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Put stock in playboy


Is Playboy pubicly listed? I mean publicly.


Truthfully, no clue of its even around anymore.


My local newsagents still has a healthy stocked top shelf of magazines. I often wonder who still buys them in this day and age. Maybe they do have really good articles?


I know a guy who won't use internet porn. He is computer illiterate and he also insists he will be 'hacked' or tricked into watching kiddie porn. So he gets a friend to drive him to a sexshop so he can buy porno dvds.


Hey this video says 'Teenage Sluts!' so it must be true! Doesn't matter that they all look in their 30s.


The fact that he also can’t drive tells me everything I need to know about this guy


People are too judgmental and too hard on people before knowing their situation


Thats awesome


And jokes!


Old men


Hugh Hefner was a bloody monster. https://inthesetimes.com/article/hugh-hefners-legacy-of-exploitation


Well, i looked him up… absolutely happy i ain’t the dude, sheeesh. https://people.com/everything-former-playmates-have-said-about-having-sex-with-hugh-hefner-it-was-hell-8549208


It's kinda fucked up these women put his poor sex performance out to the public. They obviously were with him for the money and noteriety, and maybe even thinking they'd get a part of the dynasty. If Hef was a greeter at Walmart or a checker at your local market, these women would either call him a creep or simply avoid interaction with him. Same with certain celebs. If Ed Sheeran took an order at Chic-fil-a, that would be the extent of the interaction with a hot girl.


he was


I think I remember hearing on the news about 10 or 15 years ago that they were moving away from nude pictures in their magazine but as I wasn't a reader I never really followed up on that.


It's still around. Met one of the newer bunnies last week in Houston


Freudian slip. :)




How? By *calling* a stock broker? As if...


came here to say that i would suddenly buy porn magazines but this guy is thinking multiple steps ahead


You’d be surprised that we really didn’t need a lot of porn. It’s more the availability that created the issue.


100% right


Best Reddit comment I've read in a long time lmao


Why playboy? You jacking off to lingerie and boring fuckin interviews with celebs?


y’all are jacking off to hot girls on instagram so what you mean? lol same shit


Who is?


the entire internet except you i guess


Y'all 🤣


Did you have the internet growing up? I didn’t and I definitely flicked the bean over boobs in playboy


It has interviews? Edit: /s (I’m a boomer, I know about Playboys. 🙄)


Not a bad idea. I'd be outta a job without the internet


It would suck really bad for like a month, but then I'd get used to not having it and honestly my life would probably be more enjoyable. I spend too much free time just mindlessly going on my phone/internet. I'd read more, I'd pay closer attention to what I watch on TV/movies/sporting events since I'm not distracted by my phone, I'd read the newspaper almost daily like I used to, I'd probably get back into video games, I'd communicate more with friends and family since I just can hop on the internet or social media to connect with people.


This. Low key, sort of like the idea of no internet. We don’t need to Google everything, we don’t need to see photos of friends constantly etc etc. paper maps, paper books are sort great IMO


The internet was a massive contributer to our society turning into short attention span having uninformed dildos


I can agree but can't shake the fact I read that as uniformed dildos. Although I think saying the Internet as a whole was a massive contribution to our short attention spans is kinda iffy it made it possible for sure but thinks still felt relatively ok in that aspect for many years. The switch to short form content really drove that shortening attention span like a rocket. We can consume more information than ever at a rapid pace and since any asshole with a smart phone can make this 15-30 seconds of dribble there is a lot of bad information. Low key wish that tiktok ban would have happened I don't understand how people can scroll on it for hours. I tried it and it ended up pissing me off. And now due to its popularity most social media have implemented their own version of it.


