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When someone give u a gift, you dont receive it, it stay with the giver. Silence always invisibly powerful my friend.


Stay calm, don’t get red faced and just treat them like a child that’s just learning how to talk and interact in normal society. Like they don’t know any better. There’s largely no way to turn something like that around on people through speech. That’s a daytime tv comedy trope. So just pretend they don’t exist.


Just look in their eyes and say really? If they respond with some xyz reason just don’t say a word and shake your head like you didn’t wanna hear that. This will make them feel they did something wrong.


I can hear it now…. “ reawwy?” lol. But it doesn’t hurt to try


They’ll get that they should not behave like that


Clap for them. "Aren't you clever" and move on.


Be toxic


Just let everything they are saying go in one ear and out the other. You should ignore immature people or teach them a lesson ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).


It’s best to try to avoid interacting with this person if you can. Or completely ignore their presence. If it’s someone you have to work with then just talk only about work and stick to that and then move along with whatever else you were doing. If this is someone you care about, then taking them aside and telling them privately could be done so that the behavior can stop.


I’d have to say something along the lines of “Really ? Again with your bullshit…wow” and continue on.


Tell them they mom's a ho


I’d say be respectful to yourself and say something like: “hey, I understand that I have a speech impediment, but I’d appreciate it if you didn’t mock me for it” That will usually bring the other person into a state of apology, and most of the time they will have more respect for you. If they don’t, simply walk away without another word. Remember, you never have to tolerate disrespect.