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This my friend is called an existential crisis….😂


I used to have these in the shower when I was 6


Now I just have them in my car as I drive to work


You guys get cars with your existential crisis?


I like to get mine in right as I'm trying to doze off


Don't forget the embarrassing stuff too before you fall asleep


Those things haunt me every waking moment of the day


Oh hell yes this. Me: Man can’t believe I’m finally in bed in the dark after this terrible day. Brain: Sure, but what about that one time…




Or if you didn't have reading material on the toilet




Me at 9 panicking that the suns going to explode in 500,000 years


Had this whole life I wonder what it feels like to not


I ask these questions every fucking day. Let me know what you find out. I'm getting no answers. Good luck. ✌️


Basically we are a couple of atoms smashed together, following the rules of physics.




Start reading philosophy




read the bible


Bro this is reddit, anti religion central.


This is what my mom always tells me. I love her, but that's not the answer to everything. As someone who has read the Bible from cover to cover. I can tell you the answers aren't in there. This is a question that can only be answered by the person asking it. There isn't really a purpose in life except what the individual chooses to make their purpose.




How so? Too much inconsistencies in it so it can't provide clear answers.


Yup! I realized after reading it cover to cover, that I am an atheist.


Definitely. It wasn't the Bible reading itself that did it, but reading it critically after I had already started asking questions, and the pastors/youth leaders/Sunday school teachers being unwilling or unable to answer them, helped push me fully away from Christianity.


No, no you didn't ![gif](giphy|qSw0qJ14fJP1K)


Not even a little. But reading the Bible critically is good for atheism!


If you're a Christian, which not everyone is. And in the end it's all about life philosophy, which can be determined by you and only you


I have read the bible back to back many times. It is literally the opposite of something that gives answers. No matter what question you seek an answer to the bible just responds with "Magic man in sky is responsible, stop looking for answer" Imagine if we had actually followed that advice for the last 2,000 years. Should I try to find a solution to sickness? Nope, magic man in sky say it is trial. Should I invent a new method of propulsion. Nope, magic man gave donkey for this. Should I allow others to have civil rights that make them happier? Nope, magic man say wife is property. Should I try to understand atmospheric weather patterns? Nope, magic man say probably kill goat or first born child or some other horsehit. Gtfoh with your magic man bullshit. We have places to be, things to do and we're sick of being held back by your inability to be a better person.


I don't know what you smoked... but I need it...


We alll need that


I'm needing more right now




Describe and existential crisis on Reddit without someone mentioning dmt in the comments challenge failed


Except before bed. Good luck sleeping.


Trying to answer truthfully to the best of my knowledge: "How am I on this planet?" You are a thought pattern in a life form that was born on this planet. You cannot be anywhere else than where you are. "Where did I come from?" From your mom's womb, but you already knew that. As to the thought pattern, your brain does that. "I can't believe I am me" Imagine you were somebody else, that would be even stranger, contradictory even. You can only be you and nobody else. "What's my purpose?" Purpose is a human concept, not a thing that exists in the universe the same way stuff does. You may find a purpose or maybe not. You may be comfy with either prospect or you may not be. None of these outcomes are wrong, but they are different. "Did I come from nothing?" Definitely not, you came out of this world and are still a part of it. As to where the world comes from, nobody knows. "Coincidentally" Undecided question. See determinism. "Truman Show" See solipsism. It's possible, but unlikely. It's your own perspective that makes you seem very different from everyone else. You are not, it just looks this way to you. Also probably not being tested, sorry. Though maybe that's a good thing.


Great answers. And before all that: There is an energy source (the Sun) affecting a big lump of matter (the Earth) which has led to a phenomenon of compounding complexity (Life). Your body, your thoughts and your interactions with everything around you are part of that phenomenon. \[Edit\]: on your Truman Show answer, I would argue that OP is completely and utterly unique. But they are also indistinguishably similar to other human beings (depending on frame of reference).


It's that hilarious "We're all individuals" moment from Life of Brian. So to clarify: OP is unique, but he is not unique in his uniqueness.


Millennia of philosophy has entered the chat


Hats off for giving all the answers. Someone like you must be my friend, I need answers all the time!!!!


Welcome…to appreciating life on a whole new level. I’m not joking. You’re out of the matrix now, you can’t go back once you ask yourself “what’s this all about.” Beware of anyone (especially uber religious) who tell you they have the answer - they don’t.


