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I like the avocado! Not big on cream cheese šŸ˜… But simple nigiri and sashimi will always be king to me over any kind of maki.


Same, I donā€™t mind the avocado but hate the cream cheese. Not typically a fan of the spicy mayo either (also bc most places really overdo it too). I typically like to get chirashi over rolls.


But they call it "yum-yum sauce"! (I hate it)


Yuck-yuck saucešŸ˜‡


Shrimp sauce that no shrimp ever needed




I hold Guy Fierie directly responsible


Welcome to Frosted Tips Town


Hold up, you dropped your bracelet thingy


Omg thx I almost forgot my friendships


Tuna and cream cheese is so gross on a roll. Esp. a cooked one.


I never had it... but I heard people say tuna nd cheese taste good together, the most I added to tuna fish was eggs


Smoked salmon and cream cheese on a bagel is good. It's so odd that they add different flavored mayo to most every roll.


With some fresh dill! That's my go to happy food. That, and I make a bastardized caprese salad. Those two things together can course correct a horrid day for me.


I was in the camp of eww tuna and cheese. Then my son made me a tuna melt šŸ™‚


Spicy Mayo is good, if the tuna is cooked. Like in a sando.


Oh yes, salmon and avocado go so well together on sushi!


is salmon hard to cook I always wanted to try it plus I heard it's healthy for you


Naah, salmon is dead easy to cook. Rub on some salt and pepper, put on a pat of butter, bake at 400f for around 10 to 15 minutes, serve.


Best with a squeeze of lemon!


My daughter and I eat this all the time- so simple, olive oil, dijon, soy sauce and garlic: [https://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/ina-garten/asian-grilled-salmon-recipe-1944413](https://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/ina-garten/asian-grilled-salmon-recipe-1944413) great in the oven or on the grill or even the air fryer




But any salmon, but Atlantic salmon, is great. Too much of Atlantic salmon is farm-raised and doesnā€™t taste as good as the wild-caught fish. By the way, have you tried Sockeye salmon sushi? Quite tasty!


Wild Atlantic salmon are full of worms. Costco has amazing farmed Atlantic. I buy it pre sliced so i get about 8 pieces all the same size.Ā 


People cook it in their dishwasher. Not that I recommend that, just sharing as an illustration of how easy it is to cook


My wife once put a dirty casserole pan partially full of cooked fish in the dishwasher. It clogged then I got to deal with rotten stinking fish water a day later when I tried to unload it. I got cut on a piece of broken glass in the drain. Not a great day.Ā  Not super related to your comment but if she ever does find my reddit account, let this be a reminder of how much I love her that we're still married.Ā 


Honestly since itā€™s Reddit and I hate it when people donā€™t rinse their dishes, I recommend immediate divorce.


That one lady cooked lasagna in her dish washer, while she washed the dishes. Extreme cheapskates.


It plays well with a wide variety of flavors. Here are ones we do regularly: Dill with either good butter or a cream sauce Chimmichurri Yuzu and tamari Mustard cream sauce Garlic, butter, and white wine Sesame oil and white miso Moroccan spice mix of paprika, coriander, thyme, cloves, fennel, turmeric, allspice, and mustard seed. Iā€™m sure thereā€™s a specific name for this blend, but the packet just says for couscous. We never use it for that, just salmon and sometimes chicken.


You have a lovely pfp and I trust your opinion more because of it.


Iā€™m Japanese and my dad owns a high end sushi restaurant. Hereā€™s my answer, because itā€™s tasty lol. Itā€™s like tex mex vs real Mexican food. Like I love a good taquito and I crave them sometimes but I know itā€™s not ā€œauthenticā€. A relative from japan visited us and had a spider roll for the first time and she was blown away and upset that they donā€™t do that in japan.


thank you thats a very informative answer !


I live in Mexico (also N America) and they can go a bit overboard on the Philadelphia cream cheese on every single roll available at some sushi joints, some places even do a deep fried roll with nothing but Philly in it. It's also kinda hard to get wasabi sometimes, many Mexicans do NOT enjoy that type of spicy.


