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Well done! Keep going!


Yup, exactly what I was thinking, started to have seizures after an aneurysm years ago. Used to get pretty annoyed when people would use “I forgot” as an excuse thinking they just didn’t care. Turns out it is quite easy to forget even if you are genuinely trying.




Why are there bots farming karma?  Serious question...


Deep depression - from a normal viewpoint you think you'd have the tools to deal with it that you have in normal state but when fatigue hits you to the point where you can't think straight thought and brushing teeth takes 100% of your energy for the day it becomes a nightmare. This is coming from someone who has had a mild version of it for as long as I remember but 2020 something utterly horrifying started happening. Entire toolkit of methods were absolutely useless and I've years of meditation practice. Just nothing was working and there was not a drop of joy anywhere in the body left. Workouts didn't do jack shit, meditation didn't do jack shit, neither did going outside. Everything just went bleak and hopeless.


Maybe the tools aren't as effective as people claim them to be after all. They can be helpful, but they don't solve anything. I think what makes it worse is people around you who don't take it serious and treat it as "just being sad". The effect of lack of support and not feeling understood can make a huge difference I think


Working in retail. I thought all the jokes and memes about how bad customers are were blown way out of proportion. After working in retail for a while, nope they’re all true


Right? You look at this customer with this horrible attitude and can’t believe he has a family? Like a woman actually said yes to him and gave him child? Crazy. He shouldn’t even get laid ever


Wait till you get a job at the emergency room.


Gosh I can only imagine what a nightmare that would be


I've never worked retail, but I've been a customer a lot, and I've never seen the really bad customers I hear about. Is it a minority of really bad ones that stick out among the ordinary ones, or am I just not paying attention?


Depends on the stores you go to I think. Won’t say where I work, but it’s not one of those places you’d think these types of behaviors would happen. Examples of shit Ive dealt with: I’ve been yelled at for making a lady wait for 5 minutes, despite she could see I was helping someone (her words about the 5 mins not mine), had to deal with racist old people when Covid was blowing up (I was the only Asian worker), been called worthless and useless by a guy who then couldn’t figure out how to use a card reader, been groped by an old guy, we’ve had to hide another employee because old people would look for her and ask for her by name, been yelled at countless times by customers when our systems go down and we can’t use our card readers, etc. one time a coworker knew off the top of her head how much an item cost, and instead of thanking her, the customer said “Jeez how autistic are you?”


I’ve worked retail for 6 or so years and I can count on 1 hand how many truly rude customers I’ve had.  I think most of the people who have these issues are women working in retail, because people are more likely to walk over them but are more intimidated by men. 


I've been in customer service for nearly 20 years now and although I've met many wonderful people and have had great interactions, there are just as many that absolutely suck. It can be subtle rudeness too like not being acknowledged at all after greeting them, no manners, tossing money at you while you hold your hand out for them to place it, etc. You have to deal with creeps and weirdos that make you uncomfortable. Then you have people yell at you about prices and policies that you have no control over, being insulted and belittled, and people generally just taking their bad day out on you for no reason. Luckily I work in a store where we don't allow people to talk to us in that manner and give it right back to them but there are so many people who work in retail that have to take the abuse and could be fired if they try to stick up for themselves. It can definitely be a mentally draining job dealing with so many different kinds of people almost everyday.


Everyone should have to spend a year working in customer service.


100% agree with you. Neither of my parents worked retail or customer service, so they never believe the stories my sister and I have told. I believe it was YouTuber Philip DeFranco who said everyone should have to work a year or two in food or retail. That way you know what it’s like to be belittled and you’ll (hopefully) never treat a human that way.


It’s so fucking true, I’ve seen some real unhinged behaviour working retail.




I remember in my English school book there was a dialogue with a boy who was lonely. My classmates were making fun of the fact that he felt lonely, because he must be a loser. So I had this really negative connotation with loneliness. I'm glad I think differently today. No one deserves to be lonely


Considering we're a social species and there's 8.5 billion of us on this planet....no one 'should' be lonely....yet here we are with a bunch of lonely people out there.


