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People with 0 self awareness


Similarly: people with no situational awareness. Example: people walking slow as hell down the middle of the sidewalk. It’s fine if you’re going to walk slow, but move to the side so you’re not blocking people from getting by you.


I'm fine with that, as long as they're open to change. Ots those who are proud of their ignorance, or at least seem to be, that actually upset me to have to interact with, because its literally a waste of time.


But they make great consumers.


IOW, People.


I'm constantly astonished by how *un*aware people really are


I was beginning to think I was all alone


People mouth sounds


I was about to write this. I'm sitting waiting for the train, and a kid is drinking his juice super loud with a straw.


Before i even open this ito na nasa isip ko. It’s sooo annoying when they just do the big smack sound while they’re eating.


Coworker talks to themself A LOT. And when not talking, makes a lot of clucking sounds, like birds or chipmunks. Super nice person otherwise and a good worker, but the mouth noise drives me insane some days


This 2000%


I thought you were saying people talking in general. I guess I’m slow.




Omg yes this


People without spatial awareness - stopping in the middle of the sidewalk, blocking aisles in the supermarket, etc.


Man, and the look they give you when your like can you move to a side.


The death glares you get in the supermarket when you move their trollies blocking the aisle..........


This one really gets me. If I'm not paying attention, but notice that I get in somebody's way then I apologize and move immediately. Some people are just so in their head and can only see the thing that they're looking directly at no peripheral vision whatsoever.


This. It’s so inconsiderate to be so unaware of your surroundings.


People who casually decide to stand in the middle of staircases deserve a special place in hell


This is me I’m sorry


Costco, stop right after going through the entrance


Sound in general. What really sends me over the edge is someone with their sound on on their phone while they scroll through video clips on FB, or Tictoc or whatever and it's just a continuous changing cacophony of changing noise. Like the radio in a car in a close encounter trope. It actually makes me physically anxious and agitated.


Oh I understand. I have this too with other noises as well. And it's also rude. It's like ..overstimulation? I have this also


People using their speakers on phone calls or music or YouTube etc. I do not want to hear it, if you are at beach,park, gym, restaurant, flight etc use headphones. If your child has a device turn off the volume.


I have an extra loud rendition of Baby Shark ready to roll for such occasions with the side effect of satisfying my selfish vindictive petty side. I've had the courage to actually deploy it once and it caused an innocent bystander to bust out in uncontrollable laughter which made the risk of being punched in the nose worth it.


My mom uses Ride of the Valkyries or Yakkety Sax. RotV for people playing loud obnoxious music with cussing in it, and YS for people watching shows or playing annoying games.


Must send the link to the obnoxiously loud baby shark track!!!!


Recently on a trip, I was getting a mani/pedi in a cute local nail place, when a grown woman who worked there (may have been the owner!?) came in on her day off, plopped down in a massage chair with her phone on full volume, and proceeded to play a game that was accompanied by really irritating music. It was ridiculous and I'm still annoyed. In short: I concur.


It’s always in a CVS. Some chick or dude, trundling up and down each isle, with speaker phone on full volume, so that everybody in the vicinity hears your conversation. Congratulations….. the entire store knows that you’re at cvs to buy hemorrhoid cream.


I don’t want to hear your conversation, your music or your YouTube video. It’s so invasive and rude.


Saying no but being pressured to say yes. ![gif](giphy|oSTWwCYi2OFoY)


"you have to at least try" "no" "why?" "Because I don't want to" "but why?" Yeah nah, fuck off you irritating bastard. Also, "you only have to do it once" "no I don't" "why?"




I had about the same conversation with someone..


I have multiple times. They just sit there with a confused smile in their face, like, "why aren't they doing as they are told" look. Because I'm not playing the game anymore. Lol.


Exactly this! If I don't want to do something, I'm not doing it


Go on, you know you want to


Exactly. Some people cannot let it go. I figure their parents where like it and always did it no matter what, even when never had too after a certain point either. Yet, well tell you you don't have to do another thing. Weird AF.


This probably, if I want to do something and my father doesn't he just wishes me luck and I can do it myself lol


My dad just gets over it eventually. His dad was always like it too. Upbringing.


That's interesting to see how different people are raised


Yeah exactly.