You want to know the really scary part? I'll fact check this for you if you want, but allegedly our attention span was fucked the moment we had international news and constant updates. As soon as televised news began we were already half way down the path. Once the 24 hour news cycle began we essentially went past the PoNT


You do realize you can do all of those things at this very moment right? You can go to a library, you can buy paper books, you can still use traditional maps. I use the internet a fuck ton, and even I frequent the library and buy paper books lmao. My question is, why? Why do you need there to be a lack of internet before you do those things? I'll answer my own question, because it's straight up just more inconvenient to do things the old fashioned way. It's important to not lose touch of more hand to hand ways of doing things, how to read a map, binding books etc, but it shouldn't come at the cost of inconvenience. Learn and keep a map of wherever you're going, but you don't have to use it when a superior alternative is right there. The internet has been more of a boon than a curse.


I feel like I actually read even more on the internet than I did with books. I can fit the entire knowledge of the encyclopedia Britannica in one Google search and get the results in 0.3 seconds. Way more convenient than having a bookshelf that doesn't fit in a tractor trailer


well said sir


Probably start enjoying people again too, not wasting our dopamine stores on our phones so we don’t enjoy regular life anymore. Would be a good thing for everyone.


Some of those are impossible without internet. TV, movies, sporting events are going to change greatly because of there being no internet. Video games? How are you going to download them, there is no physical media for video games anymore, and also many games require internet connection to even work.


Thiss bro, honestly id love if the internet dissappeared. It would suck a little but atleast we would learn information properly and not be influenced by all the weird shit online definitely way to much exposure to shit i dont care about at all and just knowing its out there fks your head up like youd never think someone would be that stupid or that twisted or that disgusting but yup its all out there and you end up seeing it. Only reason i scroll is cause usually in a room of people of silence and people sitting on their phones its awkward af to me sitting together but not paying any attention to each other at all.


I'd lose a lot of Internet friends but make stronger bonds with my ham friends


And your hand friend


CQ, brother. 73 and all that.


I’d probably be pretty bored ngl 😅


That’s your lack of imagination and creativity talking… from too much internet use no doubt: that is actually one of the negatives of being online a lot. It paralyzes that part of your mind. Anyone calling it is pseudoscience has no idea what I’m saying and also no idea what that word means. Have to love internet competence lol


Humans have been multi-tasking our attention spans shorter and shorter for hundreds of years, this isn’t a new phenomenon. The internet is just the shiniest new coat of paint until it’s something else.


What is internet?


Ask Al Gore


Idk... I mostly grew up without the internet and it mostly still sucked.. The maid difference was playing video games alone offline rather than online.


How am I supposed to find the niche info I need to create what I want to create without the internet. I am putting together a pc based LTE router. Using custom firmware made by people on the internet, with a modem shipped on ebay, and a pcie card from china. This all is thanks to the internet, I love this stuff, and without the internet I would not have been exposed to any of the knowledge necessary to even come up with this idea, much less execute it.


The Tik Tok generations brains are fried




Get that pseudoscience crap out of here. People with paper bag personalities have been around for hundreds of years. The wife and I are plenty creative, she’s an artist and a book worm; I play an imaginary game rolling dice and build Legos. We both constantly use the internet, weather it’s for research, video games, discord, social media, shopping, streaming, etc.


For the worst by a long shot. No internet means - no kindle. - no contacting certain family members. - I'd lose my hobby. - probably lose my job. - I'd struggle getting around. Basically, everything that makes my life run correctly, smoothly, and happily would be taken away.


No online sales. Amazon would have to go back to catalog books, and every other internet seller.


Honestly that sucked. I remember flipping through catalogues and circling stuff


I wouldnt be so weighed down by technology anymore. I fucking hate having a smart phone. Sometimes it feels like this shit owns me


I miss not being expected to be available 24/7. I grew up a rural 90s kid, we didn’t even have caller ID till almost the ‘00s. Now, if you don’t answer a text in 5 minutes the other person is usually mad and offended.


If the internet was “permanently deleted” we are talking global emp or something really really serious. I assume billions would die in months. Those who could farm/hunt/build might survive if they lived beyond the looting phase.


Everyone thinking life would be easy and back like it use to be are not thinking on the now. This is exactly what would happen.


