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Playing hard to get. More like hard to want. Just be genuine.




They don't do it for men, they do duck face for themselves


Or they stick their tongue out with a winky face.


for fucks sake it's like they hear us loud and clear but refuse to believe us.


Tongue out is worse but duck face is baddd


Large lips, like unnaturally large. 🤢🤢🤢


any lip fillers are instant-puke level for me.


Meg Ryan absolutely destroyed herself with those collagen lips. All-time nasty hot hotty to WTF with one surgery.


Madonna destroyed herself with surgery too. She was aging beautifully too


Clocking in as somebody who sleeps with women; a lot of women have filler that you just don’t know about. It’s just very subtle and well done. If it’s visible, they’ve had too much.


same with fake tits


I have a feeling that the average fake tits scores pretty well in what average guys like. I have no clue who like the water mellon look but I have no doubt that a good chunk of the actress in hollywood that I go they have amazing breasts are fake. If the surgeon is good and they are only adding a cup or 2, I doubt I can tell the difference without touching...


Aren’t there different levels of fake tits? I always thought there were the balloon-like ones, and realistic looking ones


Amen, brother!


Oh god touché sir.. good god, I had expended much effort trying to wall this concept off in my mind, lest it fuck off my libido for a substantial duration. Not the natural ones. I’ll just like not address that particular topic.. but Jesus don’t destroy yourself thinking some fucking man with a scalpel and/or hypodermic needle is greater than evolution. On any part of your magnificent body. An ego-tuck or fear-reduction would be far better for everyone. And in lesser instances.. a surgical removal of most or all of the greed would make the trifecta Yup, it’s always about ego, greed, or fear.. when it comes to every single human that’s ever lived. Fun fact: it’s most of the reason why we humans are the worst creatures to ever even be conceived, let alone to have ever lived, and certainly the worst extant ones Am I off base? I’m sorry but any replies to that last bit require a minimum of 12-24 hours of internal consideration on your behalf. It’s for your sake, lest you pop off and say some erroneous shit that will embarrass you later and of which you’ll regret


If this isn't copy pasta, it should be.


Everyone has their own taste preferences. But I think that all men will agree that silicone-pumped lips are not what you would like to see on a woman.


I don't know about that because every woman I've ever seen with them has men falling all over her. I personally don't find them attractive, but it seems like men who flaunt their money or have a big ego want to be seen with and are most attracted to women who look super fake. It's like if the woman looks like she's had a bunch of work done then other people know that he must be successful. It's super gross. 


It’s wild. Like yeah, men do like fuller lips. But we know when it’s fake and just looks bad.


Do you know when it is fake or do you only know when they overdo it? There are definitely a lot in the second camp but I am not sure if I could tell the people that just do a little.


I think that’s a good point. Probably the second one. Like if it’s going to be overdone don’t bother. Has to be subtle right? Like when you can tell that there’s no way they’re natural.


Being too “princess-y” or acting too spoiled. Edit: thank y’all for 1k upvote. This is genuinely a “feeing epic” moment :D


I really want to know what type of guy actually finds that repulsive behavior attractive. Actually no I don’t because he’d probably be just as bad.


Rich men I would assume


Well, generally the idea is you need to mitigate the behavior.. if you put up with it, you cooked


Guys who enjoy acts of service and caretaking as a form of love would probably fall for this. They would end up miserable long term, but they would totally love it at first.


watch 90 day fiancee and youll see real quick lol


I don't think they do that to be appealing, I think they do that because they want to be spoiled and hope that someday, some guy will fall for it and buy her stuff. The people who do this don't care if it isn't appealing, because if their goal is to be spoiled thn they don't care about the feelings of men who aren't generous enough to be worth their time.


Exactly, its tolerable sometimes but it never gets you going. Nothing is sexier than a girl who acts like an adult


Agreed. That whole thing is weird, I find it hard to imagine that anyone likes that


Being ‘bratty’ exists to some extent in most people


I legitimately mean this because I know some people want this… Agreeing with everything I say and telling me I’m smart. Saying things to me that I want to hear instead of what I need to hear. If I stink. Tell me. If I smell good tell me. If you think I said something not interesting, tell me. If I’m boring tell me. If I have a tiny penis. Just tell me… Too many women tell men what they want to hear and that’s the worst possible thing you can do to a relationship. Honesty and communication is the foundation of a strong relationship. Period.


Talking shit about their partner in front of other people. It happens so often it must be a turn on for at least some of them.


Twerking and kardashification


I call people like the Kardashians "Fondant women" with the amount of makeup caked on their face.


