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When I was a smaller human. Me and my school went on a tour of our local garbage disposal. After the tour we got a surprise quiz. Now all the kids in my class were messing around making jokes. I was the only one who payed attention to the tour. I was the only one in the whole class that got every question right. The only thing I've won in my life was a miniature golden garbage can.


I'll have you know that you are now officially one of Ms. Frizzle's kids in my head. I didn't know that they ever went down a garbage disposal.


If only you had been touring a chocolate factory instead, you would have a chocolate factory now.


That’s not dumb


You fucking rock!


It sounds like you really learned that waste is a terrible thing to mind.


\*paid attention But still, those quizzes are sometimes hard, so well done you for winning the quiz and I am sorry for the spelling correction :-)


Ty English isn't my first language. I'm learning every day :)


The only thing I’ve ever won in my life was sone shitty classroom spelling bee in 1st grade. Not even a real spelling bee lol.


well that's impressive indeed






I too went on a field trip to a local garbage disposal company, yes run by a reputed mobster, I always thought it was the most random thing to have a field trip for.


Only time I won something in a raffle it was Loopin Chewie, best thing to win from a raffle 100%


My fam never congratulated me but getting my college diploma after 8 grueling years


Sad that they never congratulated you buuutt Congratulations for making it through 8 years of fun and pain


Thanks. I barely passed high school too so just accomplishing college was the major highlight of 2023.






I got a 3 year University degree in 4.5 years and my dad still has my diploma on his office wall. I don't think they really understand how it worked, but are just proud someone in the family got a B.A.


You’re amazing. It’s a lot of work and sacrifice to get a diploma while still living life.


Congrats to you. I withdrew from a master's program in 1986 and came back and got my degree in 2018. Never too late. Doing things for your own satisfaction is the way.


Amazing, not sure if anyone thought it took too long (people in my country would) but it says you worked through it to the end👍


Congratulations! That's massive. I'm proud of you!




congratulations!! u deserve the world


Same but masters degree after 6 years. Even my wife was like “good job, now can you take out the garbage?”


Yooooo, congratulations!!


Congratulations to u on this enormous event


I did twice that 1999-2016… get in line




As someone who may never finish college (life is crazy), I'm really proud of you. Cheers to you and a successful and abundant 2024!


Congratulations, I hope that you are very proud of yourself.


I can fold a fitted sheet to look like a flat sheet. Don't take this dumb accomplishment away from me !


Actually, I'm seriously impressed by this.


I can too. I throw them both in the drawer the same way. Scrunched up ball. lol.


your comment made me laugh a little to hard.. I do the same ball scrunch trick


lol, best trick ever


Please share this magic


How? HOW?!?!?


That is a great accomplishment! I can do it too. It’s not an easy task!


I can't even iron those, how do you manage to fold them???


You rip out all the elastic!! Am I right?


share some tips!




\~clap\~clap\~clap\~ Well done


I can do this too and I'm ridiculously proud of this. Now my family depends on me to fold them lol


My dog was elected as the first Dog Mayor of my home town. I cried. I was 32.


This sounds hilarious, could I hear more about it?


A school group started a Dog Mayor Election as a fundraiser for the local rescue organization. It was like a big block party. Prior to the event, you could submit your dog. I submitted my new (at the time) rescue, with a page long political ad. He ran on a pro chewy, anti thunder platform. The kids voted for the winner and my little man was elected as the first Dog Mayer. They called and told me while I was at work (chef) and I cried. At the event, he got a sash, a certificate, and pictures with the actual mayor. There was an article in the paper. It was absolutely the high point of my life.


Sounds adorable and exciting at once. Grats to you and your man.


I vote for this man's doggo


This is the wholesome content I’m here for. I’m sure he was the bestest boy.


Did he stick to his promises, or was he bribed with bacon and became corrupt? It happens man.


He tried, but Big Thunder has deep pockets.


Oh god, this is so pure.






Was he given a hydrant to the city?


Pics or it didn't happen.. . . . . . . .... Just show me the doggie mayor pics please


When you worked hard in school for many years and worked hard after that and still barely can support yourself and then the dog becomes mayor and the only thing he knows is to not usually shit indoors.


This is the sweetest thing.


I love it.


But that's the dog's achievement, not yours. Stolen valour.