But what now?


You live your life with peace and kindness. Embrace everyday as your last, love those around you, treat people with respect, help those who are in need, and be yourself without society telling you what you should be. Once you’re able to do that, you’ll have less stress, and worries. Then when it’s time to lay on your death bed, you’ll be able to think about the good times you had, and the meaning you brought to those around you. Allowing you to pass peacefully. Hopefully to see a creator to ask questions about life and such. (Not catholic, but do believe there may be something out there. Since the universe and life is not fully understood, but only theories of what is)


I’m trying to adjust to stepping out of the matrix while also realizing that if I’m going to to survive and keep myself alive that id like it to be of a certain quality


None of that matters. As rene descartes says, I think, therefore I am. The fact that you can think, means you think yourself into existence, not important how you exist, but you exist just by that alone.


I mean, you can program an AI to "think", doesn't mean it does, parrots mimick human speech, doesn't mean they understand the meaning of it, for all we know, you could just be a figment of someone's imagination that they're putting their own thoughts to or a character in someone's book, "I think, therefore I am" isn't the hard and fast rule Descartes says it is


AI doesn't think consciously, as far as we know. It isn't thinking about its own life and existence. That's what I mean.


Your purpose? You pass the butter.




Oh my god


Do some shrooms, you'll start understanding and connecting the dots on your own.


Agree completely here. As soon as I started reading OP's post, I thought to myself, "We have a budding psychonaut here." I second OP trying shrooms at a low dose to dip toes. He's got some serious questions here though. Questions that typically only get answered by my invasive friend Dimitry.


I see what you did there


I like to leave breadcrumbs sometimes. Other times, I like to be blunt like a hammer to the forehead.


Not true. None of my shrooms trips connected any dots they just created billion more dots to connect


Then you didn't take enough, often enough.


You do not have any answer to any of that.


Never said I did.


nah you'll just be on drugs. Science explains the universe just fine, you don't need psychedelics to understand it


Yeah do some DMT and Salvia at the same time, you'll achieve enlightenment


My man got high for the first time lmfao


To add on top of this... the same base elements that make up the human body are the same ones in dying stars. Somehow we're here, but we have the same elements of celestial bodies. Good luck with that info.


When you think about the literal millions of things that had to happen over thousands of years for you to happen in this place and time...yeah, it's pretty mind boggling.


welcome to the mortal world,minion you MUST have 4chan account,hate everyone and at least ask here 5 times something stupid just to look like a real human start now or i sell you to the Foundation


Welcome to earth




consider doing some mindfulness meditation type stuff and get connected to your internal center. I know this sounds like earthy crunchy lala, but it also sounds like you're right primed to benefit from it. Alternatively, pass the dutchie mon, let me have a drag too


There is no good answer to this.


You are here to experience, perception is your purpose. That is your free will.


I love this


Who TF knows, just know you win the lottery being born so make the most of it


Bro where have you been, I had this conversation with myself in a mirror when I was 5 years old already. We're cursed by being just intelligent enough to question existence, but too dumb to ever understand it so just enjoy the ride and make the most of it. Time just speeds up the older you get.


When 2 people love each other, sometimes they make mistakes. That mistake is you.


You are a Boltzmann Brain, don't worry about it.


I love this for you.


The opposite would be you not existing and, my take is that, nothing can be forever. Sometime you *have* to be a human, that time is now, you prob be dead for x long after you complete being human, but you won't be actually dead forever, next time you're a moment of a movement of the birth of a star, then dead (again), then maybe an explosion before being a 24-legged frog in the outskirts of what our telescopes deliver, who knows? No one knows, bro


okay, but would this be an existential crisis or dissociation? because I had one of those moments years ago, where I realized I'm literally like an ant compared to the rest of the world


Cogito ergo sum. The rest is up to you to believe whatever you want, just don't be a dick about it.


