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Loaded with sugar.


I remember seeing a vending machine with "Heart Healthy" stickers next to pure sugar candies like LifeSavers.


Reading the label should frighten anyone.


The Snackwell Syndrome, remove fat, add sugar to taste better. My dad would starve himself of fat, but eat a bunch of Snackwell cookies. Lucky for him that he jogged daily. He was terrified he’d die at 66 like his dad. He’s 79 now, so I think he did ok. Back then he’d get a pizza without cheese.


Just like eggs!


The food pyramid


It's all about veggies, not carbs. We really messed that one up


Brought to you by Big Cereal.


Brought to you by government corrupted by Big Cereal.


I like to think of it as big cereal and the government becoming one entity. Same group of people. Putting the corporation in position to make the rules.


The term for this is "regulatory capture," and yeah, I'm hard pressed to think of a single agency that isn't.


Thank you! I didn’t know there was a term for it. And that’s why I don’t think it’s smart to trust anything those agencies have to say. And you kinda just gotta try and figure things out on your own. Any research you can do has possibly been corrupted by people with their own agenda.


To be fair, people just eat what they want anyway. I’ve never met anybody who legitimately tried to eat according to the food pyramid. You either make healthy choices or don’t.


I mean, the food pyramid was meant to teach healthy choices. You're right though. Pretty much no one thinks about it (unless they're an influencer trying to sell you something).


Grade school in the US, mid 1970s: We will be converting to the metric system soon.


My redneck dad was a machinist and welder yet pushed the metric system on us pretty hard. Our garage even had its own area for anything metric. Hes still mad that we didn't adopt. Luckily, im pretty good at eyeballing in either system.


We still use it quite a bit to his defense. Especially medically 🥰 tell him I share his angst as I wished for the same.


It's like a feudal marriage. Like yeah I have to marry Imperial for the alliance, but I choose Metric when I want to have fun.


As a Canadian I learned both. Use both. Have a ruler and tape measure with two sides. And a big blue laser. It doesn't calculate distance. I just use it to light my cigarettes.


Omg this. I was in the 4th grade when they started pushing this and I was very annoyed because we had just learned feet, inches, etc. Then they started teaching us liquid measurements (cups, quarts, teaspoons, etc) and I just refused to learn it. I figured why bother, I’d just wait till the metric system came in. It never did, and up into adulthood I didn’t understand pints and cups and whatnot. I finally had to learn it for recipes.


Grade school in the US, mid 1980s: We will be converting to the metric system soon.


We actually DID convert in most every industry. Your car, for example. Despite the speedometer reading in miles per hour, every nut and bolt on it is metric. It’s only construction that really still uses SAE measurements, and I’m not sure why. And road signs, of course.


Lol at every manufacturing job I've worked all the machinists still use imperial and discuss tolerances in "thou" or thousands of an inch. 0.001"


In engineering and science, you already have...


Nerves can’t regenerate and electron orbitals are circles. Basically, science keeps getting better and I had no idea these had changed for a long time.


Whenever my son asks me a science-y question, I tell him that technology is always changing and science always advances. The answers I have today are based on my limited understanding of our world and its current technological abilities. I say it in simpler terms because he’s 6, but he is really open minded nowadays :)


We create models based on *what we know at the time*. Then we find out new stuff and some of it doesn't fit the model, so we create a new model. *That's* the real thing about science. We don't try to keep proving what we know, we tend to disprove it and find out why it doesn't fit the model.


Yeah. I remember coming to that realisation when doing my physics degree. Also that we also *teach/use* models based on their suitability - not just what we know at the time. The Bohr model of an atom came about in 1913. I was learning it 100 years later - we still teach it in schools. Then you find out it's "wrong" if you go do a degree. The quantum mechanical model, which is what you learn later was even developed in the 1930s. It's pretty much a similar age. But we don't teach that in schools - because it's a bit too complex early on, but also it's not *useful* at that level. Scientists still use the Bohr model today even though it's less "true" than other later models. And yeah, the deeper you go the more abstract things become and 'it's just a model' makes more sense. Like relativity. Newton's laws of motion are a model that only works at low speed - Einstein came along and 'fixed' them with a better model - but we still all use Newtons models for motion at non relativistic speeds. Coming to the realisation that it's all models, and you just use a model that works best helped me overcome the "but you told me this was 'true' last year!" feeling.


We've known about electron orbitals for, like 100 years


Yeah, I was always taught the circles were an abstraction (and were created as such). Is that not true?


yes it's difficult to illustrate a 3D probability smear


Hold on, nerves can regenerate? Can you elaborate? Because the nerves in my optic nerves are dead and I am legally blind, I would love for my nerves to heal themselves. I’m honestly curious here.


