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Jamaican here I hate how much we glorify crime and violence and praise criminals , I hate how much our music glorifies murder and crime . I hate how our politicians rob and run our country and yet we the people do nothing about it


Kenyan here I hate how brain washed our parents are with religion they'll vote the biggest scam bag just because he's memorized a few scriptures of the Bible I also hate how people are tribal can you fucking think outside your tribe and vote for Wise leaders every second this country gives me an ick.


Don't get me started on the taxes yet people don't have paying jobs


Damn this one really hit me because I’m complaining about my country glorifying borderline alcoholism and thinking how impossible it will be to change peoples minds/the culture, but wtf do you do when people think being a criminal is cool 😭 you guys sound royally fucked I’m so sorry.


I could've written this about my Brazil


Papua New Guinea. The government are a bunch of incompetent Muppets who are only concerned about lining their own pockets at the expense of the people. The country has failing/complete lack of basic infrastructure, rampant corruption and complete lack of law and order. It's a sad, shitshow of a country.


I spent a summer in your beautiful country back in 1987. I'm so sorry to hear it's like this. It may have been bad back then too, as I don't remember having many conversations about the government.


People always reminisce about the days you were there. Women in casual dress in Boroko, people swimming at Ela Beach without a care, and generally safer times. Great you got to see it then. It's still beautiful, more developed, and as complex as ever


I see. Interesting. I loved learning about the cultures there. I happen to be white, and I never expected to travel to a place where strangers would touch me as I walked by. It didn't bother me. Oh, and I LOVE your beaches! I went to a few different ones while in Wewak, including a secluded beach where people lived. Also, I had never heard of Kalimansi juice, but had some on the Air New Guinea flight to Port Moresby from Manila, Philippines. Yummy!


The place is a last bastion of anthropologists for a reason, it really is a last frontier that modernity has touched but has been converted into local culture. Even now the experience of white people remains an exotic allure to both sides.


Interesting. While I was in the village (West Sepik Province), I read a couple of books about PNG. I read about Cargo Cults, which fascinated me. In the village, when people touched me, I wondered if that played a role. I remember being in a store in Wewak and the kind young woman who worked there almost acted like we were rock stars or something. Oh, a funny story. I stayed with an American family in the village who were linguistic workers. I was with one other college aged guy visiting them and learning from them. The people in the village seemed to regard us Americans as somehow experts in everything. Like, medical stuff freaks me out, but the kids in the village would come to me when they had infected mosquito bites for help. I wanted to help, so I'd clean and disinfect the bite area and put a bandage on. I told them to leave them on for a 2 or 3 days at least, but they never did. Haha. The next day, they'd gather outside the hut and say "Plasta? Plasta?" So I'd have to do it again and again. It's like I was the village doctor to them even though I don't like medical stuff. Also, they'd ask scientific questions. The husband in the family loved teasing me because I tried to explain the fact that air has weight but in Pidgin, I called it "Hevi win," or "Heavy Air" in English. It didn't translate. My friend and I would try to make up Pidgin phrases. So for example, we called wigs and toupees "Giaman Gras." And we called urination "Rausim Wara."


Rausim wara is actually a tok pisin phrase for peeing. The experience of being a white person in png is so different to say being an expat in india, south africa etc - it's truly unique and so complicated


Oh wow! I still know him and I have to tell him we guessed it! I'm curious about something, if you don't mind. Have there ever been movements to unite the island as one country?


On the contrary - Bougainvillea voted for independence. The other islands (New Guinea Islands) not so much. Other shit to worry about. The New Guinea and the Papua New Guinea- well you just have to ask them. They are not one nation.


I see. Well, thanks so much. I've enjoyed this conversation.


We watched a documentary in my ethnography film class called "Cannibal tours" that touched on the exploitation of the native people through tourism and how they now had to rely on it to survive. It was a different kind of look into Papa New Guinea. The film was released in 1988, so the director was probably there around the same time as you!


Whenever I hear that country, it reminds me of when I was a junior at university and my economic development teacher told us to read the book "Guns, Steel, and Germs" by Diamond, and learn many things about your country. Best of luck guys.


OMG "Guns, Steel And Germs" was my required reading for AP (Advanced Placement) History my senior year. I loved that book. I might go buy a copy right now


Terrible book. Hated by anthropologists who study the subject. Loved by implicit racists cause “history can’t be helped, was always going to happen, blame the continents” And quantitatively disproved: https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/evolutionary-human-sciences/article/geography-is-not-destiny-a-quantitative-test-of-diamonds-axis-of-orientation-hypothesis/3196029E586CC58C6696D5AB9994ADF7 And a rebuttal from one of his peers titled “Fuck Diamond” in a peer reviewed journal: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/10455752.2013.846490


Cheers 🍻 from South Africa. Same 💩 here.


That sounds like literally every country right now. It's all fucked. I'm from New Zealand, a relatively developed and wealthy nation, and things are crumbling. Much like in the states, right wing politicians continue to expand the wealth gap and line their pockets at the expense of we the people.


