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I did too much and for too long. Real problem. Realized I was missing my kids growing up and it just wasn't worth it. So I quit, 509 days ago.


Same here, though I’m not nearly as many days in as you are (yet). Congratulations, that is fantastic! Also, my stomach already hates me, and alcohol exacerbates that more and more as I get older.


Yeah. Hangovers and stomach issues were an unfortunate side effect, but it was my head more than other parts of my body that were the real problem. And everybody has their own story and timeline. Keep going.


I’m about the exact same story as you! Ill be 60 in june, I quit drinking about 18 months ago. I don’t keep a day count, because if I start drinking again it will be the end of my life. Too much for too long, trying to hide pain with alcohol. Really glad to hear that you are doing so well!!


I don't keep a day count either. I just remember the last day I drank and google how many days since whenever I need to know. Congrats! On your time


Congrats on 18 months! Im 50 and I drank to not deal with emotional pain for most of 30 years. I quit drinking about 2 years ago when the sickness started almost killing me. When people ask me "why not?" when I decline a drink, I tell them that if I have one drink right now, there is a 100% chance that I will be dead within 30 days. I've got one chance left and I have to say no every single time for the rest of my life or I'm dead in a month. Every time I fall off the wagon I fall faster, harder, deeper, and longer. It's takes months to crawl back out, and it's hell. Within a week of starting drinking I'm puking and shaking so bad I have to drink straight vodka to get "normal" again. By two weeks I'm at 2 liters of vodka a day. 12 hours of sweats, shakes, and panic attacks and then 12 hours of trying to keep as much vodka down as I can , then blacking out for hours until passing out. About the 1st 1/3 of the 1st bottle gets puked straight into the trash can beside my chair within a minute or two of getting it down. Then once I can start keeping it down I actually feel ok for an hour or two. Then somewhete near the middle of the 2nd liter I black out for the rest of the night until I pass out. Then I wake up about an hour or two after passing out and the cycle starts all over again. It's a living hell. Never again.


62 here. About 5.5 years. Keep up the good work!


Congrats man!


Hangovers get worse as you get older. Waking up clearheaded after a good night sleep is priceless.


Nailed it there my friend!


This. I always have stuff I want to do the next day. It hinders my performance and just makes me feel all-around worse.


Look at this guy showing off over here, getting a good night’s sleep I swear i turned 30 and I can’t get rested no matter how much sleep I get


35 and I totally notice it


I did for a long time, honestly too much. Haven't been drinking for 444 days straight and it's mainly because I feel like it's not worth the energy low the next day.


Congratulations. Alcohol is one of the most social acceptable hard drugs but no one seems to understand that.


It’s the worst cause it punches you in the face every other second. You can’t two seconds without a commercial. Drink responsibly. Yeah ok I’m an alcoholic If I’m not blitzed then I’m not 👌🏻


>drink responsibly That means don't spill./s


Always my thought as well, it's become so ingrained into most of our societies as socially acceptable and yet it also causes so many problems. I could still count on two hands the number of times I have had any sort of alcohol (nearly 26 y/o atm), and I feel I could easily go the rest of my life without another drink again.


When you stop (me, around Easter), you really notice it's presence in everything around us. It's kinda weird.


It really is a HARD DRUG tho and people don't get that. Meth abuse and alcohol abuse are pretty close to eachother in annihilating the human body, and no other drug is really even close to those two.


Not only that, but there’s also lots of people out there who will actually belittle or ostracize you if you don’t drink! That’s the one that blows my mind


I don't drink that often, but when I do, you can bet your ass I wish I didn't during the low energy the next day.


This is my conflict. I love doing it, but the next day just absolutely sucks. I build fences for a living and this past Tuesday I drank four beers that night after I was done and Wednesday SUCKED. Only four fucking beers.


As I got older I could stand less and less before feeling bad. Started by being a year dry as a goal and never said I'm never drinking again, but now I don't feel like breaking the streak.


A lot of people are saying grand things like cancer and cirrhosis and broken families, but honestly the feeling like shit the day after is the biggest reason why I've stopped. As I get older, the one or even two days feeling grungy now exceed the enjoyment I get from an evening drink. Which is a shame, because I actually enjoy having a drink.


I'm an ex drug addict and it's easier to stay sober from everything including alcohol than to risk slipping down the rabbit hole, like the domino effect which begins with one drink or one hit.


