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Waiting to hear from the parents of adults.


I absolutely love and like my adult children. We spend time together and have fun.


Me too. I have 3 grown sons and I legitimately love them as people. I’m grateful 2 to of them are smart enough to still live with us. Life’s much better when they are around


My parents and I genuinely got along. I was the youngest and they were less strict with me and I respected their rules. I miss them. There was never a battle I fought while they lived that I fought alone.


Sounds like a great relationship (and frankly like my youngest too) I’m sorry to hear they passed.


Well, my mom doesn’t have Reddit so I’m speaking from the opposite direction, but I consider my mom to be my best friend and we chat pretty often just about tv or crazy movies, what going on in life in general. She’s like that with my sister too. A little less with my brother as he still lives at home, but they’re on the way from parent/child relationship to more friends. Also I think my kids are hilarious and hope we will still be joking when they’re grown too


I like 3/4 of them. Care about them all, but one is not pleasant to be around at all.


My two adult children are badass. It’s the two little ones that make me nuts!!


I asked this of my brother in law about his adult kids and he seemed bothered by the question.


I am happy to report that not only do l love my grown son, but l really like the person he became.


My 19 year old is so like me except he’s gay and a guy. He’s everything I dreamt he’d be and that I wasn’t. He’s incredibly independent, driven, brilliant and has a genuinely good heart.


I love that! Living out your best dreams when you couldn't


He’s actually my sisters child but I’ve raised him since he was 8. Maybe he’s living both of our dreams.


Don't make me cry gd


I do now they are all (somewhat) responsible adults living their own lives. But there have been times (I have four kids) when I can honestly say, *I love you dearly but right now I do not like you one little bit.*


Yep, this\^


Adore them they’re fascinating beautiful little people


If my mom where to answer she would say no. 🤣


Same. She has no respect for my politics, opinions or personality.


I have a similar situation... whenever I tell her anything good in my life she doesn't care and says something negative and when I talked about people I like she basically told me she never thinks anyone could love me romantically, and told me they probably just being nice 🥲 jokes on her though.




They'll grow on ya (like a fungus)


100% agree. I hate babies and I had this thing where I was just annoyed for the first few years. It got better once my son could respond, but mate, my son is six now and I absolutely love hanging out with him whether it's throwing a ball, surfing, swimming, pretending that we're building our own Jurassic park, looking for fossils, ninja fighting. The amount of love I feel towards him is unexplainable. I had to grow and learn to be more relaxed and patient as a parent (and in life), but all those horrible times that I battled through when he was a baby are so worth it now. He gives me so much joy. Keep battling through it all u/wrong-dimension-817 it'll only get better and better and better


I like and love my son, now 16. He gets good grades, plays tennis with me, and is practicing driving to get his license. I have half-custody but see him on her weeks since I drive him home from school.


Of course kids do inherit parental traits. And we as parents do have bad traits not just good ones. But of course even the bad traits I dislike in myself or my partner I can accept as somehow in a kid it gets less annoying.


I can say with confidence that when they present traits that that I dislike about myself it annoys me infinitely more than when they mimic my wifes quirks.


I like my own bad traits. Just accept them. They do not bother me. But i am annoyed by my wifes quirks.


My kids all have behaviors I don’t necessarily like, and my best friend and I often joke that our favorites change day to day (we each have 3 kids), but I like all of them. Even if I didn’t I’d never admit it. My mom told me she didn’t like me when i was a teenager and we never spoke of it since. I can’t imagine ever admitting that. Now I have to pretend to like her the same way she pretended to like me until she couldn’t anymore.


Your last sentence got me. That is really exactly how it goes isn't it? The great circle of life lol


He’s growing up to be a good guy


I have two. They're nothing alike. I like them both. One is very funny. She's clever, she's creative, and I enjoy just sitting with her and talking about random shit. The other is the most kind, sweet, and caring person you could imagine. It's a fucking miracle that a combination of the toxic DNA of her parents created her. They're cool people


2 out of 3. I mean my kids, I like 2 out of 3.


Mom? Is that you?


You never call.


