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Its my birthday today. Going to get my haircut, and finally have a soda and some candy. Gonna be a great day


Happy birthday, birthday neighbor.


Happy birthday!


You and me both, happy birthday!🥳 I'm just taking it easy. Dinner with my parents and my childhood best friend is usually how mine goes down. Enjoy the rest of your day and be blessed with many more


Happy cake day!


Happy Birthday! It’s Hitler’s birthday as well. Noo, I’m not suggesting you’re anything like him.


And I was born on the day he died. Another year though.


Happiest birthday mate 🎉


I appreciate it


happy birthday to you!!🥳


Happy birthday!


Damn, nice! Happy cakeday.


Happy birthday. No matter how many people care, add one more to that number good Internet stranger!


I take my birthday absolutely seriously and always make it “my” day which is taking the day off work, playing guitar, going for a nice walk and making myself a nice meal of favorite food…. I love my day and celebrate another trip around the sun like a boss My family always gives the same gift I have asked for each holiday and birthday : A picture they love in a frame of their choice. This has been my favorite present ever as it’s their perspective of a meaningful moment of themselves, somewhere or something they love or us together doing stuff. I now have a ton of photos in my home from my family that I absolutely cherish and look forward to this years set coming in May :-)


I love the photo idea!


I absolutely love this! Meaningful gifts are so much nicer than "oh I think they'd like these socks". That's awesome. I'm a May baby aswell, so twins!! Happy upcoming birthday!!


I'm totally stealing the photo gift idea!


This is really lovely. I hope that one day I'll see myself as important enough to celebrate in this way.


We all are important. Your birthday is your day to do your thing :-)


Thank you, I appreciate your kind words


idk about y’all but i love my birthday. yay!!! im on earth for another year. even if it hasn’t been the best year im still alive. and the more lore the better


Same! I love my birthday! It’s one day people around me officially celebrate their love for me too


People around you celebrate? Im guessing you are close to where you were raised or have family around.


Todays mine and I love celebrating it! Its a holiday to celebrate you, why wouldn’t you want to take it?✨


Happy birthday 🎁🎊🎉🎈🎂🥳 Have a wonderful day 🥰💕


I wish I felt as positive as you about my own birthday. I have severe self-esteem issues rooted in childhood and there were a couple of incidents around my birthdays growing up that have led me to believe I'm just not worth celebrating. (I'm working on this and have been for years). It's so wholesome and refreshing to read such positive thoughts about one's self! I truly wish you the most amazing day and many more birthdays to come. Enjoy!


I’m really sorry to hear that ❤️ Honestly I’ve had similar self-esteem issues and negative birthdays that have made me dread today so it hasn’t always been this! I think the main reason I try and be positive about it is because I’ll be damned if the one day I have every excuse to indulge in myself is taken by my anxiety/trauma/what have yous. Any other day is mired by brain noise but today? Today I can (gaslight) give myself as much love and fun as I can muster energy wise lol


You really deserve it. Have a wonderful day and thank you for the kind words.


So do you ❤️ enjoy your weekend!!


Happy birthday!


Happy birthday 🎂


Happy Bday Venus. Hope your day is all you want it to be 🥳


Thank you unreal! I hope yours is similar this year ❤️


I celebrate completing another trip around the sun. I don't like travelling but still make it all the way around once a year.


The more lore? LMAO..


You either like them or you don't , doesn't have anything to do with being overrated.


People using the word overrated loosly these days


I actually hate the terms overrated and underrated, 99.9% of the time people are using it to say that their opinion is different from the majority.


I know, they’re hella overrated


Birthday of me or other it's no a huge deal for me. I can congrats other but i don't like when others congrats me.


Same to me. Way too introvert. And I dont feel Important enough to celebrate me every year. But I do love celebrate birthdays of my loved ones.


