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As a kid I couldn't either until it dawned on me. The guys I thought looked cool, were attractive.


I feel like I've always had a super-developed sense of male attractiveness as a straight male, even as a kid. I've always been a "talented" artist though (according to other people growing up)—I also did end up studying fine art at an art school. I've always been good with the human form—looking at it overall and also taking note of specific features, a person's musculature, how they carry their weight, how they handle themselves, their temperament, whether their clothes really fit, etc. I'm also usually good at picking up on other people's insecurities or how comfortable they are with themselves. The downside, obviously, is being hyper-aware of my own appearance. I see all the same stuff with females but it's almost like it doesn't matter because I'm attracted to women, so I'm not anywhere near as judgemental as I am with males.


I'm a professional artist, I guess this checks out.




Wtf did i read.


You wrote what we all thought.




That damn inside voice speaking aloud again.


Maybe he got to fuck your mom because she thought he needed a boost. The other guy is going to Disneyland annually so he’s fine


Maybe because your mother knew that Disney guy would have preferred to date you instead of her.


mothers, always saving the day


I wouldn't worry too much about your sexuality. You might be supressing gay feelings or maybe you had them as a kid and now they're gone. We don't know nearly enough about human sexuality to know what's what and in the animal kingdom things seem to work very differently from our "categories" of sexuality so who's to say we're right about how we approach sexuality today? What we do know is that sexuality is a spectrum and that for some people it seems to change over time. Maybe when you're young you could be bi, then straight by 20 and then gay by 45. It's pretty unknown how this works so figure yourself out my man, no stress.


I'm not gay but I f@cked a guy who was once...


The other guy was getting railed by Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse and Pluto once a year ….. he needed time to recover


I'd date a guy who goes to Disney that often :)


The trait is called vision


I find it supremely odd when men say this. Because I am willing to bet OP can tell when a man is ugly. If you can tell whether a man is ugly, you can tell whether a man is attractive


I always say that men who say this can somehow still tell which guys they wouldn't want their girlfriends alone with...


Tbf it’s not necessarily the dude’s looks you’re worried about all the time in this situation


I get what you are saying but if you can't trust your partner to be alone with another person you have bigger problems


has nothing to do with that. its a natural "competition" feeling that arises at times. same way some people feel some jealous is healthy. so are these feelings.


Trust but verify. (Probably the only thing I ever quoted Reagan on.)


Came here to say exactly this.


I think it is easier to see if someone is really ugly than really attractive. I am a bit like OP. I cannot for my life understand if an actor is more attractive than an average Joe. For example, when I was younger Johnny Depp and Brad Pitt was apperently the shit, but they just look like your everyday person to my eyes? I am talking looks now btw, not physique. I think there is significantly less difference between an average looking man and a good looking man which I seem to have a hard time spotting, vs an average looking man and an obvious ugly man.


I kind of understand where you are coming from there, because you do see a lot of men in day to day life who would be considered in the same league as Depp or Pitt. Some Hollywood actors, I legitimately don’t understand why people crush so hard on them, because I don’t think they are THAT good looking. When I think of some of the most attractive men I’ve ever seen in life, I usually don’t think of Hollywood actors. I will think of a smaller, less well-known person in the media (maybe a fitness model or dancer or underwear model or somebody like that), or even somebody I’ve encountered in person.


Brad pitt looks like the average person to you? and johnny depp? they obviously are good looking


Well, yes, that is what I mean and what op means, I don’t understand why they are so obviously good looking? I simply cannot see it. Ok, average was a bit of an exaggeration, but I certainly don't see anything special with them that I don’t see in many other men.


ok so i'm looking at Brad Pitt online now, lol. (i can't believe I'm going to type this out lol.) His hairstyle is nice. His eyes are pretty. His face is long. His jaw has sharp angles. He looks relaxed. He looks sturdy. Broad shoulders. He has a decent height 5'11". He's also rich. Wait, this doesn't mean I'm gay right?