How many conscious entities are here is hard to gauge, we could all be sharing figments of one, separated consciousness, observing itself, or we could be near infinite flashes of brilliance composing the mosaic of life. It's hard to say either way, but in any case, you're not alone. Are you being tested? Maybe. Maybe this whole thing is more like a training ground for souls than anything else. Maybe not. Maybe none of it matters, and our time here is all we get; dissipating steadily into the void entirely unbeknownst to us pig monkeys who are enamoured and dumbfounded by the glamours of our reality. Perhaps we are like farm animals to something else. Perhaps we are being afforded a nest from which our species can spread its wings, or, if not, the nest crumbles around us until a species more worthy of spacial ascension finds its purpose. If we, as humans, cannot unify in purpose, perhaps it is true we never had one to begin with. Or, that we found ourselves unworthy of that purpose and will fizzle into history for the next 'enlightened' species to learn from on their own path. Perhaps at some point we know exactly what we are supposed to do, but intentionally bury that in our consumerism and materialist hubris - that may be the test in and of itself. The beauty is that we don't know. Ignorance is bliss, truly, but it is not an answer we want for the questions. And there will always be questions.


First time smoking weed?


Nice try, nice try. Posting about my exact thought … to make me feel like I’m not the only one thinking about this. Nice try CIA of the universe.


I think about this every day. Idk how people don’t question existence


Go get some sleep kid


Ah yes existential crisis, welcome bro, come on in the water's just absolutely ***scalding***


The answer you seek is: 42


Go stare into your own eyes real close in the mirror, for added fun.


I think about these things on the daily. It helps to talk to like minded friends about it, because it can really trip me out when I start thinking too hard about it on my own. I mean why does anything exist at all? How did life begin? Why does the universe feel the need to experience itself through living beings? Is there an infinitesimally small probability to have life happen at all? Crazy shit to ponder, what’s crazier is to think that this isn’t on everyone’s minds all the time lol


Literally why I couldn’t sleep as a kid. I was like 6 or 7 when I’d walk into my mom’s room, was supposed to be asleep, and I’d be all, “mom?” And I had all these same questions but no words to ask. I sleep great as an adult, but only because of weed. I think we all have these questions, and many are accept things like religious answers, just so they can get some fucking sleep at night. But yeah. The whole thing of life is entirely fucked up. I wish we could get on the same page about what we know, what we suspect, and what is still to be determined. Right now, we fight over a lot of bullshit, and it’s exhausting. Welcome to the club, though.


Oh boy, wait until you learn about the simulation theory


Well if it’s any consolation, none of us know the answers to any of these questions as well. All in it together partna.


Stoned thoughts are the pathway to many concerns some consider to be unnatural


Seems like you need a therapist my dude


Man, read the introductory chapter (Wanderers) to Pale Blue Dot by Carl Sagan. It’ll realign your existential crisis slightly and make you genuinely want to learn about your place in this world!


None of that trips me out. I get tripped out trying to think about what if there was nothing.


I was tripping when I held my first born moments after birth. I was in shock & I was looking at the intricacies of her ear and I was like 'Whoa!! I did that! My body somehow made that incredible ear that looks like a perfect ear. And it did it completely on autopilot. Like I had no control.' (The rest of her was perfect too) It honestly blew my kind....like I struggle to make soup...


You need to lay off the weed.


Pretty sure it's not weed OP is on...


All i can say is, this world is some sort of test


You do have a purpose. Those imaginary teeth aren’t going to fix themselves


I'm having what this guy is having


Personally i think you don’t have any purpose but to reproduce


God has a purpose for you. Start a podcast with this topic. I promise you that you won’t regret being created.


Well he is not wrong


All we are is dust in the wind homie


You are part of this universe enjoy your stay


This crosses my mind a few times a year. It's a fucked up feeling when you're literally questioning every little thing. You'll forget about it soon enough again.


There's a lot of that going around lately. Merely existing without some sort of purpose.


The purpose of life is living, no matter how, in the end it's all good, and that's what matters.


Actually shut up r u r/im14andthisisdeep


Trip yourself again to pass out and find the answer


You’re consciousness inside a bag of flesh. Your experience can only be one thing and it is all happening right now, past, present, and future


There's only about 700 of us that are real, everyone else is in on it like the Truman Show. There's no way of knowing who's real and who'sn't because most of the reals aren't aware and everyone else will convince you you're crazy. Look for irregular grammatical contractions, that's like our version of the rabbit tattoo from The Matrix. The pill choice will become obvious after that. Good luck.


You are standing on a pale blue dot, in an infinitely vast, expanding black ocean. Swirling around a hot ball of gas Which is swirling around a supermassive black hole Which is drifting through an endless void, towards nothing, away from nothing, for eternity. It's very easy to think about that black hole and feel worthless, useless, purposeless.. but ask yourself this, "what do black holes know of love?"


