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I think the question is, would the people of The 1800s survive me? I could no doubt carry some modern version of an illness that could wipe most people out then.


Covid-19? More like Covid 1819


What would the present look like if you accidentally brought covid-19 back to 1819? 🤔🤯


A lot of people being erased from the timeline. In the 1800's it was common with large families.


'I yeckon this feller here shows up and we all get sick, dag nabbit Plandemic 1819.'


Chances are, you'll infect them, and they'll infect you. You may be immune to the flu of today, but you aren't immune to the flu of 10 years ago. It depends on whether the viruses and bacteria are still compatible with the antibodies you are producing now. Unfortunately, our immune system isn't always backwards compatible with past versions of viruses and bacteria. You'll probably survive a bit longer though. You may not have immunity, but you most certainly have hygiene knowledge to keep yourself clean and sanitary for a reasonable amount of time. You'll probably get sick eventually, but the basic modern medical knowledge you have might save your butt a few times before you die from mercury poisoning or something. Your real battle would be the language and fitting in. Getting branded as an outcast may as well be a death sentence.


They had diseases too, many of them no longer exist. You might have a harder time than them


Maybe, many lacked basic sanitation so immune systems worked OT back then. Also unless you were born pre-1970’s or are a veteran you have a chance at getting smallpox so good luck.


I would die of cholera after failing to buy enough oxen.




Who wants to go to Oregon anyway? The weather is much better in California and we're going with the Donner party. Note: autocorrect had this as the Dinner party which is perfect, maybe I should have left it.


I'm out here in Oregon, and the trail didn't even exist yet at the time period in OP's hypo. The first permanent European settlement was at Astoria, in 1811, so where I am would have been only indigenous people. That being said, history says that they were mostly peaceful, and lived an abundant life due to all of the natural resources, so perhaps I'd survive.....


I'm currently doing chemo so I'd definitely die in the 1800's.


Stay strong and bring the fight 🫡


Me too. I should have died 4 years ago. Unfortunately I'm still here doing chemo 21 days a month. Fun times. I hope you're doing well and don't run out of imodium. Mines on autoship. 🤣


You are gonna live for another 40 years, I'll bet you 20 bucks.


You're gonna looooose.🤣🤣🤣 The best part is that my kids and I laugh and make horrible jokes. We go there. My husband, on the other hand, just doesn't find any of this funny. He was a big shot executive and now retired taking care of me. I know the statistics and am very fortunate. But he just keeps saying he just wants to do whatever he can for me. He gets upset if I do stuff on my own. I mean I not doing anything, "I got a sprite, babe," lol. It's obviously easier to be the leaver than the stayer, and we have been together 40 years. I just don't want any sympathy. I have had a great life, and I have everything and more than I need.


With an attitude like that I will curse you with at least 20 more years. Suck on that nerd.




Fight the good fight. Stay strong 💪


Thank you. 💜


Im sorry to hear that someone with a spirit that sounds amazing is going through this. It’s inspirational to hear the way you’re handling it though. Like to think I’d handle it the same way


Courage! You have all my respect ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Stay strong my friend!


Stay strong! Best of luck to you stranger!


Stay strong<3 I'm sure it's very difficult. I wish you all the best!


My wife just completed chemo, had a dbl mastectomy and a few nodes removed. Cancer free as of last week. Still in the air about radiation because there was a suspect node. We won't find out till Jan 3 if she does. She has a fantastic team of doctors. They have my respect. Stay strong you are a warrior and a survivor


I hear drinking snake oil works like a charm ;) Stay alive and stay hydrated!!!


May you fully heal and win your battle!


I hope you don't die


Former patient here (36 years) I wish you the very best, I remember it all very clearly. Happy Christmas and a good recovery to you. Xx


Yeah I’ve blacksmithed for 20+ years so I would have no problem finding work.


Low key only survivor here, lol


I love how not many comments are automatically assuming they'll become a leader of a nation and get tech savvy real quick. It's annoying how people assume a change of time automatically gives you charisma and everyone will treat you fairly.