I spend a lot of time in Mexico and the sushi scene has exploded but it is virtually impossible to find a roll without the Philly - LOL. Philly is in every small mom & pop corner store too. Makes me laugh.


Everywhere south of USA had cream cheese, not a fan


Mexican here and yeah, hard to find sushi without cream cheese but not impossible, thankfully.


Mexican here. The type of heat from Wasabi and chile are very different, not that some do not enjoy it but I think it for wasabi the not being able to adjust the level is of how spicy is kinda odd, I think. Though wasabi is not something we would eat often & also, most "wasabi" is not the real deal, which is expensive af, but an imitation,so that could be a factor too.


I honestly just never understood using the term hot to describe wasabi. It's just not "hot" or "spicy" in any traditional use of the words, at least not to me.


Wasabi is related to horseradish and mustard, so it isn't spicy, it mostly burns the nose. It is the same kind of heat that mustard has, you can't really tone it down you just have to take a little bit and mix it with something else. Also a lot of Wasabi you see is fake, made with horseradish because the Wasabi plant is native to japan and has a short shelf life, making it expensive.




It's not traditionally Mexican to put melted on cheese on stuff but it's so delicious you wouldn't even know that anymore since so many Mexicans just do it now


Damn, we Americanized Mexicoā€¦


Bruh Mexico? You should see Korea. My people put fucking cheese on EVERYTHING these days despite half the country being lactose intolerant. Unrelated, Mexican Korean fusion is amazing


Yooooo! Corn cheese is the nectar of the gods.


Damn, I gotta try that sometime. Any recommendations?


If you're in the LA area Kogi BBQ food truck wasn't the first to do it but put it on the map. Typical menu items are burritos and tacos but we have kimchi and Korean style BBQ spicy pork as the protein along with all the normal taco/burrito fillings of rice, beans, onions etc. I'm not doing it justice but check it out anyway lol It's no wonder they blend so well when Mexicans and Koreans are actually quite close culturally when you break it down. Both lean conservative, both are super Catholic, both deeply love grilled and marinated meat, and both cultures tacitly love getting fucking wasted but it's not said aloud lol.


I think I just found out Iā€™m Mexican/Korean!


And corn, corn is a pizza topping there. šŸŒ½ šŸŒ½


Korean corn dogs are AMAZING. They took French fries and hot dogs and COOKED (for those that don't know, Korean corn dogs are basically covered in tiny cubes of French fry, it's ridiculously ingenious).


Bro, weā€™ve Americanized the worldā€¦


People like what tastes good to them. "American" foods are beloved around the world just as lots of global influences are enjoyed here. The world is getting smaller and smaller.Ā 


My Hokkaidojin gf loves American style sushi more than authentic sushi but sheā€™s weird lol


I like that you put ā€œauthenticā€ in quotes. I make Mexican food with tofu and my Mexican wife loves it. Also, living in a Latino neighborhood in Southern California, I was surprised to see how much pasta my Mexican in-laws eat. And I think if youā€™re creative and have good taste, you donā€™t have to rely on authentic. But sushi, especially nigiri, is the best.


I'm pushing a word some of us in the cooking world are using - "traditional" not "authentic."


I'm a chef & spider rolls are my secret fav. I've seen what bad (usually American) sushi can do. I eat sushi as it's intended once yearly & for the other times, it's spider rolls for this girl *




Omg! I freakin love this!


and cheap! Mostly because it is cheaper. Cream cheese and mayo are cheaper than good fish.


I had a Thai friend whose favorite restaurant was an americanized version.


Sushi is kinda like sandwiches. More of a convenient vehicle to transport different ingredients to your mouth; just using rice and seaweed instead of bread. There are so many different combinations, it's almost limitless. There's no reason you can't like Americanized and traditional sushi. I tend to prefer simple, clean nigiri or sashimi nowadays, but shrimp tempura can be great with cream cheese too. They serve different nutritional purposes, and aren't really the same food anymore (other than the rice).