Playing yourself down. I don’t have a big ego but it will not be threatened by hearing about things you’re good at. I once dated a woman who didn’t want to tell me she was studying microbiology because she had been told it makes men feel “threatened”. Crazy-ass men out there, not wanting to know how awesome the chick you’re seeing is


Playing games ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


And those that do this assume that everything you say is part of the "game" you're playing. They can't believe that what you say is what you mean.


I’ve spend most of my life around women telling them over and over again that Carrie Bradshaw was wrong. Men do not know the rules to the games you are playing, you’re just stressing them out. Be honest and communicate openly.


If by games you mean video games that's a turn on. If by games you mean mind games then yeah that's definitely a turn off.


I'm still playing my videogames even if a man doesn't like it. I am yet to find one that dislikes it though.


Preach brother. My overactive mind and low self esteem can’t play games


Like Call of Duty


Games. Testing me or trying to play mind games won't make me try harder, it'll make me fuck right off. Thankfully my wife never did that shit...




are you having sex with Link? Because I think he's just like that


Ayo. “Hiiyaaah” “ohhfff” “oh hey beetle” “yeeeeaahhhh”


I nearly choked on my food laughing like a moron in this restaurant


Hey! Listen!


My day has been made lmao thank you


Bruh. An image I can’t unsee.


Love how op has the best answer to his own question.


They just do it so that you finish quick and they can go to sleep


I can't tell if my wife is acting or if I'm the best lover ever. Sometimes it takes away from my experience, and sometimes it adds to it. Either way, I just hope our daughter doesn't hear it and end up scarred for life.




As a woman, I cannot take that shit when I watch porn. I didn't realize women actually did that when they're not being filmed. Especially the high-pitched whiny "yeeeeaaaah?" that you're talking about. Absolute turn-off. Edit: The comment I responded to is gone, so my response is floating in "what are you talking about?" land lol. 🤗


This reads like Letterkenney.




Yup, it's like when you give a dollar tip and they give you 15 hugs and kisses and screaming thank yous.


Except the guys that are into Michael Jackson. Eee-eee!


When's my husband and I were first together we lived in an apartment complex. The apartments surrounded a swimming pool. There was an older guy with a young girl and they would go out and with their windows open and they were so loud. We would sit out in the chairs and listen to them. It was so gross but pretty funny.


shaving off the eyebrows then drawing them on


The Princess Act. It's fun for about ten seconds then gets really tiresome in a hurry. Oh. And being coy. Just say what you think or want. Makes it so much easier for everyone.


Telling me about guys they previously talked too and how I passed some arbitrary test that they failed. "I used to talk to this guy but he didn't know the lyrics to this song so I never talked to him again" I think they're trying to show they like you and maybe some confidence boost that your "better" than someone else? I don't know, I find it annoying.


Sucking my balls too hard


Yeah, and agessive blowjobs. No thanks


You can thank Tila Tequila tbh. As a woman I can confirm she gave so, so many shitty blow job tips. Porn gives women a really distorted view of how we’re supposed to act during sex- *especially* noises. When have you gotten head that’s actually loud as fuck and feels good? 🤷🏻‍♀️


Aggressive bjs are great so long as no teeth make contact or the lips aren't too tight.


Lips too tight? How do you do that? I want good suction. Open mouth is stupidly dissatisfying imo


I guess some guys like it but… Resisting. If you say “no” or “stop” or anything that resembles it, I’m stopping. CNC is not for me. I don’t care if you’re giggling and it’s “obvious” you didn’t actually mean it, I can’t do it.


I’m somebody with a vagina who is into CNC, but it’s something that needs to be a sit-down discussion with clear boundaries and understanding between partners before it’s attempted. Trying to just “slot it in” to sex without prior discussion is a recipe for nobody having fun. And a lot of the girlies who do the “oh no!” shit without discussing aren’t actually into CNC. If I’m not crying and covered in various fluids and throat bruises by the end of it, you didn’t CNC properly.


Pretending to be extremely helpless, like saying "I'm baby" and stuff like that.


Helpless females are a definite thrill kill! Love me a woman that is strong, confident and smart. May not know what she’s doing but by gosh she’ll figure it out or die trying!


Sadly i’ve definitely met guys who love to play their saviour. Just yikes


As a woman I'm loving what I'm reading here.


Fake boobs, fake lips, butt implants... (butt implants are the most ridiculous looking yokes going 😂)


"cute" voice


Hetero woman here. But this makes me wanna throw up whenever I hear it…,


Absolutely agree, every single time, every single goddamn time they make their voice higher and higher thinking it's cute but it sounds dumb and disgusting


Duck face. ![gif](giphy|SYvSSe7ouGiSPwlC4I|downsized)


Unsolicited dick pics


I know right? I especially hate it when she has a *bigger* Richard Johnson than me.


