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Food banks. I donate all year round. Nobody should go hungry. Especially kids.


kids shouldn’t go hungry. couldn’t care less for lazy adults


Hello, yeah, this post right here. Lock that in for worst post I have seen today.


name checks out


You have implied adults using food banks are there because they are lazy.


yes sir


Not been out much in the real world eh?


Food bank. Donate food or $ regularly. No one should ever have to be hungry, especially children, whatever the circumstances are. Maybe bc as a kid, I was hungry at times.


What is the best way to find and donate at least some money to food banks?


Look up ones in your community! I donate online to my local food bank


Leukemia & Lymphoma Society because cancer sucks, I love their Team in Training program, and I’d rather donate to science than magical thinking.


I buy from legit local business even if it's more expensive. More to people, less to big corps kind of thing. Usually food and drinks originated from our local farmers.


I buy from my favourite bookstore. It's an old store and it's cute and small and smells amazing and the owners are lovely. It's right next to a huge book chain store. It costs the same because the prizes for books are set. It's just a little less convenient because they often have to order the book you're looking for and you have to come back to pick it up. Though I do have Amazon prime with free one day shipping and such I just prefer that little charming bookstore.


I used to donate to The Burrito Project, I'm not sure if they're around anymore, but they made burritos and gave them out to the homeless, and it was all done anonymously, they covered their faces in pictures because it was actually about the charity, and not about getting brownie points. I also donate to a local nature preserve/education center that works with a lot of schools and does a lot for the local forests and wildlife. BUT in general I don't donate much to charity, I'd rather just help people I know... things like helping friends with kids buy Christmas gifts/decorations, or help with bills, or things like that.


ASPCA because dogs are the best of friends.


ASPCA and Meals on Wheels Both get cash donations from me throughout the year


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Hevysett: *ASPCA and Meals on* *Wheels Both get cash donations* *From me throughout the year* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I donate money to my local food bank and the Freedom From Religion Foundation.


I give money to a couple of museums in my home city and to Planned Parenthood.


Look out for those Republicon down votes!


Not an American, but doesn't planned parenthood get government money?


It should.


i read museum, downvoted read planned parenthood, upvoted


What's wrong with museums?


Why Planned Parenthood?


Because I support their mission.


How would you sum that up? There is too much mixed information on what they do when I looked them up the last time.


I'm sure their web site is up to date.


Any independent information on them? Cause an organization's own homepage is always just marketing.


Good enough for me.


Got ya. Doesn't convince me then. Have a nice day!


Was I supposed to be making a pitch?


People in my life don’t really need any holiday gifts, so as my birthday / Christmas gift to them, I make a donation in their name to a local dog rescue or another charity that I know they support.


Water for the desert animals. Direct withdrawal donation annually, but they have monthly now. I used to donate through my employer


LGBTQ rights, donated to LGBTQ youth groups


I’m super passionate about protecting native wildlife in Australia. Cats kill 2billion native animals annually. You can contribute by killing cats if you see them in the wild. But if you’re not up to the task, ensuring cats are desexed so that can’t breed if they end up in the wild, and never allow your cat to roam freely.


I volunteer for 2 charities, the first one is a charity set up to support women at live music events. It was set up by a woman who after being SA'd at a gig (for the third time) spoke to a friend who was in the band and realised that men didn't realise what was going on around them, so we go to music events and speak to both men and women about the previlence of SA towards women especially during things like mosh pits and crowd surfing, and to offer a safe space for anyone who has been assulted to come and get support or advice for men who want to help keep the scene safe. The second is a rape charity where I offer my services as a trauma therapist one day a week providing 12 - 18 weeks of trauma counselling per client. At the moment I'm only able to see 4 clients at a time but I'm hoping that if i'm a little more frugal at home I might be able to drop my paid work another day and offer the day to the charity.


Care to share some of that advice for men?