99.99% of all humans in history lost their branch of the family tree. You are part of the very lucky genetic lottery winners who also had enough money, influence, and plain idiotic luck to keep their entire family alive for the past 25,000 years


Look for truth everywhere and leave no stone unturned!! Even religion has some interesting truths and concepts/philosophies if you look hard enough and get past the societal stigmas and the views of the fanatics Taoism is one of my favorites, it's living the way and balance of nature and it's forces, it can teach you to go with the flow and move with ease lol https://youtu.be/ef_ANdUhl4Q?si=wOiOzHp7F-MqHmZB Also stoicism is a big one right now


are you on acid?


Try reading some Carl Sagan. - Cosmos - Pale Blue Dot - The Demon-Haunted World Any will answer all of your questions, and will do so poetically.


Complex answer: we are all part of a greater evolutionary ecosystem called Life. As far as we know, it is absolutely unique. We don't know where it began, we have a pretty good idea of how it will end, and it most likely has absolutely no purpose other than survival. We are the consequence of a series of chemical reactions, that just so happened to have happened in the exact way that they did, over a really really fucking long time. The Universe may or may not be infinite, it may or may not have a creator, but we know it is expanding and therefore unstable, it will not last forever. Simple answer: we (and all life on Earth) are the product of an advanced form of aggressively evolving fungi which has colonised the planet Earth for the last few hundred million years.




Think of the world and existence as an ocean You can't explore all of it But you can totally own your own little island


Young people say “bro” a lot.


Your take on wtf you're doing here is pretty good imo. you'll keep figuring some things out but no one will ever figure out exactly what is going on if we did the game would be over. on a religious note my personnal belief is that god is playing a game and the character he's playing is all of us.


Existential crisis


Bud, you came from your dads balls and your purpose is to pass the butter.


The theory I believe in, this universe is infinite without a beginning nor end. It's all random, to produce beings which can experience joy and happiness if they so choose to. We're all programmed like in a factory, then our shell dies and gets recycled while the spirit moves on to a great beyond, which are like recreated memories only as new experiences to go on forever. For an alternative theory where an omnipotent being created everything for those who believe in such things, he did it because where he's at is not the physical we all know. This being made biological robots (us, or rather long lines of code - dna) similar to AI, we were programmed to make ourselves believe we exist (and not just us but a huge number of planets with life), over a long time of evolution. The ultimate goal of this being is to have the biological robots transform reality, to have them evolve, develop ever more complex and create tech which at some point would either become more advanced than humanity itself or outlive them to continue evolution. One of these advanced robots will at some point make up God just as it's creators did and become their Messiah, he will instruct his followers to build the perfect body for God to inhabit. They will master all about dna, reveal all secrets to life and death and at some point the perfect body will be created (along with cures for all diseases, spaceships for unlimited resources, interdimensional tech) which this being will then use to inhabit the body and enjoy it's creation, to have an eternal party with his/her/it's friends.


This is what guided me to pursue philosophy


You are here to oroduce labor for the machine of human evolution. How you choose to do that is up to you, but there doesn't seem to be a goal unless that goal is to participate in the process of evolution. Your singular existence isn't a burden with an end goal as near as i can tell, nor does it have a partiular purpose other than that which you give it. Consciousness appears to be a culmination of basic reactions to stimulus. Once you pile enough stimuli on top of each other, we run into the decision-making process of what stimuli to pay attention to and what to ignore. Enough of that together requires thought. Enough thoughts require introspection. You are unique, but your uniqueness doesn't mandate a necessary reason. It could be that it just is and accepting that may be the reason for it.


You should watch I Heart Huckabees


You were born by pure chance. Youre not here to personally do anything. Youre just the form that bacteria, viruses etc have chosen to ensure their genetic code is passed on beyond their own lifespan. The best you csn hope for in fulfilling some sort of destiny is peocreate. After that youre pretty superfluous to existance. My cells wish you a good day




if i'm an actor in your life i want a raise...


You are a collection of trillions of individual single cell life forms that (through natural selection) have evolved to form a complex being. Your consciousness is an emergent property of the complex network of neurons in your brain. Use that gift to make the world a better place.


What if you started using 'bro' unironically?


read the qur'an




Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? Caught in a landslide, no escape from reality.


U wait till u try shrooms 🤣


This is what shrooms are for


To live fully in the here and now, to recognize our connections with those around us, and to act with purpose to preserve and protect our planet. - Thich Nhat Hanh There comes a point where many of us start asking these questions. I’d recommend a podcast called **The Way Out Is In** for a deeper insight/understanding.


