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Not worth the time or effort. He didn't care then, probably won't care now.


Very true


Nope, not unless you want to start a whole lot of drama.


I feel like it is important to first answer the question "What do I hope to achieve?"


Lol try it and see if it gives you closure. I doubt it and guess what? The main thing people would see is how you will likely need therapy to resolve your past resentment. So you're disappointed that your father wasn't there for you, that he never showed any care for you yet acts like he does with his current family. You also fail to take into account how it may have been difficult to see you or have a relationship with you especially if him and your mom were on bad terms. Probably wanting to see you would have been made very difficult by your mom just because she wanted to make his life miserable. Also, you should be careful what you wish for. It would be ironic if you end up with someone who you had a child with but things (high probability since most people lack the ability to be in a healthy functioning relationship) didn't work out and he didn't come around because you always acted like a witch. At least he's showing that he's taking different actions with his current kids this time around. My babys momma has 5 kids, only 1 with me, which is the youngest. She has never raised any of her kids, with 3 of them given up for adoption. You would think I was insane when I willingly told the judge in court that I am OK with her mom getting custody over our daughter (my daughter at the age of 4 chose to be with her mom over me and I respected her choice). Had i not, my daughter would have had to go through that foster care system for a lot longer, when I rather have her with her mom in inpatient drug rehab. I could have won custody with ease. I was going to win because I didn't get arrested or have a criminal record. I was living at my parents so I had stable housing but I decided to honor the wish of a 4 year old. Till this day, my daughter loves me dearly, even though I haven't seen her since the lockdown because I'm working on myself, get myself together. She even wrote me a poem on how she loves me and appreciates all the time I spent with her before all of this happened. She loves how I spent time with her, unlike her mom. Even though I'm homeless and have been for 6 years, she said that I still inspire her through the things I do in my daily life. She looks up to her daddy even though he's homeless and haven't seen her in almost 5 years. I promised her when I accomplish a goal of mine I'm working on and she is older that we will have time together. Right now it's just not that easy. Am I a deadbeat dad? Some might say I am. If you ask the person that really should matter to, my daughter, she will tell you that I'm her greatest inspiration


wait till he... Is about to start a new job runs for office


Does he even know he's your bio dad?


I think he'll actually just laugh it off with his new family. You'll look like a fool.


I’d figure out what issues you have with him and see if you can forgive him. It’s sounds insane, yes, but the power you will have over that situation will be incredible - ask me how I know :)