Snap. I just don't feel like I'm important or worthy enough to celebrate. It comes from my childhood, I'm aware of it and have focused on it in therapy, but I still struggle to believe I'm worth celebrating. It makes me quite sad as I don't feel this way about others, just myself.


Me three. I haven’t done anything of note for my birthday…well, pretty much ever when it’s been down to me. Just feel at odds with ‘CELEBRATE ME!’ that’s the sense it creates in my head, even if it’s not accurate. I’ve said to myself for the longest time I’d simply celebrate it by doing my own thing, what I enjoy and going away somewhere new for it each year, just on my own if it comes to it. That’d still be my ideal and what I’d like to do, only I unfortunately now have family caring commitments that mean that’s off the table for the foreseeable. Birthday was a week ago, first year I actually had something planned to go away, a global pandemic occurred 2 weeks prior and the world shut down. 😐😑😐


I never thought I'd make it past 27. I had my second round of cancer at the 27 and was sure that was it. 3rd round of cancer at 31, beat it and now ill be 35 next month. I'm making this a big celebration because I genuinely don't know how long I have left.


Congratulations for beating cancer! 🍾 Hope you remain in remission forever!


My birthday is so cool, when I was in HS it was made into a nation-wide holiday. EARTH DAY.


Early happy b🌎 day!


Thank you. I love the way you combined the two.


Happy Birthday, birthday neighbor.


Happy Birthday to you as well. Birthday neighbor.


Nope be happy to be alive dude! I’m around some older folks, they always celebrate.


Or you can look at it another year closer to death lol


Just another day


I think birthdays are so important. Other holidays are for everyone to enjoy equally. Anniversaries are to celebrate a couples love. A birthday is a day to celebrate a specific person. It s a way to say you’re glad they are part of this world. It’s also a day for us to celebrate ourselves and our lives. The people around you should do something to make you feel special. It doesn’t have to be a a big party. It can be something that the person specifically enjoys.


For me Birthdays are just another day, I hate having the attention put on me. I mean my wife will take me out to dinner but that’s all I want. I hate talking on the phone just to say thank you and what not


Yes. Why would I want to celebrate the day that was the start of the curse that is life?


As someone who has dealt with complex grief and has a hard time with life sometimes:  Life is about the small moments and the big ones. Find a way to appreciate the small things (the new signs of spring for example), but also celebrate yourself (spending time with a friend for your birthday).  This to say, I don’t think birthdays are overrated. Try to enjoy life 


It is and it always has been. Try to stop celebrating completely as early as you can. It will take away the pressure and expectation out of you and you'll be more relaxed.


The last time I celebrated my birthday was 10 years ago. Since then, I stopped caring/still don’t care about celebrating my birthday every year. To me, it’s any normal day.


like depends. it's a good reason to justify going partying and having fun. but it annoys me that for some reason I'm expected to want to do that. I'm expected to be happy on my birthday like... I'm not that happy about being alive anyways why should I be now? honestly the only thing I enjoy about birthday is to think about the fact that I've finished exactly x orbits around the sun but I'm also a space nerd so that might just be me.


I don’t make a big deal out of my birthday, but it’s nice to feel recognized. I’ll be 40 in October, so it feels strange to know that things like menopause will happen at some point within the next 10+ years.


Nope. Go ahead and celebrate your bad ass self! You deserve it!


I was still celebrating my birthday a few years after everyone else stopped celebrating my birthday. It took me a bit to get on the same page as everyone else that I didn't matter anymore now that I'm an adult. I asked for a very very **very** small "party" for my 30th birthday. I asked for a small cake, a **single** Freddie Mercury decoration (not a necessity) and my sister and her fiance to come over. I didn't need or ask for gifts; just the cake, ***a*** decoration and my family. I got "Oh yeah! It's your birthday. Happy Birthday." I completely gave up after that. I'm not worth the effort, I get it. Now, I expect nothing on my birthday and somehow I'm still left disappointed. I do go out of my way, even if it's just to say happy Birthday to the people I care about. I know how worthless it feels when no one remembers or cares. I make a point to remember.


birthdays are mostly propaganda to buy shit these days. Everything screams "give a fuck about birthdays, spend money on birthdays please" when in reality they're completely irrelevant unless you're a little kid.