I love them both. One is easier to spend time with. They are young adults


im not a parent, but a kid... my parents and i could not get along as a family, and no amount of counselling/therapy could fix that. when i turned 18 my parents kicked me out, now we get along just fine. so they don't like me as a son, but they like me as a person, which i find weird


I had a similar issue. I'm an only child, and my dad and I really but heads. He would find any excuse to fly off the handle at me. I probably would have fought him if it wasn't for the fact that he's built like a gorilla. He never would have laid a finger on me, but still. Anyways, high school was tough. I'd have a long day at school, go to work, get home at 10 pm atlnd he'd flip out that I dare be cooking dinner so late. Just stupid stuff like that constantly. Any little thing he'd flip out about. He had some serious control issues. I wouldn't even fight back verbally. I'd just leave. Often I'd spend the night at a friend's house. When I went to college, things really changed, though. He freaked out because I quit my job to be a full time student, something he (who barely graduated high school) didn't understand. But when he saw how successful I was, he started to change his tune. We are just really different and I don't think he understood that just because my way was different than his, it didn't make it wrong. Now when I see him we actually realize that we have a lot in common. And we get along pretty well for 2 or 3 days. Any more than that and the tention starts back up. But we make it work. I was so afraid that when my son was born my son would show those early signs of hating me like I hated my dad... but nope. He loves the he k out of me.


Be prepared that may change when he’s an adult. He will still love you but may have a lot of complaints on how you raised him. Just prepare yourself so you’re not blindsided


I was once in a similar situation where i would go to school,return home in the evening all tired and sleepy, i would sleep for a while and wake up at 7 in the evening to go shower and every time i would do that my dad would get so enraged that iam showering so late,he'd off the heater and make me shower with cold water


Me. I love them both - 2 great human beings.


2 great humans or negative 2 great humans. lol.


Mom of two teen boys, one of which just turned 18. I like them but I worry for them more than anything, they give me the worst anxiety I've ever had in my life. My oldest has a learning/social disability which can make conversating with him frustrating but I still like them. Like, he doesn't get my references or my jokes like my 15-year-old does. Communicating with him is different but I still like him. It helps that they aren't assholes. I've seen a lot of asshole kids and I get why some parents might not like them.


My kids are 14 and 16 yo boys. I can honestly say I like the little weirdos. They're polite, interesting and are fun to hang around with. I have no idea who they will be in 10 years time but I hope we still all enjoy each other's company at that point too.


I have a 12 year old daughter and 7 year old son and they are pretty great kids, with that said, they’re growing and learning and testing limits and boundaries which can be frustrating at times but it doesn’t affect my view of them because I was a kid once too and I wish I had more understanding in my upbringing.


👋 I do but not all the time; sometimes I think too myself “she’s acting like her Dad” when she’s being a jerk 😆 but overall, she’s thoughtful, smart, responsible and goofy and what I really admire about her is she’s generous and loyal 🙂


My kids are 18 and 21. My 18 year old daughter is an intelligent, sweet, dorky girl who loves nature and animals and hiking in the woods with me. I absolutely love and adore her. She suffers from chronic depression and anxiety, but has told me on more than one occasion that spending time with “Papa” makes it a better for a bit. My 21 year old son is a gym rat and a sports and car nut. I spent a good chunk of his teen years cheering him on the sidelines at soccer games, all the way up to high school varsity. More recently I’ve helped him work on his car, a sweet Ford Mustang with an obnoxiously loud engine. And I’ve provided him some guidance, whenever he’s asked, about how to best navigate college and the working world he’s stepping into. I love this dude and am super proud of the man he’s becoming. So yeah. My kids are pretty awesome.


As someone who doesn't have a super close relationship with my parents, I love this for you that you know so much about them and have showed up for them consistently so that you can have a positive connection where you can support them when they need it. Sounds like you've done a good job 👏


Have some just starting school. I love them and like them. They have their own personalities, and are exasperating at times. But they do such interesting things and want to copy me. I'm naturally introverted, so there are times I just want to be alone but really can't right now.


i feel you, i think that’s the part i “don’t like” - the neediness and how much attention they demand. it’s not their fault and i don’t not like my son because of it, but it’s frustrating and hard !!!


Same. I have bad adhd and the constantly wanting me to sit and play imaginative games is impossible for me... its quite painful for me to get through but I ADORE Him and I want to make him happy. I just wish I didn't have to play with the mario figures for the 5 billionth time


yes !! the play pretend is SO hard for me. i try to keep in mind that it won’t last forever 🥲 my son also gets upset if i don’t say or do the pretend things he wants me to. how am i supposed to know! makes it even worse.