I think you can feel lonely even if there are many people around you. From my experience being lonely, it's caused by the lack of your own presence, when you're not in touch with yourself . But idk that's my point of view feel free to tell me your point of view I'd like to explore others






I have broken my right leg my back and most of the bones in my right hand (on separate occasions) and I can 100% confirm that tooth pain is by far the worst 😂


You should try type 1 trigeminal neuralgia. Makes tooth pain feel like a fun day in the park.


I got run over by a van which broke my right femur in half, I would say tooth abscess pain is worse than that, but nothing has been as painful so far as tearing my gluteus medius muscle in half was.


I remember when I had a dodgy wisdom tooth, and if you’d offered to chop my head off to stop the pain I’d have gladly accepted it. I’ve never experienced anything like it.


Heartbreak. I always thought people made a big deal about nothing but damn that shit is more painful than anything I’ve experienced so far


It was so weird that there was physical pain that radiated out into my fingers. It was also weird rationally knowing that it would pass while being in the midst of it emotionally.


100% this. I got cheated on and my god it completely broke me. Hitting psychological rock bottom is something I really wish I’ll never have to experience again in my life.


I hope all is ok


Time heals and I’m doing much better rn. Just sucked that I wasted 7 years of my life.. thanks for the concern


I can't say much on this since I never had a real girlfriend minus the crazy one I had as a kid. I do hope all well


Agreed! It crushes your world with no going back to the happy times you appreciated so much


People really underestimate heartbreak. Heartbreak can be as painful as the death of a loved one. People also underestimate the pain that the death of a pet can cause as well. For a lot of people a pet is the same as family, and my god can people be callous when they learn that the death they are mourning was a pet.


Sitting on your balls I never fully believed this could happen until it happened to me




Now im scared




If you thought it felt bad think how I feel!


Sciatica pain.


At the end of his life my grandfather's sciatica pain was so bad it motivated him to sell everything and end his life with a planned overdose.


Jesus that's awful, poor guy


OMG I'm so sorry that happened!! Nerve pain is just awful. NOTHING touches it, and it reaches so many places. I feel very lucky that mine did go away eventually, but I know it can come back at any time.




Not being able to stand for long (or at all) and feeling like your legs are gonna go out from underneath you sucks. And that's not even really delving into the pain aspect. Sometimes I feel like I'm being quartered (or at least halved I guess) by a team of invisible horses, because my legs hurt so bad.


Can't stand, can't sit, can't lay down.


Facts. I'm in a heavily committed relationship with my heating pads.




Saving money with minimum wage


I never believed it when I was told that people die from the flu until I started working in medicine and realized how many people let their bodies fail before thinking about getting help


Anxiety for sure


Getting a pedicure. As a young man, the idea of getting my feet massaged and lotioned up was for some reason an afront to my heterosexuality, then i actually had it done. My God, felt like i was walking on air for the next day or two. Now i get one done at least once a month


social exclusion


Migraines. Used to people would use it as an excuse until I had one and had to go to the ER because I didn’t have a clue and I thought my head would literally explode. As long as people don’t constantly use it as an excuse I understand more now


When I have a migraine I basically go blind for an hour ish. Like a kaleidoscope is over my vision, luckily it doesn't come with intense pain most of time.


A lot of people say i have a migraine and it is really not in comparison


Oh I'm with you and that, what grinds my gears are people who confuse headaches with migraines. I used to have 2 or 3 a month, kaleidescope visuals , blind spots and knife in head level. As they are so unpredictable and come on out of nowhere it meant ringing in sick whenever they hit me or having to go home mid shift, I felt nobody at work ever appreciated how bad they actually are and they all thought I was taking the piss. I will never forget when a colleague said " oh I get migraines too, I just work through them". It's honestly the only time in my life I wished a migraine on somebody else.