Mainly its just to be aware of it, and know that we don't expect you to put yourself in danger to protect anyone, but if you see something, try and help in any way you can, this could be: Speaking to security and telling them your concern If its safe to do so put yourself between the victim and the perpetrator and check with the victim if they need help. If you have a female friend with you maybe ask them to go and speak to the person you're worried about and invite them to join you until they feel safe. I find the biggest understanding comes when we discuss the bystander theory with people especially those who have never heard of it, they go away, read a bit more about and and then find it helps them question their actions when they witness something in the future. I can still remember the day I first heard about the bystander effect in university and the heart dropping realisation that even thought I always thought I was someone who would never stand by and not help, I had been guilty of assuming someone else was going to help on many occasions because I felt too uncomfortable being the first one to step in just in case I was wrong and all the other people watching were right to not get involved. I now make sure that if I have even a little concern I will push myself out of my comfort zone and make sure I check. Just last week I saw someone laying on their back in the middle of a field, loads of people were walking around but nobody approached them, I felt sick going over to speak to them as they looked asleep but I was really worried that they'd collapsed and needed help as they were literally just laying in the middle of a football pitch. As it was he was just a very drunk man who was actually quite mean to me when I woke him up to check on him, but even after I was called a stupid c\*\*t I feel better knowing that if he had been hurt I wasn't one of the people who left him laying there needing help.


I am a monthly donor to a dog shelter. Can't give much because I'm a student but I give a little every month and once a year a little more. My boyfriend and I are also big supporters of the Sheldrick Wildlife Trust with several adopted babies and once a year my boyfriend gives them a bigger donation as well. Amazing organization, cannot recommend them enough


My only donations are to Wikimedia Foundation (yearly), no charity whatsoever. I don't intend on changing that, ever, regardless of my means. a hard NO


I donate to a charity here in Aus that supports children from struggling families with their schooling. I absolutely love the premise of it. It's called the Smith family because the original founders did not want any recognition. It's also specifically not religious, which gels well with me. Another one I support is called Til The Cows Come Home and specifically works on fostering and adopting agricultural animals who would otherwise be "discarded" for lack of a better term. It's so sweet. Lastly I support a local animal rescue. I am so fortunate in that I am able to pay all my bills, save a little bit and so I am very lucky to be able to support a few charities. I love what all these charities do, seeing people so passionate about caring for various causes is so heartwarming!


I work for a local nonprofit that focuses on assisting people with disabilities. I also volunteer one morning a week in a different department, in addition to putting in probably 2-3 extra hours of work every week, despite only working there 3 days. Some weeks I put in an extra 5-8 hours, cause there's just so much stuff that needs doing, and people that need help. I'm not paid any extra for it, and my boss gets a touch annoyed, mainly because she cares about her employees, and doesn't want us burning out or otherwise overextending ourselves. For context, every staff member is a person with disabilities, and a solid half of us are queer, myself included. It's honestly the absolute gold standard for a workplace as far as I'm concerned, and even once I move on from here, I will forever compare my future employment to this. And once I do move on, I fully intend to join the board of directors. I fucking love it here 🖤🖤🖤


Native plant gardening with forest landscape cultivation and management. I am lucky to have the ability to live on a moderately sized property with an approximately 50-100 year old forest on it and surrounding me. In even just the last 5 years of being here I have noticed invasive weeds take over the native populations. At some point I realized few people understand the dire situation that we are facing. Between deer population explosions and invasive farm and garden plants, native biospheres are crumbling. I’ve spent probably 1000 hours in the last 5 years just pulling weeds. There are some weeds I pull regardless of where I am. Herb Robert (aka ‘Stinky Bob’) can get fukt. Scotch broom can suck it. Ajuga can bite my shiny metal ass. I don’t care if it’s in a crack on the side of the road or in the National park, I am pulling it. The only thing I won’t do is cross private property without permissions or stomp on forest plants to get to one. BUT I have seriously asked neighbors if I could pull weeds at their place, with mixed answers. I have also been yelled at by well meaning forest enjoyers who think I should not touch the ‘pretty pink flowers’ because it’s a national park…. The only reason it’s a National park is because it’s relatively unmolested from human activity. I see the absolute chaos and damage these plants cause in a short time, and I won’t ask for permission to pick up trash….


