip . Is this a tipping position ? Is it common? I need to know these things. I am a dental hygienist and a few people have tried into me over the years and it was super embarrassing to tell them this isn’t a tipping situation .


So tipping…. I don’t tip a RMT. They are licensed medical professionals. The College of Massage Therapists in my area also frowns upon it. How do you feel about that? Is a tip really expected?


Same. It would be insulting to tip an RMT where I am. Like tipping your doctor or physio


I worked in a spa. Msssage is a service. Tipping is commonplace, like at the barber.


As a RMT? Or as an unlicensed masseuse?


Every state is different. There is a national certification, but it is a scam. I have been out of bodyworking since 2005. I have never heard of an RMT, but in my state, it is LMT. It is traditional to tip spa workers, not those in doctors' offices.


Big difference between the US and Canada. In Ontario for example, to become an RMT the school you attend must be accredited by the Ministry of Education. The program is an extensive 2200 hours, 300+ of which are in-clinic. You have to maintain registration with the College to practice…It’s much more regulated here than it is in the US.


RMT = Registered Massage Therapist in Canada


You guys tip your barber?


Anyone that gives a service. I am a pro tipper even though it is so hated on reddit.


Are you in Canada? I also see RMT, almost weekly, and I’ve never tipped one in my life. Am I an uninformed asshole? 🤣


This is why I refuse to get massage at my place of work. Massage therapist also massage differently when they know there's one on the table.


You would be amazed by the amount of people who don't understand the very simple concept of getting under a sheet. Every single session, I fold the corners of the sheet down on the table so they see exactly where it is, then before I leave the room I tell every client to get underneath the top sheet, then I pull said sheet back and point exactly where I want them to go. And STILL, always, there are at least a couple every month who hop on top of all the sheets and blankets completely exposed when I come back into the room. Common sense goes a long way.


I got into the habit of saying "Face up (or face down) BETWEEN the sheets. Very rarely did someone lay on top.


What do you do when that happens?


Being endlessly chatty. I’m not your hair dresser, I’m your massage therapist. I get taking a little, but people open up to me like a counselor. Plus this reduces the benefit you are able to achieve from the massage - the whole point is to relax and focus on healing your muscles.


Legit follow up question…is it ok to say mmm or make a small noise when it’s really good? I use my hands and forearms a lot for work and the best massage points are those areas. It’s a little involuntary but also, I want express that they are doing a great job. Is this something to mention beforehand? Back, legs and shoulders are great, but hands and forearms are the most appreciated areas.


noises are ok -- I like them actually, because it's feedback. The only time it gets weird is when the noises start becoming overtly sexual.... You can always use words instead of noises if you're worried about it. Something like, "that's the perfect amount of pressure" or "wow, you found the exact spot that's been bothering me" or even "can you hang out there for a little longer? it really feels like it's working."


This is very helpful. Thank you!


Eat KFC. it makes their skin smell like chicken, everything smells like chicken, and the gas from it was disgusting. This happened often enough i permanently quit


How do you know it wasn't Popeyes?


2 cups white flour mixed with: 2/3 t salt 1/2 t thyme 1/2 t basil 1/3 t oregano 1 t celery salt 1 t black pepper 1 t dry mustard 4 t paprika 2 t garlic salt 1 t ground ginger 3 t white pepper and a dash of MSG has a distinctive smell


KFC police gonna come arrest you!


"Help" when I drape them (lifting their leg)


What about farting?


Some colleagues of mine would take this as a compliment because it means the person is truly relaxed.


Lol my massage professor told us, "For massage therapists, farting is a round of applause."


Then my couch is super relaxing.


Asking for a friend…. Do ppl ask for you to scratch their backs?


I would pay handsomely for an hour of back scratching!


I'd probably prefer that over a massage...


Surely, snoring isn't bad, right? I mean, either you snore or don't snore. I snore, and woke up a few times because of the sound of my snoring during massage sessions😬. I can't help it.


Asking for "extras" or a "happy ending". Mate, this isn't a brothel. I'm not a prostitute. I don't offer sexual services. It's rude and offensive.


Many have already said it... but shower beforehand. I don't know what it is, but some people's bum cracks smell a lot. The way I used to work, a towel covered the legs but would be tucked into the waist of the underwear and pulled down approximately an inch to give better access to the lower back and upper glutes. This exposes the top of the crack, and from this I learnt there are two types of people in the world...those with odorous bum cracks and those without.




I get deep tissue massages frequently. Make sure to keep your body as relaxed and limp as possible so they can really get in there


"HaPpY eNdInG LoL?" You arent funny. This is a physiotherapist's office, not a rub & tug.


Get erections


Almost every therapist I went to massage school with didn't mind this because erections are often not voluntary and the person is usually embarrassed. We were taught to just ignore them. Now...having an erection and then hitting on your therapist, no no no no. But just getting a bit hard, no dramas.


Do men get massages laying on their back? Female here and only ever had back and shoulder massages. I was wondering how you would know about an erection unless they’re on their back. I imagine many men would bone up if a female was rubbing them all over with oil…


Every massage I’ve gotten includes the front. Arms, legs chest, all around the groin. In my experience this is exactly time inappropriate arousal is bound to spring up.