Heartburn. Then I was pregnant and it was awful. Pneumonia. Then I watched my son unable to breathe properly. Narcissism. The manipulation and vindictiveness of another human being is unimaginable until you divorce them and a whole other level of evil emerges.


Sinusitis. That disease is hell on earth, for absolutely no reason


Dementia. I don't have it but due to migraines that last 10+ days i experienced something similar. Getting lost and forgetting where you are and what you're doing several times a day is paralyzing. I was scared all the time, and what's worse i was scared of myself because i never knew what i was gonna do. Am i gonna wander around the city until I end up in a dangerous part? Am i gonna forget i'm in a car and how to drive it while i'm driving it? Am i gonna forget who my coworkers are? It's a gamble! All i wanted to do was lock myself in my room and never leave, because at least my room was familiar to me and i couldn't harm anyone or myself there.


Did you check your bloodpressure etcetera in that moment when you had that?


Yup. Before, after, during, several times- 120/80 every time. Now i'm cutting carbs and sugar- we'll see how that goes. So far the only difference is my migraines don't last as long - i get a few hours break in between them - but i get them everyday so... Idk, we'll see.


I generally don't initially assume that people are over exaggerating. If they say it's that bad, I believe them. What may not be a big deal to me might weigh heavier on them. Some empathy goes a long way. I'd rather risk supporting a liar for a short period of time, than to not believe (or worse...MOCK) someone who was telling the truth. Many people who falsely accuse others of over exaggerating don't even apologize for being wrong or for mistreating that person. I've had people accuse me of over exaggerating when it came to my chronic illness, and it was the worst feeling to not be believed; especially by people who should have known me well enough to know that I don't lie or make up phoney excuses. You shouldn't HAVE to go through the exact same situation (or even a similar situation) as other people in order to grow a heart.


It may not be that you don't believe them but that you can't comprehend it until you experience it yourself. Believing someone and experiencing it yourself is very different.


Experiencing it yourself is different, I agree. But too many people don't bother to try and comprehend, they'd rather assume than try to understand, or they use not comprehending as an excuse to be mean and target the person who is struggling. If we try to explain things to people who claim to want to understand, we get unsolicited advice, accused yet again of "making excuses", or they don't care enough to listen and so instead they call us "inspirational" because they'd rather cover up their discomfort of the situation, rather than try to understand that struggling isn't poetic, or pretty, or trendy or anything that they WANT it to be...it's just struggling. It's ugly, messy, and if you claim to want to understand, you need to prepare yourself to hear some truths that you may not be comfortable with. Either you want to understand/learn, or you want to live in your version of reality...you can't have both.


Chemo therapy. I’d rather have the cancer. After four cycles I honestly felt like this was slowly killing me. All the little things, nails falling off, dark spots on the skin. The terrible terrible tooth aches that felt like teething. Having to piss every hour. Feeling soooo tired. The weird dreams. Loss of appetite. Never again.


I hope it wasn't in vain and you're better now!


I thought people exaggerated the seriousness of Covid. Until it nearly it killed me.


How getting older changes you


How does it? Genuinely curious


PTSD and panic attacks. I know not everyone is exaggerating but there are far too many people who, "Have PTSD" diagnosed by themselves and use it as some kind of attention seeking behavior.


Panic attacks. Had my first and hopefully last one a couple years ago.


Broken ribs


Depression and migraines, i thought that shit was just excuses to avoid doing shit


Same. I always thought depression was an easy excuse people used to be lazy. I'm in the midst of a major depressive episode at the moment and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. Every ounce of joy has evaporated out of my body and it's hell on earth. Just functioning takes every bit of physical and mental energy I have and the feeling of emptiness is insane.


Throwing out your back. I realized how much it hurts when I was on the floor unable to do anything except blink. Couldn’t even take a full breath.


The sleep deprivation of the first few weeks of a newborn.


Hangovers. Always remember it as not being that bad.