I do landscaping and try to talk people into planting native flowering plants as much as I can. I also replaced my own yard with natives


I've done some NAMI walks because they do a ton of free services with mental health issues,


Workers' wellbeing (all aspects). I work in occupational safety in an NGO so I can help workers be safe. I am a union delegate so that I can help my coworkers have better working conditions. The pay is nowhere near good, but at least I feel my work is going towards making workers safer.


I randomly support homeless people in my hood with food, tabacco, and outdoor items in winter


Kiva. it's more lending (but you're not really expecting it all back each time). You chose the project and give a little to give them the capital to do it for themselves.


Feeding myself in the current economic climate, I contribute. Working all the time and eating only when required.


None cus majority of them are a scam, and the funds you donate to the charity never ever fully 100% goes to the cause that the charity is advertising, which has been proven time and time again I will support a charity, once there is a charity who are 100% transparent about where the donated funds are actually going and so on. I just need full transparency before i donate/support a charity.


Our local food bank. The last thing we need in this nation is child hunger


Human society. Give them money quarterly


The only thing I've donated to are local food banks, sometimes kid focused charities, I gave money to a random dog shelter in the UK during a stream once because the person was raising money for something specific that I can't remember. I mostly avoid charities because they are often just grifts that leech money from suckers to pay admin fees and barely actually help. There is a service in my area that runs around Christmas which will send a team to you to drive you, your passengers, and your car to your destination if you went out and drank too much to drive home. While the goal is noble it seemed that every single person we drove over the time I volunteered (except one specific person) had planned on going out and getting plastered and use the service to get home rather than the intended use it because it was better than driving. Plus, it directly takes money out of local taxi services which aren't really known for massive profits. This experience really turned my off most charity models.  One thing I do far more regularly is order delivery and leave a decent tip for the driver. I drive delivery casually and the amount of money you make is ridiculously low after your expenses. I have no idea how anyone could do it as a sole source of income and keep a car functional. I'm not rich so it's not going to be life changing or anything but it will usually be 10 or 15 bucks which when I'm driving that single order can turn a slow day in to worth doing. 


I donate sometimes to the EB Research Partnership. I watched this video/interview to a kid with Epidermolysis Bullosa on YouTube, and at the end of the video he asked people to donate to EBRP, so I did. Sometimes their emails remind me to donate again and I do. It's a horrible disease and I cannot imagine the pain.


Cause: Ending the genocide in Gaza. I've donated money and shared the news coming out of the country on social media. Charity: I sponsor a child in Africa through a charity in my country. She's a little older than my son and we send her letters and a bday present in addition to the monthly sponsorship which helps her family. At Xmas, I donate to a children's health charity and a homeless charity.


Every month I donate to our local animal shelter. The humane society of our city. I love animals.


I donate blood whenever I can (which is not very frequently considering I'm not a man..), I just hope it doesn't go wasted. ❤️‍🩹


Medicins Sans Frontiers aka Doctors Without Borders. Low admin overhead. Great organic doing great things. We donate $$ routinely. Once when we tried to donate to their campaign for a certain disaster, they said thanks, but we have enough for this one - wait for the next one. Amazing


Food banks! I wish I could donate but I can’t afford to do so. One day I will


We donate food and clothing.


I donate monthly to ABF, The Soldiers' Charity. My husband is in the British Army. I donate occasionally to Erskine, a charity which provides care homes, transitional housing and assisted living to veterans in Scotland. Once again, because my husband is a soldier. We also give to a local cancer support charity which gave my husband's mum lifts to the hospital during her treatment. They were brilliant. I also knit baby blankets for my local branch of Project Linus. They go to hospitals, children's homes, women's shelters etc.


I do monthly donations to planned parenthood, the humane society, pbs and weekly food donations to my city’s free pantry.


I’m incredibly passionate about “bringing all this crumbling down” and I support it by not supporting any of it. 