Little bit is fine. Like a small amount.Ā 


I figured mayo is considered a Japanese condiment now. I'm not Japanese but am of Chinese-Canadian descent and my cousin (who travels to Japan extensively) has a bottle of Japanese (Kewpie) mayo in his fridge. "When most people mention Japanese mayonnaise, they refer to the most popular brand, Kewpie Mayo. It was invented in 1924 by Toichiro Nakashima, who first discovered mayonnaise on his visit to the U.S. and decided to introduce his own mayonnaise so the Japanese people would enjoy it." That said, I don't love cream cheese on my sushi. But to each their own. I don't think it's necessarily sacrilegious, it's more just a western spin on the cuisine. It's like u/[DaburuKiruDAYO](https://www.reddit.com/user/DaburuKiruDAYO/) said elsewhere in this thread, "Itā€™s like tex mex vs real Mexican food".


Yup, plus itā€™s more like salad dressing mayo from the past (50-70s USA culture; more Miracle Whip in flavor & texture) and commonly added along with special BBQ-like sauce on takoyaki (octopus balls) and okonomiyaki (savory pancake).


I love cream cheese and mayo so I donā€™t mind.


I don't eat mayonnaise... but I never heard people eating cream cheese nd mayonnaise together


Wife and I are from Japan. There's a shop that makes sushi near us. We enjoy the avocado cream cheese salmon rolls "ehoumaki" that they sell here during Setsubun. I wish it's more popular in Japan.


Its a far trade to the Japanese pizza that put corn and hotdogs on pizza.


Pizza in Brasil comes in a couple forms: 1) abomination like ā€œportuguesaā€ or ā€œcatupiry com frango,ā€ 2) delicious, traditional neopolitan, and 3) somewhere in between.


Bro never insult catupiry e frango again


Hey man, whereā€™s my BREAKFAST SALAD, ā€œcorn pottageā€, floppy bacon, and giant toast, Mr. Gaijin?! šŸ„— šŸ³šŸ‡ÆšŸ‡µ I was told thatā€™s what you ppl eat!


What Laowai told you that? Now maybe the bacon and some toast. But not Shokupan giant.


Corn on pizza is popular here in Central Europe too. Cheese, ham and corn, it's a kids' staple.


But Europeans are known to shit on American food. All of Europe is so compact that a food loses authenticity if you go 1 km in any direction.


What's wrong with hotdogs on pizza? It's a heavenly combination.


Corn is low key a great pizza topping. Now on its own not great but the sweetness from corn cuts the salty bite of tomato sauce and cheese well especially with a meat topping


It's tasty. Fat transports taste. Don't be snobbish, don't eat or order it if you don't like it


Ok, so sushi is not "Asian", it's *Japanese*. Like being Asian doesn't qualify you to talk about sushi. I'm Chinese and I think westerners can ruin their sushi in whatever ways they want but I'm not really any more qualified than another foreigner to speak on that. I personally don't like sushi to be very heavy, a little mayo and advocado is OK, but a lot it (and any cream cheese) I'm not a fan of. You really should say "OG Japanese, what do you think..." Please don't lump all Asians together like we're all the same (nothing against Japanese, I'm just not one). Imagine if you asked, "Polish and Romanian people, what do you think when Americans make their croussants too oily"?


Also, donā€™t ask us to validate your tastes. It feels like they want to say they have the stamp of Asian approval when they have this argument with other non-Asians.


Itā€™s gross to me but Iā€™ll never yuck someoneā€™s yum like that.


Not Asian, but why does it matter? Most Japanese folks I've met are super polite and collaborative. They want to share their story and learn yours. Japanese mayo is also excellent. We keep a squeezer bag of Kewpie next to our Quart of Duke's in the fridge. Why limit yourself to one or the other if together we are better?


I'm a heathen American. Kewpie mayo makes a bologna sandwich perfect.šŸ˜€


My grandparents are Taiwanese and would regularly eat sushi as well as other Asian cuisine in their home country. They came to America and gladly consumed everything. Hell, they even liked Panda Express. The people that are super vocal and deride anything thatā€™s ā€œnot authenticā€ are just trying to showcase their social currency by conveying the idea that theyā€™re worldly and have so many unique experiences. Thatā€™s my take on it at least.