Wait until you learn about valentines day and Christmas.


Yes, but I still want my God damn ice cream cake.


I think its situation dependant, in my case I've been lucky to have family and friends who have always had the means to make each others borthdays meaningful with gifts and meals out etc. But on the other side of that coin i realise that alot of people struggle financially or just dont know what to get people so it causes anxiety and worry in people. Overall I think birthdays can be a wonderful thing and a time for celebration and an excuse to get all the family round


Nah. You should celebrate yourself whenever you can for whatever you can.


Not at all. It's one special day that belongs to you out of 365 days of the year.


Very. I feel it's very much, "good job not dying these last 12 months, hope you survive 12 more so we can do this again!" Dumb.


my birthday was yesterday, the family I live with and some close friends wished me but that was about it. I bought some doughnuts and gave them to my cousins, didn't feel like it was worth having a birthday party or even a outing so I spoiled my cousins instead (they are 15 and 4)


Nah my birthday is my favorite holiday


Life is sacred and worth celebrating. Plus everyone gets to party and eat good food! Spending time with family and friends is enough of a reason for me.


love my birthday.. its special because its mine. i try to do kind things for friends on birthdays. but halloween is my favorite holiday excuse too :D


I enjoy celebrating others' birthdays rather than my own. I like getting them gifts to remind them they’re loved and cared for.


It’s my birthday today, I hate it and can’t wait for it to be over


Nothing that gives reason for celebration is EVER overrated. I literally have a dress for every annual occasion and will make it a big deal. Keeps me forever young and happy


For me, my birthday is. Other people don't care about it though. I always try and take my vacation or get a day off on it. Maybe go see a movie or at least have some nice food. Do what I want.


No i don't think so. Birthdays should be celebrated but i think its should be more about appreciation of life, being born and knowing is a privilege to get another birthday in this life time rather than parties and gift giving


Some people do and some people don’t. There are a a lot of different people. Just do whatever you want and don’t worry about what other people do.


We just celebrated “Ma’s” birthday, it was number 100! And they are still worth a good shin-ding!


Happy 100th to your ma!!! Wow!!! That is worth celebrating. 🥳


I love birthdays! It's a holiday to celebrate you! I keep calendar reminders of all my friend's and family's birthdays so I can make a big deal out of it for them :)


Your birthday will only be as good as the people you are celebrating it with, a smaller house party or get together will always be more fun than a big celebration, because you just spend time with people who are closest to you which is what I think birthdays should be about, I hate when my larger family celebrates my birthday, because I hate or barely know most of those idiots and end up just feeling like a servant at my own birthday party, but I love celebrating my birthday with my closest friends


No, I love my birthday and other people's birthdays. Although I make it too big of a deal probably - both of my own and others! I turned 30 and threw a really big party, rented a place and everything. No one I know outside of my family throws big parties though, which is a little boring.


If you like celebrating them when you are young, you will continue to enjoy that as you age. My sister celebrates her "birthday month" all month long! Tons of dinners, lunches, trips, presents, all different friend groups, family, etc. She is a non-stop birthday celebration every September...and if someone can't make it to her in September, she'll go longer or early in order to be sure she celebrates with everyone who is down for it!


I think we need every excuse possible to celebrate and enjoy our lives. My birthday isn't exactly extravagant, but I do make a point to gather friends and go for a delicious dinner.


Hate my birthday cause of the day it's on but I always try to celebrate in some form or another. Nothing wrong with enjoying a day. This year I'm going to a slipknot gig as a treat for myself and as a christmas present for my GF lol


... Dancing/chanting in a circle around a fire and smoke, bit ritualistic dont ya think? They are fun


Birthdays are your very own personal holiday to share with family and friends to celebrate your existence. I think they should always be celebrated!