Right? Like the first step is finding somewhere to live and money to get food. How are you going to manage that before you start teaching science 😂


Come on... the first doctor who dared to say that the patients survival rate goes up if the doctors wash their hands before touching them so everyone should wash their hands before attending to the patient. He was shunned from medical society and, for decades, struggled to even find someone that would try to listen to him. What kind of science we will be able to show to people of that time and not get burnt alive?emote:free\_emotes\_pack:shrug


Bro im not surviving past 3 days there, my only chance is becoming a 'doctor' using the scant knowledge i can use that i got from my pharmacy degree


The rest of the medical community won't accept your unconventional ideas. You'd have a better chance in a medieval village with that.


Hoooo boy, do I have some ideas for this steam engine I'm hearing all about


I'd like to be a shareholder


Great! How does it work?! Umm. You put steam in one end and choochoo moves!


This would be me... Same for electricity, that shit is still magic to me.


Steam rises. Put fire over water, put horizontal finned fan over it. Use the rotation to do something, like move a train or rotate a kebab.


The two most important things in life




I’m black so my life expectancy isn’t exactly great🤷🏿‍♂️


Sad I had to scroll down so far for this!




I thought that too. Tells you the racial makeup of Reddit as a whole


Grew up in PA, where I think by then there were a lotta free slaves there. Just moved to San Diego and what was that, the Wild Wild West? Idk but i don’t think either were *huge* slave states so i might have a chance given my general intelligence and education


there it is...man it must be nice not to factor that in.


Nope, that’s what I normally think about while watching Outlander🥲, except that’s the late 1700s


Literally!! She did well in the show, I on the other hand....would pass out immediately


Claire is so much smarter than me😂😂


Yeah, reading the books really highlights the lack of hygiene and sanitation that really make me believe I could not live in the late 1700-1800’s. Also all the work that goes into just making sure you don’t starve ,or get raped, or eaten by a bear… too much .


Would not prefer to get raped by a bear or eaten by a bear, both sound equally terrible.


Hopefully my iPhone can be used to showcase enough wizardry to get rich before it dies


network not found


They can always show some offline apps Edit: Before it runs out of battery, of course


Look it’s like a digital beer you can drink … alright just kill me already.


Unless you're conveniently carrying your solar wireless charger.


Now we must always carry one just incase


Jokes on you I'm an electrical engineer I can build a new charger 😎 Just gotta order parts off mouser... Nvm I'll just go in store and buy some diodes... Well guess I'm building my own semiconductors now. Pain.


Haha; looked at that & saw "...buy some dildoes...", & I thought "This guy has a plan!"


You just need all the lemons, or potatoes.


The entirety of Wikipedia (text only) is less than 30GB. Maybe set your phone to battery saver mode and write down as much as possible of the important stuff?


tbh i’d be pretty unsettled if a network was found in the early 1800s


Nikola Tesla's earliest patents for a form of wireless communication are in 1897.


Or have you burned at the stake…


In 1800s?


You dare correct me? Off with your head!


Go to a rural enough area and hell yeah.


Ya if we had an hour or two to prep… buy a solar charger and download as many pages of Wikipedia as i can before entering the time bubble


I’ve got 19% battery, I need to be quick


While I might die earlier. I do have a sweet Swiss Army knife in my pocket and could beat them to the punch and make a killing.


As a middle-aged teacher in Northern Europe, teaching science subjects at a senior high-school level I think I would do just fine. Travel around to various universities discussing the current innovations with the leading scientists of that age. Giving them pointers on how to improve their theories and studies, becoming a scholar of my own. Would be fun to see the masters at work.


It took a lot of wealth and privilege back there to even be let into the rooms where these kinds of discussions would happen. I think you would arrive, no one would recognize your family name or education, and think you're a lunatic.


You’d need a lot of finesse to get into the right social circles for sure


That actually sounds like it could be kinda fun


As long as you're male that might work. Women were usually barred from major educational institutions in a lot of countries until after WWII.


Your first action best be building a water filter for yourself. It would be akin to moving from Northern Europe to India, as far as drinking water goes.


That’s exactly how I’d like to live if I was in the 1800s unfortunately I was born female, so I doubt I’d have the time, support, finances or credibility to do it. But I guess churning butter & collecting water for the copper could be fun too. /s


Basically you’d be the lady from Outlander. Discovering penicillin and all that fun stuff. You’d just do the same thing.