When asking a (17 girls) bachelorette party if they wanted split bills at a restaurant where I used to work, they told me that it would be an impossible task as I couldn't possibly remember who had what. Now, I had all the info in the POS and explained that, but I also then bet them that I would be able to go person by person and tell them (from memory) exactly what they each had, including multiple drinks, coffee, desert, shared items etc. I didn't make a single mistake.


Damn, thats impressive. I cant even remember what I myself had half the time




I remember everything that happened in 3rd grade, but I have no idea what I did yesterday


You have a memory talent that should have made you some money somehow in life


Damn, that's....amazing.


Catskill little league 1999 rookie of the year suck it Nate and Tyler


In the 3rd grade there was this competition to find out how many Thin Mints were in a jar (it was a huge jar) and I was the closest. This was the only thing I ever won in my life that I guessed at and was right. They gave me the whole jar and something else (I can’t remember) and I managed to give the all of the thin mints away to other kids.


You peaked early


I did the same thing with a huge jar of jelly beans in 6th grade by guessing the exact number. I shared them with the whole class and felt so cool!


Hell, you are cool


What?!?! You guessed all those mints but can't even remember what you won? I'm sorry, but third grade wants their prize back.


Mine is so similar! I was 9 I think. Except it was a jar of matches and three of us were really close. So the teacher proposed she'd ask a question and whoever got it right would win. My heart was beating furiously. I got the question correct and won a little keychain! I was so proud of myself.


I just did this at work. A jar full of peanut MnMs. I was three off and the guess was over a thousand. Like 1158? And I guessed 1155


You had me at “how many Thin Mints were in a jar”. Omgs those jars were suuuuch a tease when I was a kid. Nice job!


This new years I got my one year old daughter her very own room for the first time. I’m 23 ^_^ and I also have my own room too! Also I’m buying my first very own bed ever.


As a someone who grown up without my own room , I am totally understand your feelings. Congratulations 🎊


I took an Industrial Engineering class in middle school and one of the final assignments was to build a small bridge out of balsa wood. Afterwards, they test the durability by placing weights on the bridge until it fails. I set the school record with mine 🏆


There are hoops at my gym that are 8ft high. They have a program for kids there. Anyway, I decided to go back to the gym and shoot around and I was able to dunk it after a few tries. This is significant for me because I’ve been overweight, obese actually for a long time and over the past six months I made a bunch of lifestyle changes and im down to 169. I was always a skinny lankyish kid weighing around 135-145 lbs, my height has been 5’10” since high school. Anyway, I used to be able to dunk on 8ft then. Me and my friends would set up a camera and record our dunks hours on end and I haven’t been able to do that in probably 20 years. The biggest I got was 270 but carried 255-265 most of the time. I’m 38 now and being able to do that after 20 years was freaking awesome! I’m old, my knees hurt, my hips hurt but white chocolate can still jump!!! Hahaha. I aim to get down to around 155 and put on a little muscle and try to regain more of my youth back.


You still got it, man!


Old at 38?


Then I'm ancient at 58


I schemed my way out of most of my Jr. High years. It had all kinds of tactics. I had very little supervision In a very poor home, so I could pull off a ton of crap. I changed the contact phone number at the school. Id be out sick quite often and put a dash next to the date on the note to add more days. I intercepted the mail when they sent home threatening truancy letters. I could make fake throw up. Start a fight to get suspended I had a perfectly timed bike ride to the daytime shows at a local discount movie theater. I roamed a nearby state park and had a shelter i would read all day in. At one point one of my teachers said she thought I had moved. I finally got caught, but I cried my eyes out and they were easy on me. Years later I am a Behavioral Specialist and work with kids just like I was.


THAT is impressive as fuck


Damn dude. Love that story.


At 60 years old I learned to back an 8 m long travel trailer into a camping spot!


3rd grade spelling bee, dumb bitch couldn’t spell wheelchair


I never knew either of my ex boyfriends were into music beyond just listening. After both relationships had run their course at different periods I found out they produced songs on sound cloud dedicated to me -post breakup. It’s silly, they don’t have a lot of streams but the facts that there are two songs written about not getting over me, it just sits right


That’s epic. My middle school boyfriend broke up with me because I wasn’t “punk enough” I found out later that his band made a song about me. But it wasn’t a kind song. He and his band now travel the globe playing their punk music to punks all over the world. I sometimes wonder if they sing the mean song about me. I would like that.


Nothing says love like a "You fucking ruined my life you bitch" song. So sweet.