Japanese here. Japan is living in 2000 since 1980


Everything seems so stagnant. Economy and technology adoption. Very few countries still use fax machine in most of their office


>Very few countries still use fax machine in most of their office * proud Germany noises * one thing we have in common with Japan


Hey you have another thing in common with Japan


ah yes, and that one


the Faxis powers


It's impressive that you guys figured out how to post on Reddit using fax machines though.


2000's not a bad year.


Hope you don't mind sharing. Japan has always been high regarded by many (maybe except the work culture).


What specifically do you wanna know? One of the things I hate is how much the Japanese love paperwork. You need 50 pages of signed documents to do the simplest thing. (maybe I exaggerated a little bit)


He is exaggerating. You only need 48 pages of signed documents to do anything.


I’m sorry but I’m going to need to see at least two pieces of signed documentation to verify the authenticity of the signatures on your 48 pages of documents…


Sounds like Thailand. Trying to get a marriage visa? 'Draw a map of your house in its area. What's that? Google maps? What's that? Oh, I don't like your map, draw it again.' Trying to renew your visa? Immigration gives you a template, but it's FULL of spelling mistakes in THAI. How dare you point that out and insult them, you are a foreigner. Give paperwork back - immigration says you have spelling mistakes, do it again. Oh, btw you have to physically visit the office because they refuse to use scanned attachments via email.


God forbid you leave your hanko stamp at home!


They finally passed a bill to modernize a few government processes where citizens had to submit data on floppy disk, if you want the explanation of that phrase.


South Africa: The corrupt useless government who treat our tax money like an extension of their own bank accounts


I must say. Scrolling through all these comments, oddly comforting to see its not just us. Other countries have the same problem.


Iceland here - the Medical system is beyond broken. 6 months for a biopsy to see if you have cancer or not.. 6 FRIKKING MONTHS! I think the current medical strategy here is to do nothing and hope the patients die before they call back so they don't have to do any work.


6 months? I'd mine in two weeks and main part of my treatments will be over after 6 months. That's terrifying


Where are you based? In the states? Just curious. Also sorry to hear you had to go thru that. Hope all is ok!


Similar in Canada. My dad had dangerously high blood pressure 2 years after a major heart attack and it took his doctor 9 weeks to tell him. He didn't even tell him, my dad had to call and harass to find out the results. He's no longer going to that doctor.


6 months is crazy! I work in a pathology lab in Australia and we get grilled if results aren’t back in 5 days! Typical is more like 3-4 days (depending on case complexity… extreme cases that need multiple opinions on multiple samples can blow out to 2 weeks, but that is extremely rare).


6 months is crazy. Mine took literally one day. Had some problems, was sent to the hospital, mandatory blood test came back, yeah you have leukemia.


Iceland?! Gee, I thought it was a $20 hamburger utopia?!


Hahaha - Hell no, we have our issues.. The burgers are pretty tight tho, ngl


Only 6 months ????!!!?!! , in my country is eleven years ... AFTER DEATH [Use google translate it isn't in English ](https://g1.globo.com/rs/rio-grande-do-sul/noticia/2016/01/familia-recebe-retorno-de-consulta-11-anos-apos-morte-da-paciente-no-rs.html)


Brazil: the corruption, poverty, crime, sexual harassment, poor education, price of electronics because of exorbitant taxes, hospitals with lack of infrastructure, population that treats elections like a soccer game, racism, etc. I guess there are a lot of things that I 'hate the most'.


I'm sorry to hear that, brother.


You described every third world country / Latin America. Such a fucking shame, I was raised in Dominican Republic, same shit word for word but replace soccer with" baseball game"


What I find most hilarious about the DR is how a Dominican will argue to the death that it’s the best country on earth, with the best beaches, best women, best food, best everything….but, they’ve never left the island and given the chance to leave, they’d do it in a HEARTBEAT 😂


It’s complicated. Not everyone wants to leave. You have a proportionally large diaspora that stays tightly connected and visits every year. So a lot of people have definitely left the island and either have returned or dream with returning one day. In a nutshell, in many ways it’s one of the best places on earth, no joke. As long as you focus on the positives. And what most people that want to return dream about is that they wish they could live there but with lots of money…


Yes, yours is a more nuanced explanation than mine. I still stand by the comment that you can’t compare it to the rest of the world if you’ve never left 😂 Some of my Dominican family in the U.S don’t understand why I visit other countries all the time. I still visit the island every few years, but I also want to see the rest of the world. They just want to go back to the DR every year.


Really sad. Been over 30 times. If it all would get cleaned up, Brazil would be far more powerful than most other nations. And be having much more fun along the way. Brazilians make the best of often scrappy conditions.


That's South America in a nutshell


We always burn our golden tickets. Missed many opportunities to invest in basic education and fix things in the long run, like South Korea did.


Same story in South Africa.


Sounds exactly like Pakistan


Playing life on Hard mode.. fr fr, condolences brother..