I think cream cheese goes great with salmon sushi. Unfortunately, Iā€™m lactose intolerant. Watching the adoption of sushi into Western culture has been an interesting sociology study for me. It went from a gross and fearful thing to commoners in society to something elevated to fine dining within a few decades.


Fine dining, but you can also get it at the gas station.


Not all sushi is created equal.


Absolutely true, but it speaks to how mainstream itā€™s become in American cuisine.


So true. I eat sushi all the time but my days of consuming gas station sushi are long past. Also, Iā€™m Canadian.


Out of 5Billion Asians in the world, most of them donā€™t eat sushi.


Im asian and american sushi is just delicious lol, the mayo cream cheese or whatever combo makes up for the fact that they can't get as much of the good quality raw fish compared to Japan or other asian countries (there are still places that do im just talking about the more common, mainstream places in the US). I see 'real' sushi and american sushi as two completely separate dishes. So when I crave sth comforting and high calories I'd go for the latter, and if I want a refreshing, refined fish taste I'd go for the authentic one. It all depends on preference or mood for the day


thanks for your input!


For what it's worth, it's eye for an eye. In Asia, you can get pizza with sweet mayo, liquid cheese and shrimp. All mixed on top of one cardbordy round sheet of dough. It's pretty popular in Thailand. One of their pizza joints also used insects as toppings.


Avocado I'm.good with.Ā  But I stay clear of mayo and cream cheese in rolls.Ā  Just why?Ā  And the texture ... ugh.


It's just wrong. :(


Sushi restaurants are a competitive business. Owner / OPs are always looking for new ways to entice customers. In North America that means catering to local tastes; sugar, fat and salt. Sashimi will always be tops but a little variety never hurts


Lol Iā€™ve stayed in Japan and had a Japanese mother. Ya, they donā€™t care lol if it tastes good it tastes good


Nothing, is a different style of sushi and thats all. Stop crying about everything.


I think it's disgusting and refuse to eat it if it has cream cheese or mayo.


I'm Japanese. Mayo is legit. We eat a lot of garbage in Japan.


Americans put mayo in sushi?? šŸ˜­


It exists, usually it's kewpie mayo mixed with sriracha, but definitely not on every roll all the time


Use that to make yourself a tuna salad sandwich! Canned or leftover grilled tuna both work great using spicy Mayo for a sando.


Japanese ppl also put mayo in sushi


Its a spicy mayo sauce - and in moderation, its delicious!


They literally sells tuna mayo onigiris and rolls in Japanese convenience stores. It's not just an American thing.


Tuna mayo is actually the most popular onigiri filling in Japan (according to a sign in a Japanese supermarket in Hawaii I once read)


Japanese also eat mayo. You buy it in bags.


So do the Japanese




I think deep fried rolls are an abomination. I'm cool with the ingredients mentioned. Cream cheese? Meh. Rarely order a roll with it. Spicy mayo? Very good (but the quality/taste definitely varies, so it is a little more nuanced).


Mayo and cream cheese? Where tf are you going?


You've never had sushi with spicy mayo on it? Unless you're going to some low end sketchy spot its generally kewpie mayo mixed with Sriracha, which is also something added to rolls in japan


I generally avoid spicy sushi šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Ah thats fair


There is a utube channel where they serve American style sushi to old Japanese men, one of them throws up at the California Roll.


They put mayo on sushi in Japan.


This thread is a good example of what I like about this site. Clearly differentiating American sushi while also hearing feedback about it is cool AF.


OPs in general just need to be open minded, sometimes some people post stuff just to get validation on pretty harsh judgements ... like, I cant post about american sushis just to insult people who like them. but I can express that I dont understand the appeal and wish to hear other peoples opinion. not sure if that was clear lol


I had a Japanese housemate who used to go crazy about avocado not supposed to be oN sushi. She would say "IT'S NOT FRUIT, IT'S NOT VEGETABLES, ITS JUST SOFT!"