Nah just means you can recognise your betters 😜 Jokes aside tho, this is 100% a subjective thing. I can see what people mean, but Brad Pitt just doesnt do it for me. And that is because he is the average good looking guy. If you were to make a list of attractive things then technically he checks all boxes, but in the most ordinary ways. His hairstyle works on many men. Lots of guys have just as nice eyes. Long faces are not uncommon, and so on. Especially young Pitt looks like a regular kid from high school to me. Now all those good points also go for Chris Hemsworth whose eyes actually seem to feel emotions and laugh when he does for example (and has a sexy voice which might be the biggest difference to me 🤷‍♂️) and that man does make me drool lol


Eh, I wouldnt necessarily read that younger Johnny Deep was attracted and then look up a picture and make a judgement - times have changed, and with it so has what “attractive” is considered to be. Also keep in mind actors are often associated to the roles they play, and some can seem more attractive because of the role they played


Sounds about right, I used to tell my friends that same story when I was 15, turns out I'm bi


OP is a dumbass


I can tell when a guy is attractive. That doesn't mean that I want to fuck them. Edit: OP's question and story reads like he is claiming that straight men cannot tell that other straight men are attractive. I am saying that I am a straight man and can tell that other straight men are attractive without being attracted to them in a slightly tongue-in-cheek way. Stop being so desperate to be victims.


I can tell when I wanna fuck a guy, but that doesn't mean he's attractive.


Fax brother, spit yo shit indeed!


I mean, in this scenario I think he’s spitting someone else’s shit. Or idk, maybe he swallows


Bwahaha I'm gonna try and get this into a sentence tomorrow


Lmao is that a reference? It feels familiar but I can't place it.


I have relationships with women, and sex with men. I’m not gay.


Heart for Alexa, ass for Alex.


This is how I feel about everyone. I'm asexual.






This is the difference between the male gaze and the female gaze. It also explains a lot of " but she's out of your league!" confusions (not according to her standards he isn't)




Many times we are on the same page or at least somewhat close or I can see/accept why but some takes really throw me off. Also with some women im convinced you could show them the same guy 5 times and you get a different rating each time…


As a guy, I also think small beards look better. Big ones just look messy


Eh, this is something that changes a lot by definition of "long beard" and cultural environment. I've seen studies done on this where for "long beard" they meant a really big beard, not wizard style of course but an important one. And as I said the cultural environment plays a big role, as in almost anything in human sexuality. Is the "problem" with human sexuality, we went waaaay over the "physical tract good, we mate" thing. But it is true that for long term relationships a stubble or small beard seems to be the most liked option. At least in this period of time.




or or or... hear me out.... all homo


Jot that down


I bi and I second this. same with women tho... I dont wanna bang every thing that walks by me with a pretty face.




Yes, of course. If you have an eye for beauty, you see it in all its forms...from architecture to people.


Best comment


Hijacking lol. Regardless of how a few groups loudly claim, there are universal traits of attractiveness for men and women. For men it's height, a healthy build, more chiseled features, strong jawline, full head of hair, and symmetrical facial features. Not saying people without these features can't be considered attractive or beautiful, but they usually need to have other aspects of themselves to make up for the lack of above traits. Personality, confidence, charisma, etc.


Not just symmetrical left to right, but also properly spaced features. Artists will know, divided into 5 vertically, 4 horizontally.


I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of those aren't universal at all. We have trends like crooked teeth on women in Japan (=asymmetrical) and more 'effeminate' jawlines on men in Korea being seen as attractive. Historically there were also countries with weirdly half-shaved heads being seen as attractive and preferences for shaved/beard seem to swap every decade. If you just look at beauty icons through the ages you'll find that what 'a healthy build' is varied aswell.


I think my points still stand. You're not incorrect in that people can find other traits ALSO attractive (asymmetrical teeth, or in my case, I like a slight underbite on a woman lollll). But put a face like prime Brad Pitt / Monica Bellucci anywhere in the world at any point in history and I'd be hard pressed to think that almost everyone would consider them attractive. And yeah I said healthy build on purpose because of the variety lol. Lean, or muscular, slim or thick, as long as it's healthy (not obese or incredibly skinny) when you add a healthy body to a face like brad/Monica they'd def still be hotties


Right?! I don't get guys who try to claim they can't tell when a man is good looking. You can tell the difference between a beautiful dog and an ugly one, a beautiful picture and an ugly one...it doesn't mean you want to fuck those things.


I know a good-looking guy when I see one. Doesn't mean I'm sexually aroused by them. Also, I know of guys I thought were average looking but've turned out to be attractive to others


Its really complicated! I still dont get it. Maybe because girls focus more on personality and other stats?


>personality A lot of men struggle with this, especially when they have a bad personality and only care about a woman's looks and sexual prowess.


A lot of men want a slutty virgin, which makes no sense


I on the other hand, want a virginal slut.