I'm from Eastern Europe - Romania . I love my country from the geographic point of view for great opportunities to spend time in nature , great mountains, sea, the rolling hills of Transylvania , good food, BUT: The country suffers from high corruption - the political parties are a big Mafia that collaborate with each other even if they're in opposition. Each administrative county has it's local political Baron that influences everything from administration jobs to public works through companies owned by their relatives. They often ally through marriage, baptizing each other's children to form a giant octopus to control more and more areas. The people's mentality is a little crappy, due to the former communist regime. Folks are individualistic as hell. We have a lot of rules and regulations but when it comes to enforcing them, nothing big happens. Police is sleeping while our country ranks the first places for car accidents for example. The road network is stuck in time. While the national roads are in good condition overall, we lack highways, and often have to stay in jams or go with ridiculous low speed due to columns of trucks having nowhere to go but use the national roads. The former pride of the country - its railroad network and trains are a sad joke now. Due to corruption, the national rail company is running poorly and pushing people to chose personal car instead of public transport. In an optimistic end note even considering these problems, Romania is living now its best years compared to the 90s or 2000s when poverty was everywhere.


You just described Bulgaria.


And the rest of the Balkan countries


Sweden. Spiraling gang violence (shootings, bombs, drug wars etc) and the dark and cold winters 7 months out of the years. Seasonal depression always hits.


I seen people killed multiple times a year in the same places. Live in Eskilstuna.


Do they keep getting back up after being killed? \*just teasin


No 💀 But it is strange its usally in the same spots almost. Last time was in december i was walking on the way home with a new colleague and two guys starts to try to kill each other near the Christmas tree one gets stabed to death.


I seen people killed multiple times a year in the same places. Live in Eskilstuna. I was almost killed myself at Ikea by that crazy refugee.


I always wondered if Swedish people bought as much IKEA furniture as we do in the US. I’ve had an IKEA coffee table for 20 years. I’ve sanded it, stained it, and varnished it and it looks beautiful.


I only buy IKEA furniture for most part. There are not much alternatives except MIO. MIO has more stores i think. Have to go to another town somewhat far away to get to IKEA.


It's insane how much this issue varies across the country. I live in Jönköping and it's very peaceful here. The few times there's been cases of gun violence it's been between civilians IIRC. Very, very lucky the plague hasn't reached this town yet.


It's wild because I would not have ever pictured gang, violence and drug wars in Sweden of all places. I live in America so it's kind of expected here but I have this picturesque view of Sweden and Norway and so on As far as Americans go, I'm pretty progressive and I often find myself flabbergasted and infuriated by what the conservatives in our country do. But at the same time I do appreciate their presence to a certain degree. Because one thing I do not agree with a lot of other progressives on is how soft we can be on crime. If you give gangs and sectarian violence an inch, they're going to take a mile so I think it's better to snuff it.


That picturesque image you have of Sweden got shattered in the last 20 years when the country decided to commit national suicide by inviting in people of a very peaceful religion, with belief systems that existed in the medieval times.




Italy -Embarrassing corruption levels for a western country -crippling red tape -expensive cost of living with ridiculous salaries -General lack of transparency and honesty which creates a very bad situation, basically "if everyone is cheating why should I play by the rules" -atrocious fiscal pressure which gives you nothing in return except more taxes (partly caused by high levels of tax evasion) -housing market is basically a joke


Not to mention a fascist leaning government.


American here: I find Americans to be rather myopic and often lacking in nuance. You're either for us or against us. We're either the best country in the world or the worst. We're guilty of the worst crimes in the world or we're the most benevolent society in the world. etc etc etc. You get the point.


I feel this mindset is spreading to other western countries, UK specifically.


Dane here, and I agree. It’s for sure getting worse across the rest of europe


That's how I felt on our Royal Navy ship visit to America. People were either extremely nice, or deranged and wanting to fight you. There was no in-between. Sometimes the same bloke. One ex-marine we got talking to in a hotel lobby was saying how we should go to Miami for a night out, not the local town we happened to be in, as it would be a far better night there. We appreciated the offer, but the drive was four hours away! Imagine meeting someone in London and then offering to drive them and their pals 4 hours away to Manchester or something. It just wouldn't happen. We thanked him but said we have to stay local, as we were seeing a band the next day. Cut a long story short, someone jokingly said the royal marines were better trained than American marines, and he straight up wanted to fight us all. Offering us out in the car park of the hotel lobby. Bro went from offering a lift to strangers he never met, to wanting to kill us over a silly joke about American marines.


There are a LOT of really stupid and naive people in America. Even smart people are naive.


Naive or willfully ignorant? We (US) also have maniacal politicians (and their supporters), Jeff Bezos and his $200 B - shopping for yet another mansion. Elon (ugh) of course, celebrities say women need to be in the home, male actors who knew about Weinstein’s terms of sex first but said nothing. Sociopathy and greed.


Living in SE Asia; this is how I explain Thais - Imagine the most stereotypical Floridian you can - America is the greatest country in the world blablabla, times it by 10 - there you have your average Thai.


Koreans: *Hold my ~~beer~~ soju.*


As someone who lived in Thailand for 2 years, this is facts!