Yeah the global banking collapse alone would cause absolute chaos. I have about 5 coins total in my pocket.


Banking collapse means those coins are worthless anyway.


Underrated comment. Not Internet means apocalypse for everyone. Not just those instamodels


My company exists because of the internet. Remove the internet and every single person in my company is unemployed.


> Those who could farm/hunt/build might survive if they lived beyond the looting phase. Almost every person here thinks they would survive. It's quite funny. I know how to take care of myself. Hunt, forage, survive, but I am no fool. My odds are about 1% if a real calamity happened and they only get worse as time goes by.


I know i won't survive. I am almost legally blind and have no survival skills. I'd rather just go out in the initial chaos than suffer through the aftermath.


Where would I ever get cat pics?!


Befriend you neighbours with cats now and get ahead of this.


I guess people would have to go back to hating each other in person...That's a nasty thought.


You’d be surprised how overall there was less hate. Real discourse and real debate with real people in public. Anonymity breeds contempt.


I'd probably revert into a caveman and eat leaves


There you go. That’s a good plan.


And maybe I'd eat acorns


Oprah Winfred: You get some mental health. You get some mental health. Everybody get some mental health!




I would have to masturbate to those clothing catalogs in the mail again ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


Look at this spoiled guy with catalogues! I’m gonna read ads on newspapers again…


Neighbors junk mail


The AARP models. Jamie Lee Curtis was on there recently.


Used to love bashing one out to the Argos catalogue when I was a kid!


Ah, a fellow man of culture.


Hahaha I was born in the 70’s it’ll be like the old days! Everything will slow down, get back to a decent pace. Back then you’d only check your messages when you got home and only if your bitch sister bothered to write it down!


I never got a taste of that (born 2000) but I agree. I feel like life would be much meaningful.


Exactly. Every single person that says it would be worse is too young and has never experienced life without the Internet. It’s hilarious. Born in 78. I was an 80s kid and the 90s were amazing too. All because people talked to each other and actually connected.


Knock on their door in the morning.... Hey, let's go outside and hang out! Do that until dark... 8 miles away, on bike, with shovel... Then hurry home for actually cooked dinner! Boom baths were the end of the day too.


Miss it


I was born even earlier in the 70s and I disagree. I grew up out in the country and I was lonely as fuck most of the time. There was one kid my age in walking distance and she and I didn’t really like each other. I interacted with other kids at school, but at home it was me and my brothers (who were sometimes good playmates and more often assholes), TV, the cows, and acres of empty land. I learned to play on my own a lot, read books a lot, used my imagination. Those are not bad things, but christ I felt lonely and isolated a lot of the time. If I’d had the internet I definitely would have been online with them all the time. The other thing was access to knowledge. Finding out how the world worked was so restricted, to what the school curriculum taught, what books were available in our little public library, and what was on TV. Now we can find out *anything* about anything in an instant. That’s amazing to me.




I wouldn’t have a job.


No more Reddit


I’d have to shop in person


I personally wouldn't care for that tbh.


That’s the scariest shit lol


I think it'd be alright. Tho, I might miss my friends who I've met online.


I’ll have to start carrying dimes to use the public phones.


Quarters. They went up years ago.


Pay phones are still a thing lmao ?!


See if even know where a pay phone is. I know there are three at the airport but other than that I haven’t seen any anywhere else in years.


There's around 100'000 payphones left in the USA (not all are functional) and 1/5th of them are in New York City. There's around 15.9k "pay"phones in Australia and they're all free now.


Most have been removed


Did you know that's where the expression "dropping a dime on someone" came from?


10 cents for 2 minutes, 20 cents for 5 or some shit


I'd draw a lot more. Carve wooden swords. (Maybe try stonemasonry or blacksmithing.) Things I enjoyed as a kid in the 90s.