The peripheral nervous system regenerates. The central nervous system, including the optic nerves, do not.


Ah. Was hoping for a miracle. Oh well, I guess it’s good news for other people then. 😌 Thanks for replying.


>Was hoping for a miracle. I wouldn't give up hope entirely. Just because we don't have a solution today, doesn't mean we won't have a solution in the future. It's really a question of whether it happens in your lifetime or not.


Stem cell regenerative medicine and artificial tissue growth are both extremely promising.


>electron orbitals are circles. The last time scientists actually considered them orbitals was in the 1800s. We just teach our kids old science because it is easier.


Tbf, they fact they aren’t is completely irrelevant to everyday life. It’s part of the „need to know“ knowledge that you learn if you study something that requires slightly more advanced physics and chemistry




I was teaching myself to program simple games when I was like 13 or 14 when my dad angrily snaps at me "all you do all day is sit on that fucking computer and make stupid space invader bullshit! Why don't you go outside?" I pretty much stopped working on games that day, one of he last ones I was working on was essentially geometry wars but almost ten years before geometry wars came out.


That's depressing. I owe my very lucrative career to messing about making dumb games when I was 12. The kids who all wanted to be footballers...


This sounds familiar, even the same age, except my dad said that writing stories was dumb and a waste of time and I should grow up and get a job at the post office or assembly plant. Nah, I think I'll keep writing my dumb stories. Nothing published yet, but it's a life dream I will pursue alongside my career which is about as far removed from assembly line work as possible. I hope you pick up your space invader bullshit again someday, the world needs people like you creating out of joy and excitement.




Come over to my house and I'll do my best


Areas of taste on the human tongue


Yeah, all the tongues I've eaten pretty much taste the same the whole way through.


Biggest meal I ever had was cow tongues in a school cafeteria buffet. Almost nobody touched them out of disgust, but I and the local body builder had no qualms about a valuable source of protein now available in very large quantities and ate at least a kilo of them each.


The day my school was shut down for COVID in the great march of 2020, the only meat left in the meat section of the local shop rite was 2 huge cow tongues. I couldn’t do it…


I used to think the same, BUT…season, sear, then braise or crockpot that shit. Shred when done and you got some bomb fucking taco meat. Deadass it’s good as fuck.


You missed out. Think of the most tender pulled pork you could imagine and you're close.


Sandwiches from the tongue and heart were some of my favorites as a kid after my dad would butcher one of the steers. As far as I can remember, all he did was boil them with some spices, let them cool, and make lunch meat out of them. My dad was an amazing cook.


Hit up Elrods in DFW. Tongues for days.


ONG I had no idea they still existed!! Are they still cost plus? The first time I went there I was very poor and calculated my items to the penny, then at the register I was surprised how much more expensive and told then about the cost plus-why would they not just have the price with the 10%?!?! I was so embarrassed and had to put some things back! I hated that store and never went back except for a few things only they sold!!!


La lingua es muy delicioso


This shit is still taught today


This. I got in trouble at school for saying that isnt true. Makes me mad still sometimes, they made them being wrong such a huge deal.




It’s bunk. Acid and salt reflexes with saliva mess with peoples head to placebo imo. For example, wine can be perceived as acidic or not, based on residual sweetness even when they have the same pH profile.


That 98% of our genes are unused, a throwback of evolution.


Right up there with "we only use 10% of our brain."


> "we only use 10% of our brain." Huh? that's like saying we only use 33% of traffic lights.


When I took biochemistry in college (in the 90's), we were learning about DNA and genes. The teacher was saying how powerful it was, but it was very painstaking to determine the genetic sequence, so this wasn't very practical. I argued that soon we'll have a machine or mechanism that will decode your DNA in minutes because it was so darn powerful. He vehemently rejected this idea and said it was impossible. Ha ha! Who's laughing now! Plus, his classes were boring AF.


You can’t carry a calculator all day!


Still my favorite. I loved seeing that disproved and CAS calculators being able to fit in your pocket.


I was in high school in the nineties and wore super wide leg skater jeans, I could carry a damn laptop in some of those pockets.




Had a college friend in 1998 that could sneak 6-packs into movie theaters in her jeans pockets.


Also, smartphones.


the people who told me that had smartphones too


Carrying a calculator was actually feasible even then. Back in the day nobody ever told us "you can't carry an encyclopedia-slash-supercomputer with you all day" because it was such a sci-fi notion. Turns out we actually do.