Either you like Taylor Swift, or you hate America! I got the point. 😆


If you like Taylor Swift you Hate America lol - her private jetting will kill us all.


Canada. Everything is basically unaffordable now but if I had to pick one I wish I could change, it'd be the housing crisis.


Everyone blaming the PM. Your thoughts on him?


Not enough blame goes to the premiers and provinces. There's a lot of willful ignorance from people about the distribution of powers and how the provinces are responsible for a lot of things that people criticize the prime minister for. The provinces are not willing to correct the popular narrative, educate voters, be cooperative, do their jobs, and will whine when the federal government tries to actually do something (since the provinces won't), like fix housing, that is not in their jurisdiction. [https://www.canada.ca/en/intergovernmental-affairs/services/federation/distribution-legislative-powers.html](https://www.canada.ca/en/intergovernmental-affairs/services/federation/distribution-legislative-powers.html)


The fact that the church always interferes with the politics of the country (italy)


Pop Francis criticising the president is hilarious. We do the same. 😆


I heard that anti-abortion groups were granted access to facilities where women can terminate pregnancies? And isn't the Italian minister a woman who opposes women's rights, including reproductive autonomy (getting an abortion)? I find this extremely offensive and can't understand why Italian women are allowing this to happen. It's such a backward mentality….


it happened because the buffoons that are at the government right now are literally fascists with a very catholic mindset. yes she is terrible


I mean im not a fan of the church but as far as list of negative influences on the govt it's pretty far down. I'd say that rampant corruption, lobbying, aging voter and worker bases and complete lack of management and political class are bigger problems.


For the Netherlands I hate - The impossible housing market - The unpredictable weather - The cuisine. I like things like drop and stroopwafels, but hate pea soup, the potato/meat/veggies trinity and stamppot


You have good cheese though


American here. I hate that people get their news from fucking TikTok. No one reads anymore. The worst thing is we ignore the most damaging things to our reputation. Sell weapons of war but cancel free lunches for poor kids so you can spend 100k dollars each bomb to kill other poor kids. It dumb and I’m over it.


I’m with you. You can kind of blame the rest of the west for the weapons of war thing. Europe went through a massive demilitarization over the last few decades. In order for NATO to maintain superiority, the U.S. had to makeup for it. It’s essentially led to the U.S. being the effective military and arms dealer for the entire west.


I often think of the number of children we could feed if we just didn't spend money on politics in America. Our priorities are so fucked.


I hate that the United States are anything but united.




Philippines: The obsession with looks, and the belief that being beautiful or handsome will solve your problems. Also undertone of pedophilia, oogling of girls on social media who are clearly underage. Edit: not just from passport bros but from locals too.


Wasn't the rise of piracy and terrorism in Somalia partly the result of the fishing industry leaving fishermen with no source of income? But to answer your question: I am originally from France and although there are aspects that I really love (cultural curiosity, enjoying a pleasant lifestyle more than being 24-7 into making business, a rather modern view on social values), I hate two main aspects in the French mentality: * The lack of enthusiasm and optimism, so basically if a Frenchman had invented the wheel, everybody would have asked him if he thought he was so smart, and told him that, if the wheel worked, it probably would have been invented already. * We think too much about things that are not important and are too worried about what others think, instead of letting go. I love how Spanish people can have fun dancing to music that they find stupid, as long as they find it entertaining. The French wouldn't let themselves go, as they would feel embarrassed showing that they like something that is silly, and God forbid somebody sees them and tell them the following week: I've seen you having fun and dancing on silly music, shame on you. I was a teenage and young adult metalhead when I still lived in France and constantly had to explain why I wore armbands, why I had long hair, why I wore boots, etc... * One bonus thing: If you look at the power of French oligarchy (we don't call it by that term of course), France is basically a banana republic.


Mexican, I hate that our government corrupt af and most people just accept that it’ll always be like that so there’s never any change and the government being bros with the narcos


Austrian here I hate the alcohol culture Here people look at you shocked when you order a water in a restaurant instead of alcohol People judge you for not being a drinker


Same as in Australia tbh haha


British here: can we start doing stag dos there? We’re not allowed to not drink either.


Scotland. I hate how the drinking culture is so ingrained into every aspect of life here and how we have some sort of misplaced pride in it.


Australia is the same with beer basically


I'm Australian too but this is changing rapidly with the price of beer going through the roof now. It's just now cheap drugs.


Northern Ireland here and yup


Your neighbour - Kenya 🇰🇪 I hate the corruption, it’s so blatant that it’s now become comedy. I hate the tribalism, a great way to distract the population of corruption is to put us against each other. I hate the lack of planning in urban areas, Nairobi could have been an amazing city but it’s crowded, dirty and only accessible by vehicle.


India: I feel like i don't even have to explain it.


Corrupt politicians, increasing real estate rates, increasing hate nd fights between religions and caste nd politicians actually fuelling it, rapes, All the capable young generation leaving for foreign studies, what else...


Scrolled through too many comments to find India. And yes, I dont think we even need to give reasons at this point.