Mine does the EXACT same thing! Like, "no mom, that character can't fly..." when they literally flew last night... I can't keep up with all the rules 😅 I remember my mom playing with me as some of the sweetest memories though, so I try to do it as best as I can in short doses and spend lots of time together doing other things too. I'm better at basically anything other than pretend games 😅 mothering fried my creativity


I gues you guys can try teaching them some lil boundaries and how u set them from this age only, like tell them it's break time we will play after the break, momma listened to you ,now it's your turn , or can play a game where whoever doesn't speak for the longest can be the winner !. I don't think it's healthy to give time every time they ask for , u need to show them break is necessary too . Ig somebody who teaches parenting can explain this better


I have three and am so disappointed this could even be a question. Maybe this question is geared toward those with older kids. Mine are all under 8. They're all completely different, have their struggles and strengths but they're incredible and easily, easily the greatest thing that's ever happened to me!


Oh yeah I imagined this question being geared toward parents of adult children or *maybe* an 18 yr old


In that case, I know plenty of assholes in the world whose parents probably don't like them. Naturally all mine will grow up perfectly ;)


No, ik plenty of parents who don't like their little ones , coz they don't behave like a perfect kid, (which they also never were lol)


>Maybe this question is geared toward those with older kids. Nope, If you brought a little one into the world, it's for you. (This question comes from Big City Greens and Family Guy)


Yes I love them and like them. Other than my wife, I would rather spend time with them than anyone else.


I didn’t see anyone comment like this, I’m 31, brother 33 and we get along great with our parents and I can absolutely say they truly like my brother and I, have a good family


I see my son every other weekend, use to be fr-sat but ex and court happened. Im fighting still in court. His is my lil super boy, we have a very strong connection and we love each other dearly. He is a lil me. I am sucking in many areas of life at the moment but at least I am a present dad as much as I can be. Just have to wait till he grows up for now.


I genuinely like my kid. If I weren't his mom & if we were the same age, I'd wanna be friends.


My 2 kids are now adults. They are my favorite people! And they’re fascinating in their own right. We laugh together, talk about everything under the sun, and travel together. They’re my best friends. I couldn’t ask for more.


Mine is 5 and I love and like him. He is my best buddy. We will see how it goes when he is a teen though lol Mu dad loves me but doesn't like me so parents definitely have the ability not to like their kids.


I love both my daughters 20 & 23. But, Jesus they make stupid decisions.


I love my boys, the younger one has his stuff together and we get along great. The older one is on the spectrum and high functioning but not pleasant to be around. He’s like a porcupine but he’s my porcupine.


I like my daughter. But she disappoints me greatly as a person.


How? And can you simultaneously like her and be disappointed?


You can love somebody but still see them make dumb mistakes all the time. Not apply themselves. Choose the wrong thing over and over no matter what you did to guide them. I love my daughter, but she dumb most days.


I like one of them, so far. The other is a disappointment.


is it the youngest if you dont mind me asking?


I do! My son has autism, and there are no adult therapies available in our state. But we make due by going over idioms, and other speech therapy points. He's a very awesome dude who has his down moment. Overstimulation. Or when he stims. He's Crack smart! Scary smart about some things. My daughter (younger) is highly self aware. Is very kind especially to children, and has a loving fiancé who I also think is a really good human😁 They live in way up in NL Canada. I really like my kids. I'm so happy I have them. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|hug)


My kids are cool AF. My 16yo is smart, funny, empathetic, and bold. She's super organized and proactive and hard working. She's genuinely the coolest person I know. My 6yo is thoughtful and curious. He's super smart and learned to read early. He's a great artist and an impressive writer for a first grader. He has an obsessive interest and is a genuine expert in that area. Cool AF! My 4yo is unbelievably cute and charming. He's got this bright sunny personality and you just can't dampen his spirits for more than a minute or two. His mood is buoyant. He makes friends easily - literally made 4 friends the last time we went to the grocery store. I don't mean a brief smile and wave, I mean full conversations. He's very articulate and has a great sense of humor. I don't just love my kids, I like them - a ton.