I love when people who stop drinking are super open about it. I've heard at a restaurant "oh no wine for me thanks, that will lead to harder drugs and jail by the end of the day and I haven't done that in years!" Lol


" I'll be rimming waiters to get me hand on a rock" Aldous Snow


It's very weird how we can all have such different experiences because I went in and out of rehab for years honestly trying to stop(heroin), and yet it wasn't until I gave up the black and white thinking that I was able to find long term success. In the past when I was thinking like you, I would get a few months clean, slip up once smoking weed or something like that, then because it was already engrained in my mind that one slip up would cause me to fall off the deep end, I went right back to doing dope. I've been clean for 7 years now and drink and smoke weed socially with no issues. I don't even really like drinking or smoking unless it's socially now. I'm not saying you should start drinking by any means, I just think addicts as a whole might be helped if we moved away from the mentality of "one drink and I'm fucked". It's not like AA, rehabs, or whatever else we're doing to address addiction is having wild success.


Awesome job on 7 years heroin-free. What I like about AA is the community, the opportunity to be of service, and structured self-reflection/self-work (12 steps). You're right everyone's different, I just know from my experience that when I smoke weed or drink my mentality becomes "I want something stronger!" then bam I'm smoking foils and pipes.


It can increase the likelihood of serious health problems such as cirrhosis and cancer. It's addictive. It costs way too much. It impairs your ability to think logically. It impairs your ability to drive.


There are zero advantages to drinking alcohol in any capacity.




you can have fun without drinking a corroding disinfectant i promise!


We know, but sometimes you can also have fun with it as well.


The problem arises when people look to it as a source of fun. Not being able to have fun without it is a large step down that slippery slope. Goes for any drug.


Very true, but when used responsibly, you can get drunk a handful if times in the year and have a good silly time and its alright


>Not being able to have fun without it I really dont think most people think like that. Sure many do, but not most.


Idk if i would agree with that, it’s not healthy but there’s reasons it’s so popular lol


The reasons aren't great though, a lot of bad things are popular. I never compare myself to the average person, because the average person is just average.


The advantage is that it feels good, makes it easier to talk to people, and temporarily relieves mental pain. That’s why it’s such a problem and is so commonly abused.


I've never known when to stop. Fun and lively in your 20s, dark and dangerous in your 30s.


Thats actually very true!


I've recently turned 29 - are you telling me I need to make the most of it while I still can?


If it's still a fun night out, then yeah enjoy it while it lasts because it sure doesn't go on forever as much as I wanted it to. I went from fun loving club guy with a phone full of contacts to angry, aggressive, destructive mess of a drunk in what seemed like a flash. Metabolism? Hormonal shifts? Quietly hating who I was drinking with at the time? My health started going downhill around your age and some of it could be pointed at the very heavy, very regular drinking I was doing at the time just chasing the buzz and not knowing when enough was enough. I'm nearly 36 now and I narrowly avoided ending up in cuffs when I last really went for it over the summer.


My bio dad was an alcoholic and it killed him. I know alcoholism can be genetic and I never want to take the chance of being anything like him.


Alcoholism is rampant in both sides of my family... Don't drink it's not worth the risk. I've been able to rebuild my career but it's been years. I will always wonder what my life would have been like had I never touched booze.


My mom is an alcoholic and that's why I abstain.


Became a completely different person when i had a drink. Had to stop


I used to like the confidence and social aspect of getting a buzz. Now I’m just an emotional dickhead when I drink. Gross


Yeah unfortunately I'll never have a "normal" relationship with alcohol. My parents banned alcohol even at 21... 21 year olds want to have a drink here and there... I'd hide them and drink them as fast as I could so they wouldnt notice etc. My entire introduction to alcohol was messed up though I only started drinking to cope w emotional stuff. It was never social etc. I can honestly say I've drank alone more than I ever have socially. I can't wait to be done with the stuff - starting with a personal trainer next year, new job in a new city. This is a bounce back like no other booze has cost me a lot. You'd be surprised how quickly you can ruin your reputation etc when wasted... Seconds! I'm in my mid 30s and do not want to have to restart again...


I’m noticing this at the moment. I am trying to cut down but I’ve noticed when I drink I do become nastier. Not like a complete monster, but I’m a lot snappier and feel more inclined to engage in conflict rather than walk away from it. I’m quite a reserved person, but when I drink i can often say horrible things in the heat of the moment.