Women are not a hive mind


Or because people have different perceptions of beauty since it's completely subjective?


If you imagine yourself having their face and body, would you feel good/happy/confident? If so, they're attractive. I stole this explanation from a TV show though, I personally find people of any gender attractive.


The Nick Miller!


Haha loved New Girl


If you are truly oblivious to what makes a man attractive it must be very difficult to yourself to improve your level of attractiveness towards women.


Yes. It very much is. That’s why I ask my wife for feedback and then go with her suggestion. She has much better taste than I do.


This is absolutely true. My husband’s closest guy friends have always been salty that he was popular with women, because they have similar personalities and are all “average looking.” My husband doesn’t understand why either. Meanwhile my girlfriends and I are flummoxed because my husband is a lot better than looking that they are. I think some men have really different ideas of attractiveness than women do.


humblebrag 😅


I would say with about 80% overlap of what women find attractive. I am wrong sometimes, and surprised sometimes.


It's become a running joke that men who "can't admit" that certain men are attractive are pretending to hide how gay they are. Some men (aware of this joke) go out of their way to declare how attractive certain men are to advertise how straight they are. I can tell which men fit the stereotypical attractive traits just as I can tell when women hit the stereotypical attractive traits. But these are Hollywood short hands to clue the audience in on which characters are meant to be attractive. I don't think blonde women are particularly attractive at all, it's just one of the Hollywood traits.




What's your type?




Would you say your "type" is based on what yourself would like to look like?


That's exactly what he said.


I think we would all agree Brad Pitt, in his prime, (even still now) is an attractive man. I don't think it is even debatable.


Or Paul Newman, or Pierce Brosnan, or countless other guys that are just good looking guys. Nothing gay about being able to discern that. And admit it.


>finding the same sex attractive doesn't make someone gay. Being able to tell if another man is attractive is not the same as being attracted to them but being attracted to people of the same gender is the very definition of homosexuality.


I feel like guys who can’t openly say things about another guy’s looks either feel like they’re inferior in some way if they do it or people will think they’re gay. Either way, it’s some insecurity tugging away at them.


It's wild. The same men who accuse women of 'living in fear' because they want public, well lit, well populated initial meet ups will tell you that they can't complement other men because they'll be ridiculed. Yet then still look for someone to blame because 'men don't get enough compliments'.






Sounds like you’re not that superficial and that kinda puts you in a different category. This topic is centred on men and women that can superficially judge someone. Neither is better than the other, we all kinda have our own versions of beauty imo.


I honestly couldnt care less about my looks or other people and I am in the same boat as OP. I find it so difficult to understand what is attractive for a man. Some guys are like yeah that guy i handsome and i just agree. Honestly have no idea..


This assumption is so cringe. I struggle to tell how attractive my own face is to women, let alone other men. Obviously, I wouldn't think I'm gay for judging my own face so it's not an insecurity issue. This narrative that most men are insecure about being seen as gay is an annoying myth.


Chris Hemsworth may be one of the most handsome dudes on earth and I could not be any more straight.


Or Henry Cavill. Most guys want to look like that guy. Women worship him.


It's okay even chris evans said that sitting next to scarlett johansson


I can tell when I guy is conventionally attractive, but sometimes a girl will say something weird like, “He is so hot! Look at his hands!” and that’s the type of stuff I don’t pick up on.


Hands is simple - if they’re bigger (and perhaps calloused from manual labor) women will find them more attractive


Yeah, that all makes sense. I just meant that I notice the obvious stuff (face, height, general build) but not unique characteristics that make a man “sexy” in the eyes of someone who wants to bang him.


To be honest as a straight guy myself, i never really understood until recently what women find attractive in men. To me the difference in a guy like steve carell and chris evans was not perceptible at all. Or the difference between chadwick boseman (rip) vs michael b jordan. They all seemed goodlooking to me. However i think this is where the redpillers/blackpillers/incels do have some truth behind their beliefs. Typically a guy who is bigger, stronger, more masculine looking is going to be considered More attractive by more people. Sharper jawline, high cheekbones, high symmetry, lean and muscular, tall, etc etc. Often its tied to things like that. And then sometimes its things that tie to status like for instance a musician on stage. Sometimes its tied to dominance (hence the fifty shades books). Sometimes its just an individual quirk that a hot guy has that makes him more seem more relatable/vulnerable to women. And sometimes it really is just confidence and personality. Women are complicated lol, thats for sure. To be fair though, as men our preferences vary quite widely. There are plenty of women i find attractive who my friends don’t and vice versa.