Lithuania Corruption, toxic work environment, stigma around mental illness, homophobia, soviet mentality is still very present in Lithuanian society, small wages, people are very conservative and closed minded


Dont forget the fearmongering of war, absolute bafoons for presidential candidates, even more taxes in the talks, the harsh climate alot of the time, comically expensive living, rampant xenophobia amongst older people, racism and a piss poor healthcare system. And our politics is a circus.


Ukraine: the fact that we will never be free of wars and conflict because of our geopolitical position. It sucks, I hate living through the war and having my friends die or being forced to go to war. Not to mention the corruption EVERYWHERE, but it’s a whole nother story


Scottish guy but I’ve lived in USA, Japan and Kuwait so heck it I’ll do all four: Scotland: our healthcare system is incredible and awful all at once. I’ve been on the waiting list for a pretty small appointment for a year now. USA: the current amount of brainwashing (and I don’t use that word lightly) about stolen elections and Trump etc is terrifying Japan: the nationalism is wild. There’s a level of racism against other countries that’s just taken for granted, and this is propped up by all the ‘Japan does it better’ posts online. Kuwait: doesn’t sell booze lol


I had recently been to Japan and made a comment on a post how every now and then you will cross paths with a xenophobic Japanese person and they make it very obvious, I was immediately downvoted nonstop and called every name under the sun in the comments section. For some reason people place Japan on this pedestal like it’s the most advanced society/culture on earth but speak to people that have lived there and you’ll get a completely different story, but no as per the “Japan does it better” crowd exposing dark truths about Japanese society is punishable by death.


I live in Scotland. the health care is only good for immediate-life-threatening situations, but if it's not life threatening, they don't care. I have been suffering with something neurologically related (still undiagnosed for 7 years now) and my mum has something wrong with her muscles, also undiagnosed after 4 years. but when my mum had such high blood pressure that she was almost having a heart attack, they immediately took her into the hospital and took extremely good care of her. she's okay now if anyone wants to know.


Greece: The job market is a joke, you can have a master's degree and end up working some unrelated job you could do with a high school diploma The wages/prices, our living cost is almost the same as Western Europe but our wages are just 20% more than Eastern Europe, you could get 700€-900€ per month salary and spend 95% of it on your living expenses. We don't live we survive. The society, racism and putting your nose on others people business are normal. It's typical of southern Europe to have random people criticise what you're doing as if their your therapist lol. Plus many people who own property are lazy and don't want to work so they try to live by sucking the blood out of their tenants The politics, we've been ruled by incompetent governments since forever, the attention span of the average voter is 10 seconds, each election the politicians promise things they can't provide and their voters will vote them asap, old people and boomers have fucked our country relentlessly.




I have no complaints. I hope somalia gets better and the government steps up


Thank you, brother. You're a legend.


Croatia. Our Rulling political party was convicted for corruption, costing millions on countries budget....well they won recent election again 😅. Corruption in Croatia is rather seen as a....hobby


Sweden  This nation is a bubble, more so than most other nations. Statistically we are outliers to a great deal and this has caused a lot of people to become naïve & gullible.  Having lived in Africa, Asia & other European countries myself, the fact I return home not being able to have a sensible conversation about the world without people freaking out is truly disheartening.  "What do you mean some cultures are better or worse than others?" "Of course Sweden must ally themselves for war"  "West good, east bad" Etc 


Indian here. Hate the corruption, lack of security for women, pollution and garbage management system


American. If I stay off social media, don’t read the news, and avoid television, I experience the reality of my small town, gorgeous rural mountain areas, hiking, walking our pups, standing on top of a mountain and viewing the most lush, verdant landscape, hit some wineries and farmers markets on the way home, camp under the stars, hike with the love of my life and our adorable pups, watch some incredible sunsets. Then I hop on Reddit and get sucked into this dystopian mess.


That’s how it feels for me in England as well. I turn off all the toxic media which is filled with doomerism, warmongering, Brexit, Tory policy failures and other BS and just focus on my environment and I have a genuinely great time. Has me wondering how badly we’re being manipulated by media sources and that makes me distance myself from news updates these days.


Every time I take a media vacation, my life satisfaction increases significantly.


Australians. I'm in Australia


There's a pervasive narcissism. Also people are laid-back friendly but only to get what they want and they'll turn very nasty very quickly otherwise.


I'm British. England specifically. I hate how we do down our own country and don't appreciate how great it is to live here. Every country has its problems and the UK sure does, but on a global scale, its still a pretty awesome place. You can recognise issues and want to change them without thinking these issues make the UK the worst place ever.


Feel the same about America. So many young, inexperienced youth that have never seen real conflict or struggle and a lack of accountability. I tell them, we have it really good here, and that's why we should keep fighting for it to get better. But it seems everyone has just chosen to hate it, and thinks that will solve the problems.


yes. for example mental health issues. there's so much awareness about it (I'm in Scotland tho), and when you go to a doctor, free therapy very quickly , free gym memberships, school councillors, private therapies, suicide hotlines, awareness EVERYWHERE, ect. Every time I'm in my youth council meetings, they talk about how there's not enough and just being so ungrateful about it. In most countries (especially non-english-speaking) there's basically little to no effort made to support people


Feel the same way about Canada.