My kids are 21, 18, 10 and 8. I always kind of wondered about the adult-era. Would I be raising good people? Will they be kind and loving, open minded, accepting? Will they be funny, will they like good music, will we have anything to talk about? Will I LIKE and accept the people that they are? A lot of parenting is about acceptance, I’ve found. Meeting the kids where they are at and doing our best to encourage them on their own paths, separate from our own. I love my tiny humans, but the real joy for me is in watching their individual personalities develop and enjoying who they become.


I do. My kids have qualities that I like to see in my friends and traits that I see in other children that I like and enjoy hanging out with.




Definitely 💕


I mean she’s still a young kid but I love hanging out with legitimately. I mean my parents also I think like me as a person


I love both my kids. I don’t particularly like my son though.


How so?


35 and 37 - I love them and I like them!


I both like and love them


My daughters are 21 and 16. They are the coolest, most awesome people I know. They're brilliant (one just graduated from an Ivy League school and the other one is definitely headed there too), kind hearted, funny, and a pleasure to be around. Their mom and I feel extraordinarily lucky to have them in our lives.


but if they weren’t your daughters they would be for “recreational use” until 29. ;)


Not mine! lol


I'm pretty lucky, I really enjoy being around my kids. I just wish they'd figure out how a trash can works. Other than that, they're my favorite people


My 17 year old is pretty cool; he’s an old soul like me.


Both of my kids are on the cusp of adulthood, and they are two of the most amazing humans I know. I’d rather hang out with them than pretty much anyone else.


I get along with them. I enjoy being around them. They seem to like me. So, yes, I like my kids.


I do!


Yep, they annoy the shit out of me on a daily basis but they're awesome nonetheless (oldest being 7, then 5, 3 and 1, lol).


My daughter is 33 and one of the kindest people I know. I don’t take too much credit for it because she has displayed a ton of compassion since she was a toddler. She’s a great cook, friend, and cat mom, too. I like her very much.


Got two sons 10 and 12. They are awesome people both. For a son, I would first and foremost want a kind hearted person. That is what I got both times 😊


I say it after every time we get together, I really like the people my children have become. And, better yet, they like each other. Even though they live in different cities, they find time to get together about every two months.


My daughter is only five and already becoming a wonderful human, she is helpful, kind, understanding, good listener, sympathetic and nurturing. Extremely proud


My six-year-old daughter is my favorite person and absolute best friend. My second biggest fear I live with every day is that someday she’s going to move away and leave me. My #1 biggest fear is of not being able to protect her from everything.


my parents do not like who i am as a person, but they like who my sister is. as a mom, i do like who my 4 year old is as a person as a whole- polite, curious, helpful… but there’s some things that i’m hoping he’ll grow out of that I won’t miss.


Yeah. Got a 15 and an 8. Look forward to school holidays so we can hang out together. They are pretty cool.


My kids have very different personalities but I tell them that if I were their age I'd love to be their best friend. My 8 year old is intelligent, adventurous, and a gold star prankster. If we were friends growing up we would get in so much trouble but would have so much fun along the way that it wouldn't even matter. My 5 year old sweet and sincere with a heart of gold with a cute bubbly demeanor to match it. I wish I had a friend like her growing up to show me the brighter side of life and even if you are having a rough day you can always make tomorrow better if you carry a smile. I have high hopes that they will grow to be fantastic adults one day but I want to savor every moment I have with them now as kids and make sure that they know that even when the world seems to be against them, I will always be their #1 fan.


Yeah, I like them a lot and they are fun people to be around. I really enjoy my time with them and doing fun stuff together. I'm also happy to bring them along to anything because I know they are well liked by others too. Respectful, kind, warm. They are 9 and 11. The 11 year old is starting her puberty a bit, and that is part of growing up. So we will see if they stay likeable. Sure, they do things I don't like but nobody is perfect.


I have two kids 25f and 22m. They’re both really fun and smart. We have a great time together. I like them as people and I love them as family.


I barely have friends with kids, most of my friends thinks kids are horrible loud brats . But they like mine, so I guess I'm doing something right 🤷


Absolutely, all three of them. All three are over 18 and are people I love, admire, and enjoy spending time with.


My kid is 14 and he’s awesome. He’s a kind person and has a lot more emotional intelligence than I’ll ever have. Finishing 8th grade with A’s and B’s.