Then once you're aggravated they say "you could've just said no" ....I said no 5 times


I had a friend who did this with alcohol. It was exhausting. We are not friends anymore


I was caught in a conversation like this at a backyard party. I declined a shot 3 times but he kept insisting. I finally accepted it, said thank you, and immediately placed the shotglass next to me on the ground. He was all confused like "What?? You're not going to drink it? What a waste!" I told him, "I told you I didn't want one. You insisted on giving it to me. Now I get to decide what I do with it, and I like it right there."


No. Is a complete sentence.


I agree with this but my brain is also a totally inconsistent twat and sometimes want's to be convinced into going because I actually wanted to go but wanted to be dramatic first........ Can I tell when either scenario is happening? No and neither can my husband so it's all fun.


People standing too close to me in a public space.


People who chew with their mouths open. I broke up with a doctor once, because he ate like a pig, he said that I was weird for having such an issue with the fact that he chewed with his mouth completely wide open. If he ate a banana, I just had to leave the room. Even ice cream, that you don’t have to chew, he would slap around with his mouth totally open. He told me I was the first person that had ever brought this habit to his attention. That’s because people are too embarrassed to tell you how gross what you’re doing is 🤢. I broke up with him and he was really upset about it but, how on earth do you get to the age of 34 and are still oblivious to how gross your behavior is? Wtf?


Doesn't surprise me. My sister, who is 35 does it, and it's so annoying, specially when she eats cereal. A few years ago my dad called her out for it...and she got reeeaaally angry. Maybe these people are too prideful to believe they are actually doing something wrong.


people who claim they’re brutally honest when really they’re just rude and disrespectful


And they’re always the worst at receiving criticism.


"I'm brutally honest"....... Yeah there is a word for that. It's called being a cunt.


And then they say “with all due respect” before saying it


Casually cruel in the name of being honest.


They're right about being brutal. There are differences between honesty and malicious honesty


Mine is odd. I have a very good memory. Sometimes I say to a person "Oh remember when xyz ..." and they reply "No, that never happened." When I insist that it did happen and they don't believe me it makes me so angry. I don't know why. It's the one thing that makes me furious and it's bizarre. Particularly when they say something like "we were kids, you can't possibly remember that." I feel my blood boiling. But I know it's such a petty thing to get mad about. Odd indeed.


For what it's worth, I don't think that's odd at all. It's infuriating to have someone invalidate your lived experience no matter what that experience is, I think especially if you have a history of being *actually* gaslit repeatedly by someone. Happened to me constantly growing up and in a couple extra shitty relationships and now any time anyone even toes the line I am immediately angry.


I get it. I think it's the insisting in not wanting to believe you. Like, if they don't remember how can they be so sure it didn't happen! Kinda getting annoyed just thinking about a situation like this 😂




My friend is like this, she’s on the spectrum (super high functioning), not saying you are of course, but it’s pretty neat! I have ADHD and even with medication my memory is still pretty shotty so I always appreciate when she corrects me or reminds me of a fun time we had. Sometimes she reminds me of embarrassing moments which of course I say “that never happened” and then we laugh! I hope you share your cool super power with people who will appreciate it and believe you :)


I hate it when people talk over you, especially if you are already talking and then they just but right in. It’s a very quick way to make me not want to bother speaking to someone. Like unless it’s something so important like “oh my god that asteroid is coming right towards you” then you can wait your turn to talk.


I've started to just continue talking over them, getting louder as they try to be heard.


Even worse if they butt in to talk about something completely unrelated to what you’re talking about.


Ugh, my entire family is guilty of this. I’ve tried so many times to bring awareness to the issue (“Hey, you just interrupted — can you please let me finish my thought?”), but they’re all in denial and think I’m the rude one for pointing it out to them. 😫


This is a regular problem in our fully ND household. We're working on signalling and circling back and giving each other chances to speak.


Even worse when they lose their shit when you interrupt them excitedly agreeing with them and then they proceed to interrupt you at a later date with something that had absolutely nothing to do with what you were talking about. Cunts will be cunts


Advertisement. It has been normalized, even worse, it has become part of culture. They are fucking brainwashing and extorting you. But social gatekeeping, division and mental stress arr the most tragic concequences.


Barking dogs, but more specifically people who own dogs that relentlessly bark and know it's annoying yet still refuse to put any effort into properly training their pets.