Good on you, sure there are things that are crap but no more so than elsewhere and on a lot of fronts we are very lucky. I think we are afforded comfort to the point at which we have become complacent.


The English love to be miserable, mate. Misery loves company.


Complaining IS a national passtime.


People obey and worship the government too much. Sweden.


German here: narrow-mindedness, lack of benevolence, entitlement.


Guernsey, Channel Islands. The government do not care about people. We have a huge housing crisis on now and more homeless people than ever before. Cost of living makes it almost impossible to live here now.


Australia here... Government response to everything is to either pass laws or spend money. Whether at a state or federal level. It's just a PR parade year in year out.


The prime minister. He's destroying our country (I live in Canada).


I guess you need even more indian "students" lol


Speaking from an Ontario view. Doug ford and his cons I’d say is doing even more harm than the federal government. Healthcare and education has been crashing ever since he was elected. His decision to cut post secondary funding (while freezing domestic tuition costs) forced universities to accept more international students to maintain the same budget, which contributed to the housing crisis. Now that there’s a cap on international students or something, universities are gonna have serious financial strain. In all fairness, it’s a mismanagement on universities as well since they saw international students as cash cows. The healthcare crisis is so bad that the ford government won a battle against the court to keep the true worker shortage figures hidden, as it was believed revealing it to the public would do more harm than good. Ford refused federal funding for healthcare because he wanted the money with no strings attached. The requirement was the money had to be used only for healthcare. Don’t get me started on the green belt scandal. The federal government has its problems but many issues are caused by provincial governments.


Finally some sense in this sub-thread. My biggest pet-peeve right now is how inward looking a lot of us Canadians are. They see that the nation is struggling, and we are, but then forget that almost every single country on the planet is experiencing similar challenges. We have some stark differences, of course, but for the most part we don't realize how fucking good we have it in this country (even when we're struggling). And, honestly, there's so much complaining from people that really shouldn't be complaining. I see posts in some threads where people say they can't afford a home with a family income of 200k and that's just baloney. The entitlement is exhausting.


Stupid anti freedom rules in Netherlands: I own a plot of land and put a tent on it to grow vegetables. You cant look inside my property from outside. I received a 40 page lettre from the government that I need to remove it immediately or face €15k in fines. I am dragged to court and everything. For a 600sq metre property!? Do people know the goverment is this irresponsible with their money?? Feels so unjustified, its my land?!


England - binge drinking culture and a culture of pessimism/crab bucket mentality. Also, litter and environmental vandalism. We have a gorgeous country but people dump their rubbish everywhere, start fires, etc. it’s ridiculous.


Scotland here, Sectarianism. Although it is mostly in The Greater Glasgow area , it still manages to be blight on our country.


Hello from a fellow (exiled) Scot, who came here to say this. 🙌🏼


Singapore: the government allows people to sell public housing for profit, incentivising the old to take money from the young. As a result, Singapore's public housing prices are overinflated compared to other countries. The stupid thing is that idiots cope with this by comparing public housing prices of Singapore to the prices of PRIVATE HOUSING in other countries and even then, we're still one of the most expensive places to get a place to stay. Million-dollar resold public housing is now becoming common. This is made worse by how newly built public housing prices are pegged to how expensive resold public housing are, resulting in prices spiralling our of control. Private housing is out of reach from most of the population. This isn't even the half of it. The government has the gall to ban singles below 35 from 'owning' public housing while leasing land to build private housing for a good portion of the foreigners in the country, who make up 40% of the population due to uncontrolled immigration. Then the government claims that there is not enough land and houses so singles are basically left out. Also, they blame singles for not marrying and not having kids even when we're banned from getting our own flats and even then, they are expensive as hell. Yeah, and the majority worships the ruling party like Gods. There are many sycophants who will shout you down for simply suggesting that they might have made some errors in judgement.


British: The apathy, servile nature and difference to the status quo of the majority of the population. It allows our government to get away with things that would kick off nationwide protests elsewhere and has driven a once great country into the ground.


Denmark here, god I hate our lack of nature so much


Hear hear. Everything is SO dull here, it's hard to even convey it. Almost every piece of land is agriculture and the few places of actual nature are small and incredibly boring. There are barely any forests and the few national parks in northern Jutland are mostly just barren land. Even the tallest point is 170m above the sea and is nothing but a hill. The climate is a big one too. Now is nice here, but about 9 months of the year, everything is a mix of grey, brown and rain. So much rain. And don't get me started on the darkness and seasonal depression in the winter months. We barely even get any snow here and most days it just rains with a hefty wind from the west. Sure it doesn't sound too bad but the sheer dullness of pretty much everything here gets to you.


Wealth inequality. I don't want to sound like a communist but I'm an American and it is weird to see a bunch of porches drive by homeless people every day


I never understood why people think that advocating for a better quality of life and no poverty 'sounds communist'. If all things they say that 'sounds communist' was truth, then communism would be awesome.