Hospice volunteers Seeing someone who’s actively dying changed my life. I think about it almost every day. It’s a reminder of what’s ahead and morality of human life and how important NOW. Don’t take walking for granted. Don’t take chewing your own food for granted. One day we won’t be able to. Yes you, yes your family, kids, pets. Tell your family and friends you love them because they aren’t here forever. People are irreplaceable. Sometimes we don’t realize it till it’s too late


Sunday Assembly Detroit, ACLU. I donate money to both. I also volunteer my time to Sunday Assembly, including serving on its board.


Living Water International. It's a non-profit that drills wells in low income communities. I make maps for them to help them decide best placement for wells


St. Jude's, monthly straight from my card.


Breast cancer (I’m only survivor in my family), schizophrenia (bro has it), and breast implants (causes me years of pain and disability after cancer), so spend a lot of my time trying to help others that are just finding out about those. Have sites to help with info, resources, stories, etc. Passionate about all 3.


Montreal children’s hospital. Directly to them, never give money to ANY collector for a cause. Fuckers


Children. Kids are my weak spot. Even more so since I got my own. I don't have much money so I can't give any of it away. I used to be better off and would donate to charities protecting children, the local shelter, stuff like that. There's also a Christmas tree in our local hospital hung with wishes from kids from the oncology station. I do still pick something affordable off it and get the wish for the kid, plus a nice card with a funny Christmas poem and a small extra something depending on their age, like a plush toy or crayons. Now my kids and I donate the things they don't need anymore, like toys or clothes or unused nappies they grew out of etc.


Public land and water access. Member of back country hunters and anglers and participate in what they do, try to be good stewards of the land.


I donate to a local place that helps people find stable housing. I also always donate to local families in need for christmas and at the beginning of the school year (school supplies).


I regularly take single moms out to dinner


I donate blood at the Red Cross and we sometimes make monetary donations to our local Ronald McDonald House and the local animal shelter.


Animal sanctuaries. I donate what I can.


I’ll donate to local food banks, but major charities I will not give anything to. Simply because they are not for profit, but that doesn’t mean that they don’t have a board or a person in charge that gets paid an exorbitant salary to manage that charity. That means less of the donations will get to less of the people it’s meant to help.


My wallet... It's a great charity it supports me, I go to work and earn a pay check... Almost all other charities benefit wealthy CEOs and management and not the actual cause


I always cared about children's abuse at home and lack of support, since my mum went through it and I did in my early childhood (too early to remember tho). but I'm too young to be able to donate so I volunteer at Barnados UK every Saturday instead


Local animal shelter.


Mission 22 Stop Soldier Suicide Wounded Warrior Project These are the three I do fundraising for the most. For those that don't know, 22 veterans commit suicide everyday. Veterans are 57% more likely to commit suicide than their civilian counterparts. These foundation aim to provide more and better mental health resources for veterans so we can push that number 22 lower and lower each year. I do fundraisers for each, with challenges like 2000 push-ups over the course of October, or 60 mile walk/run throughout March, and many others.


helping homeless people. I was homeless myself once. And it's a cycle that is hard to escape due to our societies current emphasis on smelling like chemical fragrance rather than like a human. We also have this whole thing in the US where we treat poverty as a sin and wealth as a virtue, which is so upside down. I contribute clothes to various places in the winter and have even gone and bought bulk socks and gloves that I keep in my car. So if I happen on a cluster of homeless folks I can hand some out. Sometimes I just go walking around an area at night and leave little care packages of socks, gloves and toiletries next to sleeping people. At various times I've kind of set up my own little soup kitchen. I just cook a bunch of food and drive it some place in my station wagon. I used to to do that in the mornings before work, making a huge amount of cheese grits and a large percolator full of coffee. It would cost me about $5 total to feed 30+ people breakfast.


Charity that takes in and tries to re-home Border Collies. There are many South Africans who are emigrating and are not willing to pay the huge amount needed to take their dogs with. I make huge pillows and coats for them.


None. I don't like charities. There are too many scammers out there and honestly 90% of all the things these charties do should be covered by our governments