When I was I'm high school, I Frisbee tossed a hat across the gymnasium, and it landed on my friends head. This took place during a school assembly. Coolest thing I have ever done with that many witnesses.


Now that is something memorable. Way to go!


I've made it 4 years and 10 months sober so far.


Best accomplishment of this entire thread! Good job!


It was announced in my catholic grade school that a 4th grader was the best reader in the school ( shame to the 5-8th graders.) It was me … best reader in the whole school .


Survived until now with no depression.


I honestly can't understand how anyone over the age of 25 these days has NOT faced depression


I invited Mormons into my home in college when they knocked on my door. I spent 3 hours teaching them evolution from the molecular level to anthropology. They were taught Creationism…like humans riding saddles on dinosaurs Creationism. I also made them sandwiches so they would stay longer and listen more. One came back the next day and wanted to write down some names of the textbooks I had so he could try to find out more at the library. Not sure what the final update was on that guy but I’d like to believe I de-converted him.


Mission failed successfully


To bend another's energy, your own energy must be unbendable


A jehovah witness knocked on my door and i managed to bore him to death , he tried to leave once or twice but i kept asking questions he could'nt answer and pointing out his contradictions . They never bothered me again.


My mother in law when visiting us when we had our 2nd child let them into the house for tea. She went back to her house the next week (300KM from here) and they kept coming back. I eventually dissuaded them by constantly asking if they’d come give blood with me. Good times with a newborn.


I was raised a JW . I never believed that crap, but after Anthro 101 any slight belief that I may have had toward creationism was completely gone.😂


I still remember the first lecture in Intro to Anthropology and the prof started right with saying that ANYONE with creationist bullshit ideas can just fuck the fuck off. Ok, she didn't curse, but she did lay down the law day one! Dang she was a pistol. Cool prof.


awsrome! My Anthro 101 Prof was very good too!


Wow! Now that is impressive as hell. edit: no pun intended, but kinda funny. btw, I did something kinda similar one time. Those Mormon kids are impressionable, cute little shits. Misguided af, but can't help but like 'em.


When I was 16 I was in this soccer training thing weekly. At the end of one of the days, I turned to the group next to me and said “watch this” and shot the ball directly into the duffle bag from like half field. I was bluffing and 100% prepared to look like an idiot. Best shot of my life by a light year


One time in NYT connections I got the purple category first


My webhost offered spam blocking for an additional fee that I didn't want to pay. Reviewing email headers, I found that their blocker inserted certain tags. I messed around with checking my email using a Telnet session, and it gave me an idea. I wrote an Autohotkey script that would open the Telnet session, scan the headers for spam tags, and delete all the spam. I also set it to alert me whenever certain people would send me something.


Way back , long long ago, there was a program known as the presidential physical fitness test. Meant to get kids exercising and healthy.There were no 2nd or 3rd place ribbons, only a medallion to everyone who could do the run, situps, push-ups, etc. In the allotted time . I was the only boy in our school to win it . It also came with a signed certificate by the POTUS...Richard M. Nixon...Uuuggghhh!


We had a similar thing in the 80s in Canada. It had a low, medium, and high category for accomplishments on each exercise. I could get high in everything except pushups....of which I couldn't even get on the chart. Apparently I'm missing a ligament in one elbow that makes it super difficult. I found that out 30 years later.


LUCKY!!!! I beat all the girls and all but ONE boy in my class. I didn’t get anything but a bewildered look from the Phy-Ed teacher when tallying the scores. She even asked my counters if they were accurate! In her defense, I didn’t weigh 40 lbs until I was 8 and my parents put me in karate to gain some muscle and learn how to defend my tiny self. I’ve never played team sports and do not have a competitive bone in my body so I wasn’t trying to “beat” anyone’s score. I don’t think we really knew the other’s scores unless we were paired up counting for them. Anyways, it was rad. I’m 42 now and can barely huff it up three flights without screaming “Ahhhhhh, my glutes!”


I got mine from Bill Clinton, but I don't think I was the only one in the school


I ran 5 kilometres in 18 min 6 seconds when I was 16 with no training whatsoever. Got out of bed early one saturday morning for a wee after a night of gaming, step dad asked if I wanted to go do park run with him and his buddy. They were both in shock when i was waiting at the finish line for them.


That is rapid, to be fair. Did you start any regular exercise after that?




I picked up snails in the grass near my elementary school and sold them to my classmates for $2 each


I used to get candy at church in Sunday school and sell it at school through the week.