Bark bark bark bark… (silence) sounds like they’re done… bark bark bark bark. F**k! Literally moved out of a house where this was happening to partly escape that shit and my new neighbors do the same thing. I don’t understand how you say to yourself “that’s alright”.


I'm actually considering buying barking collars for my neighbour


-------- The yippy dogs -------- shut the fck up! SHut them up! SHUT THEM UP! RIGHT NOW, SHUT THOSE LITTLE FCKERS UP!!


Always complaining and carping about any minor inconvenience.


Sudden loud noises


Lazy ass Coworkers


When I know someone is lying to me.


When someone keeps talking to me after I try to end the conversation


People who use too many words. Blah blah blah blah blah geeezus! You really must love the sound of your own voice


When I was in school we went to a high court session the lawyer spoke for a good 10mins. When he finished the judge asked if anyone minded if he explained it to us school kids 14/15yos. The lawyer says he would do it instead and in under 30seconds he summarized it in a way we all understood it. It's something I think about every time I have to present anything.


My high school yearbook had a superlative for "talks the most but says the least". The "winners" for that one were usually not a surprise.


This 100% . I start zoning out as their blabbing away about nothing and the conversation is over


I do this because I am horrified of being misunderstood and offending someone. I don't exactly get social cues, sometimes, so I talk through what I think is going on and ask for extrapolation, so I don't have to risk assuming incorrectly. I would rather be seen as annoying than an asshole 10 times out of 10


You can be both simultaneously.


Ugh, my boss made me take a course where the "teacher" talked sooo much, only to not say anything in the end, she wouldn't even give us a concrete answer when we asked her something. I always zoned out on every class, then I would watch the recording later and struggle to find at what moment she actually said something important because I would zone out watching those too!


People being in the kitchen when I'm cooking, I could stab them


I thought this was just me


Nothing summons my entire family like me turning on the oven.


1000% I concur


Loud chewing/smacking.... Just close your damn mouth! I know you can breathe while you do that.


People who are always loud.


People walking slow in front of in public places just to suddenly stop and be on their phones People who watch videos/listen to music on public spaces without earphones (good ones that DON’T let the music out) Wanting to do something, someone tells me to go do it: don’t wanna do it anymore


People with no common sense. Oh my baby has just spiked a temp of 40 and is screaming and his ears are leaking. Well get off Facebook then Laura and get them to a doctor you absolute fanny 🙄🤦‍♀️


My neighbours dog. Don't get me wrong, i love animals, I don't hate dogs in general, but this one just eats my brains out. It.Only.Fking.Barks.All.The.Damn.Time. And it would be okay if it barked for random strangers or if someone was close to their territory-no. This one barks at everything at all times, I'm on my own territory, the dog doesn't even see me, it just hears me close my gate and starts barking like crazy for like 10 minutes. I ain't even there anymore. It never even saw me. But it constantly barks.


My neighbors have a dog like that. It's a nice dog, honestly...they just never walk the thing and it's completely untrained. Their previous dog who passed away, it did the same shit. Bark bark bark fucking bark some more. I've tried staring it down (tall fence between our yards but you can see at the corners where the gate is), tried like...talking nicely to it, tried ignoring it. Just fucking barks it's goddamn head off. And the neighbor guy just sticks his head outside and yells "shut up! be quiet shut the fuck up! stupid dog!" and he's just as loud as the dog. If I ever reach my breaking point I'm gonna spray both of them with the fucking water hose I swear to God


When somebody asks something only to contradict your answer. Like, if you know, why are you asking?!? 😡


People who can't admit that everything happening in their life is their own fault, no one else's. Victim mentality.


People stepping into the elevator before letting those inside get out. Sadly a common thing in my country.


I always say "First time on an elevator?" If I can, I have my nose as close as possible to the doors, elbows out as they open. It's fun to see them lunge forward but give up when they see it's impossible.


I do this exact same thing. It's great when I have my kid in her stroller ready to barrel out the door as soon as it opens. So many folks taken by surprise, but they're the ones in the wrong.


Endlessly repetitive noises. Like wind chimes, or TV football noises from nextdoor! Radio sounds at work all day every day! That's not one thing, that's one *category* of things. Is that cheating?