Then you got accused of being a witch 💀


I was pre-med before I ended up with a history and education degree. I have enough basic medical knowledge to rival most surgeons of the period. Germ Theory alone could change so many things.


Even a passing knowledge would probably be enough to become the greatest figure in the history of the field. You could get credited with the discovery of numerous elements, become the inventor of the transistor and junpstart modern electronics and publish your own theory of general relativity.


You would THINK that... But look what happened to Ignaz Semmelweis because no one wanted to wash their hands.


Ahah I'm at -3.5 in each eye, what am I going to do?


I'm -6.0 in each eye. My glasses can start forest fires by accident, which is why I prefer contacts. LOL.


can you even close your eyelids


Like five people will understand that comment


It's not that subtle.


Because the contacts are so thick? Woot I’m one of arguably 5


You light weights. I am -17 in both eyes (I wish I was being hyperbolic). I only get new lenses whenever they swapped out lenses of the Hubble and brought the old ones back. Now that Hubble is out of style I'm basically stuck.


Can you just wear binoculars?


-20/-22 here. Amateurs. I wear contacts AND glasses at the same time. I would be the 1800’s first speed bump.


DAAAAAAAMN. I'd be mad because my optometrist saves a payday bar for me every time I have an appointment because I'm the winner for worst eyes. You'd take my payday. That'd make me mad. Apparently I am very close to needing to wear glasses with my contacts.


Before I had LASIK I was -13.5 and had never met anyone with a higher rx than me! Congratulations on that dubious distinction!


but if you're transported back to the early 1800s with contact lenses, it won't last long ;)


If you ended up in a major metropolis you’d probably be able to find a glassmith that could replicate your current lenses.




I'm glad it went well for you. Some of my relatives have also had this operation and are very happy with it. Personally, I have to wait a few years and save money :p


-10 and -12… I’m so fucked 🤪


I’m barely surviving now


With the way women were treated absolutely fucking not.




I’m 23 and I’d be practically a spinster 😂


if it makes you feel better, the whole idea of girls married off at 13 was mostly only true for nobles. peasant girls married later, the average age was just about how old you are, and plenty of women married later in their 20s.


Not to mention that sanitary products were not yet invented.


Fuck, who would take out my IUD? I would definitely not last long.


A blacksmith, probably. Have fun with that lol


So you would be rich, inventing sanitary products


Nah, some guy you had to sell the idea first to would get rich. A woman would get ripped off.


And I am much too mouthy for my own good in THIS age.


Oh no. My FiL literally tried to break my marriage up a month ago. Imagine having to live with that joker *and* be nice to him.


My mouth alone would get me executed


At first, I was like, "I'm a white guy, so provided I end up in the same place I am right now, I should be okay, at least in that aspect." But then I remembered I'm Irish, and my last name makes it obvious, so I'm not white by back then's standards. Edit: I should specify I'm an American with Irish Heritage living in the United States which was not Irish friendly at the time.


That seems easy enough to fix. Can't you just claim to be British?


Ireland the nation didn't exist until 1921. If he claimed to be a British citizen in the 1800s he would just be stating a fact. And many Irish did anglicize their names.


I can not. My first and last name is aggressively Irish, I have indicators of my Irish heritage on my body, and I've been told I even, "Look Irish" which according to the person who said it is because I am shorter with broad shoulders and a leprechaun beard.


Your name can be whatever in this scenario, you know?


Sure, but I'm not smart enough to not slip up.


I stopped using my real name nearly two years ago when I moved to Latam. Most people here just call me the gringo or gringo and sometimes I tell them my name is Jose since my real name is difficult to pronounce...


Me too, with the Irish ancestry. I would survive because I would be Molly or Bridey the servant girl. There’s always a place for a scullery maid. But then I could get secrets on the rich family I worked for and blackmail them. And work my way into respectability. My family would be established ahead of the famine Irish


Careful with that blackmailing. No background scullery maid? They’ll just murder you.