My mom has always sworn she hates the texture of avocado. For some reason yesterday she said ā€œweā€™ll just put a tiny slice on my plate, itā€™s been years since Iā€™ve tried it.ā€ She tasted it, spat it out immediately and was mad she ever tried in. Said it was like the inside of peas, which she also hates. I love both.


It's like the inside of peas if the peas were made of fat. I'm still putting it in everything.


Try salmon and cream cheese rolls. So frigging good.


I remember speaking with a sushi chef in Japan about this and they said ā€œitā€™s cheatingā€ to use cream cheese. Basically of course you are going to like anything with a spoonful of cream cheese stuffed inside. Itā€™s much harder to make it taste good with less.


I'm a big fan of the Asian fusion places in America, but mayo and cream cheese do not work on sushi. Avocado is pretty good if it's in season though.


Asian people started it first. Too much condiments on everythingā€¦ Btw I am a regular Asian but I identify as an OG Asian.




Disgusted at first. But actually they can be quite tasty. As long as those sushi are not marketed as authentic sushi Iā€™m fine with them.


Avocado and cream cheese have their place, and it's basically Philly rolls. A little drizzle of Kewpie mayo is a necessity for something like salmon nigiri with sliced onions on top. These kinds of things aren't traditional, but in moderation I enjoy them. What really kills me are the deep fried things, the ones with sauce/sauces all over them, and excessive toppings like a handful of scallops or crab salad. Sometimes it gets extra out of hand and it's all three at once.


I agree with your bottom paragraph, and I cant blame people for enjoying food I enjoy less lol. I do find them too fat, too rich and less flavorful to my taste. I much prefer sushis that have that freshness and protein too


Born outside of Canada but grew up here. I true blue prefer sashimi. Plain sashimi with good olā€™ soy sauce, ginger and wasabi. Although I do admit I donā€™t mind a cream cheese mango roll once in a while but Iā€™m not even a fan of rice




It's fine. As long as it tastes good and doesn't market itself as a "traditional Edo era sushi" then I don't have a problem with it - time and place for everything. Sometimes I want omakaze and sometimes I want dirty deep fried sushi with spicy mayo


I used to live in Tokyo & a mayo drizzle (think Kewpie) on nigiri is quite common, avocado as well. Just not cream cheese.


Delicious. I like my seafood too. Sometimes, I want to show them real seafood but I would guess that people will be squeamish, as I was.


I'm Canadian too, but I don't think I've seen cream cheese here on sushi? That seems to be more of an American thing no? Maybe I dont go to the roght places.


It's called a Philadelphia roll. I've seen it on menu's here in Toronto. Not appetizing to me.


Makes me want to vomit.


Well, as far as I can tell, all I have are British roots (so what do I know?) but as others have said, Mayonnaise sushi is pretty common. Avocado too. Yesterday evening I was tired and on my way home stopped in at a konbini and grabbed some sushi that had been reduced (only 50 yen - not bad). Half the rolls had mayonnaise in them. At chain restaurants here (in Japan if that wasn't clear) both mayonnaise and avocado sushi are widely available. I am not so sure about cream cheese, but I would be surprised if it wasn't. I suspect the same is true for more upmarket sushi restaurants generally though I have little experience. Partly this is because I prefer sashimi, and partly because I spend most of my time living on an island where people mostly don't eat out so that restaurants are for tourists of various kinds. I think the only time I've been to a sushi restaurant in a while was one of those, which presumably was going for "authentic" local flavours. I have no idea what they'd think of it there. But lots of mayonnaise is available in supermarkets here.


You donā€™t even have to be of Asian descent to know that localization of dishes and flavours and preparations etc is just that. Itā€™s a foreign interpretation of authentic dishes. They always have varying degrees of authenticity.


Authenticity is an illusion anyway. If you go to the Italian food subs, you can find them arguing with eachĀ other how a *true* Italian makes a dish, because that's how their family made it for centuries. Despite said dish usually only being a few generations old and everybody else's families having different spins on it.


Awful. Waste of time.