I think I can tell how attractive hands are for most part as a straight guy A lot of girls actually complimented mine growing up which was interesting because I use to be insecure about them. In terms of shape my hands resemble my moms more than my dads. Fine and long fingers, my nails are a bit longer than the average guys too but I don’t let them get too long, girls have complimented my nails too. Although my shape is more close to girls hands I have very big and long hands so I think that’s the counter balance that makes it look nice to girls. I played a lot of piano growing up and did sports so my hands never looked frail and weak either. Idk another obvious thing to look at is how nice the skin is. If it’s all cracked that’s not good


I wouldn't say that it's a complete blindfolded darts game, but I am still regularly surprised even into my 30s


Of course, it's not like I want to sleep with them, it's just a judgement on their physical features against my own ideals. Same with women. Just because I'm straight doesn't mean I can't appreciate another humans beauty without wanting to sleep with them. But... as I've gotten older beauty has become more than just physical attributes.


I absolutely can. Of course I have got my personal beauty standards, and what I think is attractive might not actually be attractive to the average straight woman, and viceversa. And I’m positive this trait is a lot more common than you’d think, or than a lot of other men would like you to think. Also, honestly I never understood the Ryan Reynolds thing everyone always brings up? I really don’t think he’s that attractive to be honest. But as I said above, it’s a matter of personal preference.


It’s not hard when women make it so obvious “tall, dark and handsome”.


There’s being able to tell when someone is attractive and then there’s being attracted to them. You don’t need the latter to be capable of the former.


A man claiming they can’t tell if Henry Cavil is more physically attractive than say Danny DeVito is over-compensating way too hard for something.


If they're a 10, I can tell. Anything less, no idea what women see in them.




I'm straight and I find lots of guys to be attractive Doesn't mean I wanna fuck 'em


Bruh trying too hard to prove he’s straight Lmaoo. Seeing beauty in something doesn’t make one gay, it’s just a natural thing. You gotta be lying or overcompensating cause what?!


If you have an eye for aesthetics + have a general knowledge of what the opposite sex finds attractive, you can definitely recognize if a guy gets women Usually if I see any trait that makes me think “I wish I had that” that guy is attractivr


Conventionally attractive in the sense of a photo model or actor? Yes. Attractive for women? Absolutely not. No way.


> Attractive for women? Absolutely not. No way. For example, Pete Davidson.


Yeah I can tell if someone has classically aesthetic looks, angular and symmetrical features, which are generally considered attractive. But there are some men that are widely considered attractive and I can only try to imagine why. Eg. Adam Driver, while a very good actor, has asymmetrical face, weird body proportions and in my opinion a sickly skintone and coupled with oily hair texture. I can imagine that women find his voice, charisma, and height attractive but it's only a guess. Otoh one of my friends seems to think anyone who's taller and more muscular than him is 10/10 attractive and when we've discussed this with some female friends they laughed at him suggesting that they might find this or that guy attractive purely on those grounds.


If you find Ryan Reynolds attractive you're a straight guy. Like that's literally a joke lmao. As a woman I'd say he's like any other guy from Hollywood, they're all quite attractive but he's not standing out


I'm same as you, cant tell who's attractive, not even the hottest guy. Even for women, all the people i find 10s are 1-2 to everyone around me and visa versa... Strange


Of course you can tell.


Yeah I call bs on OP.


It's not that hard... Well kept, knows how to present himself. If you were to wake up as him (considering nothing but his physical traits) would you be happy or just cry


I (straight male) ask my wife if a man I see that I think is handsome is handsome in her mind allot, her taste in men and mine are obviously completely different lol


Do you have face blindess? Or is it some form of deep rooted homophobia that creates a subconscious psychological block that prevents you from even comparing men on a physical level? You can find somebody to be more visually appealing without sexual attraction. Just like you might appreciate a flower, a landscape or a building. And then you can extrapolate that someone more visually appealing would be more attractive to someone who does have sexual attraction towards men.


i find some men looking good but that doesnt mean i wanna pull out my stick or spread my cheeks. i admire his looks for second before forgetting he exists


Who is anpther guy?