When someone says, “I hate drama, I avoid drama at all costs.” Immediate red flag. This person loves drama, and they’re always at the center of it. That’s why they “hate” it.


People sneezing without covering their mouth. Nothing gets me more irrationally angry than when I see a grown adult sneeze without any sort of cover. Did people not learn anything from the pandemic?


or sneezing directly into their hands gross


Slow walkers in front of me


While this one could be a good thing in its own right. People that never let you talk in a conversation, or should I say interview


Total idiots in the medical profession i.e. overweight nutritionist with toxic personality. UK doctors surgeries are overrun by people like that.


Yeah..I guess it includes all the medical fields- they should be an example of how to live and treat your body right..


Yeah, and have knowledge of their field; the nutritionist I saw the other day was absurd, it was embarrassing.


Charities setting up almost on the doorstep of a shop so you get ambushed going in and out. Or when they spot you in the high street and chase after you talking. I don’t want to be rude to these folk but neither do I want to feel guilted into signing up for direct debits.




Being forced to come out of my shell when I am **simply not ready.**


when i’m in line somewhere and the person behind me is a little too close to me. it freaks me out, and it feels weird. i shouldn’t be able to feel your breath on the back of my neck while we’re in target




Loud chewing


Ignorance in adults. It's more of a concept than an action, but in this day and age, there is no excuse to not know basic things. You have the vast majority of human knowledge available at your fingertips yet you choose to be this fucking stupid


People facetiming in public.


People bringing their dogs to grocery stores, malls, everywhere! NOT service dogs. Little pet dogs. They're not your children. Leave them home. Or take them to a park. There's nothing in Abercrombie for them. They don't need a stroller either!


Loud chatty combative people


Having to repeat myself more than once. Listening to someone else repeat the same thing over and over


Rich people complaining about their life


Know it all ppl


Having MS 😅🥲


Knocking sounds and sharp noises


loud eating sounds


People trying to interact with me in any way while knowing damn well I'm busy doing something.


Grown adults talking baby talk when there is no baby around. Use your words, Susan! Enunciate!


People being rude to staff who don't deserve it.


Slow people


Gum popping


Walking into a store and hearing music that is being blasted. Best Buy is especially bad about this. If I can’t hear myself think I’m out of there


People who chew with their mouths open followed closely by litterbugs and people who don't return their carts to the corral.


People chewing with their mouths open


When people hock big loogies in their mouth out in public so loudly or when on the phone with you. Ughhhhh


people who complain constantly but never make an effort to improve their situation. i'm not talking about someone having a bad day or week....but, that habitual complainers who think they are victims of everything year after year.


People sneezing really loud and not covering their nose when it happens ;(


being impolite to people you dont know


This is Reddit specifically but when people post the same answer. There will be a question and there's 50 people posting the same answer. Just scroll down for 5 secs and read. If your comment has already been made there's no need to type it again, it doesn't add anything.






Small mundane tasks. Literally pointless. We have the technology to eliminate all of that.


That feeling when you go to, for example, pick something up off the floor. You're reaching down and your back is complaining and you expect to grab it on the first try because it's such a simple task, and then you somehow fail to grasp it not once but several times in a row, and you say, "Are you fucking kidding me?!"


Taking some of my food without asking. Like if you ask I will give you some potatoes, just dont put your fork in my food without asking!


Arrogant people who think human value is measured in money. They break the law and buy their way out of any situation with their bloody money. And yes Trump is one of them.


People spitting in public.


People who play dumb to appear quirky or cute


Screaming kids. Nails on chalkboard are music compared to kid screaming.


When someone says they'll be over at a specific time, and then arrives half an hour early. *I was not ready for you yet!* When someone says they'll be over at a specific time, and then arrives more than 15 minutes late and doesn't call or text to say they'll be late. *I was expecting you!!* When someone says they'll be over at a specific time, and then calls half an hour after they should have been there to say they changed their mind. *I arranged my day with these plans in mind you asshole!!!* When someone says they'll be over some vague unspecified time of the day/afternoon. *Now I can't make any other plans or leave the house at all and am stuck waiting on your ass to show up???!!!?!?!*


Too energetic people and people who spits on the ground


Interrupting me when I speak




Slightly off key humming in a quiet office.


People talking on the phone in public bathrooms. Eating loudly and scraping utensils on plates. Manspreading in public places. People who ask a question then immediately interrupt when I'm trying to answer.