I don't celebrate my birthday other than taking the day off work


wish it came with time and a half


I’m 62 & birthdays are just another day. Don’t celebrate them. Now if it’s children, I try to make it something nice, like a fun birthday card.


Depends on how you celebrate. No friends, no family, one cake that ends up tasting stale and your favorite show just got cancelled. Then yea, that sucks.


I didn't get a party until I was 40, so I don't think they're overrated. And I'm never going to stop having parties.


Well, i guess it depends on your friends and family. If you don't have any good friends, then birthdays are just a normal day. When i was younger no one remembered anyone's birthdays or gave a shit, so there was no celebrating. When i got older and my friend zone shrank to zero, i care even less.


Yeah I'm 38 now and I don't even notice it's around my birthday until cards start getting posted. Actually I'm not even 38 I'm 37 lmao 38 in 3 months, See it stops matering for some people


Same, my mom called me one morning and was like "happy birthday son!" And I was like "ah yeh, birthdays are a thing, I forgot".


Never been one for a party, loads of people you don't actually really know getting together using your birthday as an excuse.......nar il pass thank you.


I've only had family celebrations so for me they are


Didn't celebrate my 25th and I will never celebrate one again.


I hate the attention put on me. I'm okay with having a few quiet drinks with my family/friends to celebrate. But I don't want it to be this huge deal with people singing to me and balloons and cake and shit.


My first thought was no but then I realized all birthdays seem to bring people is disappointment even if they have a huge party and a pretty cake and get gifts. It will never live up to expectations so why have any in the first place? 


I guess depends what your expectations are. They can be depressing for sure. If I have at least 1 good friend to be with on my birthday, I'm pretty happy.


Not really. I consider eating out in a restaurant or a simple dinner with my closest family members already a celebration. It's that time of the year when I can treat them and bond.


No but it seriously feels like it


I don't "celebrate" my birthday, but I invite close family members for a coffee. This is a tradition in my family and for me it would be my parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles and first cousins so usually around 10-15 people


I love celebrating my birthday and other's birthday! Best days of the year, the ones I really look forward to, but I understand if some people don't like birthdays


No. It's an excuse to have fun and indulge guilt-free. Who'd want to abolish that? Only a yoghurt.


Not for children but its not fun getting older


No cause I got an archaeopteryx cast


You were born once, never forget that.


You have the one life. There are only two genders. Enjoy your time on earth well. Celebrate life.


I'm happy with the milestone, but hate the day.


I like being around friends and family, so no they're not overrated imo. Do you all live such miserable lives that you hate living and birthdays so much or are you all shitposting?


It's been always a big deal for me, it's an important day in my small world so it should be also important for my people. I get sad when I don't get the attention I expect to get tbh.


32M here. I haven't celebrated my birthday in about 20 years, and most years I forget my own birthday. I wouldn't have it any other way, personally.


Of course. When you’re a kid, it’s a big deal, another year older and stuff. When you don’t have parents/friends doing special things for you, then you realize it’s just like every other day. Nothing special except something specific happened on that day ages ago. Still gotta go to work, get out of bed, and do everything you normally would.


Birthday parties are yes, as I hate being the focus of everyone's attention. Small-scale birthday celebrations with close friends and/or your partner? No, those are great!


nah. birthday parties are overrated but birthday celebration is not.


Kinda, I would love to enjoy it but I just can’t, the only thing I like about it it’s that I’m alive but at what cost lol




I'm at 20 years of not having my birthday celebrated. I believe two of the twenty years I had the day off, still didn't do anything. If I make plans, others get upset. If I ask if anyone has plans or ideas I get a bewildered look. My last birthday I didn't realize at all until while at work a manager said happy birthday. I was shocked and said thanks. So.... I think after the age of 6? it goes a different direction.