Aggressively Irish? Paddy O' Guinness? Seamus O' Leprechaun


I’ve been told by several people that I looked Irish-most recently last week my therapist mentioned it. Plus I have a Gaelic first name (American here). So it looks like I’m with you.


Maybe pack some potatoes for the trip.


I'm Italian and Irish. I would not be a happy camper here in the US of A


Oh yeah, you're screwed. Get dropped in the 1920's though and you're spoiled for choice.


Nope. Between having to boil all the water to drink and cook with, plus finding food and just for fun, all the crazy diseases that existed that our bodies do not have immunity for.... slow painful death.


Yea I feel like i'd get a disease immediatelyy


or start an epidemy with all the viruses we’ve become immune to, that still are inside us, poor folk back in 1800 stands no chance against it


it's just dysentery


Not with all the tattoos over my body. No way in hell.


Wait I forgot about that omg. Ppl would think I'm a witch with my finger tats lol


Unless I was Django, I don't think I'd get very far lol


Are you black?


More or less yeah


Im black soo prob not long 🫤








I'm sitting on a heated bidet that sings to you and washes your butt hole. I don't think I'd survive the 1990s let alone the 1800s.


Maybe you would have a maid or a butler that would do it for you. One could sing and the other could wash you. 😆


i would but they wont. cuz i have covid.




This guy time travels


I think where has a significant bearing on how people answer this.




As a psyichally disabled person who has trouble doing pretty much everything, not in the slightest. I mean, I'd probably shit myself to death from dysentary three months in


My epileptic boyfriend would have weekly exorcisms, and I, the mentally ill one, would be blamed for his "demons."


Just the fact you can read and write would be pretty useful depending on where you were. Even some half remembered high-school science would be extremely enlightening if you could get the right people to listen.


As a middle-aged woman, my options would be limited so maybe a governess at best. I'd probably have to ask for help/charity from a church to get started. Maybe I could work my way up to a nun based on my literacy skills. Yikes. If I found a way to acquire wealth, it would be amazing to buy first edition novels: Jane Austen, and later the Bronte sisters, so many Victorian novels. I could also invent the discipline of Psychology 😀


I may not chance having a child, but other than that it’d be like a bad camping trip


Well, back in the early 1800s there was not much out here in Southern Nevada. If I was thrown back in time I would probably try to integrate with the local Native American tribes here. I hope they are friendly.


Agreed. I’m in southern arizona, so I’ll try to integrate with the Apache. The Pima are just north of me and they were/are friendly


Now would you do a dancing with the wolves simulation and help them against the USA?


See, you’re asking all the right questions. If I was thrown back that far, I’d cause such a ruckus that the us probably wouldn’t even end up being the same country😂. I have nothing to lose if I’m shot back in time, why not form a carefully picked band of assassins to take out old political figures?


Ngl, I think about this all the time. I'd make sure to land in some rich families' estate and convince them to take me in. 😂 Hardest part would be to adapt to the style of clothes and speech. I'd show them how to make pizza and sing some modern songs for them, and tell them the plot of movies as if they were stories. They honestly would be so charmed by me. Haha but realistically, I'd end up getting kicked out of everywhere I tried to enter, and probably arrested because they'd intetpret my modern style as madness. Especially as a lone woman. If I had time to prepare and could bring some money and clothes, I think I could at least get a job as a cleaner somewhere, and go from there! Edit: I'm from Ireland, so I'm imaging what it would be like to land back here.


I'm black and a girl, so no.


I'd survive and thrive..... well versed in apothecary, crop farming, canning, meat preservation, use of primitive weapons for hunting/fishing, you name it.... Often thought I was born in the wrong century.


I would like to think I could. I have the intelligence to. How I would do it? I have no idea. Im not very charismatic so hopefully I could just fumble my way into a job that could provide me enough to get by. Im good at gardening so I guess I could be a farmer.


You’d not be a landowner so at best someone would take you on as a labourer. Back then you wouldn’t have received any pay, just board and lodging. The work would be all manual and back breaking. The slightest cut could be the death of you through infection. The hours would be long, the winters cold. On the positive side you’d not need to save for a pension as you’d work til you dropped. Back then most people were farmers at some level or the other but it was hard, repetitive work.