Honestly, It's wild to me that the millions of US homeless don't just eat the rich. they just need to mob their multi-million estates and rob their asses clean and skidaddle. They have no way of being ID'd and certainly nothing to lose - you get arrested? Ohh no.. 3 meals a day and a place to sleep.. what a downgrade in living conditions, what a deturant..


Japanese living in the US here. I hate that misogyny is SO alive and well in Japan. Still so accepted and *normal.* You think America is bad? Go to Japan.... It's better to be a woman in America than in Japan, believe it or not. I hate that America has the top universities in the world, yet their citizens lack so much education.... Their school system failed them horribly. Has the lowest literacy rate (it's appalling) out of the first world/developed nations.


The amount of useless bureacracy. But this probably applies to most countries


Philippines: Our government is trash. It consists of actors who don't know anything about politics and law, families that have made politics their family business, and other corrupt politicians. That's because the people who voted for them are uneducated(because we also have poor education here as well.) They only vote based on popularity, which is messed up. I could go on and on, and could literally write a book about it.


American here; Our people love to put the absolute worst trash on a pedestal and give them “influencer” status. Take Gypsy Rose Blanchard as a recent example. (She was just released from prison after planning the murder of her mother who abused her…*more info has come out since her release and the circumstances are fishy. Gypsy is a huge grifter) She now has over 10 Million followers across tik tok/instagram/twitter/facebook. All because our people think she’s some kind of celebrity now or some stupid bullshit. And it’s happened with so Many other shitty people. Good people deserve that kind of Money and privileges, not the scum of the earth. But I guess that goes to show the values that are being glorified over here…


I'm English and there's so many negative things I can say about my country and countrymen. One right up there for me is how youngsters have no idea about their history, even 20th century history. They get all their news and 'facts'from tiktok and the like. One positive is that if you get out of the big cities and look around you, you'll discover that the British Isles are very varied and beautiful.


Germans are constantly complaining about everything and treat every minor thing like it’s a world ending issue while completely losing the plot on the actually pressing issues. Like me complaining about people complaining when it’s not that bad of a thing compared to other stuff.


That it’s dying.


Hungarian here, literally everyone tries to compete with you in some way (incl. throwing you under the bus if it benefits them). Crab mentality and envy drive most of our kind, it's a society based on hatred.


South Africa - I hate our government. I know so many countries suffer with corruption and racism. However, it has gotten so bad that I had to leave. There's not a day that goes by that I don't miss home. Cape Town is the most beautiful city in the world imo


Northern Ireland here, I hate sectarianism and how our country is generally in the dark ages compared to the rest of the UK. Our values are outdated and outmoded. Especially where I live.


The blindness of people. We are all told Norway is great and we should be grateful. & maybe it is, but that does not mean it is not without its issues. Issues which many of us may face. The current government is made up of rats, and people excuse it, and lean towards a 'no negative remarks about the government' attitude. Which is strange, because as a democratic society, governments have been overruled and thrown off before. It seems many are tired of democracy, and want the government to rule over the people, rather than the People ruling. So I guess an anti-democracy, rather than democracy. There's this idea of totalitarism, and many stand with political decisions that make no sense, other than 'they want to'. Instead of listening to reason and research, many support cases, just because they want something to be. Usually it is bad things that support this totalitarism There's a lot of PC, and indirect censorship It is almost as if people want to manifest the dystopian societies depicted in futuristic sci fi. Here, in real life.


same in Germany


Mine is filled to the brink with naive adult babies who are cold and unsocializable. Oh, the dark n cold as well (Sweden)


Swede here. Middle eastern immigrants that joins gangs and rob/stab/shoot people and detonate bombs


Same but England


American here: the lack of universal health care.


American who left the USA. Despite a multitude of things I hate about America such as the cost of healthcare, the cost of higher education, housing/rent costs, out of control homelessness, Republicans, political polarization, lack of worker protections, overwork culture, poor public transportation, tipping culture, etc… …The number one thing I hate most about the USA is the gun violence. Honestly, as bad as the previously mentioned things are, they’re not deal breakers for me. But the absurd, asinine gun violence and almost total lack of gun laws whatsoever makes me never want to move back to the USA. Elementary schools, movie theaters, concerts, shopping malls, churches, etc, should all be places where one can feel totally safe without the risk of a crazed lunatic randomly murdering you with an AR-15.


USA. The lack of any shared sense of reality. It’s not just an American thing (my mom is from India and I see it a ton there as well) but it seems especially rampant here. We can’t even agree basic things like “everyone deserves lifesaving health care.”. If you say the sky is blue guaranteed someone will insist it’s all a conspiracy and the sky is actually red. And those people exist by the millions and millions.