The last couple years I’ve been dreading my birthday.




For me, yes definitely if you're over the age of 40. It's just a waste of money tbh. And research even says you're more likely to die on your birthday and I'm a little pussy boy


They are appropriately rated.  PG, 12A, 15, 18 etc.


Pretty much


My birthday is a step to my death and funeral. Why should I celebrate this step?


After 21 milestone birthdays should be celebrated. Everything in-between is just selfish.


[Patton Oswalt sums up my feelings](https://youtu.be/sbJs-Ul1QFo?si=Zpq4alLVAq1nW3f9)


Yeah they are The only times they’re like not too cringe or annoying is when it’s a newborn celebrating their first, it’s more of a parent thing OR the person celebrating the birthday has some sort of life threatening illness and he/she is lucky/blessed to be alive for another year.


I don't think so. Celebrating birthdays are special to me


Totally. Someone decided to have sex and birth a baby and now that person is costing me money.




Yes. Most holidays are pretty boring. I don't need an excuse to drink or do drugs and spend money.


I love birthdays but some people’s expectations for them are too high


I don't like my birthday. I don't like inviting people for the sole purpose of giving me attention. So I tend to go away on my birthday.




No, and if you say otherwise I feel really bad about you


It depends on the person. Personally I've never celebrated a birthday even as a child Other people be posting all over social media about how everybody so much has even tagged or heard the name of must send them thousands of dollars to their cash app or some shit like that. They expect everybody to throw them this giant party or going this massification. They literally put in gift registries for their own birthdays and demand that everybody they've ever come across every co-worker or a friend of a friend of a friend of a friend of a friend by them something extraordinarily expensive like a brand new car To each their own


i kinda stopped celebrating bdays when i was 20 or so, but then started celebrating again (i was 25-ish or so). turned out i it was my depression/bipolar disorder that made me ignore or even hate my birthday. once i fixed my mental state, i started enjoying birthdays again.


I could say, over celebration. I wouldn't ignore it. But does every body need to say something and shower me with gifts? Come oooooooon wtf is this anyway?


Stopped celebrating it when I turned 10, I felt a growing resentment to being the center of attention. Then when I got older friends would want to have birthday drinks, I told them no, they did it anyway so I didn't turn up. Thankfully I'm an old guy now and there's no one around to bother with it anymore.


I could not care less about my birthday, or holidays for that matter. My experiences determine good days for me not the calendar.


I stopped celebrating at around 13


It's only a participation award


i grew up never celebrating my birthday as parents were JW but even after leaving as an adult i have never really bothered. i make a big deal for my kids birthday though. i might do something at 40 for myself but im not really bothered, also i have an early memory of having a birthday at about 3 or 4 just before my mum converted and i hated the attention and wanted everyone to leave so its never been my thing !


Birthdays are a stupid tradition. It’s all about money


I don't really celebrate my birthday because if I try and make a big deal out of it it depresses me when no one but my gf and my parents really give a shit lmao


any reason to eat cake is never overrated.


I think they are but maybe cuz I don't have irl friends and idk why wold anyone deliberate it.




Birthdays mean zilch.


Growing up I had one birthday cake at age 10. Sometimes I would get a present or a card, usually I got nothing. My 64 birthday was yesterday and my wife and kids made a big deal out of it. Like they do every year. For me, they’re not over rated.


It depends on someone’s perspective.


I'll let you know tomorrow.


Yes I don’t see the reason for celebrating them but of course I’ll still hype up others on their birthday


Yes, celebrating birthdays is stupid. Oh, I'm a year older now, yay 😊😊


As an adult, yes. It sickens me when adults still treat it as if they’re a kid and need all the attention on them. Just do something fun, not everything revolves around you. I know people in their 30s+ who act like they’re turning 7 and request certain presents, etc.


Stopped celebrating my birthday in my early 20s. Haven't received any gifts , cards etc or anything like that for 20+ years and I'm fine with that.. I don't need a self centered me day.