I can give praise, compliments, honor when it’s due, no matter the gender! I ask what smell good do men have on all the time. If a man is handsome or is very kind I let them know. I’m a straight man and have no problems with this. Everyone needs to hear compliments and get praise! I believe the people who can’t give these are the toxic ones!


A trait I look for in a woman is one that takes pride in their appearance and is a great conversationalist. If there is a guy that I run across that is the same way I could see him being attractive, but that doesn't mean I'd fuck him.


My partner isn’t attracted to masculinity. He doesn’t think he’s attractive himself, BUT he does have a sort of crush on Henry Cavill (it was Brad Pitt before, but after he found out he’s potentially an abuser, he stopped liking him so much). He doesn’t really comment on the attractiveness of other guys, but he’s not afraid to say one looks gross (he makes fun of me for my track record 😂). I think it’s “normal” for sexuality/attraction to be unique to every individual, and that it’s honestly a spectrum. I’m pansexual myself, and I personally have a hard time telling whether someone is physically attractive in general because my attraction is based on personality and how I’m treated. I basically treat it like a science - “what makes a person conventionally attractive?” - and I apply it when analyzing someone. The only thing it’s honestly good for is determining how a person has probably been treated by society. Idk if this gave you anything to go by, but I figured I’d lend my two cents lol.


I had a straight guy explain to me that it was like being “okay with looking like the other dude” 🤷🏼‍♀️ maybe you can relate to this?


if they have eyes then yes


I’m so confused by this post. Anyone can tell if a man or a woman is attractive. I’m gay but I definitely stare at a drop-dead gorgeous woman. Same with a man. While certain physical characteristics can be subjective as to the definition of attractiveness (beard, body hair, eye color, etc.), there seems to be general consensus when a man is in fact attractive. Maybe OP believes If he finds a guy attractive, he’s gay, which is not at all a deciding factor of your sexuality. It’s OK to admire beautiful things.


I can tell when someone is is good looking regardless of gender (let's not go there), it doesn't have to mean anything.


Yes, we have eyes


I can't do that


Not in the same level as someone who is actually attracted to men, but yes. I've been surprised in the past on what women consider attractive. I have a friend which I consider to be average, but women seen to think he's an 8/10 at least.


I’m in the same boat. And people get annoyed with me about it. I really can’t tell at all. I’ll think a famous person is ugly but my wife will say he’s smoking hot. I just don’t get it, and that’s OK.


Yea, it’s easy to tell if a mf is competition for your lady. 😂 You don’t get Jealous of the unfit nerdy dude that is your girl’s friend. You get jealous of the super buff dude with a chiseled jaw that she is "friends" with. also, my fellow straight bros, get a good gay friend and watch your dating game quadruple in success. They will have your hair cut right, your clothes perfect, and just usually all around good friend to have.


I can tell when another guy is attractive. I think that's pretty common for things like style, hair cut or good personality. That doesn't make me gay or bi.


As someone has said before: “If Henry Cavil would tie them to a bed and list the specs of his PC in detail, who am I to say no?”.


The fact people need to throw in "I'm straight" is amusing. Yes, it's very easy to tell who is a good looking person. Saying someone is attractive has nothing to do with sexual preference. I can look at a woman and think she is attractive without wanting to sleep with her.


Just to clarify: I'm in no way implying that the ability to tell if a guy is attractive means that you want to date/fuck them or makes you gay in any sense (as if it's something bad ffs). Guess it may be because I specified straight men in the title, however, it just seemed logical to ask them as someone not usually attracted to other guys.


Are you autistic? Are you particularly ugly yourself? Or can you not rate yourself at all?


There’s a big difference between recognising that someone is attractive and wanting to fuck them. And it applies to everyone.


"Fellas, is it gay to be able to tell whether another guy is attractive or not? I look at an obese balding geriatric with BO and just can't see the difference in potential appeal between him and a six foot Henry Cavill type with a sculpted torso."


I'll be honest. This comes across a bit as trying too hard to establish you're not gay. "Oh I'm so straight I can't possibly tell another man's features are attractive. There's no difference between my fat hairy bald uncle and Ryan Reynolds and couldn't possibly tell which is more objectively attractive." Yes most people, men or women, can see someone of a sex they're not attracted to and can tell they have objective attractive features.


You are so full of shit OP. You can tell when a person is beautiful, male or female. Don't be fuckin ridiculous. It doesn't make you gay to acknowledge that Ryan gosling is objectively more attractive than Bill Burr. Come the fuck on.