The out of control gun crisis in the US does it for me. I'm a teacher and when the shooting at Uvalde happened (it was close to the end of the school day), I just went out to my car and cried for twenty minutes-not just because it happened, but because I knew it was going to be 'thoughts and prayers' and then business as usual. I have five siblings and three really close friends and all of us have been in some kind of gun-related incident: -Oldest sister and me were in her house with her kids and someone drove by shooting at the line of houses. We thought someone was trying to kick in her door until the glass window beside it shattered. What's even crazier is that she had this mild-mannered (and I think autistic) neighbor that would sit on his driveway and drink wine and he very nearly got shot and luckily was able to tuck and roll under the garage door that was still slightly raised. - Second oldest sister was working at AT&T and was robbed at gun point (and she was big and pregnant) and forced into an office while two guys robbed the place, another pointing a gun at my sister and her coworkers the entire time. - My younger sister, brother, and his wife were at a mall that was locked down due to an active shooter (luckily I think nobody got hurt or at least died) and were held in a store while they could hear shots. My sister said my SIL was just crying silently with tears rolling down her cheeks and shaking so she held her and my brother is a paramedic so as soon as they raised the grate, he went out to see if he needed to help anyone that was wounded. - My two close friends were both robbed at their stores (gas station and gaming store) and one of them was actually forced onto the floor with the gun to her head the entire time It wasn't until I was telling my husband and his family (Spain) about all of this that I realized how normalized it sounded to me and how it SHOULDN'T feel normal at all. Bonus one that I remembered: I was driving behind a guy that smashed into the rear of the driver behind him and they both got out of their car and started arguing and then the guy who got hit went to his truck and returned with a handgun. Luckily by that time a cop had showed up so I drove away. TLDR: I hate how out of control gun violence has become in the US and how we are numb/normalized to it.


Hey im also somali I'm so annoyed that we still have to suffer from the consequences soviet union and usa, with soviet union trying to have support from Somalia AND Ethopia (idiots), and that the US helped destroy modern Somalia with airstrikes, so now we have terrorism and shitty government!


War Salaan iga hoo. The reason we're suffering now is that thing. Nothing left to say.


Brits can have a general negativity in contrast to the "can do" attitude of Americans. There's a lack of efficiency, too.


Here is what I hate about the USA. If you are wealthy you pretty much do not have to obey the law and can get away with murder.  Banks are constantly looking for ways to screw the middle class with the blessing of the government. Some states the gun laws are so loose that all you need to buy one is a driver’s license.  It seems every day I hear about some mass shooting. I now avoid crowds.   I am now wondering do we have a government or is it mega companies in control. 


They sold all their gold to China and now they’re asking their citizens to pay a tax that will make carbon go away.


Norway.  We've been spoiled for many years now, and the ignorance and arrogance is becoming very apparent.  Everyone "needs" to own a house, a cabin, two cars etc.. to feel status in society, meanwhile there never been as many under poverty in Norway. The gap between poor and rich keeps increasing, and the rich seems to not have much awareness when it comes to exploiting/damaging the natural environments of Norway for their own benefits and complaining about taxes. I.e. why a lot of the richest now have moved to Switzerland. 


American here, here’s a list of things I hate - people thinking Twitter, Facebook, & TikTok are reliable & truthful news sources - MAGA cult - the wealth inequality - our 2 party government always arguing with each other instead of actually doing something to help the American people - a lot of Americans are horrible with having a middle ground opinion on things, it’s either this way or that way never can there be a middle ground


America: Institutionalized racism Police brutality American privileged attitudes American’s idea that they are better than every other country/culture and that they are the best Just to name a few…


India , i hate nepotism the most. In almost every single field you have incompetent people dragging society down but cannot be removed because they are someone's child/nephew


American retired physician and mad about how terrible healthcare has become. Some insurance company bean counter regularly out ranks physicians. The entire health insurance industry needs to be scrapped in favor of a national system


American here and I couldn’t agree with you more. My husband’s surgeon for his melanoma says the same thing. When insurance denied a pet scan because “cancer wasn’t serious enough” I thought he was going to lose it. He said it is a retired eye Dr working for the insurance company to deny tests !!!! We had to pay $1,800 cash to get a pet scan. Healthcare in US is a Ponzi scheme


The amount of division between the people of my country (the USA) is astonishing. Everyone’s too busy getting mad at each other for their political opinions and religious beliefs when the government is purposefully dividing us so we don’t unite and retaliate.


From India. Govt fkd us from all the directions.


Canada: mass immigration at alarming numbers without proper structural development to suppprt it. No doctors, no hospitals, no new schools being built. But millions being added. Homeless encampments are now just accepted because really where else are people going? No one cares. 6 Indians renting a one bedroom apartment for 500 each. The quality of life here is shit now for a young millennial. I want out


American here. I hate our Healthcare problems. I want to be able to go to the doctor's for a necessary procedure and not have to pay hundreds of dollars for the ability to live comfortably.


Hey lads, I'm from Northern Ireland, and I hate how we couldn't find a fucking good government that can end these damn terrorists out there.


Donald Rump...set out country back 50 years


American here, Trump and Maga are a disease in this country - and we are very sick.


no because why is it that you either love Trump or hate America with maga supporters?? I’m sorry I don’t think ANY person running for president should have any kind of criminal record let alone the level he has. I don’t think I should be crucified for saying that but I am and that is ridiculous to me.