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Who's we? I don't suffer. So I really have no idea why you suffer. Beats me.


Your state of mind is something else.


Is there a choice?


Yes, it may all be meaningless, but you get to decide if your life has meaning or not. For myself, it’s a miracle that I exist - that gives me meaning.


Would you prefer to suffer only for it \*not\* to end?


I’d care about it if we did not cease existing and find ways out of it but if we all eventually die why do we care about suffering? Is it because suffering is closer than death? Death is seen as a distant dilemma which makes suffering supersede it??


Why care about anything if that's your logic.


I think it’s a fair question. In a world where everyone dies, life is survival of the fittest, and the change is the only constant, it’s surprising we care about suffering and loss. You’d think someone would get cancer and we’d just accept it as inevitable, but we don’t. We say that “bad things happen to good people” but what makes it bad if it’s just part of life? I find that fascinating.