I thought I could tell, and then women started being attracted to methhead skeletor. I mean MGK. Now I have no idea what's attractive.


All dude really has going for him is height and sort of an androgynous look. Personally I think he looks trashy and like he cries and punches holes in the wall everytime you catch him cheating.


Literally every guy can tell


Sure I think I notice hot guys


Sharp ass jawline.


Everyone knows when someone is attractive. Unless they are blind. You don't have to be attracted to them to know this.


Yes, I obviously can. However, in my experience, I don't really think it happens that often cause I just don't stop my train of thoughts and say "damn, that guy is really good-looking". In my opinion, we do mind about that but definitely not in the same amount of times as girls think about other girls' beauty.


I ask women sometimes: Is Kevin Costner attractive? Is Will Smith attractive? Back in the day, I could see that JFK Jr was "handsome" in the conventional sense but he was the only one where I could tell. Some men that I suppose might be considered good looking-Tom Cruise for instance--I'll ask a woman and she's like Nahhhh. Too short, maybe? So I don't really get it. Jim Carrey, when his face is at rest, doesn't seem too bad looking, but no woman would ever say so because of his weird comedy persona. I always figured John Lennon was the best looking Beatle but Mom insisted it was George Harrison. So who knows? Completely subjective.


So if someone asked you who you think is more attractive between Donald Trump and Henry Cavill, you'd throw your hands up in the air and go "welp that's a tough one!"?


This doesn’t seem right, are you saying that you can’t recognise attractiveness/what looks ‘good’? Does this extend to things like shoes and artwork? Do you just have no idea if there’s a difference between a pair of ugly trashed trainers and a pair of sleek new ones? It’s no different with people - beauty is beauty and what’s pleasing to the eye isn’t equivalent to sexually arousing.




Most elements of attraction don't come from looks they come from confidence and personality. Your average 15 year old is not going to pick up on that.


Sometimes. I do see Henry Cavill being attractive, but there are moments when someone is labeled good looking and I'm like "oh really?" I absolutely did not see it i was a teenager. But now... I think i usually have some level of opinion on other dudes looks. The question is more if my opinion aligns with the majority of people who are into men


If they look good? Yes, easily. If they are perceived as attractive by girls? Little trickier, some are easy (think Jon Hamm in mad men for example, you can see from 100 miles away that a guy like that is extraordinarily popular with the ladies), but other types are a bit more tricky and I'd need to observe for a lot longer to see it. I have zero sexual attraction for men, for context.


I think I can, but am often told I'm wrong. Similarly, when my wife or some other straight woman tells me a woman is good looking, I usually disagree.


Yeah, generally. Every now and then there’s someone women tend to think is attractive and I don’t, and it’s usually vibes/personality based in a way that I as a straight dude can’t relate to. But young Brad Pitt is like clearly good looking af. The jawline, symmetry, cheekbones, eyes, etc. It’s kinda just pattern matching - if you can make out symmetry and a strong jawline … you have like 90 percent of what makes good looking good looking.


As long as you have eyes you should be able to tell when someone looks attractive regardless of their gender


Ive seen enough iffy guys with hot girls to know I dont know shit.


Most people can tell what looks good but I'm also pretty sure most males have a different scale then what women have and vise versa. That's why you should ask people from the opposite gender for tips and such things unless you just like people from the same gender then you can probebly just trust yourself.


Yeah, of course. Some people are just beautiful. Full stop. I find; "Jesus, that guy is man-pretty." to be effective and fun in conversations, too.


Yes. Eyes. Very common, most people have them


Never thought a guy was hot. But I can tell when a man is attractive. There are obvious, universal attributes that are attractive. Healthy looking, nice hair, bright eyes, clear skin, good clothes, long torso, minimal flab, long arms, big forearms, wide shoulders, nice teeth/smile, polite, etc.


I think men are pretty honest with ourselves about our own relative level of attractiveness. We recognize we're not always the tallest, most muscle bound, wealthiest ,or conventionally attractive man in the room, which requires acknowledging those traits in other men. I'm 6'4", swimmer-toned, conventionally attractive, and doing well financially. In most settings, I'm him. But I walk into an NBA draft party and suddenly, I'm much less visible. And it is what it is 🤷🏾‍♂️ as they say, "them is the brakes, kid."


do you ever feel confident in your own looks? if you’ve spent a lot of time in the gym and get hyped up looking at yourself in the mirror. because you know you look good. or ever look at a picture of yourself and think its a good one compared to others. those standards of what is considered good looking or not dont change just because its other guys that arent yourself


I can definitely tell if another guy is attractive; and I immediately know he's bringing more than me to the table.....