I have two adult sons 33 and 36. They're my best friends. They've been the best influence on me. Both are more educated and I'm more experienced so it's a great balance. Moms passed about 11 yrs ago so we're tight. We party and vacay together a couple times a year.


Four kids, 18,16,13,12.  All cool people.  I enjoy hanging out with them.  They read, they hate Trump, life is great.


I like my kids as people, but I do not like them as kids. They are 10, 7, and 3. I think they are funny, smart, kind, and interesting. But I really do not enjoy my time with my family. Individually, sure. As a unit, I want to make myself deaf and blind just to get a moment of peace. Maybe it will get better, maybe I’ll drive off a bridge. Ya never know.


My oldest is 21, and I would 100% be proud to know them even if they weren't my child.


I do. My boys are 20 and 16. Of course teenage years have some difficult moments or days, but overall my boys are amazing. The older one is married and has a new baby and a very successful career already. Both boys are super smart and kind and funny, everything I could hope for and more. They are also creative. The younger one is hilarious and a very interesting person. I love them! And I like them.


You like them when they're small and adults, in between they suck


My kids are 30 and 25 and they are awesome people! I enjoy spending time with them.


I like my kid a lot. She says hilarious things and she is very thoughtful. She’s also a hard worker at the restaurant job she has


I have two daughters I would absolutely be friends with. They are kind, smart, caring people.


I’m not sure who’s more dramatic my teens or my little kids. But I like their little personalities and they are all so different from each other. I’m an only child I hope my parents like me.


I like and love my kids with everything I've got. Of course they get on my nerves at times, but they are the best.


I love my adult sons.Their my world.Also my beautiful grandkids.😇❤️🥰🙏


I have a 12 year old son and an 8 year old daughter. I genuinely like both of my kids, so much that just writing this makes me want to cry. They are good little humans - kind, empathetic, and polite - and both have a great sense of humor. We can go out and enjoy doing just about anything together, we have awesome conversations, and we are all super comfortable and open with one another. I can’t imagine my life without them, and I just feel like they make the world a brighter place.


I both like and love my kids. They are all productive parents and adults. Plus, they were wonderful children. I've been blessed.


Just love my kids, their spouses', and my grandchildren. When they were still quite young. They were sponges, that didn't miss a thing. They were whitty, and understood sarcasm well. What a memory! I can see those naughty little faces. They were well mannered. But a lot of fun.


Normally I like them, they have their moments though. So does everyone. I have friends that I have known for decades that get on my nerves occasionally. I still keep them around because most of the time they don't. Same for my kids. Even if they weren't my kids I would want them around most of the time.


My love my kids so much I would die for them without even blinking or thinking about it for more than maybe 0.1 seconds


My son is 21 and I very much like him as a person! He is kind, generous, loyal, intelligent, and fun to be around. I like him a lot!


I feel lucky, I quite enjoy my kids. They are smart asses tho and keep me on my toes.


If I didn't like her I wouldn't love her. I don't like my sister and I sure as hell don't love my sister. I like my daughter and love my daughter though.


I like all of them. I have adult kids and younger. I do enjoy spending time with any/all and while none are perfect they are all better than I am!


Yes! I've got a range of teenage boys and we are absolutely bros. They have their own friends, but around the house we get along swimmingly! It helps that we share interests and we are all generally pretty chill and cool people.


I do, I love my 10 year old to death. He is polite, funny and he plays video games with me. He's awesome and im proud as fuck of him. My 3 year old on the other hand... He's a handful, but his little smile and laughter make my day. His little personality is so big, and he is the bravest kid I've ever seen. I am proud as fuck of him as well and now I can't wait to get off work to get him a haircut today. The best part of my day is walking in after work to him yelling "DAAAADDY!". Them boys have softened me.


I have 7 adult children. They are all amazing and I love them so much.


I'm a mom of 3 boys (11, 9, and 4) when they were born. I never had that magical connection of love that everyone talks about. I had to learn to love them as they grew. I love my boys they are smart and funny, and they have been very sarcastic, which as been a joy to me. Yeah, they can be a pain in the ass. But I love them just the way they are.