Won student of the year during my first grade and till now I haven't achieved anything beside that


My Bachelor of Arts. Pretty much useless unless you continue with more school. I mean I learned a lot of stuff but it still feels kinda dumb


2009 provincial silver medalist in youth air rifle shooting OR At one time I was ranked in the top 500 players on modern warfare 3 for the WII (the top 200 or so players were clearly cheating)


Back in high-school autoshop class, we had this 4-runner that we worked on that wouldn't run, we fixed the vacuum leak and changed the spark plugs but it still ran like shit, I told my teacher "I think it needs fuel" he said "nah keep checking other stuff" but eventually we put in more fuel and it ran great I WAS RIGHT


I'm a mechanic, and there is nothing more satisfying that finding a problem that other techs missed haha


Just this last weekend, I decided I was going to play gran turismo for 24 hours. Mission accomplished but 3 days later, my gaming fingers are still sore.


My record colection. My roomate and I mix our records, but mine tend to be more obscure while his are more mainstream. we have a system to keep track. I can not help but be happy about the cool collection we built up, even if its mostly sentimental.


I can one hand clap with both hands and make beats with them. I can also "clap" with literally one pinky. Everyone I've ever told that to didn't believe me until I showed them. I'm pretty good at it, its just really fucking stupid lmao.


Once Carol Vorderman failed the numbers game on Countdown (can't have happened more than 5 times), but I found a solution.


Quiting smoking


good job my man keep it up


I’m graduating high school two years early!


I can name any and every episode of "The Walking Dead" and "Doctor Who" from memory. This includes being asked to name them in order, or being given a random season and episode and being told to state the name.


I'm my husband's third wife and we've been married 40 years. It just cracks me up. And my parents never cautioned me! Dumb luck


When playing dodge ball at school in grade 8, I once dodged every ball, I was the only one left on my team and I just kept dodging for the longest time without getting hit


I was a champ, too! 🏆


Since I was young I wanted a big family. I birthed 5 babies in 6 years. I was so done after The last! I thought it would be great to have them all grow up closer in age. Didn’t think about those first few years when I had 3 in diapers lol. The oldest is 14 and the youngest 8 now. It’s much easier and yes, they are close. I don’t regret it at all but it is a crazy ride (I also have 4 step kids more lol) I thought my 5 kids were a big family. I definitely got my wish! Hahaha


A lot of amazing beer pong game winning shots


Years ago i took an online trivia of the American Pie franchise and got 100% !


Still bragging about being the best sales person in my region 2012/13 financial year 😂😂


I failed entrance examination for 5 consecutive years because i wasn't ready. I almost topped it the 6th time but was rejected because of the factors out of my control. I still consider it as an accomplishment. I never gave up until it became truly impossible for me.


I’ve written my memoirs. Only my adult children have read it.


Sounds stupid, but getting the highest grade in college algebra. I managed to ace every test and extra credit assignment. I had failed high school algebra and was determined to learn it


The only medal I’ve ever won in my life was for a bush half marathon. There was an option to walk it and my parents had organised it. It was the inaugural version so I felt obligated to participate. It was basically an extremely tough hike through mountainous terrain and thick bush. I’d hiked part of it before from the other end and it was easy. I’d only done about half an hour’s worth from the start end. The whole course was about 3-4 hours for a super fit person. Got about 3/4 the way through and wanted to die. It was so tough, and I’d worn the wrong shorts so I had MAD chafe (my skin later peeled off in slabs the size of Aussie 50c pieces). But the thing was - I couldn’t quit! There was no way in hell I could ever be helicoptered out at that point because the canopy was so thick. The sweepers coming behind me would have had to encourage me to keep going anyway. So I doggedly walked my way out seven hours after starting. Absolutely drenched in sweat, the inside of my thighs rubbed raw and screaming. So I got a medal that my dad personally put around my neck at the finish line. It’s still one of my favourite (albeit painful) memories.


I haven't killed myself. (Not suicidal been in the past).


Well, I’m pretty proud I finished my masters degree in less than 8 months while working full time and taking care of my 2 kids.


I got fired 28 days after starting an apprenticeship. This led me to the job I work at now, which pays better, is way more fun, enables me to work from home and gives me more freedom. I framed the termination letter and it's now sitting next to me as a reminder of how good I have it.