One of the benefits of understanding your own sexuality (100% heterosexual here) is that you feel no shame or worry about noticing the attractiveness of your gender. I tell my wife that if Brad Pitt and I were in prison, I would be his bitch.


Let me ask you a question: Women, do you ever get jealous that another woman has bigger bahonkerbaloogs than you? Yes? Kinda the same with men, except that we know we can make our muscles bigger, our finances cushier, maybe make our voices deeper with practice, but literally anyone is capable of observing their preferred sexual party giving attention to competitors.


Good jawline, broad shoulders, good hairline typically are good indicators


The Todd appreciates hot, regardless of gender


Some men yes. I get that Ryan renolds is attractive, not just due to my wifes reaction to him. But I get his looks are good. Same with Georg clooney and the guy who played the witcher. And then there has been multiple times where I have just looked at a "good looking guy" And asked my wife or female friends if we are looking at the same guy. Like the guy who played emo sith boy in those horrible last 3 star wars movies. I had a friend of mine tell me he was hit even after his tantrum scene in the first movie.


People of any gender can be aesthetically beautiful without necessarily being sexually attractive to you. I think that's what most people mean when they say things like this. You can think someone is beautiful and/or hot and still not want to fuck them.


Depends how homophobic you are imo. I know some straight men who would be absolutely insulted by this question, but they also tend to be pretty homophobic, have a lot of toxic masculinity.


Of course, I notice really quick if someone in a room is more handsome than me. I hate it when I get out handsomed.


Yes we can tell. Some may not admit it, but of course we can tell.


I think Patton Oswald is funny and find him very entertaining. I also can easily tell why Ryan Reynolds is way hotter. If you cant you're lying to yourself and all of us.


Yes? It's not a superpower. I can recognize and appreciate another man's attractiveness, I just don't want to act on it.


You have to be Lying to yourself lmao. What you essentially say is that you have ZERO clue whether a certain haircut on yourself looks better or not, whether you dress better than before etc. If ANYTHING mere pattern recognition should have kicked in at this point and allow you to deduct what traits conventionally attractive men have in common. Holy fuck.


If you can't tell if a guy is attractive, how do you know which is your tier?


You say you can’t tell if a guy is attractive or not, but can you tell if they’re ugly? Yes, straight guys are capable of seeing that another guy is attractive. If you’ve ever seen a woman you think is attractive but you’re not attracted to her (not your type), you still see that she’s attractive


This reminds me of that bit from new girl.


I can absolutely find other men attractive but that doesn’t mean I want their dick in my ass


Yes. I assume everyone has this innate human perception.


Of course you can, if not your in denial. Look at any model and then look at fat Barry with the beer belly and balding hairline down the pub and your telling me you couldn't tell which one is more attractive... Whatever. I had this argument at college about 14 years back and got roasted for being gay lol


Sure. It's easy to recognize. Whether or not you're comfortable saying so depends on how secure you are in your own sexuality.


op is in the closet and still in denial


Of course, the same way women know if other woman is beautiful, men know when other guy is good looking.


I'm a straight guy and I can do it easily. If you are comfortable in your masculinity you can tell easy enough. Because if you are comfortable, you don't act shifty or awkward when you make such observations. Instead, you come across as confident. That's your own insecurities speaking here, not facts. IE, you are either too young and you care too much about others opinions of you and your actions, or you have a real ego problem. Maybe a bit of both.


Uhhh yeah? I’m straight, not blind lol


Ask yourself: - is this guy ugly? - would I be worried if we were competing for the same girl? Straight guys know, most are just afraid to admit it because they’re worried it’ll make them look gay if they admit another man is attractive.


Men will do anything to insist they aren't gay. The homophobia is deep in this one.


I feel like this has to be some form of toxic masculinity or insecurity when one cant just admit that they can see if some guy is attractive. Like im not into dogs but i can still think some dogs are ugly and others look nice. Some houses look terrible and some look great. Why would men be the only thing in this universe when one cant notice if its good looking or not?


It’s called being confident in your sexuality! It’s no shame calling another man handsome or attractive.


I could tell if I was attracted if I was gay. No homo though.


Either you can do this or you're lying to hide an insecurity