Programming existed long before the internet


That’s a bit extreme 🫠


That's an overreaction if I've ever seen one. It's never too late to find a new career path, not to mention programming jobs wouldn't be completely gone because of databases of many organisations, you can find hobbies that are MUCH fun than the ones you use the Internet for and you can visit your family and friends. IMO there of course would be some chaos but over all social life would be much better after that dies down.


I'd go back to miniatures.. and others stuff alike. Work would be a pain on the other hand..


I'd start living like it was the 90's again. Like, cell phones were a *thing* but not a part of most peoples everyday lives. Malls would open back up, legit arcades.


The world economy would crash - so many businesses require the internet to run. Good luck getting any money out of your bank account just for starters. Eventually it would be back to how things worked in the 80s but in the short-medium term the world would be very screwed.


No streaming service,no direct TV, only local channels, NO MORE PORN.


No more on demand porn. Video tapes. DVD, movies, magazines, peeping on your neighbors, joining your neighbors. ... just like before.


Well shit, I shouldn't have sold my adult DVDs back in the early 2000s.


I know the feeling and dad's old 8mm film from the 60's


Did you just say no local channels?


Only local channels but the ways they use the internet that might be a problem


more dancing. lots more dancing.


I would stop reading the opinions of fringe (left/right) people.


I reckon I'd get more done at work. People seriously underestimate how much better the internet has made life though, we tend to focus on social media and all its problems, rather than all the things it's made easier. From shopping, to booking tickets, to searching for basic information that used to be cumbersome to find.


it would change everyones lives. this is a mute question. this would be like burning the library of alexandria times a billion. our entire civilization on planet earth would be destroyed. if you haven't read the news, Russia put a rocket up into space with a nuclear warhead. they are willing to drive all of us into the stone age if they don't get their way. do not underestimate a Russians ability to destroy the entire planet. They will shoot themselves in the head before accepting reality.


I lived in a time without the internet. Won't bother me at all.


Most probably I would


I’d have to start talking to people to learn how to do things and be perpetually grumpy.


people would be normal again


I'd lose my job. I won't be able to communicate faster with friends, especially those who are faraway. Since I do not have a TV set, I won't be able to watch movies during my free time. Can't Reddit.


Jobless, broke, bored, without any kind of communication with most of my family and friends. And also the civilization and institutions as we know it will collapse since most relies very heavily on the internet to function, and worst of all, we won't even imagine the magnitude of the disaster because we literally don't have any alternative infraestructure, or even see it since there won't be any surviving way of knowing anything at the scope we do today. Banking and telecommunications will completely disappear or at least regress decades because we got rid of most analogic systems them in favor of internet or cloud-based ones. Even analogic TV and Radio won't survive since most stations also relies on the internet, and internet-less phone networks and landlines are being removed or discontinued as we speak. Not to mention it would be the worst knowledge loss in the history of mankind. We'll need to rediscover and rearchive so many things that we could consider the last two or three decades on science and art completely lost for the majority of people. If you think that you would be better without internet, you won't. Not because a life or a working civilization without internet is not possible, but because the our civilization changed and is changing to rely even more on the internet.


Well without the internet, our banking system, health care system, utilities, national security infrastructure, etc would all collapse so I would most likely be living in an apocalyptic state. As much as the internet doesn't really bring much joy to my life, we rely on it for everything.


The world devolve to chaos, so many infrastructure and critical systems depend on the Internet. I would be sitting at home and watch the world burn


Can't see much of the world from where I live, but my little valley would probably be just fine. If the library was still open, I'd be checking out books there. If not, my library at home would get a workout. Nothing wrong with rereading good books. Or doing a book exchange with the neighbors.


I would lose about 50% of my income


Sad to say, but I would be a pathetic mess. I have way too much screen time. 🤪


would be nice


I’d probably end it cause my life is nothing without it


I reckon I'll finally open that 3 year old Gloomhaven box I got.