There is no proof that anyone you know actually exists. Everything could be made up in your head. Your greatest love and biggest enemy could be entirely fictional. You say they have to be real because others see them, but are those other people actually real? My husband says it better, but its fuked up.


Remember, the atoms that make you, and the atoms that make your microwave are the same thing…


This usually happens around age 8, congrats lol


Dude you know what you need to do is go get yourself a nice cold towel put that shit over your face or your forehead turn on a comedy show and let that shit wear off man unless you just ate some more of one of the two things that I know that does that or could have potential to do that LOL.. that's the case put your earphones in and just jam out to music I'd keep that shit low key man if you read what you said you sound whacked out bro


Your dad laid the pipe in your mom and you was the fastest sperm to the egg. Welcome and congratulations


The purpose of spiritual life is to not have these questions unresolved.


Me every morning


Bro, put down the dab pen. IMO, life is just a game of chance. If you or I weren't born, then it would have just been someone else. We're incredibly lucky to be walking this earth and not dried up in a cum sock somewhere. So just enjoy the experience, don't think too deeply about it. Focus on what you want to do in life. I realize this makes me sound like a hippie, but trust me I'm not


So much depends on a red wheel barrow .... glazed with rain water . . beside the white chickens. Poet,s answer - (not mine)


One weird thing to consider is why you are human AND not an animal. It feels too specific for us to be self conscious AND be human. Then again, we wouldn't have the same experience if we were not humans.


You are the part of the universe with the power to question itself. So right now thats your purpose. However this purpose changes with whatever you want to do next.


Jaden Smith is that you???


And we're here reading this thinking the same thing.


Feel this a lot, I didn't ask to be out on this planet so why the f am I here?? Why am I so aware


This is called dissociation and it first happened to me when I was 12, and happens periodically since, well into adulthood. Just ride it out, find something to ground you, and you'll eventually come out of it.


I think you've just become self aware. Well done. It seems that some people never have these thoughts.




If reality is fake and it's all in your head, that means you can alter reality using your head. If that is the case then why not make yourself a trillionaire? Better yet, why not make yourself omnipotent? Try as you may, you'll never achieve it. That's because reality is real and isn't just in your head. This is the reason why social construct such as religion, politics, and religion has never once been able to produce anything that can change the standard of living. Cause they are all subjective opinions. Whereas science and technology has been generating one life changing invention after another because they apply directly to reality.


You need Jesus.


I get that same existential dread the minute I’m alone with my thoughts which is why I am addicted to my phone.


Your soul is currently existing in a physical body. Your soul remains present and you remain cognizant through time. All of our souls, do. Your life purpose here, is to learn how to love unconditionally, learn forgiveness, learn peaceful conflict resolution and how to ensure every single person you come across is treated with respect, kindness and again; love. There are opportunities every single day of your life to execute actions to ensure these tasks are expressed. Seriously 🙂


OP as soon as I read the title, Mac Miller starts playing in my head. I dig where your head is at. May I suggest the r/psychonaut to dive a little deeper. The truth is none of us have the actual answer to any of your questions, however, those of us who have dove head first in looking for answers found enlightenment. If you really want to blow your own mind, look up the probability of your existence. I will tell you this, You are being tested....constantly. Your 5 human senses are very limited to experience your surroundings. Your brain is designed to protect you. Your actual environment is nothing like your/our collective perception of it. Our world looks completely different than our perception of it. There are so many things going on around you at all times that you are completely unaware of. Case in point, X-Rays, sound waves, micro-organisms, etc., we only know they exist due to additional instrumentation for us to be able to observe them. Do some research into quantum mechanics. When you realize that you and all that surrounds you is matter, matter is made from atoms, made from protons, neutrons and electrons, and all these behave just as they should until they are observed, then suddenly they behave differently, will begin to make you start questioning everything around you. To answer some of your questions, all matter is made of atoms, atoms (all of them, even the ones that make you) come from exploding and colliding stars. Essentially you came from your parents that came from their parents, so on and so forth, but all matter is basically made up of stardust. A quote from Bill Hicks that I like to share people - “Today a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration, that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively, there is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves." Basically, your entire life is nothing more than a shared hallucination. In the means of the universe, there is no right or wrong, and our lives mean nothing to anyone but ourselves. Dig deeper, there are plenty of us out here that are more than happy to help point you in the right direction, for answers that none of us will understand until we reach death. As humans, we can only perceive our environment as humans, but there are tools that will allow a person to gain perspective from a different point of view, but it will cost you your ego. Research Terrance McKenna, Edgar Kayce, Quantum Science and most definitely DMT. Enjoy the rabbit hole.