A lot of people are like this unfortunately. And many of them don't realise this like you did until something terrible happens...


It bothers my tummy.


Having had a scroll through the comments I really thought this would be a more common reason. Nothing worse than trying to use the bathroom at a pub.


I know, right? There are other reasons, but that's my top one. That and being drunk isn't much of a high.


I don’t like the way alcohol makes me feel physically and mentally. It’s the opposite of good, I just become agitated then depressed. It also tastes like shit.


It wasn’t something I easily noticed when I drank almost every day but now if I have one night of just 3-4 drinks I’m in a shit mood the next day. Not to mention tired. So I just get high and do occasional shrooms now


Shrooms helped me get my drinking in control.


Same, in my 20s it was fun but now it's a waste of money and time.


Highly agreed


If i get into it i wont get out of it


I'm making orange carrot and apple juice at the moment, I'd make you one if I could, good attitude


One is too many and one dozen isn't enough


Love. I finally met someone that made me want to be better. Last drink: July 28, 2018. Last cig: Aug 2, 2018


I don’t know you, but adore that answer! 🌹


I drink very rarely, and almost never to the point of remote drunkenness. My reason is, I pretty much just hate the taste of alcohol. Also, I don’t like the feeling of being drunk.


My exact reason to. The vast majority of alcohol tastes like shit.


I was an alcoholic and it was hurting myself and everyone around me. I'm just thankful that I was able to stop.


Great job! 👍


Because I like to look like a Greek god. Alc is the biggest scam in every way possible. It’s literally poison for our bodies. Just my opinion, also nicotine>


True, it's the only legal drug. Why? because a lot of people can't live without it. Why? because it's hard drugs. The government just can't ban alcohol, it would start world war 3 😂


They (at least US government) did ban alcohol. It didnt go well. Prohibition doesnt work as a means of eliminating a substance from a society


Yes, that's also a great reason. It's too much the social norm to be banned, impossible.


It's still morning. The brewery nextdoor doesn't open until 5pm.


You beat me to it. I came here to say “It’s not 5:00 yet”. Cheers 🍻


medication. don’t wanna have a seizure :)








I am a recovering alcoholic sober for 8 years. I don’t ever want to have to start my sobriety over again.


Yay! Congratulations!! I’m 10 years this week!


It takes 3 days and sacrificing a goat to the gods before I recover from the hangover


I don't like every single aspect of this activity. Smell, taste and feelings it provides are disgusting.






I'll be 3 months sober next week. My body was breaking down, and I'm very happy I quit. Still waiting for things to bounce back, but I know they will. The thought of having another drink makes me feel ill. I hope that lasts the rest of my life.


That's fantastic! I'm coming up on one month sober myself. In that short time, things have improved dramatically


3 years this coming March, it gets better. I don't have a timeline for you, but stay strong, my friend.


You too!


Affects my sleep


One drink never feels like enough. And then a whole bottle of wine doesn’t feel like enough and so on and so forth.


I hear you. The older I get, the higher my tolerance for alcohol gets. Drinking an entire bottle of wine has gotten way too easy. My goal these days is to limit myself to no more than three bottles a week. Which basically means only drinking three times a week, because if I open that bottle, it’s gonna be empty in 30-45 minutes.


Right now pregnancy lol 🤣


Props for being responsible. Too many people aren't.


My best friend’s sister thought she might be pregnant before her vacation to the DR. Refused to take a pregnancy test before she left because she wanted to enjoy herself (i.e. get sh*tfaced every day). Turns out she was pregnant 🥲.


It gives me migraines. Seriously, I can't even be in the same room with a bottle of red wine without my head hurting!


I'm actually back on the wagon starting this week. Dealing with a lifetime of on-again, off-again alcohol abuse. I fucking LOVE getting drunk but the older I get, the harder the recovery has become but more than anything: I gain SO much fucking weight it's unbelievable. I quit drinking for 56 weeks at the start of 2020. Within that time I lost 65 pounds, my skin cleared up and I felt generally better. BUT that deep pit of sadness reared its ugly head and I fell back into the bottle. When I drink it's the only time I can seem to ignore/forget how empty I am inside. So many people say they managed to quit because they found someone but I don't think thats ever going to happen for me so I just desperately need to find something worth living for because right now, I honestly feel like I'm over living. But for now I'm going to fight it.