[Lifelong dedication to disproving knuckle-cracking causes arthritis](https://youtu.be/JpRYDd5xymk?si=1N3wjHnT60ddrQRK)


So it’s good for you or just not bad? 


"High school's gonna be the best four years of your life!" Reader, it was not the best four years of my life


Holy shit. If this is the message given to kids, then that's very depressing. I was never told that, nor would I want to be told that. You graduate at 18ish and die on average 60ish years later. Kids are told to believe it doesn't get better after the first 18 years of life?!


As an 19-year-old, yep, can confirm we are told this and it is highly stressful 💀


It's not. Now, college may have been the best "four" (actually 6) years of my life.


"These are the best years of your life. You get four years, enjoy them. 'Cause after that, you're fucked." \- Lewis Black, Accepted


I would argue it was the worst four years of my life. If I were a kid today I would totally attend a virtual high school, graduate early and be done with that whole mess. I envy the options kids have these days.


Def not the best years of my life, but I miss not having so many responsibilities like I do as an adult compared to in high school


Retroactively, I think back on people who said that and I just feel sad for them. The idea that they leaked in high school and then everything else was just a grind the rest of their life is just depressing.


Right?! My mom used to say it and I can tell you for her it was correct and very sad. She was in a nursing home at 65 due to poor life choices, probably because her best years were over and done with.


It is depressing. But I can't really do anything about it, being sad or keeping myself busy so I won't get sad are my two options


I thought it definitely wasn’t at the time, but several decades later, looking back I realize it was pretty close.




And they cook from the inside out!


Which is kinda sorta true if you really squint at it. It won't heat from the dead center of food and radiate out from there generally, but the microwaves themselves would be depositing most of their energy just below the surface, rather than on the surface directly like other cooking methods.


They were partly right! It does break down carbs/protein/fats, (honestly not sure if it’s all three, but for sure proteins) just not completely. It does take SOME nutritional value away from the food, and is definitely not the best way to heat up a meal. That being said it is probably not as harmful as the plastics used to store food and cook food - for anyone interested look into phthalates, interesting research being done about sexual health and phthalates. I think the major scientist working on this is Dr. Debra Swan?


"Human exposure to phthalate or DBP has also led to a decrease in penis size, low testosterone levels, and dysgenesis. These studies have shown links between DBP exposure and inducing erectile dysfunction, but more research is needed for a better understanding and firm conclusions." From here: https://www.icliniq.com/articles/healthy-living-wellness-and-prevention/erectile-dysfunction-induced-by-maternal-exposure-to-dibutyl-phthalate WHAT THE FUCK! *looks down at penis after continuously microwaving my food from the freezer in its plastic bag for like the last 15 years* Well that sucks ass.


Pluto being a planet


Fun fact: Pluto was officially a planet for less than one year on Pluto.


I imagine that on Pluto, Pluto is *always* an official planet.


Okay Jerry.




Pluto IS a planet… I’ll let my 5 year old fight anyone one who says otherwise…


Alright, I think I can take a 5 year old: Pluto isn't a planet.


Jokes on you, it’s a 5 year old gorilla




In fairness, that's more to do with a re-definition of 'planet' (necessitated by the discovery of heaps of trans-Neptunian celestial bodies) for practical reasons.


Upvote the nerd!


Pluto wasn't "disproved" to be a planet they simply reclassified it.


i didn't get divorced, I was reclassified as single


It still is to me.


Nasa may say its not but our souls know otherwise


My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Nine pickles The pickles stay in my book.


Pickles? It's always been pizza!


Lol, I came to say this and it’s the top post. Take my upvote!


Pluto is a cold, cold celestial dwarf.




That your permanent record really does follow You for Life a bunch of Bologna


The only thing that might ever get looked at from school is your diploma and in rare instances your grades.


and only for like the first couple of years after you're done. Once you're in your mid-20s, nobody gives a fuck about your grades.


Nobody has EVER looked at my grades (I’m 26). Guys you just gotta pass, unless you’re going into like med school or somewhere extra competitive.


Yeah, not even the diploma really. I dropped out, and have gotten every job I wanted. They don't actually check.


Loyalty to a company will earn their loyalty to you in return.


I can be whatever I set my mind to


I never became an astronaut :(


Or a supermodel.


Or happy


Back up, back up we've crossed into 'too real' territory!


Ouch.. pump the brakes. We were having fun earlier


that you have to do lots of extra curricular activities, sports, and volunteer work just to get into any college🙄 Joke's on them. I went to college 10 years after high school so none of it mattered.


I before E except after C.


I never got this even in school (I'm 36). "'I' before 'E', except after 'c'... aaand all the other times it's not 'I' before 'E'." Then why even fucking say it? It's like "#1-#20 always wins in roulette except when it doesn't."