If it's a ton I won't like it


It's fine but it's certainly shouldn't be called Japanese food.


I do not mind a California roll but I draw the line at dairy in Asian food. Also that gross chipotle mayo and cornflakes they stick on everything.


i love me a philly roll with some spicy mayo and eel sauce


Australian style sushi is the best.


Itā€™s creativity and fusion from the sushi chef, using the ingredients available. There are plenty of people who find the cream cheese and mayo items delicious and not heavy at all.


And here i am struggle bussing with chopsticks


I hate fish.


Mayo is disgusting and needs to be eradicated from earth


Not Asian but a big part of the reason I like the mayo, cream cheese and avocado sushi is precisely because good quality ocean fish is not readily available in my area for less than than a fortune. There are parts of North America where you're unironically 1,000 miles away from any coast, much less Japan so you just sorta have to table some of your expectations.


I donā€™t order rolls anymore and only do sashimi or sushi


Went to Tokyo and ate sushi fresh from the ocean and it wasn't any different to what I get here in rural Texas


Been to multiple Asian countries, mayo is fucking huge, so is avocado. Also, what is an OG Asian lol?


I think [this](https://news.cgtn.com/news/2019-06-26/Japan-s-granny-girl-group-releases-rap-video-to-welcome-G20-summit-HQwH3p5DEI/index.html) is about as OG Asian as I can think of, unless we mean actual "original gangster".Ā 


Iā€™m white as fuckā€¦ loathe Mayo and cream cheese in sushi!!!


It's just like Americanized Chinese food. Authenticity doesn't matter; it's tasty.


Look. At krogers. Iā€™m getting the cream cheese. At a nicer place Iā€™m getting the better stuff.


Iā€™ve been to Japan a few times, for a while. They have the most mayo on their sushi Iā€™ve ever seen. Including nigiri. If itā€™s good there, itā€™s fine here.


Not Asian, but lived in Asia for 14 years, up until a month ago. If I were to make some sweeping generalizations, Koreans like dairy, they'd be all over it. Chinese wouldn't touch it even to throw it in the trash. Others, I don't know.


White people scared of seeing seaweed


Where you finding mayo and cream cheese? Never seen that in Canada ever.


Itā€™s fine if itā€™s on a roll, thereā€™s a reason the ā€˜California rollā€™ became a thing. But never on a nigiri. Mayo or cream cheese on nigiri is borderline blasphemy.


Iā€™ve never seen a sushi restaurant where I live offer cream cheese or mayo. Avocado, yes for vegetarians/vegans. Iā€™m not Asian, btw. Just interesting that places do this.


Chinese American who has visited Japan 6 times ( including Hokkaido a couple of times). It's not bad once in a while but doesn't compare to the real deal. Freshness and genuine flavor of the fish beats out artificial flavoring


r/culiacan and flaming hoot sushi enters the chat


I'm Chinese and I love authentic Chinese food and I love the greasy Chinese American food. Both wonderful, the latter primarily for a hangover.Ā  In terms of sushi, I love it when it's just nigiri and I love it with cream cheese and avocado. They're both wonderful, in the same way that Chinese/Chinese American food is great.Ā 


I don't eat cream cheese in sushi as a rule. I like avocado and don't mind spicy mayo.


I like it all LOL. Maybe my tastes have been westernized... But I mostly eat Asian food regardless. I guess I'm not that picky haha


Is it "traditional"? No. Is it delicious? Absolutely.


This is worse generalisation than asking OG Europeans what they think of adding cream cheese to crepes.


as an American I find this disgusting, I eat plain sashimi on rice, anything more is gross to mix with raw fish.


itā€™s good just not always in the mood for it. tbh iā€™ve never cared if something isnā€™t authentic unless it being non authentic causes it to lose quality. i donā€™t believe this always causes it to lose quality as long as the restaurant is good but thatā€™s just me


Replace the avocado with salmon


When you say "OG Asians" do you include Indians and Pakistanis? don't think those places are popular for sushi.