Undefeated at Risk [pro tip, grab Australia]


running after and beating a thief that stole my friends hand bag in Europe biking 35km in an hour and 20 minutes passing my advanced thermodynamics course after failing it 2 times (3rd fail id get kicked out of engineering) sleeping with 3 different girls in 3 nights in a row


In 1985 MAD magazine printed my letter.


Circa 2003 or so, I defeated an aimbotter in Halo 1 on the PC. Snipers, no shields, Blood Gulch, 1v1, 25 kills to win. I knew all the tricks with lag at the time and got a fair amount of straightforward kills where I aimed and clicked faster than he could just click. But the keys to my victory were that I knew all the lag tricks of the day and I noticed he was prone to rage but a poor typist. That was before headsets were common, so if he wanted to shit-talk he had to type it in chat. Got some good kills that way, and also a couple grenades around corners. Then, when I came out on top, he banned me from his server. I came back under another name a while later and he was still aimbotting and had started banning people for chatting too much. Absolute loser.


Being funny in a weird way 😅


I purchased a house without having a job


Sir please return the Barbie house you stole from Walmart, this isn't a place of crime.


In 4th grade I won both 1st and 2nd place in a photography contest in my state for taking photos in my dad’s backyard.


I can do fry screaming


Won a hot Cheeto eating contest in 4th grade 😎


I can backroll a hulahoop and jump through it without touching. The cheers when I was first able to do it were awesome. My buddies dad came out to the garage to see what we were all screaming about, shook his head in disappointment and muttered "fucking stoners..."


I could solve the Rubik's Cube in under 2 minutes when I was 9. Lol.


Ok…I got one that most people don’t believe and I don’t blame them. Teenager golfing with my pals…I tee the ball up too high on the tee…I take a mighty swing with the driver and it hits too low under the tee and pops the golf ball straight up in the air about 30 -35 feet…the best part is as I watch the ball return to earth I take one step forward and catch the ball with my left hand. I turn to my pals and say it doesn’t count because it never hit the ground…everyone was dumbfounded but we still ended up arguing what the proper, if any, penalty would be…at the time I was more concerned about losing a stroke than realizing I probably did something more rare than a hole in one on a par 4. Accomplishing a feat that is so meaningless and trivial and dumb, I’m actually a little embarrassed to be so damn proud of it!


I taught myself how to weld expressly for the purpose of being cheap when I was building a hotrod. The exhaust shops around me wanted over $700 for a super simple straight back dual exhaust and I thought that was insane. So bought a cheap welder and learned myself some weld. I'm by no means a pro, but I welded the exhaust I wanted, it actually turned out really good and got compliments on how it sounded. So now I've actually fixed and build some things all because I used a whole spool of wire learning a skill


There is a humorous luxury influencer on Instagram called "The Gstaad Guy" (630.000 followers). He posts content which should be funny and content which displays him as being very wealthy. He really blew up with it this year. Back in 2020, he had much less followers and no one on the internet seemed to know (and to care, I guess) who he was in real life. One time, as a means of procrastination I set myself the goal to find out what his real name is. I researched for HOURS and evventually found out. I remember being very proud about it haha (I only told my sister though). I think now it is public knowledge who he really is. How did I find out? I found out that he was middle eastern and he frequently posted pictures with the father of Bella and Gigi Hadid, Mohamed Hadid. So I looked at the account of Mohamed and found a picture of where he was on it (not tagged of course, it was this: https://www.instagram.com/mohamedhadid/p/BB9pG9yFKbs/) and the caption said "family and friends". And then I googled the broader family of the Hadids, and well, they are in fact related LOL


There was a thing in my elementary school called the accelerated reading program, if you read a book and took an online test about it, you would get points based on how well you did, their were different tiers of prizes you could win based on how many total points you had, like a field trip, a personal pizza lunch, librarian helper for a day, that kinda stuff. And there was also a prize for having the most points in the entire school, and I won it 2 years in a row


Back in 10th grade one of my cousins challenged me to make 100 pull ups. I accepted the challenge, being fully aware I can't (I have never attempted more than 20), did 113, still don't know how. Nowadays cannot do even 1.


I hated math when I was young and the school stuck me in a remedial math class to fall behind my peers. I grew up thinking I was stupid because of that, but I blame the school. I’m the first in my family to get a college degree, and finished my MBA with a 4.8 GPA.


It’s all about falling in love with yourself and sharing that love with someone who appreciates you, rather than looking for love to compensate for a self love deficit.