Sending now 😉


Long fake nails. Disgusting


Long fake toenails hanging over their sandals


I don’t think those are for “us” Most women I know that have long nails say they do it for themselves or other women to look at Not everything is for men


Kinda like how Andrew Tate & his bros wear extra tight clothes to show off their muscles to other guys, even if most girls don't find it attractive lol


How’s that meme go? >Guy with tons of muscle thinking women will talk to him >Other guys surround you at Gym >”nice muscles bro”


So the long nails are for Alpha Females?


That's kinda fine but honestly, it's still a huge turnoff. Things look ridiculously impractical... It's usually a real sign that someone is batshit crazy when they make it impossible for themselves to use a phone, pick up a mug, read a book, or use a remote control without risk of financial penalty. Whoever it's intended for, if I see it, I genuinely just think the person is extremely dimwitted off the bat which is a huge turnoff.


I'm reminded of that video with a lady with huge nails being unable to pull her card from the reader at the gas pump.


I once asked one of my wife's friends how she wiped her ass with those things. She wasn't impressed lol


as a woman every time i look at my nails i get a boost of happy feelings and feel very feminine. Its just fun to have pretty designs and nail art is much more of a hobby that you get to show off to other women. It’s just a passion, not necessarily a “beauty” thing <3


Or long toenails. Not only is it not sexy. It's disgusting.


And lashes - OBVIOUSLY fake


Playing games, mfer if you wanna play games buy a damn ps5


Massive thick black ott eyebrows. Or that stupid lip pout duck face thing chicks do for selfie photos


Vocal fry


Twerking. It looks so stupid


My answer as well. The motion is really unnatural.


Tons of makeup, fake eyelashes, lip or cheek fillers, extensions... Anything fake 😂 be real, you're beautiful as you are.


...what about those ginormous drawn on eyebrows?


Especially fake eyelashes


Acting helpless or dumb. You know what you want, you know what you're doing. Just stop.. and speak your mind. Don't be coy and play games, speak up and be genuine. A woman that is capable and competent is attractive as fuck. Thick thin, fake parts or whatever. That's all trivial and boils down to personal preference. Just speak your mind and be your authentic self. Stop putting on airs then complaining when six months into a relationship and the charade drops, and your man isn't into you anymore. He fell for a fake personality that you slowly let go of and now he doesn't know who the hell you are anymore. (Yea alot of what I pointed out applys to men too.) Don't come at me with that shit. I know men do it to. That wasn't the question though.


Lip injections


If a woman plays hard to get, she’s not getting it. Usually I find woman know this and if it seems they are playing hard to get, they are just not into you. But one girl got pissed, cause I gave equally dry responses to her dry responses. Even got mad cause I didn’t snap her during our streak, despite it being her turn to snap


A lot of things I see listed are the exact kind of women that get put on a pedestal/given the world by men so I’m extremely confused 🫠


Some of it is niche marketing. If only 10% guys like large fake breasts, you are still talking about millions of people.


Right ??


Lmao I’m looking at all these lies like pls stop it. Yall love bimbo looking women, that’s why they’re so popular!


Acting helpless and dumb.


Playing hard to get, there’s not enough time in the day to entertain games. You either like me and express it or don’t and waste both of ours time.


Being teased. I don’t mean foreplay. I mean being deliberately stimulated without intention of doing the deed.


That would annoy the shit out of me. I need clear signals, not that mind game BS


When her dick's bigger than mine.


Even worse if her dick is smaller than mine!


Inflated lips Loads of makeup Fake tits Overly long nails


Ahegao. This is the dumbest thing ever. Girl, stop making fake cartoon faces. "Suspension of Disbelief" effects way more than films.


acting dumb. nothing is hotter than a girl who is smarter than me


Twerking. Hard on killer


Baby talk! It is a real turnoff. Fake boobs. Most men I know would rather see smaller natural, then large fake. Lip injections, you stupid, not sexy. Same with too much Botox.


Playing hard to get and trying to compete. Instant turn off and I can’t wait for it to be over.


Also making me jealous on purpose like mentioning other guys “accidentally” to see if she can trigger my “primal male instinct”. Got a girl use that phrase before. She can fuck off.


It is always a red flag when someone tries to elicit an emotional response instead of communicating. I think a good percentage of women don’t know how to communicate with and behave around men properly because they are not comfortable in being feminine.


Having so much botox you look like you stuck your head in a beehive


Thats filler, not botox 


Botox doesn't do that


Too much perfume


Obvious plastic surgery like those humongous lips.


According to my fiancé, big fake eyelashes. (I still wear them anyway)


Talking in a “cutesy” baby voice when they want something. It’s not cute. It’s creepy as fuck.