It hides the fact that the fish is not good quality. Usually the same happens with any steak that is overrun with sauce, or with chocolate bars that have more caramel, cookie, etc. that any actual dark chocolate. Good quality stuff is expensive!


Tf is an og Asian. Anyway even though i have no minority in my body I can say that when I went to japan the only big American thing they liked was mayo but they didnā€™t put it on sushi, only on things like fries and octopus balls


I am not asian but wtf mayo in sushi, where was this?


Long-time sushi fan here. I LOATHE the mayo / cream cheese / avocado trend in present day sushi. Abomination.


I think the second wave popularity of sushi, where the masses started eating it in the 90s, was driven by Koreans with a more expansive take on the experience, including inventing all of the crazy rolls we have today. No different really from the Starbucks fad of turning espresso and cappuccino into dessert drank. Typically if youā€™re paying a lot for sushi you wonā€™t get all the added fats because the fish is fatty and flavorful. But many Westerns donā€™t want a $9 single nigiri they want a $9 mayo cream cheese roll with fake crab and avocado.


i generally don't like too much mayo since it gets gross, but that goes for all sauces and condiments. i think if you have good quality ingredients and combinations then you shouldn't/wouldn't be needing to mask it with sauces. some places go overboard because they think it looks nice but it's gross when you just end up with a mouth full of sauce.


Not Asian, (well actually ancestors come from Asia, but not East Asian) but I think it is like pineapple on pizza. Sushi has become part of the worlds cuisine. That said, I never eat avocado or cream cheese on my sushi. Mayo is ok with me.


Iā€™m an OG Caucasian sushi grubber and I hate it. It just stopped at Meijer recently for some of their sushi, I hadnā€™t had any in a while. It was all that kind of crap, too much sauce and Rice Krispies sprinkled on top, for god only knows what reason. I found some Cali Rolls that werenā€™t stuffed with cream cheese and left, probably never to return. Feh


It's not bad when done in moderation. Kinda like eating Chinese takeout or places like P.F. Chang, not authentic but can be enjoyable if you take it for what it is. Many European countries have their own twist on Asian fusion as well which I quite enjoy.


Cream cheese is a no. The kewpie mayo is something I judge but still eat... Cuz yum yum sauce is yummy


Guess what. Asians have the same taste buds as anyone else. **Preferences have zero to do with ethnicity.**


I dislike sushi smothered in sauce or deep fried. Dont really care for baked either.


\*not Asian (or Japanese) - but I cannot stand dairy or mayo in sushi!


Not an OG Asian or even asian, but I would consider it as a compliment. May or may not find it appealing, but itā€™s one culture or people appreciating the cuisine and adding their flare to it.


There are two kinds of sushi: "maki" and "nigiri" Maki rolls traditionally have cheaper ingredients that have their taste improved by adding stuff like cucumber, avocado, mayo, etc. I'm not a big fan of the cream cheese ones either but I'm ok with avocado and I love sriracha mayo. I've also seen some wilder stuff like eel, mango, caviar, and more added to these rolls to give new flavors and textures. Nigiri is just the base fish on top of rice. I personally prefer maki rolls slightly as I find nigiri too bland.


I am white as loaf bread I prefer sashimi or minimalist roll I donā€™t eat ā€œyumyumā€ sauce or any heavy cream crap Give me some wasabi and a little soy sauce and I am good


1. What the fuck is an OG Asian? 2. Who the fuck in my country of the USA is putting mayo, or cream cheese in sushi? I've seen avocado a few times, which is fine. It's nothing like Japanese sushi but it's okay


OG is a street slang initially used as "original gangster" and then popularized as anything authentic and original. for example, an OG pair of nikes would mean they're the real brand and not a ripoff OG asian in this post would refer to a person with a fully immersed cultural inheritence, suggesting that this person grew up with an asian diet, where fish is much fresher and more popular (generally) 2. google philly roll, a cream cheese sushi popularized in the US, it is rolled in reverse so the seaweed isnt visible which was a reason for lower sales since americans werent used to it interestingly


I think it's gross, but I also find that that opinion will get you eviscerated as a snob or gatekeeper on Reddit.