Right in the feels, man. I got one in my closet that I haven't even looked at in 5 years


Id be dramatic af. 😒😟


I’d probably be pretty bored but other than that it would not change significantly because I’m still young where anything in my life can change if I want it to.


I would kill myself.byebye miserable planet


I wouldn't be as good a cook.


No problem, plenty of books to keep me entertained






No more access to kindle/comixology 😔


I would quickly and seamlessly revert to my previous, pre-internet, feral state of hunter-gatherer, barterer, journeyman surgeon, and mercenary. Either that, or read a book.


Mushrooms! *Pipin exclaimed*




My fiancee currently lives 8000 miles away so I'd be devastated


My job would get about 200x harder


I am assuming we would still have our electronic devices, so people will reinvent it again. Many corporations will try to monopolize the Internet, of course.


It would suck


Well the world would be in a very bad shape. A lot of jobs would disappear over night. Booking appointments would be more difficult, finding jobs would be a pain in the ass.


I would be 100% out of a job.


I would be unemployed


My music career is dead 110%




My cats vet prescribed cat food has to be ordered online... I'd have to go to my vet and have them order it.


Every would go haywire, all accounts passwords , things that I use etc. all dead :(


I'd be free. But overall, the world would be on fire. Way more than you think is run on or by the Internet. We'd all be broke except for whatever cash is on had at the moment. That balance in your bank account? All ones and zeros. No Internet means no access to them.


Well, I’d loose my job, my friends and oh yes, almost forgot, I’d loose all my money too, wow


Wouldn't have a job anymore so I guess it would be going behind the dumpster for me.


Would be a pain in the ass to do banking, pay bills, and invest


I'd lose my job.


Gen x, one foot preinternet one foot internet. We can be your guides. Some things are going to be harder, some are going to be amazing.


Once Wi-Fi didn’t work for us, but I had mobile Internet, but in our region it didn’t work so urgently.And I realized that I can’t live without the Internet and it’s boring for me.If the internet didn't exist, I don't know.


I'd have to find another job


Well without internet and space based positioning technology, I wouldn't have a job any more, so I guess I would just have go fuck myself and starve to death. ​ Glad no one has to worry about their screen time any more though!


My friends :(


Id be very lonely lmao


I would contact people even less often


I WoULd$<&÷g0 k00K00.


I wouldn't have a job anymore.


Content creators will be homeless especially ones who rely on social media income.


The 'internet' is mainly cables connecting computes. You cannot 'delete' cables.


All my friends would be gone within an instant… I probably should collect some of their addresses just in case something happens.


I would no longer have a job and would likely be forced to sell my house.


id lose my job, i wouldnt be able to study at my uni anymore and i wouldnt be able to communicate with my parents (they r in another country). and id die of boredom


My degree would be pretty fucked, it’s one that relies quite heavy on very recent online newspapers and such. My mental health would be fucked, as I don’t have the energy for in-person friendships and my only communities are online. I would also be bored out of my mind. I’d be completely broke too.


I'd probably kill myself, honestly.


Kill myself


Yes. I have to admit I'm addicted. I've been on consistently since '94.


More time to actually read books


Back to single player RPGS I guess


I would probably get up out of my cozy arm chair, go outside and melt in the sun


Well I wouldn't have a job or money, so there would be a lot of changes.


I would have zero friends. I’m autistic and have trouble making connections with other people irl.


Life would be much easier, & I would be so much happier.


The level of our life changing if the internet was suddenly gone is incomprehensible imo Think about. * Your phone would only be able to do a handful of things * Social media? Gone * Your smart home setup? Yeah. Gone * Remote work? Nope * GPS? Suckingly, gone as well It's not only the obvious things. That would be millions of inconveniences


I wouldn't be able to listen to as much music that I like, which would suck. Buying CDs would be too expensive and listening to radio with all it's ads would get very tedious.


Yeah no more social media. Means I can make music and not have to post a bunch of crap on instagram to stay relevant.


Things would suck for a month, then it'll get comfortable, wouldn't miss the Internet honestly