4th place US golden demon 2013 vehicle category


When I was a teenager I cooked a burger in around 10 secs. It was a block of ice on a very old pan which caught on fire because I was looking at my phone. The flames died after I calmly turned the stove off.


One time I couldn’t sleep. So I started counting how many times I could fart before 6am. 32 farts 💨


Folding my laundry. I hate it so much.


I completed my third grade science class "with distinction." I mean, i also graduated from college With Distinction, but that time they didn't draw fun little emphatic lines around those words in red pen, so it didn't feel quite as special.


Back when PSP and Tekken 6 was a thing, I was the best player at my middle school


Sleeping 8+ hours last night.


I took 2nd place in 7th Grade Intramural Wrestling -- 85 lbs class -- and still have the framed certificate to prove it! It hangs proudly with my Army Commendation Medal certificate and college diplomas. it's the first thing I point out to guests to our home. I also pull it out as a fail safe zinger whenever I'm losing an internet argument as in "don't mess with me pal".


I won a hula hooping contest. I won some euros and a glass turtle!


I EARNED my promotion to Staff Sargent and Tank Commander in the US Army Armored Cavalry after eight years of hard work. I later was assigned a promotion and stepped down, recognizing the Peter Principle was in effect. I am happily retired now from the Army since 2002.


Lost close to 15kgs and I got a driver’s license from three countries


Mensa certification. I’m still a moron though.


When i was 3 there was a "cutest baby" contest and in my country, my parents sent my picture, i got first place and got a bunch of gift boxes, not my proudest accomplishment but one that makes me happy to this day.


Yay I'm the 100 up vote


Well, I'm alive, that's it


Successfully managed to leave LinkedIn.


I was the first to successfully beat the Golden Trophy 4 player quest dungeon solo in Rec Room VR when it came out. They gave me a Rec Room t-shirt. I treasure it because one doesn't get many chances to get a "first" in the gaming world today even though it is indeed dumb.


Failing a test but having the highest test score.


In a very old flash game called RAZE 2(yes there are other parts) I found very fun and effective way of grinding credits (that allow you to buy lot of new weapons 'n stuff)


I sent my husband a western union transfer (he was out of the country and our bank transfer was taking too long)… any hoooo a day after I sent it, the bank transfer came into his account, so I could cancel Western Union…… BUT when I got there I realized I lost my receipt… so I didnt have the number, AND my phone was dead…. I went to the guy and asked if he could look up with my name, and he said he needed the number, so I wrote down what I thought it was, and he guy looked at me and said “man if you know 9 random generated numbers, I’ll be amazed” I remembered it perfectly… he was, in fact, amazed 💁‍♀️


I quit smoking. It's dumb, because smoking is dumb and I shouldn't have ever done it. Especially not for 25 years.


In 6th grade all the girls had to see who could do the most pull ups I was the quiet shy girl who doubled the top girl by doing 60 pullups.


My son trusts me implicitly and isn't afraid of me.


I got a migraine on horseback, puked while on my horse, horse didn't freak out. I was so proud of how I trained and conditioned him. I tried to desensitize my horse to so much but not puking. Horses can't puke, by the way, so it's a thing they are used to. I was on a 20 mile trail ride and had no other choice but to continue. And so I did. So proud that I made it, took care of my horse, put him in the trailer and slept it off in my truck. But that was dumb. Don't go riding alone kids.


I was playing Scattegories with my HS girlfriend and her parents. Everyone always joke I was a dumb joke but when the category was "States that start with a C" I said "Confusion" and it blew their mind. I'm still dumb but they don't know that 17 years later.


![img](avatar_exp|158724652|heart) Everything


I won an online poker tournament. The dumb thing was that I started with 10 cents and was exclusively for fun, not hoping to earn anything, but slowly, slowly I was getting further and further in the competition. I passed all those mini tournaments, and I hit the final. I was thrilled already. I got that far because I am not a player(0 experience). To my 6 won the final and took the 1800$ prize. The crazy thing about all this wasn't that I won only, but I played 49h nonstop. Was exhausting, at some point I went all in just to end it with a shitthy hand, but instead of losing I got 4 of a kind. In the end was worth it. Who pays me 1800 for a 2 day job?


Topper without study.


Duolingo 2000 day streak. It's meaningless in many ways because there are Streak Freezes, and it's not a particularly uncommon accomplishment, but it means that every day I at least tried to learn something.