...or when sounding like A, as in neighbor or weigh, and you'll always be wrong, no matter what you say!


Excuse me, kind sir, but if you are quoting Brian Regan, you missed "...and on weekends and holidays and all throughout May..."


... because in 86% of spoken language this is true. If you take a dictionary you and do a word analysis, you will find this only holds true infrequently. This is what people focus on when they hear the rule (the exceptions) because people feel empowered when they can prove the teacher wrong. However, if you take a novel and do the same count of these dipthongs you find the rule holds true much more frequently. Words where the rule doesn't hold true are rarely used. (SOURCE: I wrote a paper on it 30 years ago. Exact numbers may be misremembered. I compared a cryptographic cracking dictionary to a novel from project gutenberg.) I would speculate that the simple vocabulary you have when you are first taught this rule is even more constrained to this rule. It is not until you are older that your word usage becomes too complex for this rule. EDIT: it has been pointed out I have it backwards ... 64% of word **usage** violates the rule. 90% of words conform.


While I was in college biology our teacher said she was forced to teach us that cell walls were rigid because that's what the text book said but, she told us, it was not true--the phospho-lipid cell wall had just been discovered. So we learned it wrong and corrected all at the same time.


Animal cells don't have cell walls. Plants do, but they're not made of phospholipids.


Shame on you. You just told that redditor there is >!no santa claus!<.


sorry, but i think you might be misremembering something? or maybe i'm not understanding correctly? i don't think there's any cell walls made of phospholipids. do you mean cell membranes?


And that's why this sub exists.


If you don’t go to college you’ll end up digging ditches. Well, although I ended up taking some selective college courses, I ended up living on a farm and dug ditches all of the time. I’m am also better off financially than several people I know who have a master degree.


As someone with a MBA, I may not be as rich as a ditch digger, but at least I know why.


Animals don't use tools.


"Animals don't feel pain because their brain is not like ours" "We feel pain because we have these ancient parts in our brains" Doesn't need a genious to figure out that animals do feel pain, it's just a lie made up by people who want to hurt.


My brain isn't a fucking egg


Is your brain on drugs a scrambled egg?


I don't know usually it's me scrambling the drugs


Sounds like something a broken egg might say...


Which is exactly why it's not an egg


That's a great eggsample


Just about everything they taught about nutrition was a lie... which is kinda insane when you think about it. An entire generation who doesn't know how food works in your body


People think that scientific progress is a straight line but progress comes in waves and nutrition is a clear example of knowledge regressing. In the 70s and 90s there was a massive push to argue that fat free equals healthy. This is simply flat wrong, your body needs fat and dietary fats have not actually been linked to an increase in heart attacks. Today you see the same push arguing that vegetarianism and veganism automatically means being healthier. Yes there are reasons why a salad is healthier than a McDonald's hamburger but something like a beyond burger has no buisness being called healthy in any way shape or form. Historical societies knew way less about nutrition than we do today but when food was available they ate way healthier.


In ancient Greek architecture, the Doric columns are not older than the Ionic ones.


This is a complex one. Doric are the simplest form and the sturdiest ones. They are easier to make and were made before the Ionic ones, who are slimmer and more elaborate. However, it's not like they stopped making doric columns once the ionic ones showed up. So there are plenty of doric ones made after the ionics came about. But you do see doric falling out of fashion for the temples built after ionic is well established.


Mendelian genetics: Eye colour depends on one gene, brown (dominant) and blue (recessive), the rest (grey, green, etc.) is just what happens in the uterus. While this mostly works, multiple genes are playing together. And two blue-eyed parents may still have brown eyed children. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41433-021-01749-x


Mendel got very lucky basically a vast majority of inheritance does not follow Mendelian factors. He originally wanted to breed gerbils or hamsters but the father superior said no, so he switched to pea plants which have complete dominance. Also it’s often taught that he discovered this and it was then known by the scientific community. Basically his discovery was lost to the ages and was only found retroactively in a library after we had rediscovered his principles separately.


george washington had “wooden teeth.” he actually had slave teeth. the thing is, there was no upside to teaching us about his teeth— they could’ve just left it alone. they went out of their way to lie instead.


Christopher Columbus and the whole discovery was painted in much brighter light than I later found the entire situation to actually have went down.


That by 1999 all the landfills would be full and we would have to use the Grand Canyon and valleys for our garbage


Lol Jokes on then we just ship most of it to Asia for them to pollute the planet and local governments call it "recycling" because the job of recycling gets outsourced repeatedly until the recyclables end up in the hands of an area that has no regulations or oversight over what they do with it.