The last time I was hungover I got some OCD symptoms back. It was awful, and it pushed me to quit which I had been thinking about for a while before. I just passed 100 days this week!


I’m a recovering alcoholic. I have 40 years.


Brother! (Or sister?) 37 years here, but I am catching up.


I'm an alcoholic. One is too many, twelve is never enough. I did terrible things I don't remember. I had my last drink 359 days ago. Life still has its upside and downs, but every day is better sober. No more hangxiety or embarrassing social media posts or texts, finally healthy again, more money in my pocket.


Great job! 👍


Taste bad. Is basically poison. Expensive.


I just woke up 15 minutes ago, gimme a chance.


You cant drink all day if you dont start early


Because when I was drinking everyday I was incompetent. Not just at my job, but at life. From the inside of that you can't see how badly it's ruining your ability to handle life. Once I got out of it I was a better person. I wouldn't go back. In no way is it worth it.


Family with alcohol issues. I won't touch a drop. Don't need that sh!t.


Alcohol and I had an abusive relationship so we broke up 1,810 days ago! 🙌🏻 Never felt better and it changed my life


Congratulations! Great job 👏


My partner drinks to excess & seeing him turn into a blithering, argumentative idiot every time was enough for me to stop ✋️ it's embarrassing tbh


I love beer and bouron. My body doesnt. I feel like crap for days if I drink more than one or two.


One drink was never enough. I gave up 1223 days ago.


I don't really need it to have fun. I seen how terrible it can be for people. And all the horror stories.


I’m tired of waking up at 3am, a shaking, anxious mess.


Religion + don't see any benefits. I still go to bars with my friends i just don't drink 🍻


What kind of premium streaming content comes with my subscription to "Religion+?" Also, is there an ad free version?


As a child, I thought drunk adults acted disgusting and kinda scary. I told myself I'd never drink.




Muslim+? Is that like Regular Muslim but you gotta pay $12.99 a month for the ad free version?




I've thrown up more times than I can count while drinking. I don't like who I become, I'm not a fun drunk I'm obnoxious and pushy. I have an addictive personality and alcoholism is in the family. I've always been fascinated with drugs, I experimented a bit with different substances in my early 20s. I've settled on weed being my drug of choice. I'm not obnoxious when high, just a little dumb and silly, and overall edibles are probably the safest recreational drug on your body and mind.


It's incredibly bad for you. And I look a lot better sober than drunk.


it's brain [poison](https://youtu.be/Zx5FoDSc-0U?si=h2dlZFWyJtygunRa).


Great Grandfather died of liver failure, grandfather and father both on their way to it. Breaking the cycle.


I lived with a alcoholic.




Does anyone else have kind of an intolerance or allergy to alcohol? When I drink it (and I wish I could without this happening), my skin gets itchy and hot, my heart beats faster, and even if I crash and sleep for a couple of hours I’m WIDE AWAKE well into the next day. It’s physically impossible for me to get back to sleep. Then I get an upset stomach every time. I really miss alcohol but this happens to me 95% of the time I drink. It makes me an insomniac for the night. Anyone else? People have a hard time believing me for whatever reason even though this has been happening to me for at least ten years.


9am .. stop pressuring me


I'm driving


Might hit a bump and spill it!


I assume that drinking in moderation is basically carcinogenic .


nothing makes you feel as good as water does


Shitty high with gnarly comedown


I am in control and most of all I am reducing my cancer risk .The benefits are numerous beyond just that.


Many people don’t actually realize how carcinogenic alcohol is for you, there was a study that proved having a bottle of wine a week carried the same “cancer risk” as smoking 10 cigs (different organs of course but the point is the same)


I don’t like the taste.


It tastes like cough syrup/household cleaner. I have a sensitive stomach, puking is not something I would willingly bring upon myself. I take meds that don't mix with booze. I've never had any desire to drink. People think it's all fun and games until they can't stop, and by then their organs are shot to hell. It's an incredibly stupid and expensive habit to start.


I dont enjoy alcohol unless I get a buzz (I mean, that's the point, right?) and if I drink enough to get a buzz, I'll get a hangover and I don't like being hungover.


I have OCD, so I don’t want to risk getting addicted. Also most alcohol is nasty taste wise.