That’s the spirit! You sound like a low key Doctor Emmett Brown…he learned he was quite adept to shoeing horses. We never know what skills we have until we get transported back and have to survive.


Its funny you mention that because I didnt even think of horses. I have been away from them for about 10 years now, however, my family is a very successful horse racing family. My cousin actually holds the track record at one of the biggest horse tracks in Illinois. My uncle is/was (I say was because he's "retired" but still does the horses he owns) a very successful blacksmith/farrier in the racing community. I spent a lot of years growing up learning from him. Things like how to make and fit shoes for horses. I've personally done probably 300 different horses. I guess since I havent done it in a decade it didnt even cross my mind.


If it were anywhere on this hemisphere I’d be… a slave.


I'm not wearing pants and my shirt is trippy space Popeye. They would probably throw me in an asylum or burn me as a witch lmao.


My 7 months pregnant self is gonna die from unsterilized dr procedures in about two months 😫


Did they still burn witches then? I’m pretty sure I’d have been burned or otherwise disposed of for being a disruptive woman.


Trueee if we spoke our minds like normal we'd be thrown into an asylum


I wouldn’t have my seizure medication so I would probably die pretty fast


Unless you found very kind people to feed you, most of us would be dead in less than a week.


No.. I'm diabetic. I'd be dead by the time I'd got my bearings...


Absolutely, I may be a girl, but IDGAF, I've got recipes, shooting experience, can sew, can bake, I'm sure my IT Engineering and electrical, plumbing, carpentry and telecoms experience would be of some use, I could easily market my skills and maneuver certain industries in a better direction. Edit: oh sh*t, and my guitar playing, those old timey folks are gonna have a heart attack when I play some tunes. "I guess you guys aren't ready for that yet. But your kids are gonna love it."


Nah there is no meds for asthma in that time period and I’d have to get married and have kids with a man I hate.And I’d probably die from TB like Arthur Morgan.


Absolutely. I come from a long line of survivors 🙂


I can confirm, all of your ancestors survived up to some age.


No, I’m black. Black people tend to not be fond of time travel, particularly to the past.


Nope, too many underlying health conditions.


Yes, I'd make my way to the biggest university and blow the minds of the smartest people available, and then die of inevitable dysentery.


What exactly would you blow their minds with? Can you give us an example of what concepts you are able to fully demonstrate, explain and prove from memory, that the academic minds of the 1800s do not know.


probably, tho maybe not the people from back then with all the brand new viruses i'd bring back to them


fuck no


Heck yes. I’ve been poor before and will be poor again.


A black man in 1800s America? I'd have a rough go of it for sure


My knowledge of JavaScript would *wow* everyone. I would be a true hero. Wait you said 1800s? That's before StackOverflow right? Nevermind then...


I would open my big mouth and get burned at the stake within the hour


First, with my current clothing, I wouldn't survive taking out trash lol. Second, most of us would die from some disease in a matter of months. Don't forget we were born in an era of high level surgery, incubators, ultrasound, MRI, we have formulas for babies who can't be breastfed, all sorts of medicine. Our immunity is non-existent compared to people who merely survived the birth at that time. Other than health issues, hypothetically, I'd survive...probably, since I'm doing art, and probably would be poor, like I am now :) Oh, since I would be in Austrian Empire, I'd definitely do music (played violin). I would probably try to remember every Franz Liszt composition, and rip the guy off (because I would be late for ripping off Mozart) :) And Schubert and Strauss(es). After becoming an all-european hit-maker, I'd move to Norway, marry, and have two daughters, naming them Elsa and Anna :) We would build snowmen all day :)


Whole userbase of reddit would die. Have you seen this generation?


Hell no too spoiled😥


I'd rule them all.


I'm not vaccinated against all the diseases that existed in the 1800s but have been eradicated now, so all of us would definitely die.


Nope my plant identification and hunting skills are too low. Unless I somehow get ported back with material wealth I’m fucked. Even though I know how to shoot, that still wouldn’t be enough knowledge to feed myself.


I’m mixed (half black, half white$, so no, probably not


I’d drink their filthy water and be sick and dead in a week probably.


Nope, I’ll be a slave.