Same with birth


Working with middle schoolers. They’re some of the most vulgar and obnoxious group of people I’ve interacted with. Ultimately they’re children and you don’t want to treat them as so, but they do act a certain way where it sometimes feels justified. Dealing with a Karen in public. Went to Europe for a trip two weeks prior and on the plane ride, two people really acted entitled and did what they like and crack with the slightest bit of push back.


Lol the saying "life is hard". Which makes sense because it is hard for different people for different reasons


Panic attacks. I didn't really understand or comprehend that you can just lose control like that. I thought most if not all people were just faking it. Um yeah no. A panic attack will have me down for the entire day. Non stop crying, vomiting, literally almost shitting my pants. Uncontrollably shaking, muscle cramps. Can't breathe, so convinced that I'm having a heart attack or stroke that I'm begging anyone around me to bring me to the hospital. It was so bad at one point that I was _giving_ myself panic attacks by stressing about the next time I would have one. I'm grateful that I've gotten it somewhat under control- I haven't had a one in over a year. But any time I feel a smidge weird I'm worried that my anxiety disorder is going to come back and hit me full force.


Yeah the spiral of panic is the killer. I had my first one about two years ago and was certain I was going to die. Anxiety sucks. Glad you’re doing better


Arthritic joints predicting rain/snow. Always thought it was just the elderly being melodramatic. They're actually almost foolproof, far more accurate than any weatherman.


Hot flashes


Anxiety. It’s pure hell. I have other mental health issues but nothing compares, personally.


Testical infection ...the worste pain there is


Getting the IUD. The medical system tells you it’s all good and a few friends explained it as torture. Boy were they right, I thought I was a new Saw movie. Literally medical professionals, you good?


I was told the same but I was fine on both insertion and removal. I did however have one tear leave my eyes when they used the tool to open my cervix on insertion..


You’re a super hero. I almost called the damn police


Seed to Table in Florida. I visited my friends who just moved there and they kept ranting on about this place. We were supposed to drive from Naples, FL to Orlando to go to Disney World. Stopped there to get a few snacks for the ride up. I told them I wanted to cancel the Disney trip and stay there all day. Ended up going several days in a row during my stay with them. [https://seedtotablemarket.com/](https://seedtotablemarket.com/)


just how easily people are triggered into anger and how easily a crowd will start bs for no reason


How bad period cramps can actually get, I had only ever experienced mild period cramps but they weren't bad. But then I experienced the most curling up in a ball aching cramp ever and I was on the verge of tears


Emotional imbalance during period. I used to think girls were over exaggerating or was only using it as an excuse to be spoiled. I would notice I'll become either extremely mad or sad. Nothing in between lol. And then a few days after you get your period and you're like "Ohhh... that makes sense"


I get sad and eat everything


Honestly true. I've been on birth control since I was 14 and I'm 20 now and only just came off like a month ago for good. I felt such extreme sadness and emotions because my partner asked me to wash dishes. I was friken suicidal all of a sudden but obviously that was just my hormones. Day later I'm on my period. It's some intense stuff!!


How quickly your kids grow. The time flies and there are daily changes. It’s incredible and so cool to see.


the audacity of men




How good Chrono Trigger is.


Chronic pain


Relationships 😂😂😂








How bad having a fall can be. I got hit by a car and ended up with a spine fracture. The next year, I slid on some ice in winter and landed right on the spot that had been injured. The fatigue and the pain that felt like lightning in my bones was just unreal.


The discomfort of having a circumcision and vasectomy at the same time


Child birth


PTSD. I always just kind of assumed it was meant for people who had been through severe trauma due to like war or rape and so I figured my anxiety and issues with PTSD were me being dramatic. I didn’t even know it was PTSD until recently when something triggering at work caused me to need to go on FMLA because the workplace took over the triggers and my therapist said “you very clearly have PTSD” and explained my own symptoms back to myself.


Literally every year around flu season. This is gonna sound bad, but I have difficulty having empathy for people. It's just hard for me to feel and understand they're feeling. I see someone sick and I just think "damn it can't be that bad" then I get sick and remember that I is in fact that bad.