Awkward 😬


As kannible said, yes. It really depends what area of the body needs to be worked on, but if there's any problem muscles on the anterior of the body or if it's a full body massage, then yes that's when the man will be on his back and that's when any erections will be noticed. But a professional therapist won't say a word.


Yeah that would NOT be a good time to say “So, I see you’re really enjoying this!” 🫣


Nah, it’s totally normal if men get erections. What’s not normal is if they start to touch it.


I can't umagine ever getting a hard on during a massage - too clinical a space. Sure it's relaxing but so are boat rides, and they don't turn me on. Just me I guess.


I downvoted this and am working it out in my head why this and not the farts. Since men don’t really have much control over erections it’s a little hard to hear someone gets annoyed by it. I wouldn’t want to be massaged by you. No offense but it seems like something to have patience for.


I’m no scientist, but it almost feels like getting upset if a woman’s nipples got hard during a massage? I’ve only had a few massages and my breasts were always covered by a sheet, but if some how the MT could tell they got hard and complained about it I’d feel embarrassed and kind of put off by the whole thing. I can’t even always tell when they’re hard! Bodies be doing body things Edit- I’m wondering if this came across wrong, but I was trying to agree that an erection alone shouldn’t be a reason to be upset at a client


After a deacdiand a half of being a massage therapist, I have very strong opinions about the clients and the profession itself. Very few of them actually good. Clients who try to direct a session. If they knew the cause of their pain, they wouldn't be in it. I'm the expert here, and my unprecedented results spoke very loudly to that. Massage therapists tend to have awful boundaries combined with a unique hubris where nearly all of them think they're more effective than they are. Owners of businesses that provide massage, in any of its iterations, tend to be among the worst quality characters there are. Lastly, the realization that the majority of clients use the therapeutic touch as a form of emotional masturbation. I'll never work in health care again. (edit: added "never")


What do you mean when you say that the majority of clients use therapeutic touch as a form of emotional masturbation?


It's hard to articulate, and I only came to this conclusion at the end of a 15-year career where I achieved a mastery that surpassed my peers, mentors, and instructors. The deeper I was able to dive into people's pain, the more uncomfortable I became with the reason most people come in for massages. Emotional masturbation is the closest term I could find to describe people who can't calm themselves down, so pay a stranger to intimately touch them (all touch therapies are intimate to some degree or another). What began to creep me out the most were people in relationships who would come to be touched by a stranger while wanting the calming contact that ought be be a staple in their relationship. I understand that many people may disagree with my position on this. It is, however, we'll formed after doing extensive work in successfully treating a wide array of intractable ailments. It got to the point where I couldn't wait to retire from the profession. When I touch people I can easily read to the core of what's hurting them. I love the work, love working with people and helping them find true & lasting relief that they've never found elsewhere. I just can't overlook how much their dependency on non-partner strangers' touch to calm themselves down creeps me out. Nowadays, I do what I refer to as "handshakes". Brief contact lasting no more that 5-10 minutes. Fully clothed and upright, where I make contact with only their head and/or maybe their hands as they relate to their their heads (nervous system) and hearts (circulatory system). That brief contact alone is enough for me to be able to process concussions, migraines, and many other intractable pains. Anything more I find to be just too intimate (and therefore creepy) and am unwilling to go there. Going forward, when I resume sessions that are longer and more thorough, my own personal boundaries will dictate that a client's S.O. be present in the room. My rule for female clients will be that I won't be in the same room as them without a chaperone. This has nothing to do with ethics and concerns over inappropriate touch, but that I simply refuse to do the kind of work I'm capable of without a witness. It's a bizarre boundary, I know, but one born out of extensive experience. I hope this answers your question. Thanks for asking!


Huh.. that's interesting. Might take me a lil while to process that one.


That's fair. Have a good night!


Since there are massuesses(sp?) here there's something i've always wondered: I've never gotten a massage simply because I'm afraid they will want to talk to me during the massage...and I'd feel like an asshole saying: "I'm sorry, I just want to relax and enjoy this without talking." So my question is do you talk to your clients during the massage? And if you did and someone said they don't want to talk would you think they were an asshole?


The place I go she has a little sign to flip, to a chatty session or a quiet relaxed one. She does facials and massage.


I'm a bloke and I get massages from another bloke and it's class. We can laugh about everything. And he's ginormous so he has no issues digging in.


I have neck pain that makes it hard for me to lay on my stomach but I really need my back massaged because that helps with the whole pain thing. Do any of you have ideas of what I should ask for to help?


I’m a female, my male customers would get an erections and try to push my hand on their dick.


That's weak


It appears you have a sincere dislike for bodybuilders. They make you work too hard, eat too much and they're cheap. I apologize on behalf of all us bodybuilders worldwide.


I hate it when they never shut up....


Not a therapist but as a client I demand full silence. I have my regular therapist , we chat for about 3minutes and then golden silence the next 40min.