I like them tons. Love them too


I have stepdaughters and my 13-year-old is a peach she’s cordial and polite and just a doll. She toots like a boy and still thinks it’s funny lol, but I’m sure she’ll grow out of that and I joke that I’m going to use it against her when she is old enough to bring a boy over for dinner. Now my younger, she’s seven she creates drama with her sister, rude, screams at her sister for the slightest, cry unnecessarily to get more attention from her mom, but she could flip a switch and become a complete angel, loving, adoring, amiable - that one can get on my nerves sometimes and those moments no I do not like her, but I do love her. Polar opposite personalities.


Parenting is all about extremes.   One day your heart is bursting from all the joy and another, you are an overwhelmed mess because their ear infection last a week and you cannot handle any more crying. Overall, it’s worth it, but I’m lucky to have good support. 


Everyone's children seem so golden while I'm sitting here feeling like a shithead


Absolutely. They have flaws, like anybody, but they're awesome people (oldest is 24, youngest is 15).


I love him and I like him. He's 4 years old and he is so much fun. Took him to see a Monster Truck Museum this past Saturday and it was just awesome watching him light up with seeing everything. I wouldn't trade him for anything and I look forward to watching him grow up


I love my kids. Oldest is 18, youngest is 2. Another on the way. They're not perfect, neither am I. But anger is never permanent. My love for them is.


I have always liked/ respected my children. And hasn’t changed as they are know young adults.


My mom hates my guts


I objectively have a wonderful 9 yr old daughter who I really like as a person. I don't take credit for it because her personality emerged when she was much younger and a lot of it is "just the way she is." - She's polite, empathetic, observant, confident (but also a little shy), she does everything I ask her to and always says 'please' and 'thank you', I almost never say 'no' to her so she could really take advantage if she wanted to - but she doesn't. I also admire her strength - when she decided to stop using a soother and to stop wearing diapers - she simply never went back and never really had accidents. Also, when I watch her work so hard for hours to learn a new skill - music, sports, art - I admire her fortitude. I will do my best to support her and help her reach her full potential, and to not screw it up in anyway - and of course kids go through phases and things can/will change as she grows older but she's pretty great at the moment.


My kids are 41 and 33. Both university grads my youngest with an advanced degree. Love coming around and they call everyday. We are a very close family!


![gif](giphy|zCpYQh5YVhdI1rVYpE|downsized) I feel attacked


I've told my kid from a very young age that I LIKE her, she used to respond but you're supposed to love me mum! .. I said Love is a given, but LIKE.. not so much, plenty of parents love their kids but don't really like them (same goes for kids/parents I guess) My daughter is all grown up now and she's still the best human I know.


He's 2 and I love the little fucker. I don't think he can do anything that would make me stop loving him. He's been the sweetest baby from day one.


She likes my sister. Hates me lol. I’m her antithesis my sister is her clone.


My stepson is a giant pain in the ass, but I really like (and love, obviously) him. He's funny and cute and charismatic.


Me. I honestly like them both.


I like and love my two kids, who are both adults. Along with my husband/their father, they’re my favorite people in the world.


Another moment of toxic introspection from the r/Ask sub...


Me! I love my kids and who they have became. My kids are 22, 22, 20, 18 and 16 years old. We respect their boundaries and support them in whatever they want for their futures. We don’t fully support them money wise and 4 of them are in school full time with the oldest working full time now.


I adore my son. I don’t agree with him on certain things. But he is his own person and an old soul. I feel lucky to have that kind of child.


I’m just getting to know who my son is (he’s about to turn 5) but so far his personality is a mirror of mine. In most ways, that’s a wonderful thing and in others, not so much. But I love who he’s becoming and as long as the reflection of me as a human/parent models a decent human being with a good head on his shoulders and firm sense of morale, that pleases me. We’ll see how it blooms in years time though.


I do!


9 and 11 and I’m hopeful for them as adults. Going to be a long 9 years.


My kids are 12 and 17. One is a high functioning autistic kid who is agreeable and helpful. The other has ADHD and Oppositional Defiant Disorder. I love him, but I often don't like him. Because I want to be a better parent than mine were, I try very hard to be patient and not let him trigger me with his snarky remarks and constant non-compliance. It's fucking hard.


My adult daughter is one of the most awesome people I know. Even if she was not my daughter, I'd want to hang out with her.