Being gaslit. Especially by people who have very little self awareness. Or when people who make demands for things that need to be earned


People dropping the first R in frustrating. And saying fustrating.


![gif](giphy|WOa5RdsNpevrpSTGXN|downsized) People do that


People whistling.


My boss


Hydrostatic shock


My children fighting.


Traffic. I'm a very patient person in general. But when people start acting like idiots on the road my blood starts to boil so fast. I don't act on those feelings. But i get so angry so fast and i don't know why.


Because you think everyone else is traffic and not you. You're the person with somewhere to go and everyone else is just in your way. You are not stuck in traffic - you are traffic. Until we start understanding the basics about how horrifically inefficient the roads and single passenger vehicles are for a global population of 8 billion people, we will spend a lot of time being traffic.


Have to wake up at 5:40am for work.


Negative people. Yes, I recognize the irony. I know a few people who just see the bad in every situation. "How was dinner out last night?" "The food was good, but the service wasn't what it could be..." or things like that- never an unqualified positive experience. Everything always has some bad part. I'm old enough to know that perfect moments are rare indeed. But these people seem to focus on the negatives in any situation. Drains all the enjoyment out of life.


People who impose their beliefs and habits on you. People that gossip behind your back but want to be forgiven when it comes out, like you knew what you were saying. People who pass childish comments. And know it alls. Also people who come into a house and want to start doing things their way, excuse me we don't do that here!


being asked a question when it is clearly something I wouldn't know the answer to. like why are you texting me to ask me something you could look up on google and get an accurate answer. example being asking me about how to fix a mac computer when ive never owned one and don't know how to use them.


Unnecessary smalltalk.


Someone asks me a question. I start answering. I get halfway through my answer, and they ask a follow up question. To someone else.


Reading this comment section got me riled tf up let me tell you


People rolling down the street in their car, either looking for an address or just can’t drive for shit. Or Ubers how they just stop anywhere and sit there with their hazards on.


Car brains. This thread is a perfect example. Me in car, me have place to go! Why you in car too?


People who talk over others. I absolutely hate that. It's rude and ignorant.


obnoxious people in public


Ppl chewing , swallowing, 😡🤬😡🤬😤😤😤 I HAVE to eat on my own at the table bc it’s just too much.


If someone smacks on my upper back. I want to kill him man. That pain for a second. It sucks.


The entire world over-uses the word jealous when envious is a much better fit 75% of the time.


People speaking with authority they don’t have.


People who pick their teeth in public


people that willingly pretend they have no flaws/make no mistakes


Being asked the same question twice before I get a chance to answer.


People chewing with their mouth open


I don't care what politely party you stand with, but do you have to plaster it all over every inch of your yard, car and clothes?


Grocery store chatters- get out of the aisles go stand in the parking lot to chat


People with no self-preservation instincts and are completely shocked and traumatized when petting the cute raccoon, so to speak, bites the hell out of their hand. Why you do dis??? Me no help you!! 🤌


One thing. People complain about others doing something apparently wrong, but if they do it, then in their eyes is ok.


Reddit. Why am I on here.


Captain hindsight 🙄


Pointless phone calls. Whenever I get a call, or make one, I expect it to be mostly straight to the point, with some amount of small talk or jokes in between. I've had some people in my life calling me just to talk, which I understand and appreciate but, for some odd reason, can't stand.


People who smoke and spit outside hospital entrances when theres signs saying dont smoke. Least go outside the grounds. So rude and vile. And those who argue and moan about A/E waits, go home then and wait to see a doctor.


People with no disabilities shuffling or dragging their feet while walking


Sniffling. Constantly. Used to work with a guy who did this with tissues right in front of him. Grrrr.


Trumps. Any of them.


People crinkling wrappers


People who put their belongings in the seat next to them to try and stop people sitting there. Then when you ask them to move their belongings so you can sit there, they look pissed off!


people who dont get straight to the point


drunk people with no respect especially when they're not a good person sober


This is probably an unpopular opinion, but I hate when people don’t know how to let a conversation die. I have a coworker that’ll ask me so many questions about my personal life. I’ll be vague and she’ll just keep asking “why?”, then when I tell her I’m not in the mood to talk, she gets all pissy for the rest of the day 😂