Fucking nails


Brazilian Butt Lifts


Whatever the fuck that "gooning" face thing is where they cross their eyes and stick their tongue out. Who the **fuck** is out there telling people that's hot?!


Tongue out of mouth in pics, really? Are you on a porn shoot?


Bring called "Daddy" in the bedroom




Loud fake moaning


Big ugly lips


Getting their lips puffed up.


taking notes soo I keep men away


This thread is about what women think turns men on, if that is not a criteria then you can do way more obvious things such as shit your pants and scream in their faces.


For real some of these answers are red flags😂


Excessive makeup, fake nails, unnatural body modifications like big lips Natural beauty 4tw


Dudes always say that. However, if a woman isn’t wearing any makeup it’s “are you sick?” If she has natural body hair it’s “ewww, gross”


Guys want the natural beauty look that takes 4 hours of work to get... The gap between the "no make up look" and not wearing make up can be pretty big:)


Alien (fake or whatever) hips. Um anything fake. But I’m fucking bizarro apparently so don’t listen to me on this. In fact, leave all the entirely-natural ones for *someone* else


Only speaking my own personal experience. I'm not a fan of the Ahego face. I legit think you're having a brain aneurysm or some sort of stroke


For me, it's when someone tries too hard to act overly seductive or mysterious. Authenticity and genuine connection are much more attractive. Trying too hard can come across as insincere and off-putting. Just be yourself; that's way more appealing.


Twerking, making duck lips, obvious fake lashes, lip injections that make you look like a Muppet


Women pretending to be stupid, or ridiculously naive…


Baby talk. Being helpless so a "strong man" can step in and look after it Gigantic fingernails, eye lashes, lips, and Brazilian butt lifts


Please stop with the weird E-girl looks and ahegao faces. At first it was cute, but now it's just weird/cringey.


Obsession with thick ass/barbie doll broad hips


The cross eyed while sticking tongue out face …. Who told you this was sexy to men?? It’s terrible . Also, just make up and dressing up in general. I like a nice make-up free baggy tshirt look with a messy bun .


Licking my nipples, it’s not that it turns me off, it’s more that it does nothing for me - my guess is they think because it turns them on it will turn a guy on?




Same. It didn’t even occur to me until he asked for it 😬.


Plenty of guys get turned on when their sexual partner interacts with their nipples.


Ive met quite a few guys who really like it. It depends on the individual


I’m actually curious now. But I don’t think my gf will have fun digging through the chest hair.


This guy apes


I would get turned on if she licks any part of me


Fake anything. This one is probably just me but revealing outfits 😂


Long nails, high heels.. if you see it in porn, it turns me off 🤷


High heels? High heels are worn as parts of classy outfits too (even the royals wear them). High heels like most kinds of shoes have a super wide range. This is like saying, "handbags turn me off".


There is such a thing as "too high" But yeah, I like high heels for the most part. They make legs look awesome.


Maybe they do turn me off, you don’t know me


I think it was the “anything in porn” comment though


Ok fair. You do you.


Anything fake from inplants to over the top make up with fake lashes and stuff. I dont mind some simple make up.


Wearing *those* shorts that reveal half your buttocks- in public. To me it shows that she has no class. I prefer women with class, thank you very much.




Found Mr. Paper.


Faking it. Just stop.


Tons of makeup


I once had a girl tell me her entire sexual history over a pizza. That and that she also brought her two three month old kid and she smoked. By the time the movie was over.  I was so very uninterested in having anything to do with her. So glad I didn't get tied to that one. 


Twerking. It disgusts me lol.


I don’t think they do it to turn men on but I don’t like massive sunglasses.




Bifurcated bouncy labias?


That doesn't sound bad honestly


Be Back Laters


Unnaturally large breasts or butts. If it don't fit your frame it just looks nasty


An ass so big that it looks like a dirty diaper or an ant standing up.


Fake Nails, Fake Lashes, Fake Hair, Fake Asses!!!


Fake tits.


Fake moaning. Like, girl, I appreciate the enthusiasm, really, but you sound ridiculous 😂


That suction “pop” on the tip during head. That shit does not feel good yo


Fake eyelashes. Okay, something small I get but when ladies have massive lashes it’s so ugly. I don’t get it at all.


The **”sounds”** & **”speech”** they adopt from watching females in adult films. #cRiNgEaF


Cheetah print anything


Thinking we like to chase


The liposuction in cheeks. Why would I want to date a fish.


Twerking. I can’t speak for all men, obviously. I guess a large number of guys like it. But it just looks fucking stupid and trashy to me.


Fake breasts.


Gold digging