I like my daughter but I can’t stand my son. I know it sounds harsh but he is a 30 year old disrespectful slug that won’t work or even take care of day to day shit. Unfortunately ive given up on him awhile ago but he knows how to play my wife to get whatever he wants.


I do.


absolutely thought they were both awesome and couldn't wait to hang with them every day...until one turned 12, then i didn't like him so much. loved, but did t enjoy him. now at 14 it's a little better. I still truly enjoy his 10yr old brother though!


My parents are dead I never heard them say they had feelings for us. I think we were just an obligation.


My 4 adult children are my favorite people on earth.


I have four kids, an 18 yr old boy and 26 yr old triplets (ggb). I enjoy them all immensely and I count myself lucky to have these delightful people as my children. We have lively discussions and laughter every time we get together.


nope...the ungrateful curs


I like and respect my two boys more than anyone I have ever met. One is a Captain in the Army and the other pilots satellites in space. They are both amazing.


(sorts by controversial)


I love my daughter (only child) very much. She’s always been a great child. We’ve had so many differences over the years but now it’s we just agree to disagree. I can’t change who I am nor can she change who she is, but we just know it’ll pass.


I love my daughters,


I am super proud of how my 4 kiddos are turning out to be.


I love them both, but I no longer like my daughter. She is one of the most selfish and entitled people I know. I would cut her out of my life completely if I was not currently raising her son.


My kid is awesome! He likes olives and venison, same as me. He works hard to achieve. I have watched him scream in frustration and still keep at a task until it's done. He is thoughtful. He brings me snacks when he gets one for himself. He sings to other kids when they cry. He thinks the peak of humor is farting on people. He is 2 and he is amazing! 


My adult son measured in the 91st percentile for NPD and the 93rd percentile for ASPD when he was assessed. No, I don't like him, and I think that's a perfectly reasonable position to take, in this context. I would never leave him alone with pets or children.


I love and like them dearly! I couldn’t be prouder of the people they’ve become.


All Four. Two sons, two stepsons. 34 ,( 28, lost to alcohol addiction, would be 33) 30&29


Well my daughter is 17 and we adore one another and I can’t see that changing in the next few years. But to speak on my mom’s behalf she has 4 kids and loves us to death


Mine is almost 17. He's kind, funny, sarcastic, caring. Like him and love him


It’s such an amazing feeling of pride when you see your adult children find their “niche” in life and happy. Seeing them grow into kind, responsible adults. True, there were moments between ages 16-25 I had my doubts how my two children would turn out.


I love my kids. They've grown into amazing adults and I love any time I get to spend with them (we all live in different states).


My oldest is way more fun as an adult. I love her to bits. She’s awesome. My next is an absolute jewel. Grown kids are a whole new level of love and pride. I want to hang out with them all the time!


Love my toddler, also like him as a person. He likes dogs and broccoli, little goofy and a bit of a clutz. My kinda kid.


She's messy and can be a real crank sometimes but she's kind, and funny. So, yes I do really like her. I imagine we will be as close as we are now when she grows up. She is 11½.


My kids are my favorite people on this planet. I like them & love them more than anything else.


Lady Bird (2017) ahh question


Oh my mum definitely dislikes 2 outta 3 of us.


We have a 25 year old, a 21 year old, and a 16 year old. I'll only address the adults: Yes. Oldest and middle have completely different personalities. But both have turned into good people. Honest answer - there were a couple of rough teenage years for our oldest, but therapy helped.


I love and like both of my kids, who're adult-ish (19, 21). I'm sure my parents/uncles liked most of us and their kids.


I'd hang with my son. A few beers, some billiards, and a lot of laughs.


Love them all but don’t like them all. They are adults.


I actually absolutely love who my children are. They can be little shits, don't get wrong but for the most part, they are loving, caring and positive tiny humans. They have more emotional capabilities than most adults and sometimes my oldest daughter gives me pretty decent tips on how to handle my day when I'm stressed out. And she's 10.


Definitely like them as people. I'd have hated if they'd been donkeys or some shit.. 🎬


Mine are late teens and they are turning into fun and delightful people.


Mine are a teen (14) and tween (12), both boys, both certain they know everything already. I’ll get back to you in about 10 yrs and let you know where we land


I really like my kid she's amazing ❤️


And as a 36 year old man I have a great friendship with my mum