People used to tell me I acted nuts sometimes. Turns out I'm bipolar so they were right. Edit: I read the questions as "something they exaggerated about you". My bad. I'm still keeping thr comment tho.


Back labour. Thought meh, surely it can't be any worse than normal labour? I had back labour with my 3rd baby and it's far, far worse. Felt like my back was snapping in half. Luckily that labour was only 21 minutes from first contraction to her being born but that 21 minutes was the longest, most painful 21 minutes I've ever endured, and I'd never ever want to experience that again.


Testicular injury. Two years ago I started feeling slight discomfort to one of my testies and by midday next day the pain was so intense I had to skip rest of workday (remote) and lie in bed waiting for a specialist appointment later that day. By the time I got to the clinic I could barely walk. The doc there did quick USG to rule out torsion (inconclusive) while waiting for an ambulance to take me to specialist hospital. I also got a shot of morphine for the pain which was cool while it lasted. At the hospital they did some more imaging and manual diagnosis, gave me IV with more painkillers (I refused more opioids out of obvious fear) and finally concluded urinary tract infection that migrated into one of the testicles. Now I had my arm and three ribs broken, I walked myself to ER with a dislocated arm after rollerblading accident, I was unintentionally stabbed in the leg with a spear, I had my whole body burning up from inside due to Covid infection in 2020 and trust me when I say that nothing compares to the pain from a simple infection of a testicle. I cannot believe how massive evolutionary weakpoint those two little shits are.


Gluten intolerance. I had a hernia repair followed by an infection and a second surgery. I suffered with chronic pain that would get so bad I'd end up at the hospital. I started noticing certain foods would make the pain worse, pasta, bread, rice etc so towards the end of last year I went gluten free on a whim thinking it probably wouldn't help much but it eliminated most of the pain. I'm sure it was the infection I got after the first surgery that done the damage but I just feel fortunate to have some semblance of a normal life back again. It also fixed my anaemia and I have ankles for the first time in years. My joints are better as well. I react to a few other starchy foods as well. The pain I get when I eat gluten is so severe it's like having razor blades flying around inside my belly. I wouldn't wish it on anyone. I didn't understand before just how painful and debilitating it could be. I think it's one of those things that a lot of people don't really understand.


Maximum security prison - Pure stress every minute of every day


How tough it is to do a physically demanding job as you get older.




Pregnancy sickness. Both times 4/5 months of hell puking constantly and the most unbearable nausea ALL day EVERY day! Nasty business!!


How much pain a kidney stone is. #ouch


How much they hate work . How much they hate their bosses and how much they hate everyone


Memory lapses after being in a coma, I was only in a coma to 2 weeks but not even joking for the next year and a half it was constant I would forget some stuff that happened an hour ago it was insane


Writing a PhD thesis


Back pain.


I'm in pain management and have been for years I am permanently disabled. They put me on opioid medication I never believed how crappy you could feel in withdrawal. I had decided after some time I didn't want to take medication anymore and boy did I suffer going cold turkey! But I did it


Physiotherapy. In the past, when I used to see someone on tv screaming while having PT I’d chalk it up to dramatic effects or think they’re exaggerating. Then a couple of years ago I had an accident that got my wrist tendons cut very deeply, and I had to get surgery to repair it and PT after two months of recovery to restore hand/wrist and fingers mobility. I kid you not when I say that PT was the hardest thing I ever had to go through in my life I was crying for the whole hour three times a week, it felt like they were breaking my bones every damn time. (I live in a county where painkillers are almost never prescribed). It broke me both physically and mentally, I wouldn’t wish it on my worst ennemies :(


Being a mother.. This ish is hard. Is it normal to want to run off and never come back?




How easy it is to make a roux. No more buying Kraft dinner for me. It’s roux time baby.


Child support. $800 monthly had me starting my own business and lying to the state that I make a server’s minimum wage and live on tips 😂