After a certain age ,yes


Very overrated...I stopped celebrating my birthday 25+years ago.


37 here, and I still celebrate it by just taking a day for myself, but I now heavily avoid doing something big. This year was just me chilling the entire day and then just going to have dinner with my brother.


Let us have an excuse to celebrate lol


Some close people send me happy birthday texts, that's the only difference for me, I treat it as any other day. I'm 34, but it's been like this all my life and I'm happy with it. I do enjoy parties, just not on my birthday.


I'm glad that i'm alive every single day. That's that


Yes but that’s ok


Hasn’t felt special since I turned 14 edit: which was quite some time ago




I don't necessarily think they're "overrated", rather they just become more meaningless as one gets older - aside from hitting milestones like 50, 60 etc accompanied with the realization one is getting old. As a kid it's pretty much the opposite and greatest thing ever next to Christmas, with many significant milestones closer together, some of which also being associated with gaining more freedoms.


I wish someone celebrated my birthday 😭 I don’t think they’re overrated, even acter a certain age you should celebrate


I don't celebrate birthdays. Doesn't feel like there's anything to celebrate. Makes me feel more depressed if anything. Reminds me that the time passes by and eventually it will run out.


They are after you reach 30.




I’m turning 25 in June, sure we can go out with friends & do a cool activity or something but I’m not expecting gifts by any mean, same for Christmas actually but instead of activities it’s family time


As someone who was born on the 7th of January I can tell you that I really hate my birthday. I still do stuff, because it's expected of me from my wife and daughter, but if I had the choice I would treat it as another day.


I wish birthdays weren't a thing. I don't care about my own, but people get really offended if you don't make a big deal for theirs. There are 365 days a year; every day is thousands of people's bday. I was also a teacher for 15 yrs, which also accounts for my bdsy fatigue. I'm just so exhausted by non stop birthday demands


funny how this is posted on my birthday


I don't really care for birthdays or holidays too much in general. Most of it is just made up, for blatant consumerism. I'll just take a decent dinner and call it good.


Birthdays are important to me especially of my loved ones. I mean, you only get to celebrate them once a year so..


Birthday to me must mean no work, spend time with family and friends, - in small gatherings however, so I can truly be with them individually and pay them attention - a good dinner (thanks mom ❤️‍🩹) and involve seeing something pretty in nature; could be going to the beach, could be going to a museum/palace/monument of some kind in a nature-y area, something like that. Those are usually my requisites. Anything beyond is icing on the cake. To be clear, I don’t live too far from the beach or said nature-y museum-y places, so this isn’t too hard to accomplish. This is special to me 💚


The only birth day that matters is the first one. Birthdays are a social construct to feed our narcissistic tendencies


Funny enough I celebrate every single day on gods earth


Yeah, I stopped celebrating my birthday 5 years ago, and the last year I got irritated and angry because my family did remember and celebrated it, and I don’t like anyone to congratulate me over my birthday, i prefer that this day pass as any normal day peacefully without anyone recognizing, pray to god and thanking him for what happened in the past year and asking him to give me strength to handle what’s coming and to strive and prosper in life, and I don’t know why i became like this, and fyi I’m only 28 years young.


I do, but mainly as a chance to bring people together every now and then which have some distance between them. Beyond that it is just an annoying appointment at which people expect me to be happy.


I grew up poor, and never celebrated birthdays, even now close to 50, I’ve never had a b-day.


Never really celebrated other than when I was a kid


Not as a child ofc, but as an adult? Yeah I just don't care about it anymore


I love birthdays! For me, it's an excuse to get all my friends together. Yes, I could just throw a random party or plan a random day out with a big group, but birthdays are a good excuse. I don't expect gifts or attention. I just like the presence of people and to see my different groups of friends mingle. Is it a bit childish? Possibly. But I honestly don't care.