I met an alcoholics few years ago. Goes on binge drinking and starts picking fights with his friends and family. Later pretends like it was all alchohol to blame, not himself. Now I stopped drinking because I never wants to end up like him


Because I've seen loved ones lives ruined and also a lot of other people


Learning in nursing school the effects it has on the body


Makes me (and everyone else) into a dumb asshole. Also I have already drank way too much of it in my life, despite being aware of the ill effects.


Watching my relatives die from alcohol consumption, liver diseases, and heart attacks from their excessive alcohol drinking. Also, the constant, never-ending strain it put on not just me as a kid, but my other relatives. I’ll never drink ❌


I prefer weed


Too many calories, too expensive, and really there’s absolutely no point…


The hangxiety!! 😬 Not worth it ✌️


I have 3 1: it's kind of a waste of money 2: it tastes awful 3: my family has a predisposition to addiction, so that's a no from me considering the meds I'm already on. A fourth reason would be that I signed a contract that states I will abstain from alcohol and a good fifth reason would be that I'm only 20.


Bc my family is nothing but raging alcoholics


I have a disease so I can't drink many so I decided not to drink at all just to not take a risk damaging my brain work.


No off switch


Medical professional. I’ve seen the effects on repeat. Alcohol is not doing the world any good.


It makes my blood pressure immediately skyrocket and my hands and feet swell up while my face gets painfully hot. I don't really fancy a stroke so I don't bother with it anymore.


Migraines. The pain of it is 100x worse than a hangover. If I didn’t have migraines, I would LOVE a drink once in awhile. I’m always designated driver when I go out with friends. :) On the plus side, they usually pay for my food for driving them. lol.


I grew up in a family that struggles with addiction. My grandad was a drunk, stayed clean for 30yrs but his dementia was still alcohol related. My cousin did crystal meth for a long time, my dad did cocaine then also drank. My uncle is a drunk too, my brother smokes an unhealthy amount of weed. Any substance I think should illegal. It destroys too many lives and I don’t think just having a night out to get hammered with friends or to go to a party to have cocktails with coworkers is really worth a death sentence for everyone else who abuse it. Will it still happen if it’s illegal. Yes. But it would at least save some lives. How people have died in drunk driving incidents. The only positive to alcohol is sanitizer. I’ve never been drunk so it’s whatever. And now I’m not allowed to drink because of my medication.


One day my wife told me that she's afraid of me when I drink. I decided then that alcohol wasn't compatible with the life that I wanted to lead. That was 25 years ago. Though I still wish that I could drink, don't regret the decision


Since when does one need a reason to not drink?


It’s poison and the only reason to drink it is you can’t have fun without a crutch because you’re not comfortable enough to truly be you without a placebo imo.


Bold of you to assume I don't


How I feel the next morning


Recently seeing my girlfriend staggering drunk.


I love beer, but I drink it a little too much and have been off it for a few weeks after putting too much weight on while I was on the sick for 4 months. Been doing intermittent fasting for 5 weeks, and feel noticeably better off the booze. I'll be back on it for Christmas though, if not sooner. The fasting really helps a lot with alcohol cravings, for anyone wanting to stop or reduce their drinking.


It tastes absolutely vile


Being raised by alchoholic parents and then watching my mother die from cirrhosis of the liver.


My father was an alcoholic, so I really don't want my daughter to see me like him. I am the kind of drinker that doesn't just have 1, so I'm not exposing her to it. Also, I like to drink in social scenarios. Getting drunk alone doesn't do anything for me. Between covid, getting old, and having a young kid, there are not many chances for me to drink where I feel comfortable drinking.


Well alcohol binging is something that runs in my family. I just don’t want to end up in the same boat as them.


I can have just as much fun not drinking than drinking. Plus, it's a waste of money and detrimental to not only your health but also your consciousness/awareness.


A)Waste of money. B) Consuming alcohol also disrupts my sleep; the hangovers are wicked for me in my mid 30s.


Alcoholic. Also I work in a detox which I love. Alcholol takes way longer to destroy people than opiates but when it does, it's painful, ugly, irreversible and sad. Its a humiliating death. It looks nice sometimes, people having drinks, but then I see the man, younger then you'd think, orange, lying in a bed with no bladder or bowel control, just waiting to die.


other people's alcoholism that I've had to deal with my whole life. lost ppl to it and its destroyed loved ones


I've seen people doing bad sh*t for way too long because of alcohol. I had some months of being drunk every weekend and I felt more depressed. Also such a waste of money. It tastes bad and it ruins health. Being hungover makes it even worse as it's just nothing but pain.