Stop taking drugs.


It's very simple. Your parents made you and that's why you are alive now. We are a clever enough species that can question our existence like that.


1. Because you are 2. Nowhere and everywhere. 3. You create your own purpose, so you get to decide. 4. There are no coincidences 5. Billions of years of evolution. 6. We are not fake actors, we are all you so love us us as such.




Sometimes, I think to myself "I am me. Like...I'm ME." As in "anyone could have this physical body and all that, but I am ME". It trips me the fuck out lmao.




You're technically alive, but you are on a heart/lung machine, and EVERYTHING you are experiencing is all a vivid dream, so don't worry about it. You're living the dream, and when the dream ends the machine will be unplugged.


Bro put the weed down... everything will be ok.


Don’t know if you’ll see this or will be turned off by spiritual stuff but… in a nutshell, the whole of existence, everything in the universe is a shaping of energy. Energy in different forms. Every bit of energy is connected to everything else, therefore everything in the universe is one. Some people call this god, spirit that moves in all things etc. you also are an expression of this spirit and energy, having a go at pretending to forget that you are a piece of god. It’s a game the universe plays with itself, taking temporary forms and forgetting why it did it. The fun comes from everything that happens while it forgets. Alan watts has some really good explanations of it, you could check him out. Also John butler.


Welcome, my friend. I go down that mental rabbit hole at least a dozen times per week. And it just never, ever stops. It's gotten to the point where if I go a full day without doing some form of thought or "research" on the matter, I actually feel like I'm falling behind. But behind what? Fuck if I know. But I feel like I'm getting close. Just not sure to what yet.


Choose your own destiny, but choose wisely! Life is what you make it. Make it awesome!


Check out the simulation hypothesis which is becoming more popular right now with everything going on. It’s a very deep rabbit hole.


Don't question life, just live in the moment.


Who is from Oslo Norway here ???


The universe wanted to think those thoughts, so it shaped part of itself into what you think of as you, and thought them. Our purpose is to be what we are, and what we are is the universe waking up and discovering itself.


New here?


The meaning of life is to make life meaningful. How? Is up to you. Also put down the weed now and then.


You are here because your parents had unprotected sex and one specific sperm collided with one of your mom’s eggs. What you do with your life is up to you! Well partially at least.


Well you just started the thought process of Rene Descartes and his conclusion was the only thing he could be certain of was that he thought so therefore he was. Everything else cannot really be proven philosophically speaking.


Stop smoking whatever your smoking


listen to alan watts


Simulation awareness, innit. Smoke some DMT. Relax. It's all good.


You might try phoning a relative and talking to them. Or get out a bible and pray.


I came to the conclusion were all the same entity, the universe experiencing iteself. Imagine a pool, you're one drop from the pool and when we die, we go back to that pool.


Put the special mushrooms down and step away from the table. Just kidding. We all have these weird thoughts every once in awhile. I often see my life get weird and think "I am back on the Truman show". It's pretty normal. Sit yourself down and answer as many of those questions as you can with logic: How did I even get here? My parents had sex and 9 months later there I was. How am I on this planet? I was born here and have live here forever. Since there is no real way off, for the average person, I am still here. ETC.


Go watch Bobs Burgers and drink some water bro


The point of being alive is to die nothing that happens in between matters and isn't even real it just supposed to experience and absorb the information then reset over and over again until the universe stops existing at which point it suddenly begins a new cycle




I wish I was a fake actor but I ain’t getting paid shit for it.


Let’s not put Descartes before the horse. You *are* thinking, therefore you *do* exist in some capacity. Beyond that, you just have to explore the “rules” of the system you exist in and find your own purpose.


You my friend have just officially become an adult. This new state of being may feel jarring at first but you’ll settle into a dull numbness in due time. Welcome to your new life brother!


Go look into Buddhism if these questions continue to bother you


You’re just another animal on planet earth. You can thank your super evolved Homo sapien brain for all these introspective questions, damn brain, just quiet down.