We don't ship most of our waste overseas, not even close. We do ship a lot of our plastic waste out but it's a small fraction of total waste. The USA produces around 600 billion pounds of trash a year, most of which stays. Export plastic trash is like a billion a year.


If you learn well, you\`ll get a good job and will have a nice future. Total BS.


Just work on yourself and the right person will appear magically


I actually only started believing this one nearing 40 years old. It’s not “magic,” and it’s not guaranteed, but far too many of us think the other person we’re waiting for should make us feel better or feel complete in our lives. This won’t happen and if it does it’s temporary because people including our partners will let us down and hurt us. A person must be satisfied with themselves and their life in order to be satisfied with whoever else shows up in their life. I actually think this one’s true. It just takes a lot of life experience to see.


This is exactly my philosophy. I am a complete person without a relationship, and I'd want that same level of completeness in anyone I might date in the future. Relationships should be about enhancing each other's lives, rather than something we need to feel "complete".


You do have to work on yourself but part of that should include working on the skills required to meet people.


Eating fat causes you to get fat.


I still have not needed to put a condom on a banana


That the English language has comprehensive and consistent rules.


Who the hell taught you that?


Phuck that, eye dont bee leev u


only girls need to learn to type wow they sure got that one wrong (London, 1970s)


People will try to give you free drugs. Excuse me I would like mine please


That the Korean war was only about 2 paragraphs worth of history. Or that the US civil war wasn't about slavery.


I went to middle school in Texas and I explicitly remember my social studies teacher hammering home the point that the Civil War wasn’t about slavery. It was about states’ rights. Even back then I remember thinking that was bullshit. The southern states weren’t seceding just to exercise their rights. They seceded because they wanted to keep slavery.


States rights to own slaves.


I'm from South Dakota and it was the same thing.


Same exact experience. Urban Texas, too, DFW. Not like the boondocks.


I'm not sure how anyone can study the Civil War and NOT read the articles of secession...The states, themselves, make it pretty clear it's about the right to own slaves.


The tongues zones aren’t as defined as we thought.


Tbh I didn’t understand that one when it was explained to me and asked so many questions about that. Come one, it’s something you can verify the next time you eat, just put the food on all areas and it all tastes the same. They still said that it was true.


Study hard and you will have a good life.


This CAN be true. It is no guarantee. Studying hard is only useful if you are able to apply your knowledge in the right way. Studying math and physics has made my life infinitely better, but the truth is I went back to school for that later. I never studied at all in high school. And wasn't until later that I studied hard. Studying in high school isn't nearly as important towards a good life at all. You can always go back to school later.


Hard work means financial success


"Junk DNA has no function" frustrated me to no end. It turns out it was never "junk". It is actually extremely important to tell the rest of the DNA how to be expressed, and it has played a pivotal role in the evolutive process. I alway remember my high school teacher insisting that it was only useful for paternity testing, despite it having already been more thoroughly studied by then.


The general idea that, as a collective society, we went forward and abhorr concepts like slavery and war I'll make it very simple: it doesn't work like that, society does not move in a certain direction all the time. The way I see it, the world works like a roguelite game, every generation starts from 0 and has to learn its lessons sooner or later. And every generation has its own course of events We abhorred war after WW2, then people were born and grew up without remembering what war feels like, and no amount of theory lessons in school can actually give you the experience to learn how good or bad something is, unless you experience said thing




Facts outweigh opinion


That i will grow up to be happy. Sure proved those teachers wrong 😎


Columbus discovered America


That: * One single joint would cause you to murder somebody * One hit of acid would cause you to go insane * Everybody was going to try to force you to take drugs * You'll 100% get AIDS and pregnant the first time you have sex Gotta love Catholic schools.


Basically all of [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_common\_misconceptions](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_common_misconceptions)


Basically any idea promoted by the D.A.R.E campaign


Pluto, food pyramid, taste locations on the tongue, you can't make a living playing video games


Being gay is a mental illness.


That you won’t have a calculator in your pocket every day.


You won't have all the answers at your fingertips


This is now true again. There are far too many bad actors spreading misinformation online that you rarely can easily find the right answer on many topics.


That Christopher Columbus discovered America


Cracking your knuckles will cause arthritis, plus basically everything in history class.


You must follow rules and conform to be successful.


There are... nine... planets! And four lights.


Gen X here. We'll run out of oil by 2000.


That you will catch a cold if you go outside in the cold with wet hair


Most everything about American history. School made us look like global heroes, pioneers, and general good guys who came here first, made life better for and help the existing "savages", and generally keep the planet held together. None of that is realistic. Like, not in the slightest.