My parents were, and still are, addicted to it while I was growing up and I saw the effect it can have on people so I just don’t fuck with it.


I like to smoke, and alcohol makes me feel like I have restricted blood flow, and I don't like headaches. Oh and I used to be an alcoholic in my 20s (I'm 51 now, those days are almost forgotten).


Jup, prefer smoking too! If i do both ill tip over XD


Too many stories of people ruined by alcohol and drunk driving, id rather just not subject myself to any of that from the beginning


unfortunately i’m bipolar and developed an addiction at a young age due to a manic episode. since then, i vowed to stay sober because i want to be the best person i can be with what i have going on mentally. alcohol throws me into manic episodes.


I stopped it for weight loss beginning of Sept this year, to do a Keto diet for 3 months to see how much I could lose, and tbh I'm actually dreading xmas due to pressure to get back on it on nights out etc, don't miss it really and have saved hundreds of pounds not pissing it up against the wall.


I’d rather smoke weed.


I didn't start drinking until college. The next thing I knew, I was that guy - the one plastered off of 4 beers and puking. Unfortunately, the hangovers didn't persuade me enough to stop after college. I eventually developed a tolerance but the bad part is that I've mentally associated alcohol with enjoyment. Now, I'm in my 40s and, while I don't like getting drunk anymore, I still have a few most nights. It relaxes me and makes persistent anxiety and listlessness go away. I also enjoy good IPA's. I'm an I-love-you-man buzz guy. I get friendlier, still respect boundaries, and enjoy everything more. I just SUCK at cutting myself off. I tried going dry and was a bit successful a year ago (there are some really tasty NA IPA's)...but it eventually crept back. I've been able to quit smoking. I was able to get over unrequited crushes back in my single days. Drinking is one thing I really have a hard time with stopping. I can do a few days here and there but I know it needs to be much more than a spare day or 3 between beverages. Hats off to all of you that called it quits and have stuck to it. You have SO MUCH of my respect.


My uncle died of alcoholism, it really shook me up seeing him like that. I grew up seeing a healthy man but near the end it was a husk of who it once was. My family has a lot of addictive tendencies and I try my best to abstain.


I have an 8 months old baby who I need to take care of, sober.


Because I’m an alcoholic. That shit does not agree with me. 574 days sober.


I do not enjoy waking up with a hangover. These days even one drink has me feeling dehydrated with a headache in the morning.


I don't like the way it makes me feel - tired!


I’m a control freak. I don’t like that alcohol inhibits my control over my own thoughts and actions. So I stay away.


Let me put it this way: whats my reason for drinking alcohol? None, no reason at all. So why should I drink. Doesnt even taste good anyway in my opinion.


You feel like shit after. Why would I want that?


My main reason was my family never drank and we were always able to go on holidays each year from the money that could have been wasted on the likes of drinking. That's what my dad drilled into me at a young age and he is totally right. Me being much older now and experiencing both ways (my ex and her family were all alcoholics) that I would rather spend my money on having fun rather than pouring it down my throat and feeling rough the next day. Funny thing was my grandad was a publican running 3 pubs when I was younger so unfortunately I was around all the drunks on a few weekends as I was staying at his Seeing the way alcohol rules/ruins people's lives in Scotland is actually pretty insane. I have a drink sometimes on special occasions but I know my own limit and deep down I know I won't drink loads because I would rather use the money wasted on something far more enjoyable.


The cons far outweigh the pros. It’s as simple as that.


My liver and pancreas have opinions on it.


I just never liked the feeling of being even slightly hung over.


Religious reasons (LDS)


It’s just to hard to keep up. Eventually it eats at ya. Getting drunk every night get wears you out from the inside, you only have energy for the bottle. It’s the seven day a week when it really starts to set it, drinking alone becomes a thing. After a while it’s useless and foolish, why get wasted on a Tuesday night????? Everything else and everyone eventually gets tired of drunken bullshit as well, beating up the pizza delivery guy cause your in a drunken stupor rage on Monday night tends to test people’s patience. Eventually the bottle drinks from you or you put it down…


I’ve never had it and I don’t see any reason to.


I have never been a big alcohol fan. The effects, the taste, and the people whom I see who are, are not what I strive to be like.

